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- Win. W. Craudall hae been arrested se Ut, Josepb, on a obarge of marrying three wives witliiu ten montlis. The rat, Jletta Walton, of Kalamazoo ; the seuond, a yuung lady at Ben ton Harbor ; aud the last, a widow by the nauie of MoAllister, of St. Josep, about a inonth ago. - öeo. E. Fowlar, of Manistee, bas been üiied $óu for cruelly beatiug his own daughter, after wbich lie assaulted his wife, knocking hur down, brcaking three of her riba and otberwmo inj uring her so she lies in a daugerous condition. - Three farmers in Ionia have been arrosted for stripping a camp ground near them of sume 4,000 feet of lamber used in making sheds, seuts, platforms, eto. Thny paid fo ths lutnber, and iines besides. The stealing was as petty as it was unprofitable. - - Wm. Uale, of Van Buren County, has been sent to Jackson for oue year for paseing uounterfeit uionuy, uud Thomas E. Street, of Allegan, fíned $100 for writing obscene matter on a postal card - both sentenceo by the United States Court at Grand Kapids. - Arthur Stevens, who has been living and working in Conoord, Jackion County, for the past three years, and was connidered a reliable and worthy man, has suddenly oleared out, abandoning his wife, and owing everybody that he could borrow Irom, the exteut of bis stualings being about $176. - Muskegou lumbermen are talking 350,000,000 feet for that river this winter. - Miss Pbebe Reynolds, a young woiann in the employ of Mrs. Browo, three miles south of Pewamo, Ionia County, was found dead in her room on the lOth. Examination sbowed tha' she was enciente, and that her death was caused trom an atteinpt to produce an abortion. - The Grand Rapids EagU intiinated that Rev. Mr. Kgbert, of White Pigeon, th Baptist pastor there, had been guilty of adultery. The information was wholly untrut!, and now Mr. Egbert has comineuoed a $20,000 libel suit. - Alexander C. Brown, for nine years past a conductor on the Saginaw división of the Miohigau Central Railroad, died at Jaokson, on the löth, after a long illnoh. - The State Land Comniissioner sold at public aution on the 14th swamp Unds heretofore lioeused as homesteads, 3,957 33-100 acres, at an average of $1.56 1-2 per acre. He also sold at private sale the satne class of lands, 4,800 eres, at an average of f 1.41 per acre. Bids received for forfmted school lands amounted to f 1,100. - Mr. Elisha Park, formerly of Pulaski, Jaokson County, was killed at Reno, Cal., about three weeks siuoe, by being run over by the cars. Both legs were out eff, the scalp torn off and the body otherwise tuutilated. - The Jackson saloonists who opened their places on eleotion day after the polls had cloRed, have been mulcted. The justioe held tb at ulection day meant clear through. - Three students ot' the Hecond Advent College, at Battle Creek, have been arrested on a charge of steallng goods frota the Hanitarium building. - Grand Itapids Timen : The sale of the Chicago and Michigan Luk o 8hore Kailway was cotnpleted in tuis city on Friday. Tho road was old by Mr. J Louis tëtaukpolu and Jamos Ii. Ulake truHtoett tor the borulholders, who iileil & bill aumu timo vy: to toruolose three uiortgages. The fiist mortage, witli interest, amonnted to $3, '90,1)2-1. 44 ; th seoond uiurtguge to f'2,031,-14.33, and the third ïuurtgapo to $1,940,127.02. Thu road was bid in in the interest ot' the bondholdor by Charles Frsncis I AdamR, Jr. Among those rsont at the sale were Chailiü PruQOia Adainx, Jr., Geo. C. Kimball, rfociver, V. A. N'iins, of Muskegou, attornuy for the road. Mr. M. J. Kmiley, attorney lor the I erg, aud Mr. Fitzgerald, attorney tor the Ilaski'll S; Baker C;ir Cómpaiiy, irfio claim to owu soiiih of the rolling af.ock in use on tho road. - Tho Hou. Eli Millr roturned to j Kalamazoo ou Saturday last with llt' 000,000 white tish " in the hou" ior tho Pokagon fiehery, Thu O[)0iatiou8 ot the Couiinisoioaers i'ov thu ciiKuin; yor promise to surpasH thpsu ot' last season.


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