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-A few daya ago Dr. Angelí was advised of the discovery of the remaina of a roastodou iiear Constantino, St. Joseph Uounty, and detailed Prof. Steere to investígate the matter with a view to a purchase of the skeleton for the University. In diggmg a dram one of the tusks waa atruck about three feet below the surface. Unable to break it it was chopped in two aud thrown out upon the bank. Beingafter ward seeu and its nature suggested, excavation waa made by the side of the drain, nd the other tusk, the skull, a portion of the backbone, and other parts taken out, when a spring was opeued adu the place of excavation flooded Prof. Steere tells ua that the teeth and other parta are unuaually well preaerved, and he thiuka that by further excavation enotigh of the parts may be obtained to wire together and make a nearly complete skeleton. He thinks that the mastodon was somewhat larger than an eleptmnt, and from the opening of the spring concludea that the animal went to the samo to diink ,aud got mired in the mucky {jrouud at the margin and aauk into a living grave. The gradual filling up of the niarsh had buried his remaina and covered up the spring. Prof. S. made an offer for the bones which he thinka will be accepted. - The Board of Directora of the Alumni A3sociation held a meeting in this city on Saturday afternoon last, for the purpose of iuquiringinto the condition of the Wilhama eudowment fuud. PreBident W. C. Bansom, of Port Huron, and Hon. T. W. Palmer, of Detroit, were the only non-resident memberB present. Prof. D'Ooge, Secretary, resigned, and Mr. Palmer waa elected hia succesaor. It waa determined to make a vigorous eftort to collect arreara and to increaae the fund. Another meeting wïll be held in thia city Dec. 21' - The Barnabee Concert Company ia on the lista for au entertainment bef ore the Students' Lecture Asaociation next Friday eveniug. This Company never taila to draw a lajge house, or to give their hsarera good muaic and a good laugh. - The following are the literary oflicera of the freshmen : Orator, E. F. Smith ; Poet, W. H. Graham ; Historian, T. W. Sargent : Ser Miss EfBe Griffith ; Toaat-master, J. E. Beal. - The seniora of the Law Department h&ve couatituted Mesars. Blaine, Kinnaird, Biumback, Kepler. and Wnde, a committee to engage a class photographer. - V. C. Vaughan, of the laboratory, reporta finding a large quantity of morphine in the stomach of the late Howard K. Williams. - The Christian Association has bean observing the " Week of Prayer " by a pi ayer meeting each evoning. - The Senior Medical Lyceum have deoided to publiah a paper by Dr. Dunster on " Spoutaneous Generation." - The engagement with Hon. D. W. Voorhees is " off,"at least for the present.


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