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THES TJÜT for 1879. The Sün will be printed every day d uring the year to come. lts purpose and niethod will be tlie same us in the past: To present all the news in a rcadable shape, and to teil the truth though the 'ICHVfülS fhll. Ïhk Sun has been, is, and wïll continue to be independent of everybody and everything save the Truth and ts own convictions oí' duty. That is the only policy whlch n honest newspaper need iiiivi'. That ia the policy whieh has won for this newspaper the confidente and friendship of a wider constituency than wat ever.eujoyed by any other Atnerican Journal. Thk Sun is the newspaper for the people. It is not for the rich man against (ho poor man, or for he poor man against the rich man, but it seeks to do equal justice to all in teres ts in the eommunity. [t is not the organ of any person, elass, sect or aarty. There need be no mystery about its loves and hatea. It is lor the honest inan against the roguee every time. It ia for the honest Democrat against thedishonest Republican, and for the honst Kepublican as against the dishonest Democrat. It does not take its cue from the utterances of any olítician or political organizaron. It gires its support unreservedly when men or mensures are in agreement with the Constitution and with the rinclples upon wliich this Kepublic was founded br the people. Whenever the Constitution and constitutional principies are violated- as in the outrageous conspiracy of 187(ï, by which a man uot ilected was placed in the President' office, where ie still remains- it speaks out for the right. That 8 Thk Sun's idea of iudependence. In this respect here will be nochamje in its prograinme for 1879. The Sun has fairly earned the hearty hatred of rascáis, frauda, and timnbugs of all sorta and sizes. X hopea to deserve that hatred not les in the year 879, thau Ín 1878, 1877, or any year j?one by. ïhk Sun will continue to shino on tho wicied with uuuitigated brightnens. Wuile thelesson of the past should be constantly cept bef o re the people, Thk Sun does oot propose .o make itselt' in 1879 magazine oí aucient hisory. It ia priuted for the men and women of tolay, wliose concern is chiefly with the Hflfairs of tolay. Il 1kí-s hoth the disposition aud the ability to attord ita readers the proinptest, fulleat, und most accurate intelligenceof whatever in the wide world s worth attention. To this end the resources beongiug to well-established property will be liberally employed. Tho presentdisjointed condition of parties in this country, and the uucertaïnty of the future, lend an extraordinary significance to the events of the oming yertr. The dtscuasion of the press, the de)atefl aud acts of Congress, and the inovementsof he leaders iu every sect ion of the Republic will lave a direct tearingou the Presidential election of 1880 - au event which must be regarded with he most anxious interest by every patriot ie Ainer can, whatever his political ideas or allegiance. ?o these eleinents of interest may be added the robability that the Demócrata will control both ïouses of Coneress, the increasing feebleness of the raudulent AdminiHtration, and the spread and trengthening every where of a healthy abhorrenee of fraud in any form. To present with accuracy and clearness the exact situatiou in each of its varvingphases, and to expound, according to its well-known methods, and the principies that.should guide tip through the labyrinth, will be an imporant part of Thí Sun's work for 1879. We have the nieans of niaking ThrSun, as a )olitica, a Hterary and a general newspaper, more ntertaining and more useful than ever before; nd we mean to apply them freely. Our ratesof subscription remaiu unchangcd. For he Daily Sün, a four page sheet of twenty-eight olumus, the prioe by mail, postpaid, ís 55 cents a nonth, or S6.50 a year; or, Includlng the Sunday )aper, an elght page sheet f flfty-six cottimns, the rice is 65 cents a montli, or S7.7Oa year, post - ge prepald. The Sunday edition of Thf. Scn fsalno ftirnlshml eparat'ly ui Sil.'iO a year, potage paid. The price of the Wkkkly Hun, eight pag6S, flftyix columnH, is ÍK1 a yenr, post age paid. rorcluDS f ten aendinRWlO we will .sentf an rxlta eopy Vee. Add]s, i. . i a im, Til Publisherof Thk Sun, New Vork City, THE GREAT ENGLT3H REMEDYI (SEA Y S MPËCIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK.t. Mn.HHnv_(1 TRADE MARK JMÈf _.unfailintf eurefor wÊ (Bp'JiSKMINAL SB&'L${r Before TaJringLoís oFUMBMÜ-ftr Taking. rt, Universal Lassitüdb, Pain in thk Back, Dimëbh of Vision, 1'rbmatuhk Oi.d Aoe, and many ther diseases that lead to lnsanity, Consumption nd a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are rst cauHed by öevlating from the piith of natura ud over indulge.n(ï. The Hpeciflc Medicine is the resul t of a Ufe study and many years of xperinee ia treating these Hpecial diseases. Full particular in our pamphlets, whieh we deire to send free by mail to erery one. The SpeciHo Medicine íh sold by all DruiMta at 1 per paekagef or aix packagen for ó, or willbe ent by mail on rceipt of the money by nddrettaing THE 1RAY MKDICINÉ CO„ 1674 No 10 Meehanio' Block, Detroit Mich. ♦#-Sold in Ann Arbor by KberbAoh A Son, and y all druggists everywhere TTODSE AND LOT FOE SALE. Located in adesirable part of the eity, and in ood repair. Also a house to rent on favorable ■erms. Inquire at the Auodp office, er 2 THOMSON 8TRKET. Ann Arbor, HarcU U, 187S. 1673tf. O PEC1AL OFFER ! THE NEW YORK Weekly World AN EIGHT PAGE NEWSPAPEB, TVill be sent fpostagte piepaiil) trom unlil Junuaiy 1, 1879, FOR TEN" CENTS. This Special Oitèr is made to euable the People io nee for themaelvea how goxl a paper THE WORLD ia and how worthy it is ot ihüir support. Wo will Pay the ï08tage - AND BEND- THE NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD O!' VI. A II rins ONE DOLLAR ! Or 50 ets. for 6 Montlis. Whicb in less tlmn Iwo cents week by tbe jevr, for a large EIGHT PAGE PAPER. Addiess, 'THE WORLD, " 35 Prk Ilow, N. Y. SpilWekl Kdilion. S per year Daily Kdltlon, 8 ' Daily, without Sunday KJitioti, 1O " CUT THIS OUT AXD HAND IT TO TOUR NEIOHBOR. PURE GUM RUBBER BOOTS Being free from adulterative mixture, trill give longer service tbsn commoa Rubber Boots. Their grat popularicy has ld to manr cheap tmitations. having & Dtru, Fwiir, but thii seaaoa tbe MCANDEE" CO. TT1LL VARNISH Thelr PJJKE GUM BOOT8. and to dittinguiih them from the common kind. ttíh attach a RUBBER LABEL on the front ot the leg, bear Ing the inscription CUSTOM MADE. PURE GUM. These Boots have the Patent Meta I Heel Plate, whieh prevents the heel wearing away ■o qulcklv, and tbey will bare atoo the patent Outside Stationary Strap Inttetd of the very Ineonvenient web Insld trap, uted on other makes ol Boots. ASK FOR THE "CANDEE" BOOT.


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Michigan Argus