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Beefsteak Pudding

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Olive Logan writes f rom Lomlon to the Cincinnat-i Enquirer: The. manager of one of the nfosl Snccessml of your Cincinnati restaurants wrij aak me if I wil] oblige, not only him porsonally. bui sovernl hundred Cineinnatians, whp d:ily dine at bis place, la giving tlio recipe of thé famom; Tetripfe Bar beefsteafc pudding as aervcd at the celebratéd ola chop-house, the Oheetóre Cheese, natrouizod by Dra. Jnlinson and BosweH, and originally written and (alked of by tJiem. Of oourso, it is out of niy Way to obtain tho recipe Erom the oooks nt the ( 'licshiic ( 'heeso, lmt, to oblige the severa] Imndred Oineinniitians iiientiomd. I rang my bell this jnorning and told my Buttons to send Qook iyi to me. Wlnn I informed her thut I'd like her tó tèliTme how to mate "bêfstofili pudding for severa! hnndrud ('incinimtians, the humor of the request wfte too greah, it seemed, for her to preserve v hal she eousidorcd a deeorous gnivity, and she thfew her api'on ovof her fac'o. and tlirolil.icd bchind it with a long )mlsat;ion of low chuckles, ;liokod off linally int" an apology for . a oon:u. Knowing fiill well tlüit an Ëngliah sn-vant desirea her employers to be lier superiors, and ia only satisüed with them wnen they assert themselves as sucli, I di & iiot diireto coufide to Margery tkat I wanted tliis recipe tonend to the koeper of n restaurant. Sneh eeeentricity on the part of n " Missus" wonld have been reoeiVed with cold oomplinnei-, not warm eo-opuration. So I intimatcil to hi : that it was fora" chantalik' institntion," and lier sympathies were with me in an instant. Armed witli-a ])en, an ink-boUle imd a sheet of paper, Cook descended to the regions below, ud in an hour orj two Buttons lirought me her composition, written in á y.ery ncat hand and with very I i 1 1 J - - bad spelliiigr. glance 1 thought I could put the shee in with rnvciii coj)y without ehanyo for print, bui I fin cl the phraseology is so poufused as to reguira unraveling. l.irlow, men, toïlfrw dirëetioflS for malung Temple Bar beefsteak pudding (notpio for four CiiH'iüliatians, and I suppose the ingredients may be multiplied in thfl sume ratio as tlie Cinciunatians are. 1. Make a ernst of half a pound of snot. óhopped liiii'; one poimd of-'flour, half saltspoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of bajdn powder, mixed together, and siimciènt cold water added to make it a stifl' paste. 2. Out one-third of tho paste for the cover of the pudding-basin in which the pudding is to bo boilod. Eoll the rest öf the paste tó the sizo reqnired to lino the pudding baan. flrease with Imtter the pudding basin, and lay the pasti in ncatly. 3. Take two pounds of beef cut in slices. Dip eaeb sliee ín lkmt as you lay'it in the basm,atohg with two kidneys, a little chopped parsley, a bit of good butter thé sizo of an egg, a few drops of Worcestershire sauce, a teacupful of water, half a saltsjioonful of salt, ditto of pepper. 4. lïoll out .the paste cover to the Mae of the top of the basin, wet ene edgesól the paste which lines Uw basin, then lay the cover on and press tlu: two edges together. Dip your nice clean pudding cloth in boiling water, flour it, tie it over tho top of the, basin. 5. Place tho basin in a saucepaii of boiling water and keep it bui hours. For serving, take off tho cloth, turn the basin over on a nice warm plate, remove basin. This leayes your pudding the round, pudding shape on top, though the bottom is flat. When you stick your spoon iu, the gravy will nui onit, luscipu and lieulthy, and the mwafc witlijn bo as tender as young cliickeu. I shoiild, perlmps, mention that tlie pnrldiiig-basin referred to is a bowl of crockery, holdiii'. :: (juart, with a thick rim aroimdthe top. which makes it easy to tie the cloth on with a string. Sucli pudding-basins of all sizes are sold in the shops here, and no doubt are to bo bought in the china stores in America.


Old News
Michigan Argus