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THE EAST. "A STARTLiNo crime," says a Xiw York telegram, "similar to tliat which was attempted at the grave of Abraham Lincoln two years ago, has been sncceesfuJy carried out hiere. The grave of the lato A. ï'. Stewart has been violotod, and the remaina of thedeeeased millionaire aro unw in the hands of Iwdy-'snátchers. Francia PárKer, asaistañi sexton of st. Mark's Chnrch, saw on entering tlichurohyard tuis morning a auspicióos monnd of fresn earth. A closer view revealed the fact that the Stowart vaiüt had been oponed, and by (hè dim light fliat e'ntered the i-rypt Mr, Parkor saw that the cQllio in whieh the remains of the merchant priBco"'had been iiiterred was brokcn and empty on tho tloor. A month ago KUspicioiiH mark foiind upon the j slab which overhes tlio tomb indicated that an attempt upon the vaiüt byTJody snatchers was contemplated, and precanüona were tuken to thwart cheir plans. A watchman was emplored to gnard the tomb, and it was doubtiesH owing to tho folly of tho sexton m discharging the watchman that tho crime was succossful at last. A New York disjiatrh announces (hut the. A. T. Stewart has offered a reward of $25,000 for the recovery of tho body of her late husband, stolen from tho l'amily va'nlt ín SI. Mark's Church grave-yard, and the convktion of the thieves. Another extraordinary robbery has Btarüed the oitizous of New York. Johnson'a jewelry store, in Eighth avenue, was robbed one ovsnïng pf f2,000 worth of cloèka and watches, in thopresonceof a largo number of pasHcrn-by. six highTraymen fbofi possession of tho store, and, while fonr of them, with oooked revolvers, covered tl' 1n1.1nict.1rs and spectators into Büent BUbmissioQ. tin: other nw smashed the largo píate windows andpaeked in baga the stock of jewelry exposed. TM plunder was then loaded into a wagon and driven rapidly away. Cape May, tho favorito surumer resort on tlie New Jersey ooant, ha been visited by a disastrous conflagration. Eight hotels and a largo number of cottages were destroyed. The loss is estimated at aböut half B mtntOB dollars Henj. Hunter, whosome twoor throe vcars ago murdeivd hw friend and partner, John M. Armstrong, of Caniden, N. J. , tót the purpose of obtaining possession of aiï insurance policy for $2,500 on Srmstrong's life. !■ ■■■ a seineneed to death. Judge Barrett, of New York, hus rfused a maudamus to oompel tho OomptroW Ier to pay another 1,OOÓ,000 of the eity'smdney toward the completion of the lïrooklvn bridge on the ground that the 8,OÜO,00O"vuted hv Brooklyn and New York have been aln adv paii i. TUE WEST. By the explosión of a boiler iu the' aaw-mill of Joseph Ente, at Navamiah, Ma, two men wero killed and two others scriously injurotl - Fhj two-story biick tenement houaes on Cerro street, bofwéen Kighth and Ninth Btroets, St. Louis, burned the othei nighi Loss about 18,000. Ihree persona lost thefr live in tho tlames. Mn. Alfked Dutch, one of the oldest journalists in tho West. has just died in Chicago, aged TS yeara. Ho edited a papor in tho Garden City tliirty-fiye years ago. A DiSPATcli from Pembina, Dakota, Bays W. H. Anderson, the Dallas (Tox. ) Sheriff, in pureuit of William Collins, of the famovis band of train-robliers in that región, found tho man in Penibina, and attempted to arrest liim. CollinR resisted, and the men exchttnged flre with fatl effect, botli dropping dead in two minutes. Norman B. Judd, ex-member of Congress from IIIíuoík, died suddenly at bis home i u Chicago a fow days ago üoorgo Possier, defanlting Treasnrer of Starkoounty, Ohio, has boen Bentenoed to twelve years in 'tho penitentiiry at hard labor, and to"pay a line ofi),000 and costs of proaocution. THE SOUTH. A lynchikg afluir is reported from Arkausas, a oolored man being taken from the iail at Clarksville, the other night, and hoog. He was eoufmed for au assault upon a white woman. Gov. Wade Hamptox, of South Carolina, has met with a setioua accident While huntiug, his mulo becamo frightened, and, tlie bridle breaking, he leaped from his saddle Bv the fall his riglit leg was broken in two places the bone protruding, and bis anido was badly hurt. Maj. H. W. Beantham, of the Howud Association, of Xew Orleans, ivhois now assistiug in making a report of the work of the Howarda during tho epidemie of 1S78, expresses the opinión that thero havl; boon during the past fonr months 40,000 cases of Levr in Now Orleans and vieinity. GEXER,t. It is reported fiom Pittsburgh that Thomas A. Scott, tlie railway magnato, was strieken with paralysis just before lus recent departnre for Euröpe, and that his mind is seriously impaired. The Chicago Times says a pooling contract has been arranged for East-bound freight by tho managers of thirty-four Western roads. A Cummissioner is to bo appointod to run the pool, with power to enforce its decisions. The Soeretary of State has addresNod a second cominunioatiou to the United States Minister to England on tho subject of tho Halifax fishery award. Mr. Evarts takes direct 1S8UÜ with rli.; findingof the Halifax Comnussion, lrh as to tin; amount of the áward and the manner ia wbich it -was rondorod holding that the siini of 50,500,000 is an outrageous and uttoiiy indefensibie price to set upon the benefits of twelve yeárs of fishïng iu Canadian watera, and 'that, if paid at a!l by the Uuited States, it must be regarded as coyermg the value of tlioae bonerits in perpetuity, aud uot for any torm of years ; and also makiiig the objection that the a'doption nt fhis or any other award by tlie oomtniseion By ;i bare majority is not in aeeordanco with the torms of that olause 6f the Washington treaty providing for such a commission, aud tliat the award is thereforo uot binding upou tlús Gov eriiiuent, The Joint Congressional Committee t j investigato the transfer of the Indias Bureau to the War Department, having retarned from tho Pacific coast, adjourned at Omaha, last week to ment again in Washington on the 25Éh int-r. The membere retorned to (heir respective liomes. They have trav.loil 12.000 miles, have hord the tostimony of 150 persons, and have visited quite a largo numbor of tribes of Imliaus. They will submit their report to Congres in January. VASHIX(;TON. At a recent meeting of the Cabinet, it was decided that some recommendation shall be included in the Proeident's message as to measures for arresting the depreciation of silvor dollars. It will be eaggested that this mav Ixi dono either by increasmg the amètinl of silver in the coin or by limiting the coinage, or by combining both theso plans. At a Cabinet meeting the other day Heeret&ry McCrary suljmitted reporta showing that peace and qniet prevails on tho Rio Grande, with a fair prospect of eoutiuuanco. This information was tlie subject of muoh gratiücation to tlie President and CaWnet It is stated that after tlie lst of Janary next, as au aid to tlio reenmptionof specie paymentH, it U very íikely tho Tn-asury Department will seud, to ))artios desirmg it, tho standard silvor dollar, in qtmntitiee of SI 0(K) and upwards. froo of transportation. in exchango for Hko siims of greenbaeks depositod with depository banks. rOLITICAI,. KBTÜBNS from the November elections, as receivod by telegraph on tlie morning of Monday, Nov. 11, indicato the resulte potod below : JllinoiD.- Entiro Republioan Htato ticket elected, aud the Legislafure is Republican by a small majority. The Cóngressional delegaüon ptands 12 Kepuhcang, 6DemoeratBnd l G backer. Wisronxiii - The elecöon in this state was for membors of Congross and the State Legielature. The Congressional vote mav bo summed upasfollows: Flret district, Republican; Beo oud, Hepublican; Tliinl, Repubücau; Fourth Democratie; Fifth, Demooratii-: sisth Demo cratic; Soventh, Repnblioan; Etghth, Ropubh'-i can. The Kepublieans oleot a otear wm-king majority of tho Legislature on joint ballot Michigan.- Retaras indicato tliat tho Repubhcan State ticket is snccessfnl by a largo plurality, and that both branches of "the Legislatura are Republican. The Congressional delegation is solidly Itepublican. Minnesnta.- The Republieans havo about 15,000 majority on tlie State ticket. The Demócrata floct one Congressman- I'oohler of t)m Tbird. ifosouri. -Twelve Demócrata and one Qteenbacker aro el ited ' i ( lonj c - ■y"' ■ , Gov ernor aud meinlier of Congress bv al il [0 000 majority. n'he Ropublipant elecl tlieii tickot by 90,000 majority, and evory nfember of Congress. The Legislatura is lai-golv üopublican. " PenntylvanUk-Ths Republieans carry the State by about 15,000 majority. The : Bional delegation stands lü Kepublieans, ; Greenback Republlcans, 8 Demócrata and 1 Groenbaek Demoerat New York. - Tlio Itépubliaan State tickot is olected by a small majority. Tlint party also ffaf]38 tour or live Coiircssmeu, whilo tho Legislaturo is also lïopnbliean, tlius insuring the re-ejeetion of Mr. Conkling to tlio United StStes Sonate. In New York city Tammany Hall was overthrown, tho eombination ti ikei hoaded by Edward Cooper, antí-Tammany Democrat,' being elected by over l',iKii) majority. ■ J, m i. TUe RepuWieans hare prouably elébraa flve öi tha séVen Congressmen - a Democratie lci of Iwo. Uonnecticut.-The Kepubliean candidato for Governor leads bis Demooratio competifor 2,000 or&000 vote, lint as tho (reenbaok vote i abont 8,000 fchere is no dioico, and the oloction will bo uecidod by öio Legislaiuro. As that body is by a ïatge majurity, tho i !■ 'tiriii of a Repuhlicüii Governor and United Statts Senator is antnired. Jfiixucclt ifxctlx. - The liamiblieans made a clean sweep, Ben Butler bemg defeatea for Governor by upward of 20,000 majority. Only ono Democrat elected to Cjngrcss - Leopold Morse, of Boston. Rhode hla,it.- The Republicana doet both of the Kepresciitativcs n Congroa. .'C' Jiampsnire. - The Republicana eleetcd candidato for Qovernor, carriod cvory OongnKsional district, and secured a working majority in tho Legislature. I 'i -Thuro vas a special election for ('ongressman in tlif Third district of Ver reauiting in the ohoioe of Barlow, Greenbaoker. 1 u-;iitir. - The elcction was quiet through ovit the Statf. ; i -. i 1 tin1 voto email. (on. Joo Johnston was elficted to Oongresa i:i Riohg mond district. The Republicana eleot one Congressman- Jorgonsoii in tbc Fourth district Oconiu. - Tbc electiou in Georgia .was vcry oxóitiug. The neiroes united with Ihe lndopondents, and tke rcsult is the olcction of two or thrco Indojiendents to A. II. Htophi-ns r6 'Icctcd without opposition. Velaware. - Tlic Demoorata oleeted the Qov ernorand Iïoprcsentative in ('ongress. ftpiytmitl. - The Demócrata oleet all the memliris of Congreaa Bxcept In the Third district; whore Urner, Republican, is ohoaen. Tennessee, - 'J'he Demócrata elect thcir state Ucket by A Utree majority, nine of tho ten Congre ssinen, and secure a largo majority in the Legislature. Texas. - The Demócrata make a clean Bvreep, electing all the Kepresoutatives in Congressand a majority in the Legislaturt'. ifksisslppi. - Tho Demoerats send an unbrokeo délegation to Congicss. Lw(h'"i ut. - E. A. Iturke, the Dt'inoei ■ candidaU' for Treasurer, is electeS The Dcmoei-ats also oarry all ix of the Oongressional distri Kentucky, - The Demócrata elect thcir Congressmen in every district. ArkitiiMis. - Aii Off tlie üipresentatives returiü'il to Congress ure Deittocrato. .l, ihm, i,i. - AH of the Democratie nomíneos for CoiiRress wero olectfid, except iu tho Eighth district, where Eowè, [ndependent, waschosen. Xfvndtt. - The liepulilicans eleet llieir State I ticket and mcniber of Con'ross, and liavo u mu- jority in the i VI,,, ■', i,i. - The rato is so close that it nill roquiiv all "he rotures : j iotprmiuo the rcsult. StmUi (Jarolhia. - Tlio Dem wrats c.trricd evrry Cotigrcasional district anti every county in the State excapl ature is con scqucntly largelj' Democratie. North Carolina.- The Republicana elect two membera' of Congress in Xorth t'a.iolbia, all tho other uistricls liciug carricd by the Democracy. ■i,i Terriiory. - Beunott, Republican, ia elèeted to Congrega by a small majority. Washington ' rritory. - Tho race' between the Republican and Democratie nonüneesfoi Coñgfess la so eloso tlia it will require all tlic returns to decide which has won. New . IA .■■ii Tfirfitory. - Otero, Republican, is olectcd Delégate to Congress. Idaha TerritorjL - Ainaloe, Demoerat, is elocted to Congrega by a email rnajörity. Utah 2'erritoi-y.- Cannou (Morniüii) was roelected to Congress without oppositiön. Wyoming Terriiory.- -Downey, Uepubliciiu. is elected toCougrcss by 800 ma'jórily. ïhk Communists, or Socialists, polled neariy 8,000 Tötes in the city of Chicago, and oleeted four membeia of the Legislature, at the recent èlécaón. Official vote of "Èéw Hampshire for Governor: Head, liepubiican, 88085; McIvmi:, Democrat, 31,089; Brown, Greenbaêker, (i,;ís."; Proliibitory and scatloring. l.J'.l. HeW's majority, 48& FOKEIGN. The réfWbKc of San Salvmlor, S. A., was visited, last month, by a very destnn:tic earthquake, which overthrew Beveral vfllageè andcaused the loss qf man; livev ■ ■ -Tho last of the imprisoned Femans has been released, aml will Boon be in this country The ite French electiouH have insured control of the Señale for the Ropublicaas. They gain twenty-oight Sentors. The Electoral Colleges will meet on tho ! 5th of Jauuary. s The convention conoluded between the cowitries of tlie Ijatin Union provides that the coinage of gold sball reniain free, and Che coinage of eilver, suspended indeflmtery, cannot be resumsd without the consent of all tlic membere of the unin. Xhë eonventiop requires the ratification by tlie chambers of the eovmtries in the oston 15ismarok's daughter was married a few days ago to Count lïaïitzano, of Selilcswig-Holste'in The telegraph linos for nearly Iihi miles around Yienna have boon doofrnved by ft gl'eat sunwBtonn A proposition is beug advanoed to extend the term of President Díaz, of Mi for twii yuars. he havlng refused to serve a Beeond term orv,cK'ian wbaler, which has roturncel f rom lbo Arctic ooean, report that, off Xova Zémbla, sh'e was l)oarded by two piratical Ituasian schooneiB and robbed of everythiii;,' poriable. It is reportad tíaífc Englaud luis ut length succeeded in effeoöng an otfenaKe and defensivi; league v.'h J 'ranee and Portugal - for tho purpose of making war on the Eing of Dahoinfy. None of tho neutral powers have yct offerod nieiü:iti.,n. or suggestetl an international con grees to settle tho disputen, traésöons, aml werf tlie ( alamitie of tlie impewling collision. . . .A Constantinople con;eBpondént stntes that tlio Rhodope insnrréttidñ Las receivSI a fatal blow by the assassination of OmerAga, ono of its most iuflncnti;il leaders, by Kara ïussuf, fomier loivder, wlio bad been dtsgraoed fór piund Omer Aga's death prodnoed slich diBorganlzation that tin: majorny of the leaders ilismisscd their bnnds to thcir home Heavy snöw-falïs are reported in Northern and Eastern Europe A Berlín dispatchsavH: "TheEmperdï bas sent au Ad jutant from Coblen ta oöngratulate Piinoe Bis marox on bis dangbter'a raarriagè, and to Böai bim with Grand Cross of the Order of ')i" Red Eagle, decorated with a scepter and crown, fhe only Prussian decoration which Princ ■ Cisttiarck had noí befóte receivod, and which is said to havo been onlv onoe before eonfen-ed, namely, by Fredcrick Villiam IV. on Ministor Mantcufoi. " Tuf. Paris Eiposition wan fínally closed on Nov. 10. The receipts si:ice the opening have boen :ifir;s,"i-U) francs. . . .Advicesfrom CapeTown, South África, report that Ba bas been renewed in Transvaal. A liritish detachment of 500 starong v;s compelled to retreat Tho Kaftirs then madeanlght atl but wero repulsod with heavy loss, . . . A general amnestyhaa bfeen graoted by the Emperor of Austria to tho Bosnlanj i Bombay dispatcn saya hopos aro en titainod atShnlaof'a peaccful solution of tho Afghan dinicnlty. It is ipposed Russiai exercisinga pres-uie apon the Aineer with this objBOt 'J'bo Alnccr, moreover, despairs of eneccus against the 'scommander Tlie Benhar Coal Company, of Edinburgb, Sootland, with a total share and depenturo capital tíf L484,000, has annqunped [ta inability to meet its payments A Loudon ' patoh saya that nearly one-lialf of the eottonmills in the Ashton-under-Lynn district have stopped work, in consequonce of the aapréssion in the traas, and many aro only ruiming on ahort time. AIoncasi, wlio recently attemptcd to assassinato King Alfonso of Spain, bas been tried at Madrid and eenfcenced to death Midhat l'asha ba been appointod Governor ; General of Syria,


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Michigan Argus