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Hl I, S OPERA HOUSE. C. J. WHrTNEY, Leasee aní Mannger. Tlie Fashionable Event il' the Season. POSITIVELY ONE NIOHT ONLY. THURSDAY EYE'NG, NOY. 21. First appearance in this city of tlie World'l Famoua FA8HI0NABLE FAVOKITES, SALSBURY'S THOUBADOUHS, "Who have bilt recently returtied to America frora thcir successful AUSTISALIAN TOUR. Their production here will be their own Musical, LaughaUe, Extrav&ganza, entitled PATCHWORK, As playert by fhis Company over Fifteen Hündhkd TIMK8. usual Dramatic piices, 25, 50, and 75 cents. No extra chargo Cor seserved soats. Now on sale at Watts' Jewelry store. t Im. J . CBOVJE, Bus. Manager. 1S79. - TIÏË 1879. Detroit Post & Tribune The Meteopolitan Republican Journal of Michigan. The publishers ef Tue Deroit Post and Tribunk point to the record of journalistie enterpriae and political usefulness made in ihe flrst year of the existence of the consoltdated newapajer as the satisfactory evidence of the excellence of ts claim upon the public confidenee and support. The paper will continue to be the sincere, vigorous, and aole advocate of Republican political doctrine, of an honest and rational financiul policy, and of State developraent. lts large resources, its ampie facilities in newsgathering, its wide circulation, and its position as the metropolitan organ of the dominant party in its state enable its puhlUhers to supplement promise by performance, and to fully meet the expecttions of its patrona. The news departmentof The Post and Tribune will be kept fresh, accurate, and complete; the paper has control of the targest facilities for gettint; intelligence, foreign, domestic, State and local, and maintains Bpecial correspondents at all important points in Michigan, ttnd at the maiu centers of news elsewhero. lts compilations of State newa and lts commercial reports are well known lor fullnessand rellability. lis editorial page discusses current issues candidly and l'orm the HtandpoinU of accurate information and of an adherence to correct political and economie. principies. All mattors of especial public interest will reeeive iïoin it the same intelligent and painstaking ínvestigation which it has given this year to the important phases of the currency question. lts columns will be rich in miscellancous Teading matter, including sketches, poems, and selections from the current literatureof the day. Especial care will be taken to keep the paper pure and elevated in tone. One page of The Weekly Post and Tribune is devoted to matter prepared for the rural coniniunlty, containing discussionH of questions of interest in practical agriculture, letters on farm and home topics, recipes, etc. Xew features will be added to the paper during 1879,and neither pains nor expense will be spared in keeping The Post and Tbibuhe A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY NEW8PAPER, stroug in all dopartments, and in every way worthy of tho great State with whose hiatory and growth it has beeu so long and closely ideutitied. TE RUS : Per Slx Th ree annum. months. months. Daily, Sl 00 $3 00 82 50 Tri-Weekly, 5 00 2 00 1 25 Weekly, ' 1 30 75 40 Weekly, in clubs of 10, Si 40 per annum. All postage pre-paid. Specimen copies free. Remittances may be sent at our risk by drafta on Detroit banks, money-orders, or in registered letters. $G00 in premiums to agenta, in addltion to liberal terras for canvaasers. Send for Agents' circulara, specimen copies, etc. Address, TUE POST AND TRIBUNE, Detroit, Mlch. Ucan make money f aster at work for us than at anything else Capital oot required : we will start you. 12 per day at home made by the industrioua. Men, women, boys and girls wantod everywhere to work for ui. Now i tho time. Coetly outfit and term free. Addresi Tbue & Co., Augusta, Mtuuu What is the News ? We meet on e snotber wlth sarcastic smilei, Studying each other'u oouuteuance with car, Converse about inventions, rail u res, styles, About reductions of some railroad fa. Comment upon the items of the preas, Pcrsnade another to accept our views, Oonclude at parting with the pitucas 8ta!e exelaniaHon, " Well, wliat is ihe news?' Solomon cxpresseil a soriouw thought, While mcditatiug how this world begun, luxuricH vain and progress notight, For tbcre is nothing new under the sun. We doubt that they had bae ball then, or race, Or bowling alleys, billiard balls or cues, Or il' in card the two spot beat the ato, Xo wonder if we ak, "What is the news'1'' Kxcitemeuts t'ed the braius of staviug raen, PevelopnientM are usiiaHy uothlug rturt, Inquisitive we search the lowest den To know the iuioate and hia bilí oí' ffcre, We brinj him uüurishment and other things, Potfttocö, bread, tobáceo if he ohews, While in the streets, familiarly it Hpffs, The cuBtomary soirtrt, "WTiat ís the new?" Time's steady gte secmetU i'earful slow. Au hour appears a day, ft day y eu We are not satisiiod with what we knuw, Are walting for the "Soraething" to apprar. Our animáis, even when for chance they niet, Our dogs are barking, and our tom-cat me wi. Conveyiug tópica of some other stioyt, When pets keep askintc "Tom, whal in Ihe ncws" Ann Arbor's last seusation, if it must b known, Was the judicious act of " Litti-k Mapk," He hired the finest store in all the town, Tha place U a familiar one with all, Ilis ready-made wtll now have ampie room HU temple grows and h requlres more peirs, Let him be leader, sinee U is hia doom, He'll make it dilj U ' Wht is the newa." LITTLE MACK The King Clothier AND HATTER, No. 9 South Main St., Ann Arbor. Scrita's Monly, Conducted bjr .r. i. llol.i AMI. The Handsomest Illustrated Magazine in the World. The American edition of tbis periodical is iiotv more Ilian 70.000 nionf hly. And L bas alargcr circulation in England tlian any other American magazine. Every number contains ihout one hundred and fifty pages, and from flfty to seTenty-íive original wood-cut illustratlons. Annonncements for 1878-9. Among the attractions for the coming year are the following : 'Ilawortb'," a serial novel, hy Mrs. Francés Hodgson Burnett, autbor of "That Lasso' Lowrie's." The scène islaid in Lancashire; the hero is a young inventor of American birth. It will run througn twelve nuinbers of the Monthly, beginuing with November, 1878, and will be profusely illustrated. Fulonberg, a serial novel, by H. H. royesen. In thit romance, the author graphically describe the peculiarities of Norse immigrant lile in a Western settlement. A Story of New Orleans, by George V. Cable. This story will cxhibft the state of society in Creóle Louisiana about the years 1803-Í-5, the time of the Ceasion, and a period hearing a remarknblu likeness to to the present Retoustruetion period. Portraits of American Poets. This serien fbeg-un in August with the portrait of Hryant) will be continuad, that of Longt'ellow appcaring in November. These portratts are drawu from Ufe by Wyatt Eaton and engraved by T. Cole. Studies in tbe Sierras, - A serie of papeis (mostly illustrated) by John Muir, the California naturalist. The most graphic and picturesque and, at the samo time, exact and trustworthy studies of "The California Alps" that have yet been made. The series will sketch the California Pasaos, Lakes, Wind Storms and Foresta. A New View of Hmi I . Mr. Herbort II. Smith, of Cornell University, a companion of the lato l'rof. Hartt, is now in Briuil, with M. J. WelU Champney (the artist who accompanied Mr. Kdward King in his tour through "The Great South"), preparing for Scrlbner tt series of papera on the present condition,the cities, rivers and resources of the great empire of South America. The 'M ulmny Heb" Papers, by an "exConfederate" soldier, will be Hinong the racipat contrlbutions to Scribner during the coming year. They are wrüten and illustrated by Mr. Allen C. Redwood, of Baltimore. The Leadlns; Kuropean 1 nivcrwltles. We are now having prepared, for Scribhkb, articles on the leading Lniversities of Kurope. They will be written by an American College Prolessor.Mr. H. H. Boyeseu, of Corncil, and will Inelude sketches of the leading men in each of the most important Univcrsilies of Great lirltain and the Continent. Among the additional series of papers to appear may be mentioned those on Hou' Shall wc Spel 17 (two papers by Prof. Lounsbury). Tbe Jl'ew Souili, i.iiu rnPlantins; for Smul 1 Place Chy Samuel Parsous, of Klushlng), Canada of To-day; American Art and Artlsts, American inbnolae j , 'Modern Inrentorsj also, Papers of Travel, Ilis;ory, Physical Science, Studies in Literature, Polit!cal and Social Science, Stories, Poems; "Tópica of ;be Time," by Dr. J. O. Holland ; record of New [uventions and Mechanical Improvements : Papers on Edueation, Decoration, Ac; Book Reviews; fresh bits of Wit and Humor, Ac, Ac. TFKMS, Sftl .()) a Year in Advance. 35 cents a number. Subscriptions received by the publlsheis of this lapcr, and by all booksellers and postmaster. Persons wishlng to subscribe direct with the publishers, shouldwrite naniH.Postoftice, County, and Htate, n full, and send with remittance in check, P. O. noney order, or registered letter to SCRIBNER & CO., 743 A 7 1.- Broadwar, N. V. Estáte of Goorge Whiting. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, n the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the ninth day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and Beventy-eight. Present, William D. II arriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of George Whiting, deceased. On reading and filing the pctltion, duly verified, of Alexander W. Hamiiton, Secretary of the Toedo and Ann Arbor Railroad Company, praying ,hat the commission heretofore appointed to hear and adjust claims agaiust said estáte may be revived, that the chiim of said compauy may be hen rd and allowed. Thereupon it is ordorcd, that Tuosday, the .hird day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said pétitlon, and that the heirs at law of iiaid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a seasion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate ■)ftiae in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And It is further ordered, that said petltloner give uotice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said pétitlon and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publisbed ín the Michigan Argut, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, two successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A truecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wíl. G. Doty, Probate Register. 1718 PW. O'TOOI.K, M. D. Ofiite at his resi ilencc, No. 17 North Ingalla St. .Ml calis, night or day, will reeeive prompt attention. 17O5mTi


Old News
Michigan Argus