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Plaiïts do not requiro nearly so much watering in tho winter as in tho summer. They should never bo watered until the wirfaoe of the soil is dry. If watered too much, the soil becomes sour and heavy, and tho plant diseased. Theüe are many iarmers who have extra good butter cows, and do not know it. Thoy havo poor pastures in sumracr and no shelter, and indifferent fced in winter. In the house they have no conveniencos for making butter, the milk is set where there are no arrangements for keeping it cool in slimmer, and in the living room, exposed to tlu odors of the kitchen, in winter, and neither the quantity nor the quality are auy index of what a cow can do. The Western Stock Journal says: "There should be some fall pigs ; they are easily kept through the winter, and will raake cheap pork on clover next snmmer. It is safe to say there will not be many pigs if they are allowed to eat and sleep with the older hogs. Placed in a separate yard, kept from straw staeks, and fed on potatoes, pvunpkins, corn and'oat meal, cooked, they thrive amazingly; even better than in hot weather." The best fodder corn is that grown thickly in drills - so thickly that no ears are developed. Let the ground be rich ; let the cultivation be thorough ; cut up when the tassels are dropping their pollen ; let it wilt on the ground ; tie in small bundies and set in small stacks, binding firmly at the top, and also half-way down. Then let it stand as late as possible beforo carrying to the barn. If the erop is planted early it may be cut up so early as to get perfectly dry, if it has no ears. - Farmer and Gr oiver. The hog-cholera-cure men are about, as numerous as the lightning-rod men nsed to be. Our readers are cautioned against investinf, notwithstanding the apparently demonstrative evidence of the venders. The so-called hog cholera is not one disease responsive to one kind of treatmont, any more than all the ills that human fiesh is heir to are. These patent nostrums are, therefore, frauds, intended only to benefit the pockets of the makers just as cure-alls must in the very nature of the case be. - Journal of Agriculture. Cows now do better if stabled at night, provided they are well ied, than they would if allowed to remain in the field or yards. Thero is bat little substance to grass after heavy frosts. Calves should receive much attention. They should have a little meal given them in their milk for some time. If they become poor in the fall and winter, it will be very difiicult to raake up the growth lost. Calves intended for the market when 1 or 2 years old should be " crowded " from the time they are taken from the eow. The idea is to make a yearling as large and of as much valué asan ordinary 2-year-old. Those designed to be left on the farm as cows should be kept only in fair condition. They do not then get their growth so young, yet they make better butter producers. To my mind it costs as much to winter a calf the first year as the second. It is as impossible to get them through in good condition, free from vermin, their growth unchecked, without gi'ain of some description, as it is to have hens that will ]ay well through cold weather vitla one feed of cold grain a day. - Rural Neiv-Yorker. To Keep Cellaes from Freezing. - The following method for obtaining this desirable object is given in the Scien tifie American: The experiment was tried by a gentleman with the cellar of an oxithouse, in which on several occasions vegetables had frozen, although the cellar was fortifled against frost by a process known to farmersas "banking." The walls and ceiling were pasted over with four or fivL thicknesses of old newspapers, a curtain of the same material being also pasted over the small, l'jw windows at the top of the cellar. The papers were pasted to the bare joist overhead, leaving an air space between them and floor. He reports that the papers carried his roots through the winter, Üiough the cellar was left unbanked, and he is confident they have made the cellar frost-proof. We do not counsel the special use of old newspapers for this purpose. It is just as well or better to use coarse brown paper. Whatever paper is eroployed, it will be necessary to sweep down the walls thoroughly, and to use a very strong size to hold the paper down into all the depressions of the wall.


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