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- The Detroit Steam Supply Company, claiming to have improved on the Holly ystom which works so successfully at Lockport, N. Y., has commeuced laying ita mains. lts boiler house is located on Atwater street, midway between Woodward avenus and Gnswold etreet, and the mains will run up Woodward avenue to Fort street, and up tiriswold street to Lafayette avenue, with laterals. The boilers to be put in at the station named will have a capscity to supply the buildings within a radius of 2,500 feet, and if the experiment proves successtul other boiler houses will be located at other points in the city. It is expected that ateum will be furmshed for heatiug and other purpose cheaper thau private consumar con próvida it on their own premisas. - Fully determiued to protect married romen in the full enjoyen t of all tlieir legnl rights the Supreme Court of this State has decided : "A inarneil woinan who has leut money to a firm of which her husband is a member is entitled to recover against the firm, even though the indebtoduess was contracted by her husband without the knowledge ot his partners." Provided, we suppose, the indebtedness was sueh as the husband was authorized to contract and for the benefit of the firm. - Col. Bob Iugersoll had a large audieuce on Saturday evening, and discharged a full battery at Moses and other Old Testament worthies. Ingersoll may well be termed an idol smasher: or more properly a creed denouucer and destróyer. But a man who pulls dowu without a candid attempt to build up, to give something better for the belief he ruthlessly disturba, is not a philanthropist. Ingersoll may imagino himelf both that and a hero, but he ie neither. - üue ot the most affecting lucideuts it has been our fortune to witness uccurred on Mouday last, at the funeral of the late Mrs. Ryder. It was the baptism of the iufaut daughter of the (ieceased by the sule of tlie cofihi iu which reposed the remaius of the mother. Tlie ceremouy, perfornied by Prof. D'üoge and the prayer followiup by Dr. Brown, were the most impressive we have ever witnessed or heard on any occasion. - The New York World of the llth iustgives from the "Official List of Prizes and ltewards at the Paris Kxpeditiou" the awarda in "Group II.- Kliication aud Instruction."- In Class S, dealing with higher education, four gokt niedals cauie to the Uuited States: to Hurvard College, to tbe Uuiversity of Michigan, to the Unitod Statea Naval Academy, and to the United States Bureau of Education- Cp in Houghton County the proper officials neglected to give the required notice under the Jaiv prohibiting the snle ot liquor and all the saloons were running in full blast on election day. The failure to give noties does uot exempt the violators of the law from the panalties it imposes. - The Erening Teleyraph of Detroit is to be suspended : or to phrase it in more delicate language "Consolidated" with the Post and Trtbune, We are couh'dent that the managers of the Post and Tribune Compauy have chosen wisely at the last.


Old News
Michigan Argus