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I What is the News ? We meet uuo another with sarcaatic niles, Studyiiig each other' countenauce with cave, Converse about inveutions, failure, styles, About reductions of lome railroad fare. Comment apon tin items of the presa, Persuade another to accept our views, Conclutieatpartlng with the pit ilesa Stalt; exclamatioTi, "Well,wha-t fa the uews?fl K i n Solomon expresaed a scrioufl thuught, U'hile medltatlng how this world beguu, All luxurita vain and progresa aought, For there is uotliing iiew uader the sita. fe doubt that tlioy had base buil tben, or race, Or bowling allcys, billiard balln or cues, Or f in caxtls the two npot beat the ace, No wooder Lf we ask, " What h the aews?" Ezcttemeutti feed tho bralss of staviag men, Dovelopiueuts uro usually notiüug rare, Inquisitivo we seaxoh the lowest don To know the Inmate and liin biJl of fare, We bring bim Dourfshmeut and other thing, Potatoea, bread, tubaeco if he chews, WWle ia the treets, fainüiarly it rings. The customary sound, u WhKt íí the aews?" Tlme'a m toad y gate seemeth fearful slow, Au hour appears a day, a day ju We are not satisüed with whut we know, Are waitingfor tbc "Somethiug" to appear. Our animáis, even when for ehanee tliey meet , Our dogs are barkiny, and our tom-oat mew-t, Conveying topics of omo other street, Whea pets koep aklng 'Tom, what is the news?" Ana Arbor'a last sensation, lf it must be known, Was the judicious act of " Littlk Mack," He hired the finest store In all the towa, The place is a familiar one with all, HÍ3 ready-made will now have ampie room His temple grows and he reqnires moro pews, Let him be leader, since it is his doom, He'll make U daily teil if What la the ncws." LITTLE MACK The King Clothier AND HATTER, So. 9 South Main St., Aun Albor, i Real Estáte tor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Washtonaw, as. In the matter of the estáte of John Gibnty, lattí of said county deeeiised. Notiee is hereby tfiveu, that in pursuance of an order granted to tlie uiidertugned, administratrix. with the wilï annexed of the estáte oí' eaid John Gibney, by the Uon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the twenty-sixth day oï November, A. D. 1878, tbere will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the dwelling house on the premises below deacribed, in the township of NorthHeld. in the County 1 Washtenaw, in aaid 8tate, on Wednkbday, the fiftebnïh cay of January, A. D. 1879, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eucumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of said deceaaed, and subjecl to the riiïhf ot' dower of Julia Gibney, widow of Patrick Gtbney, deoeiwed), the following deeeribed real estáte, to wit : All the undivided interest of the saia John Gibney as an heir at law of Patrick Gibney, deceascd, iu thOBe certain pieces or parcela of land sitúate and being in the lowuship of Northfield, in the County o( Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, knowu and desoribed aa follows, to wit : The southwest quarter of the nortüeaat quarter and seven (7) acres ofl tbe east side of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-one, in town one south, range six east, in said State of Michigan, contaming forty-seven acre of land, be the same more or less. Dated, November 9fi, 1878. JULIA GIBNEY, 171.5 Adminiatratrix with the will aunexed. Estáte of Lester Latimer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washlenaw, 88. At a seasion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofde in the City of Ann Albor, on Titesday, the twenty-sixth day of November, in the year one thouaaDd eight hundred and seventy-eigbt. Present, Williara D. Harriruaft, Judjje of Probate. Iu the matter of the entate of Lester Latimer, deoeased. Abigall E. Latimer, executrix of saic estáte, comes into court and repreaents tliut slie is now prepared to render her final account as sucli executrix. Thereuponilisordered,thatSuturdav,thetwentyfirst day of December, Dext, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the devlgees, lepateey, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are requlred toappearat a session of said court, tben to bo holden at the Probate Oflice, in the city of Aun Arbor, iu said county, and show cause, i'f any therc be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is further orierrf, that said executrix give notice to the persons intc-rosted in said estáte, of the pendency ot said account and th hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this ortier to be published in the Michiaan Aryus, a new.ipaper prmted and oireulating in said county , three successive wenks previous to said day of hea'rinf,'- WILLIAM D. HAKEIMAN, J A true copy.] Judfc of Probate. Wm. O. Doty, Probate Register. 1715M Estáte of Thomas Harria. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Oounty of Washtenaw, sa. At i4 session of the Probate Court for the County Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofttce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twentythird day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. Pr went, Williani 1). Hnrriinan, Judge of Probate. In the matter o the estáte of Tlianin Jlanis, qawMcd. On reading and Bling the potltlon, duly verified, of Margaret Harris, prayint; that a certain instrument now on file in this court, purporting to b tbe last will and testament of said dectased, may Iw admitted to probate, and thnt she may be ]- pointed executrix thereof. Thereupon itis ordered.that Monday. thetweiity;hird day of December ncxt, at ten o'clock in the 'orenoon, be assigned tor the hearing of snid petition, and that the donitsee., lega tees and heirn ;it aw of said deceaaed, and all other persotiH intereated in said ette, are required to ajiiwar ut a reuniera of id court, then to be hulili'ii at tho l'robate Otüce in the city of Ann Arbor, and show mue, f any títere be, wby the prayer of the petitioner should net be (rranted: And it is further orderod, that aid petitioner give notice u the persone iuterested in eaid estáte, of the pendency of aid petition and th hoarinx tbereof, by causng a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argut, a uewspaper printed and eircuated in said county, three successive weeks pre ' V10U8 to said day ot hearing. WILLIAM D. HAERIMAN, (Atrueoopy.) Jude of Probate. Wm. O. Dotï, Probate Résister. Real Estáte for Sale. NOTICE is hereby glvon.that íd purauuDi'eof licenee granted to the umlersigned, admini,rtor U lonü non of t.he estáte of Evlin ihepard, deceased, by the Hon. Judgo of I'ruliato or the oounty of Waahtennw snd State of Miolii;an, on the flret day o June, A. ü. 1878, there will ie old at publio vendue, to the lugheat bidder, nt he retúdence of the uudersiffned, in the townshíp f York, in aaidcounty ftucl State, 011 tho ki.etfntii vjly of Janoabv, A. I). 187! at two o'olock in the ifternoon of aaiil day (subject to all encunibrancea ly mortKage or otherwise existiug at the time of he death of said deceaaed) the followinjj; described eal estáte, to wit : The eaat half of the northwest uarter of aectiou twnty-even in síúd townBhin f York. Dated, November 27, 1S78. LOVATUS C. ALLEN, 17U Acministrator, de bonitnm. Ucan make money futer at work for ua than at anything else. Capital not required ; we will start you. Í12 per day at home made by the iuduHtrious. Men, women, boys and girls wantod ererywhere to work for us. Now is lo time. Cofltly outfit and terms free. AddMïHs 'aüE & Co., AuguataT Maine. THE SU1T for 1879. Tuk SüK will be printed every duy duriugr the year to come. lis purpure and method will be the samo as in the paal : TO present all the news iu a readable shape, and to teil tbe truth thouxh tbc heaveus ttAL The Bun has beeu, ík, and will continue to be independent of every body and everything save the Truth and Ha own oonvictioua oí' duty. That its the ouly policy which au bon est newspaper ueed have. That in the poliey which lias won tbr this newspaper the coiitidence and iïiendship of a wider eonaütuoncy than was ever.enjoyed by any othcr American Journal. The Sun is the newspaper for the people, It is not for the rich mau agalnst the poor man, or for the poor man against the rich mau, but it seetcs to do equal justlce to all interest-i in the community. Xt is not the organ of any person, clase, sect or partv. There peed be no mystery about its loves and hates. It is for the honest man against the rogues every time. It is for tho hojiest Democrat against the dlshonest Kepublican, and for the honest Republican as agaiutit the dishonest Democrat. It does not take its cue from the utteraDces of any politiclan or political organization. It gïves its support unreservedly when men or rneasures are in agreement with the Constitution and with the principie upon which this liepublic was Ibuuded for the people. Whenever the Constitution anü conatitutional principies are violated - as in the outrageons couspiracy of 1876, by which a man not tlected was placed iu the President's office, wbere he still remanís- i t speaks out for the right. That is Thk Sun's idea of independence. In this respect there will be no chauge in its prograinme for 1879. The Sun haa fairly earned the hearty hatred of ráscala, frauda, and humbugs of all sorts and sizes. It hopes to deserve that hatred not loss in the year 1879, than in 1878, 1877, or any yt-ar goue by. THE Sun will continue to shíae ou the wic&ed with unmitigated brightuess. While the lessou of the past should be coustantly kept before the peoplo, ThbSüN does not propose to mako itsulf iu J ö"ii a magazine oí ancient hittory. It is printed for the men and women of today, whofie concern is ehiefly with the affairs of today. It h.ts both the disposition and the ability to aiï'ord its readeis the promptest, iuUeat, and most accurate intelUgence of whatcver iu the wido worïd is worth attention. To tlii.s end tho resources Hbëlonging to well-eatablished property wiU be liberally employed. Tho present disjointeU condition of partïea in this country, and the uncertainty of the future, lend an extraordinary significance to the events of the coming year. Tho discussion of the presa, the debatea and acts of Congress, aud the movenients of the leaders ia every section of the Kepublic will have a direct hearing ou the Presidential elcotion of 1880 - an event which must be regarded with the most anxious interest by every patriotic American, whatever hia politica! ideas or allegiance. To tbefe elementa of interest inay be added the probability that the Democrat will control both aouses of Congress, the increasiug feebleness of'the fraudulent A(íminÍHtration, and the spread and strengthening every whero of a healthy abhorrence of fraud inauyform. To present with accuracy Aud clearnetis the exact situntion in each of it's vurying phases, aud to expound, according to its well-known methods, and the priueiples thatshould guideup thruugh the labyrinth, will be an important part of Tuk Sun'b work for 1879. We have the ïucana of mak'ing The Sun, as a political, a Hterary and a general newspaper, more entertnining and moro aseful than ever before; atui wo mean to apply them froely Our ratesof subscription remsin uiiolianged. For the Daily 8uN, a four pogr sheet t' twenty-eight columns, tlie piice by mail, postpaiu, is ññ cents a moutu, or fliC.50 a year; or, including the Sumlay tight page sheet of Ö ft v-si x columns, the jrice ii 5 cents a month, or)7.7Ofl year, post"'S1 prepaid. The Sunday olition of The Bun is also furnisheu M-iarately at 91. ÜO a year, postage paid. The pricfl of Wkkki.y öuh, elght pages, fiftyelx columna, íh mi a year, postage pald, Kr clubs of teu endiní; )1O we will Bend an extra copy 'ree. Address, I. W. i ;i am, 71! Publisherof The8üW, New Vork City. THK GEEAT KNGKLI8H REMEDY! (KAWS rLCIF!C MEDICINE TRAOE MARK.Ié. e8peeUllyret-rRADE-ÏÏHLK ■JP''s7Ji unf tnling cure for Éjfá{ " Before'TakingEl'ili ry, Universal Labhitude.I'ai.v tntiikBack, I[mNE6S of Visiok, I'krkatubë Oli Aoi;, and many otlierdiaeiiBes that lead to Iiuanjtr, Cunanmiitiun and s Vrumatnro Ornvi!, uil of which hh rule re Orut caused by lieviatiux froui ttae puth uf nnture nd ovor lndulgínee. The Speuiüc Medicine is the result of lite study and loany ycttrs oí xperience ia treating theee special disoast'H. Fiül particular iu üur paciphlot, hiL we desire to sond ftee by rnuil to every oue. The Speciftc Mediciue ia sold by all DruggintB at $1 per package, or 8ix paokages for 5, or will be ent by mail on receipt of the money by addivssiuir THE (iKAY MEDICINÉ CO., 1674 No. 10 Mechuuios' Block, Detroit Mich. ySold in Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Son, and by 11 drugiats everywhere TT0Ü8E AND LOT FOE SALE. Looatedin adesirablo part of the city, and in Lood repuir. Also a house to rent ou favorable tvrniB. Xnquireat the Abouí office, er 22 THOMSON HTREET. Ann Arbor, Maruh 14, 187S. J678tf. EX-SOLDIERS ATTEN í ION ! Pensione procured for uoldiera oï tht late war disabled íd auy way by wounds, ruptura, diñase oí' any kind, oí by accidental injuries. PENSIONS INCREASKD. A lnrgu number of those now recetving pensiona are entitled to an Incki:abe under late laws. All soldiers discbarged for Woundb, Buptube, or Met'HANiCAL Ijuey, entitled to Full bouoty. All business c"on by correspondence, sanie as ifyon were peraonally present. Where the soldier is dead the widow or heirs are entitled. All soldiers and their widuWH of the war of 3S12 are uow entitled to a pension. X also prooure Patents for Inyentors. Every soldier who sees this noticeshould sencïme hipaddiese on Postal card and receiveiu return a SamplkCofy Fbke oí' the "NATIONAL CITIZEN SOLIVIES,11 a paper published at the National Capítol, tjmng all the hitest iní'ormation about pension and bounty and land, to nll aoldiers and their heirs. Correapondence aolicited from all. Addresa with stamp, 1714ml N. W. FÍTZGEUALD, U. y. Claim Attumey. Box 588, Washington, D. C. l t'fj! lili . I ISSfíS!8 Mí IToticO. lu acconlitnetj with a. rofiolution ul' tlie Directora of the First National Dunk of Aun Arbor, therc will be a mectiiip: of ilie Btockholdess, :it thfl Itank, i on Wednesday, tbe Iltli rtay of liecciuber next, at i 10 o'clook a. ni., to vote upon the quoütion of reduc instilo napital ni said Bank, and aucb other busii ik'.i f may logitiiuatelT eome beforo the meotiiif. E. WELL8, Prest. , 3. W. KNIGHT, Secj'. , A.11Q Arbor, Nov. 8, 1868. I71JW " ( TOTICE : The animal meeting of tbc (ierman FurüieiV FIre Insuraoce Compuuy of Washteuaw County will be held at the School Houtte opposite the German Lutberan Church, in Seio, on MONDAY, Dkc. 2, 1878, at 10 o'clock a. na., for the puriuse of electtog omoora :iud tor iho transactiun of Buob othor buBioeaa oa ma y lfally come before said meetlug. A señera] atteudaoce of mcniberH la ezpected, IRted, November ), 1878. 1712 WM. F, BUSB, Secy. WOTICE. The andersigned has purchased the lutereet of George H. Wiuslow iu Hie frame iind picture basi Bess.No. 80 East Huroa Street, aad wil! contiuuc the busincsH at the ííiiiue place, gtring prompt atteutioii to all orders for framos, etc. A iiue stock of Chromos, Engraviags, and rbotographs ou h:nd aud tbr sale cheap. AU debts due the lato, fmn of Winslov A. McMillnn are payablo to the uuderhigued, and any ltits coutraetod during bis OODüeotlou siith the flnu will bc paid by hiia. Aon Arbor, üct. 14, 188. inQtf D. McMILLAX. FIMui8JIIffilITXIWG " "


Old News
Michigan Argus