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An Honest Dollar

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The elections tor lNiö are now past; that uncertainty which inou of money so inuch fear at a time of hot political contests is now happily past. Tbo radical changos in our ñtiaucial policy, which men of capital clainied was threatened by what was supposed to be at least a very large minority, n longer points its shadowy fingor. The leaders of the Republican party, as well as very uiany Democrats, have held that the uncertainty which the new doctrine foreshadowed prevented men of inoney from investineuts. We, in comuiou with many other Demócrata, have been willing to give this consideration its due weight. But this excuse can no Ionger furiiish a satisfaotory answer to the question of the cause of hard times and prostration of business. In our judgment, the cause of anxiety which the radical propositions of ehange furnished, is now fortunately put at rost. By this we do not mean to be understood as saying that the finanoal question, in the broadest gense, is settltd. What we do mean is just this, that in our judgment the qusstion of fíat or absolute inoney in this country is forever put at rest. If upon any question, the American people ever did speak in tenes not to be niisunderstood, it was ut the November elections. Therefore, upon that question capitalists can no Ionger hinge an exouse for wUhholding their money from active and business enterprise8. We mean to say further that we think it clear that there canuot exist more than two parties in thia country, and those parties must alike base their financial policy upon sound principies. The Kepublicans have dofined their principies so clearly that there is no mistaking what they moan. The Democrats must be equally distinct, and base their theories upon sound logio and tbe experience of the past. This done the capital of tho country will not kesitate to seek investment. That there will be distinctive features in the two platforms we have no doubt, but each with an end in view to acoomplish the bestresults. Itseems to us if the governmeut wishes to keep pace with the sentiment of the people as expressed on last Tuesday at the polls, and put its seal of condemnation on the fiat doctrines, it has a work to do itself. The very stamp and arbitrary value which the government puts upon the silver dollar, is the stroogest argument the NationalB bave in support of their doctrine. If the government oan stamp a pirco of silvor coin worth only eighty-two and one-half cents, or any numbor of cents less than one hundred and compel the people of this country to take it for one hundred cents, why can it not stamp a piece of paper and declare it one hundred cents. The dootrine is monstrous. There is no question in our mind what should be done. Let the government cali in the silver dollars of 412 1 '2 grains and then reissue them containing such an amount of silver as shaü make them worth one hundred cents. This done, give us free coinage and an opportunity of paying our publio and private debts in silver. No charge can then be made of dishonest money or purpose of defraudiug our creditors. That large class of our fellow-citizens who honestly believe that a larger issue of money per capita is demanded, would find their ideas met, and that too without the pos8ibility of the failure of paper money. In that event the capitalist would know andfeel that our money rested upon a sound basis, and the cause of distrust removed. It seems to us, everything considered, that we have every reason to look for a revival of business. The merchants and business men of the city and country generally express confidence in the outlook. All feel that the worst is passed, and that all that is neoessary now is for every man to devote his time and energy faithfully to the tasks before him. No nlass of our citizens become imbued with this spirit more quickly than our mechanics and laboring men, nor is there any class who more readily profit by this spirit of hope. We hope to see all classes from this time forward, frown down that spirit of demagogism which seeks to profit by creating discontent and dissatisfaotion. We may just as well settle down in the conviction first as last, that we cannot possess ourselves of property or money honestly without earning it ; without giving something for it. This is tho great lesson to be learned, and the sooner learned the better for all classes of community. - Ornud Iinpids Demotrat. - The Au trim County Board of Supervisors have voted to submit the remo val of the county seat to a vote of the people, at the spring election. The point selected is on Intermedíate lliver, it the head of navigation of the chain of lakea, and very near the geographical center of the county. - Win. L. Ball has been arrested at Stella, Oceana County, chargod with jasting eunterfeit greonbaek.


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