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RAILROADS. MMHIUAN CK.M'KAI, RAILROAD. MAY 1-J, IhTS. io:nci wikt. =■ s ' s s . u . ; ï _. Sh ? L r -3 a ï _ , A. X P.M. f. M. P.M. P.M. Untroit.leave, ; oo n 33 4 4r. go 211 g u U. T.Junction, 7 IS' 10 00 BW SOS 6 :6:lo 10 Wuyne Junotion 7 4 10 26 Sí! : :jo 7 10 10 4] k'pnilanti, 8 10 10 4J.G 00 ;i .1 7 3611 04 Aun ArU.r. S :u (10 :;o ( o.-, 10 lT-M lielhi, -, 11 6 48 _ Dexter, H Dfl ii 53 4 ut 31 Chelea, 'j ia 7 (8 4 .in 8 4.". . Ornu Lake, '.1 47 7 81 ." o.". 9 UJ . M a.k, Jackaon, 10 21) 12 IS 8 00 r, 00 9 40 12 45 I Albion, 11 04 12 4 li 47 10 33 1 jj Marshall. 11 "0 1 II) - o 7 1 11 0: 1 4-, r. m. ■ : BattleCreek. 12 18 1 55 - 7 1.1 11 3.1 i 10 Gnlesburg. 11 52 8 20 12 07 A.M. A.H. Kalumszuu, 1 18 2 :i8 4 :0 8 40 12 25 2 55 Lawton, 1 S4 - - :"i D."i 1 (18 Dewitur, 3 11 6 2o 1 27 , Dowitglac, 2 :j6 5 46 1 57 Nileis 3 05 4 07 6 :io 2 38 4 g Buchtinnn, 3 19 o 43 '1 r4 Tlirifi' Ok J 4a 7 la New üuöiilo, 1 oí' 4 67] 7 28 : a 45 . Michigan Cky, (; S 20 7 5!". 4 15 6 311 Lake, 5 13 02 tl 41) 5 U4 6 li KensingtOD, 6 00 6 50 9 10 6 i.ï 7 iii ObicaifOrrive, 6 51) 7 40.10 30 ' 6 45; 8 00 QOINGEA8T. M ' . S ï __ J?_ _?L S_5_ _S_ A.M. A. M. 1'. M. P. M, t. U, Ohlcago, leave, - 7 0 9 DO i 00 5 16 o Kenington, 7 M) 1) 50 4 60 li 05 % ,io Lake, 8 40 10 :;j ., i:, 6 50 10 32 Michigan City, 9 2S 11 )ö t 33 7 40 11 io New Bulfalo, 9 47 11 2 U 67 11 SI Three Onks, 10 02 7 12 . A. M. Buchauan, 10 32 7 43 Niles, 10 45 12 15 H 2 9 00 12 Dowaifim-, ) 1 15 8 40 1 OS Decatur, 1 1 39 (fí 1 2; Lawton, 11 57 28 a. m.. Kalamazoo, 12 33 1 40 10 00 G 6" 10 26 i 17 GaleHburt,', 12 02 . 7 09 2JJ Battle Crek, 1 27 2 1:1 .g" L 7 40 II 08 3 15 Marshull, 2 25 00 p S 10 1 1 37 7Ti Albion, -1 B2 21 a.m. 35 12 05 4 10 Jackaon, 3 45 4 05 ö 40 'J 40 12 50 4 h Graan Lake, 4 08 u ('T 10 00 CheliWH, 4 4(1 6 31 10 18 Dexter. 1 00 6 47 10 30 Delhi, 5 10 BtS Aun Arbor, 6 20 5 10 7 10 10 40 2 05 6 30 (ïwldtis, - Ypailanti. 5 88 5 '24 7 27 11 00 2 20 6 49 Wavne Juno., 6 02 6 40 7 62 11 22 2 44 7 09 O. T. June, 6 33 6 15 8 251150 320 7 4ó Detroit, Ar., ! 6 4S: 6 30 R 40 12 05 3 35 8 00 Grnnd HapidB and Kalamnzuo Kxpregfl arrivés at Grand Uapids 2:20 p. in., and lenve Grand Kapiilg ti:15 a. m. ♦HundavB excepted. :.Saturday and Sunday eiMpted. TDaily. H. B. LEDYAKD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wkntwobth, G. i', le T. Atft.. Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Monday, Nor. 4, 1878. fiOING NOKTH. ftOIXr. SOt'TH. Mix. hxpTfcxi). Kxp. TSpTHTx. A. M A.M. V. il. A.M. P.M. 1'. M. 6J0 10 30 4OT TOLKIM) 'J l 2 611 6 ín ei.'. 110 33 10S Norlh Toledo 9 26 '2 47' C 7101043 4 ií) Detroit Junctlon 9 is 240 611 7 24 10 32 4 29 Hawthiirn 9 07 2 34 602 7 36 11 00 4 S7 Samarla í'uol 2 Ü9 5 4 7 48 11 OS 4 45 Beola 8 52! 2 24 6 36 7 56 1113 4. Lulu l 8 47 2 20 :. : 8 04 1118 4 55 Monroe.Iunction K 42 2 16 5 20 8 281127 r.lli Dundee 828 210 50.5 8 40 1132 6 11 MMOn S22 2(4 4 tí 8 58 11441 5 20 Aaü;i 8 14 156 4 21 926 1158 634 Miluii 8 0o 140 SU 9 44 12 01 5 4.: Xora 7 .".1 131 J; 10 08 12 11 " 5ó I niniíi 7 41) 1 201 3 ÍS 10 26 12 20 6 04 Ypilaui June. 7 si 112 2 64 lOSO 12 28 I'. 13 AXX AHHllK 7 -.'o 1 2 ■'■ 8 M The 7.2o n. m. exprees auuih utakea cíom connecttons al Mouroe .luuctiun íor Adrián and Moniot; and lor points un the L;ike íliore: at Toledo wlth Colunibus A Toledo and thc WabuHh. The 12.56 p. m. expresH noutfa conneets at Tolodo with Ihe 3 o'clocK traiu ejut on the IVnusylvani lïoad thro' to New York. AH trains run of Colambus tirae- 7 luimtteR taster titan Ann Arbor time. J. M. ASH1.EY, Jr , Superintendent. DETROIT, HILLSDALE ANb 8OUTHWK8TERN KAII.ROAD. To take effect Aug. 19, 1878. km I Ni. WK8T. OOINO EABT. ■TATIOXB. Mui.. Kxp. 6TAT1ONR. Kxp. 1 il Ypsilantl.... 10-w' 7:40 Ml ■ Saline 11:15 8:10 B.mkers 6.15 2:3t Bridyewter..ll:: 8:28 Hilladale .. 6:30 2:40 Manchester. 11:81 S:48 Manchester.. 8:25 4:1 r. m. Bridgewator 8:48 4:37 Hillsdale 1:35 10:.'!0 Saline 9:lu 4:SJ Banken 1:45 10:40 Ypeilunti !':4"' 5:2 Traína run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER. 8up't, Ypsilanti. CANADA sol I llllt K'V 1 IM. The Otily American Ronte Thtougb Canaila Traius k-ave M. C. K. K. Depot, Detroit, city linie, as fojlowe: Atlantic Kxpress, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner i:ar M Boston. Kaat Day Express, daily, 12 10 iHHn, Wagner car to New York íiud Bostón. I.iiíhtuin Express, daily rxcept Sunday, 11 10 p. ni., WagniTcar to ButFalo and Rochestet. Toledo trailla leave 7 't0 a. ni. exeept Suiulay ; 3 10 p. ni. daily ; 6 50 p. m. except Suntlay, For Fayette 6 30 p. ui. except Sunday. S For information and tickets apply toli.W. harpleos, agent M. C. H. lí . , Aun Arbor. W. K. MUIR, Creu'l Manager, St. Thomas, Om. M. C. ROACH. l'ass. Ageut, Detroit. FRANK K. 8N0W, (.en. I'a. and Ticket As:. Detroit. A DOLLAR SAVED 18 A OLLAR EARNKD ! o NEW GOODS ! AndprlcesLOWEK THAN KVER. I have purcbiised 10 New Yurk. fw (WSh, atM I am nnw dnily receivini; one ofthe lrfíet áüá most Beïect stocks oí Groceries íu Washtensw County, connistiiiR oí n fu'l ttnd wetl aelected LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop - includinr Gnnpowder, linperlali Younff "" nonti, II son. Japuna, Onlunci, Farmobits, 1 oneens. SiMi(iiuii;v ar. il Twnnkitys, Together with a full line ofCOFFEKS, consiiting of the tullowing branda: MOCHA, 01 GOV'T JAVA.MAKACAIBO, LAGL'A YRli,HAXTOS and ItIO, both rounteil and round ; ■ full and well aulected Htock of SUCARS, SYkUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinfr in the line cf Pure Spieën, Canoed fruit, mul Vegetable. We hiive full and complet Uae of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Also, a choice asuortmeiit of Lndiee' andGentlemen's Underwoar Cali und exnmlaif Qoods and l'rïces and we will inHure su tú f act ion. EDWARD 1)U FF Y. " Maïuard'l Block,' cor. Main and Aun Iri-rü Ann Arbor, Mich. K7Hi)rieat cash price pmd for all fam produce. 1 MWM COMPAE Capital, - - $3,(MK),()00. Assuts Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Logees Paid in 5ó Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus ovor all Liabilities, inclu'"'1 Ro-Insurancp Kenerve, $4,735,092.86. Nñt Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. ('. MACK AKentj Ann Arhor. Unlveraity Letter and Note Head, witt" and without ruis, in Hodder'g Patent Hl"1' ting Pad CoTers- 100 and 190 sheet In book- for at the AHOl S Office.


Old News
Michigan Argus