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- Dr. Duoster resunied hu luctures on Alonday. - Tha Barnabrn Concort nomes ofl' üiia ÜVüllillg. - Of, Manloau clon't cara anythlijg about ' tue war of the pathies ;" tuere's a uew glrl at liis house anti tlie report is "all well." - At lust the senior havo beon successful in their search for o clnss poet. EJward 1'. Andèrson, oï Lake City, Miiin., i the man. - Last FrMay atternoon the senior and junior law classes aga'n locked horns over a game of foot-biill. Tha senior cnme off victorioua by a score of 4 to 2, - Grouud lms liugn broken on VVilliam strest, opposite tlw Congieyational Chnroh, tor a builuini; 0f "h Dolta K-.ppa Epsilou fratuniity. II ia to ba of brick, ül() itut, and two atories. - John II. Hill, ut' Uold HUI, Nevada, a juuior law student In prouented to tlie museuní ome tine specimens of gold, uilver, ud ciniiabar ores: some of them irmn tho faniou Comstock lode at Virginia City. - Laura E. Dainty will give radings in Uuiversity Hall qa Mornluy eveuing, m tho Lecture Asfeociatiun courso. She bas won a reputation m Chicago and eastern cities that give promise of a line eveiiiiiy's entortaiument - Mr. Rowland, oí Detroit, of the Young Men's Ohriatian Association of thi State, speut two or three days with Ihe Studeuta' (Jhristiau Associatioo last week, and on Sunday eveniog addresed ;i largo uudiauce iu Uuiversity Hall. - ïhat auuual junior hop- the great eveut of the junior year- bas beeu givau in oharge of the following eoininittees ; üu lovitatious, K. B. Bancroft, J. L. Ambrose, I'. B. Looniis, Jr., A. K. liood. On Arraugemeiits, C. S. Mitchell, C. H. Campbell, W. M. Thompson, W. S. Washburn. On Keception, S. E. Wbeat, F. W. Lovelaud, C. C. Whitaere, J. W. Wíl: ard. - The first two volumes of Prof. Tyler's " History of American Literature" are out. The publishor, Messrs. O. P. Putnam'o Sous have doue tbeir work well, and we incline to tha opiuiou that the author's work is worthy the magniüoeut setting they have given it. Atter more time tor reading its pages a fuller notice will be givon. - a lemperance orgainzutioii wos partinlly perfected in tbs Univeraity last baturday evening. So far as eleeted tha oflicers are : President, Prof. Oluey ; Vioe-Preeidents, Judge Cooley, Ur. A. B. Palmer, and J. E. PUcher, of the Literary department ; Secretary, Andrew Whitehead, -of Coldwater, Law department ; Treasurer, Miss Kate Coman, of Hanover, Ohio. Prof. J. B. Steere was appointed chaitioan of the Executive Committee, and the coramittee will have a represeiilative írom each department. A committee waa alao appointeJ ou con8titution and by-laws. Aboul 300 ivcib preseut at tho nieutiug.


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