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- Our farmers in this vicinity complain that their wheat sowed tbis fall is ftlroady full ot' tho ineipiont Hessian fly. As cold and tropts do not affect the fly, nothing, the farmers say, but a rainy spring the next season can save the erop. - liochesler Eta. - Smith & Brainard, of Flint, are building six brij;k eoal kilns at Gaines. They have a contract for furnishing the Detroit and Lake Superior Iron Company, at Dotroit, ;iO,000 bushels of coal per raonth, during this winter, and aftor that 00,000 bushels per month. Mr. Smith has coal kilns of his own besides, at Fliut and Clio. - Dr. Henry ltobinson, of Carrollton, Saginaw county, was picked up drunk and dying iu a deserted tenement house in Kast Safjinaw, a few days ago. At last accounts he was being cared for, with but faint prospects of hie recovery. He has suecumbed to whisky at the age of 47 years. - Buskirk &. Britton shipped eight tons of their evaporated apples to Gerïuany last week, and have orders from the saine place for all they can furnish. They also shipped, two weeks ago, five tons tons to Montana. They are now evaporating 80 bushels of apples per day. - Fenton QatétU. - Au attempt was made on Saturday night, '2d intit., by two partios who drove np in a carriage, to abduct the two children ef James Boweie, who lives on the east sido. The attempt iailed. Mr. Bowurs had one of his children carried off while a resident of Sandusky, a long time siuce. - Hudson Gazette. - A dwelling, at Grand Kapids, ownod by Henry Fralick and ocoupied by a fnmily namod Hatch, was burned on the 19th with most of its contents. Loss on building $800, insured for $000 , loss on contents $400, insured. - Mr. Pencil, Principal of the Union School, at Clare, was brutally assaulted by ono Burt Hustead, a saloon-keeper, on the 7th, and will be confined to his room for several days with bis injuries. Hustead has been arrested. - Ilolcomb & Mason's store at Athens, Calhoun County, was entered by burglars on tho 8th, who carried away $800 worth of clothing, boots and shoes, dry good, etc, in a wagon. - Fred Berger's barn, in Eaisin, Lenawee County, two and a-hnlf tniles from Tecumseh, whs burned on the 5th. It was filled with hay and grain. Insured for $2,000. - In recent cases the Suprerne Court has decided that "a discount of 15 per cent. is allowable if the transaction is a sale of paper, bnt not if it isan exaction of interest." - On the '2d, Herman Brickner, while intoxicated, was drowned in tho Big Cedar river at Spauldiug, Menominee County. He has a fainily at Marquette. - Thero is not one deer in the northern región this fall whoro there were 30 last season. This is owing mainly to the many door slaughtered each year by the hundreds who flock there to hunt. - Mrs, Mack, of Corunna, aged 74, has wovon, this year, 814 yards of rag carptt, and expocts to ranke the figures over a thousand before the year closes, and she niakes the best carpot iu the county, too. - P. W. Bernard, of Jackson, who rocently went to Memphis, to attend the yellow fever eufferers, has returned home. Whilo in the discharge of his duties he was stricken with the fever, but with good cara soon recovered. - The October copper product of the Atlantic mine was one hundred and thirty-one tons, and that of the Franklin one hundred and twent-y-niiie.


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