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Journalistic Amenities

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Newspapera oí the Eatanswill type siill flourish in America, where no esprit dr corps rcstuins the genilemen of the nv 3 lini:. ï'.diilgingtlieir propensity for nnpieitriant personalities ut flie expense of their felíows. It is so mueh ëasieï to biH'ooi and lic : writer timn tn niiiy to lii-i argumenta. Neither oson, wit nor humoi is required to cal] in opponent i man gramïtiarsuia-sh. ]; o say that "liis nasty little soul m unt large enoughtoflll the socket of a mosquito's eye," oí desoribe hita as "a beery tattepdemalion," "a grit facto turn,'" íind if n similar nature. Uharging a rival writer with drunkenis a fayorite taethoct oí abu?o. CotnmentLng mi im articíé in the Virginia Entfrprige, the Nevada.Tribune speaks oí it having been "wrilten, no doubt, under ti' iníl m ut ni i regret i'or a misspcnl Ufe. Tt i en I'ikt ■. Öur viri nous aml abstémiótis ñ-iend gpés on in.true teetotal style. tod really writi-.-i ii !im;t excellent temperance Serihon. We fèel happy to kèoW that om med friend of the Enterprise has deterinined to keepothers trota fiüling." A California editor invested in a mulé, aria the fac wrts chröiifcïed under the hèading, "Reipai'tabje ínstaofeé of self-posscssion." Síiid arife Milft%tíkee editor oi' :iuo(1.t: -Jl,'. is uno of tJic few jouriiiilists -who Qan put .Mivihing in liis niouth "without fear, of its steuling uiytliiüt;:" and wlicn u "Western editor wrotf, "Wc cannot 'el' a lie; it wasoold yesferdaj"," liis rival iraófed (lie remai-k with the iiddition, " Tln statement is incontrovertible; lmt the former?" Said an Idahn jonrnul : "The vnsathsr has been hot again for tlie List fewdays; Ihe ouly ix-lief we could gil was to lie do n mi llie Portland ïfcrahl and cover ■ iii' ■ the Portland Bulletin - there ' edoliu'ssbetwceii f in ui." 'j'liis kird ui eiiolnessol'ten bring.s about au : ■.'. i:; int'-rehaiiKe ,f iucivilities. A !Mi'iiiu:iu dcclared in his jiapei' tliat a eertaiu editor had seven toes. dered man thereupon re]ieed his mind in a "leader," denouncing the btiuteiii : Avarrauted, and iis author as , of tmtli and a ■Seoundre! fo boot. 'Jlie oTenditig gentleman replied that he never wisliiid it to be under.stood that ail the seven toes toot : and the disgusled victhn of the "sell," appealing to his readers, asked: "A-e th;se Hr.bjects which PUKht to be. discussed in orgóns h.;e duty it is to mold jmlllic opinión '? " Another worthy, of whom afl eiieiuy aliirmeil that he had jusl made the stningedisöoveiy that he coulil wag liis lcft üit. did not i: id to impeaeli the trutli M il ■ -:: i-inenf, but made jnatters even by declaring the man win) iave } eurrenc.y liafl both liis miral appendages iunler such, control as to be iilile to [an himsëlf with thom in hot weather. An Ameritau wiiter is only too plaased .to catch ii Lrother trippiug. When one journal talked in its leading article of "buttercd thunder," a contemporary po[itely desired to Ênow if that had any aflinity to "greased liyhtning; " foreing tliQ oxpliination tliat by u typographieal i'iror "'uttereil thunder" was the article intended. When a Western editor -.wrote, "We ave living at tliis moment vinder a despotism,"'liis opponent kindly (.■xplained : "Our contemporary meaos to say he has lately got jnarried." A newsuapar writer asserts-thai Jii-i anefstors had been in the habit of living a hundred years; to whioh nnoiher resjionds: "Tliat must haVe bccu before thi' introduotion of Capital punishment." The proprietor of ' i Western journal announced his : tïoft óf spenrTrnfriSO on "a ñcw head" for ít. "Don't o it," advised a rival sheet : "bitter keep tne nioney, andbuy a new head for the editor," that ; man being evidenlly. in its opinión, "a young man of friigal mental eapacily," as an Oregon journalist delicately termed another.. Mr. Gumbs sought to enliven the good pcople of Cambria eounty, Pa., through the medium of a lively, . spícy, Vigorous, feavless and entertaining }iaper cálle'd the CahiBria Milfëy !)■ líe succeeded in making tliings lively- - ery li%c!y for himself. In his íirst t number he called the editor of an older journal names whieli we cannot repjeat He stiííinati.ed the Mayor as a corrupt i magistrale, who'se torméöts froni mental i oaerse were only soipassëd by the pbysicai agony he endurad as the consequeicti oL his depraved; debaneliery. He müdly alluded ru tlie l'ostmaster as an oijiiiai Die'v Turpiih peculations :onld only bê compared to the terrilic jroUbèries conuñítted in times past by Abose Spanish Imeeaiieers whom he so ciósely resomliled in general charaeter; and tinisiu-i oil'liy flelicately announeing tliat a well-known young lady, in rejectióg a cerlain young man, Iad done the wisest bhdngpossibie underthe peculiar ircum.stanees of tlie case. In next issue of the Milky W&y its patrous v.ere informed that the editor had fouud it impossible, togo out to collect news items, becausë the Mayor, the editor of the Cambria, Mirriinj, the l'ostmaster. Alexander .Iones, and a number of otlier individuals; were sitting on thé oarbstone and roostióg around on the back witli shötguns and other muvderous weapons, and looking as if they were in earnest! That same night Mr. Gumbs slipped down on a -vuter spottt and departed for Kansas more íi.rtuuate lluui his brothev onl in tlie far West, whose organ, in aiinouncing its own demise, said: "Our editor lias lately djsappcared. Accordi'igto Ihe lutest ïnformation he was last, een under i treo, slightly tafaed above certaiB persons who uere pnlling af a rojuv'-a way pi stating Lynch law tliat eould liurt mbody's feelin;;;,, v, hile, as a friendly triliute to the deparfeedj it was almosf as touching as tüe Foxtown Fuxilii'r'x .- "Wu sto) the press svith pleaeure to the deeease of our eontemporary, Mx, Snaggs, the editor of the Foxtown l-'lfish. He lias now göïie to an-' other and böttör world. Persons who have taken the Fjash wiil find the Fu■i !:■ a good paper."'


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