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- Common Cuuiicil meeting uext Mondny evening. - The full teini of the public schoola cloaed on Wednesday. They will re-open next Monday, Dec. 2. - Ypsilanti Commercial, Nov. 23 : " A case of small pox is report od, and scarlet fever is very prevalent'" - The Ladies' Library Association had a load of wood stolen lst week trom tlio hall loading to their room. - The Saline Standard says that Mr. Clark, Couuty Clerk elect, "will not make Aun Arbor his home until neit spring." - The Pioneer Society of this oounty will hold a regular meeting at Manchester on Wednesday next, December 3. - Dr. Breakey has moved into his new liouae. The old houBe is to be removed to orth Main street,- near the jail. - On Tueaday evening Dr. i'rothinghain eutertaiued tho Medical and Surgical Society with a paper on the Optualuioscope. - The contractore for the uew school houee at Ypsilanti hare had to take down and construct a portion of one of the walls. - Ypsilanti Sentincl : " Justice Skinner sent Willium l'nrr to the couuty jail last Thursday for larceny. 30 days will he sojouru there." - About three inches of mout snow: tbat was what the boys were thaukful for yesterday morning. Slsigh-riding ia slush was in order. -The vote for Watson Snyder, I'robibition candidato for ftoveruor, was larger at Ypsilanti than in auy otlier city of the State. Suyder lives at Ypsi. - Ira Duvíb, of Ypsilanti, haa received a. patent for a door and gate spring;. Will it protect cates against the raids of dtudents or nioonlight-night lovflrfl f - N. Y. Tribune : "Prof. Alexander Wicchell has goiie to Ann Aibor, Mich., to remain nearly a year, studying and completing several works for refereuce." - In the Snpreme Court on the 'ilst inst., in the case of Crittenden vs. Schernierhorn, the decisión in the Circuit Court for this county was reversed and a new trial ordered. - While Mrs. Bennett, of Lyndon, was trading in a store at Chelsea on the Hth inst, she complained of illness, wim taken to a hotel, and died in a %w hours. Internat homorrhage. - The Eed Hussar Elite Orchestra will give one of tlieir grand concerts in Hill's Upera House next Thursday evening, Dec. 5. This company comprises 40 members, with IS solo artista. - The Pomological Society will hold a meeting at Firemen's Hall, at 1 1-2 o'clock to-morrow afteruoon. The subject for discassion is " The Peur," and Evart Scott, ot Anu Arbor town, will either remi a paper or open the discussion. - The Holman English Opera Troupe, now playing in Detroit to large audiences, will appear in Hill's Opera House next Monday aud Tuesday eveuings, giviug our music loving citizens oppoituinty for two evenings of rare enjoymeut. - City Treasurer Sehnmacher has riled his bond with the Couuty Treasurer in the sum of $4.0,000, which entities him to collect the State aud county taxes. fli hondBinen are It. A. Beal, Ainbrose Kearney, Benjamin Brown, aud (leorae W. Ciopsey. - 'fo-day Superintendönts Diiüy and Eextord will take ioux insane paupers to the insane aaylum at Poutiac : Anna Shay, George Elliott, Frederick Presco, and John B. Oallagher. This county now maiutaiutt CO iusane persons !u the two State asylums. - Dexter Leader : "The ladies of the Chelsea Baptist Church havo atranged for a course of lectures. The Chelsea Iteruhl gives aiuoug other names, tliat of 'Rev. E. Frazer, Ksij., of Anu Árbor.' " Which remiuils the Akiïtts aud will remind Büb of an old "joak." - Toledo Commercial : " M. M. Oreene, President of the üoluinbus and Toledo Kailroad, passed over the Toledo and Ann Arbor Kailroad on Satiuday, in company with Oov. Ashley. It is uuderstood that jIr. Cireetie's object is a Michigan oonnection." - The remains of Stuart Bliss, whosa drownïng in a Minnesota lake was uoticed in the Akous of Xovetuber 15, arrived here on Saturday afternoon, and fuueral services were held ut the house of the father of the deceased, Calvin Bliss, on Sunday afternoon. - During Monilay night the woolea milis of the Cornwell Bros., at Foster's station, three miles above this city, was hurglarized and robbed. About Í200 worth of Cardigau jackets, cloths, and yarns were taken. Uutranca wis effected by cuttiug out a window. - The followiug practical fruit-growers will represent tbe Washtenaw Couuty Pomological Society at the animal meeting of the State Pomological Society to be held at Paw Paw, December 3, i, and : J. Austin Scott, S. W. Dorr, J. C. Rouse, Jacob Ciauzhorn, J. D. Baldwin, Emil Baur, C. H. Woodruff, aud J. ■3. Parshall. - Justice Skinuer, of Ypsilanti, has held Eev. David L. Murray, pastor of the Presbytrian Church at Saline, for trial in tha Circuit Court, ou a charge of lascivious cohabitation with Miss Mamie Johuson, formerly a member of his family. Public opinión at Saline ia not at all unanimous. - Manchester EnterprUe : "A special train from Ypsilanti went to Hillsdule on Tuesday, ■carrying people from various places along the íiue of the D. H. & S..W. R. E , to atteud a meeting in aid of the propo?ed Pontiac extensión. The meeting was Iargely attended, but many of the citizens of Hillsdale opposo the road, saying that the D. H. & S. W. has hurt their business." - On Saturday last a colored man named George Johnson, alias Williams, was arrested at Chelsea, charged with breaking into and robbing r&ilruad cars. He was brouht before Jus tice Oranger, of this city, waived examination, and held ior trial in the Circuit Court' Hirain McDonald and Titus T. Butts were arTested wittl Johnson, aud given 60 days in jail for vagrancy. - Three or four ycars ago the house of B. F. Watts, of this city, was burglarized, and among other thing a silver watch stolen which had his name on the dial. One day last week the watcb was left for repair at the jewelry store of J. C. Watts, in East Saginnw, who had originally presented it to his brother. The gentleman who left it for repair resided in trladwm County, and it belouged to a mau in his employ who alleged that he purchased it in Canada. - The Directora of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Iusurance Company havs just made au assessment of f 1.20 on the thousand dollars of capital stock, or insurance risica, for the payuient ot the entire losses of a year and the expenses of opera,tiug the compauy for the ensuing year. The entire loases of the company 8ince the last assessraout aggregate but ?i,169.41, - the largest loss being 11,110, aud the snmllast ?6..)l). Ia the orgauizatiou ot' a local insurance company which will give residents of our city auuh cheap insurance practicable 't - The Argus is requested to hold up to censure the "mob" oi young men- student - who congrégate in fiout of Smith's building, on State street, block up the sidewalk to the inconvenience aud auuoyance of the paasers by, and greet the ladies who are compolled to run the gauutlet ot their Btares with an uncalled for and impudent "good-by." Several ladies were 80 inaulted while returnmg from church last Sunday. A policeman at that poiut, or the accidental preseuce of a " big brother" or other gentleman proteotor would i a good thiug. - The Superintendents of the Poor made their semi-annual oxatnination of the county jail on Tueaday, and iouml evorything n ood eoudition. Thoy report 1G1 punona contiued in the jail for the n mouths endiag Xov. 'I and classit'y tlm offsusei aa lollowc AshuuI 1 ; assault and battery, 10; attemptat cuurder, 1 ; burglary, 2 ; contidoiice game, IÍ ; disordnly, 19; ihuuk, 12; drunk and dieorderly, 9 ; forgery, 1 ; bist pretensei, 1 ; fraudulent debtor, 1 ; grand larceuy, ." ; hotel jumper, 1 ; insano, 5 ; larceuy, Ui ; murder, 1 ; perjory, 'i ; reaisting officer, o; vagimioy, 42; riolatiog city ordinance, 1. - The Clioeoiihic Society of the Hih School held its term " I'ublic " ou Tueaduy eveuing The prograiumo included : Oratiun, "Labor by E. B. Coe, of Otisvillo ; Itecitation, "Drenm of Eugeue Aiam," Miss Hattie Swathel, o this city ; (Jíbcuhsiüii of "Ilortolved, That the Tramp shoulcl bo punishod more sevurely than lie usually is,",- with C. V. Helder oa the aifirnuitive aud H. Haskell ou the uegutive, both uL thia city ; Essay, "Euoouraging the pursuil of knowledge," Myrta Evaus, Middloville; Duclaiuation, " Tha Kapid Progrese of Our Country," E. N, üanow, Houier ; The Gruciblo (society paper), A. L. Gi-eue, Fataskala, O. Miss Bessie Taylor played a piano solo, aud appropriato vocal music was furniahed by Mrs. Allen, Miss Hutchins, aud Mosöre. Jcwoll and Osborue. - A Iong-Btaud!ng"onp!ea8autness" between Joseph Henderson and Wilson Eogers, ot this city, both colorad men aud both blackemiths, culuiiuated ou Tiiuraduy eveuing of last week. Hogers t'ound Hondersou at his house when he went Lome in tbe afternoou, and ordered him to leave. A bit of a row ansued when Hogere broko a chair over Hondersuu's head aud the lattor was iuduced by that forcible argument to gu away. Bogan shortly after started up town, but on his wy was met near the coruer oi FourtU aud Citthariue stveets by Heiulerson, who iired tlireo shots at him, the second taking effect on the lett breast. Kogers ran calling "p.üce," aml at'ter goiug into Tremaine's dnig store went ïmmediately in search ot Dr. Maclean. The ball haa not beeu extracted. Kenderson was arrestad ou a coiuplaint for assauit with iuteut to murder, but his examiiiation was postponed from last Monday to uext Monday, beoause Rogers was unable to be pr sent. There is a woraan or two under the meal.