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IMNSEY & SKABOLT'S BAKERT, GROCERY - AND - FLOUH & FKBÜ KTOKË. We keep eoimtaniiy on üfni3, BKEAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOK WHOLESáXtí s BKTAIL TRADE. We tiJinil bJbo ceep h eupply ot DELHI PLOUK, J. M. KWTFT & DO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT ÏXOUR, HYK FT.OUH, Hr!K WWKICA I FXOUB, CORN MKAL, PEED, o., fcc. At Whoïeaale and rftnrt. A u'"'ierul vtoek "f GROCKRIKS AND 1'ROVISIONS contantly on bnnrl, wbiob wilt be old on hp ■ nabl terms tw Ht nny olher houwe in thiacity. Oash paid for liuttir, Ksr, nnU Uounti'f 'l'rüJa uerally. BáT Gooda delivsren -o mi pirt ot lite city with ! out f-Ktrtfc charge, U-Mi A SIUBOLT. Ann Arbor. Jau. 1. 1SÍ8. l.-rf Abstracts of Titles. All jiarUêa who alt) dinirom of aswitaining tha uundltion of tlis titiö ta theii lanJs, ..r partios m ho wish to Joaü moiiáy on röül hítate w i 11 do h eij u. eall ui the Kegisler's üfüc auil cüasult H Compared Set of Abstract Books. Haid books are so {ar advanced that the Bojisler oan f urmah on short noticea Perfect Statement as to the ïitle of aay parcel nf and in Wttshtenasv Tounty as shown by t-he original records. C H. 4IANLY, Register. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, default havin been ninde in tlie couditionsof a certain mortgage bearing date the flfteeuih dayof Apnl, A. I). 1873, made and j executed by Cbauncy H. MUlen and Sarah M. MiUon, his wife, ot' the city of Ann Arbor, WashtenawCounty.iMichiKan, tn Silas H. Uougliis. uf the aaint' place, trustee of Marie I.. Welles, and rtcorded in tlie otBee of tho Begieter of üeeds tor Washtenaw County, on the twelith dayof Fubruary, A. D. 1876, in Líber 53 of mortg-ages, on page 174; and whereas, Ihere i now due and uiinaid upon eaid mortgage under the terms and couditious thereof the sum of two thousand oue hundrel nud forty-six dollars and fifty-eight cents f2,14l.58!, j includiiur an attorncy fue of twenty-flvo dolüra I pimidediormsaidinortüageiD caaoauyproeeediiigs be taken to foreclose the uu; and wberoas, no uit or proweding ut law or m equity has been instituted to recover lbo debt ao due and ecured by aaid tuortgage or any part thereof : Now, therofore, noties is berebygiven tbat by virtue of the power of sale in said inorlgage oontaiued, and of the statutos of the State of Michigan in such cases made and provided, on Monday, the BCvtyiyENTH day of Februaby, A. D. 1879, t ten o'elock in the forenoon, at the north door of the Court House of said oounty, the undersigned will sell at publio auotiou, to the highest bidder, the premiaee described in said niortgage or so much thereof as may be oecessary to satisfy said debt, interest, attorncy fee, costa and expenses of ale, said premisea being all that certain pieoe or parcel of land sitúate in the city of nn Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, kuowti and desoribed as follows, to wit : Lot number nine (y in range imrnber four (4), block number three (S of the original plat of the city of Ann Arbor, Wasbteuaw County, Michigan. SILAS H. DUUGLAS, Moitgagee. Dated, Ann Arbor, Nov 22, 1878. Douqlas & Bowes, Attomey's for Morlgagee, 53 Seitu Block, Detroit, Michigan. 1714 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a mortgage made and executed by Michael Haehnle and Rosina , hls wife, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Charles Behr, of the same place, bearing date the flfth day of February, 1870, and recorded in the office of the Register of deeds for ■Washtenaw County, Michigan, on the ninth day ot February, 1870, at 4i4 o'elock p. m., in liber 42 of mortgages, on page 315, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of thia notice, the sum of four hundred and flfty-flve dollars and forty cents, and no proceedings at law or in equity havingbeeninsiituted torecover Ihedebt secured bysaid mortgage or any part thereof: Notice is hereby given that on Friday, the Twunty-focbtk DAT OF JaNüabï, A. U. 1870 at ten o'olonk i thu forenoon of that day, ot the eouth door of the Court House, in iho cily of Aun Arbor ithat being ! the building in which the Circuit Court for baiü County of Washtranw is beid), by virtue of the power therein coirtined. I sbnü forclose said luortgagr by sal, at public auction to the hlghest bidder, of tlie preinises djícribed in said mortffiigv or so mucli tliereof txa shull be uecenwiry to satisfy the aiaoiint due on said mortgage with the interest, oost', aiiii expensas allowed by luw, wliich said premiaos are lescnbed in snid mort.gHge as follow, vi : All t!i followin deseribed lands towit: Tlie vent twenty-seven and a halt' leet of lot tive in block twosoutliof Huron street, range fout Bast, n tlio city of Ann Arbor, Minhiflau. Dated, Ann Arbor, Oct. 30, 1878. I'HILIP BACH. ANSIA L. BES, Admiur-fraliM of the catate of Charlea Henr, deceaseil. 17 H Chaucery Sle. ÜTATK OF MIOTÍWANrhe Circuit Court for J the County of Wanhtenaw. Inchancery. John R. Gates, complainont, vs. Charlea Whitake'r, JamiM M. C'onydon, William Martin, Albert Congdon, i:mma Cungdon, Fred Congdon, and Bosaic Congdon, defendatitM. In pursuance and by virtue of deoree mado and entered in the above entitlod lange, on tbe twenty-second day of October, A. I. 1S78, the undeisigncd, one of the Circuit Court CommieiioneiB in and for said County of Washtennw, will Keil at publie vendue, to the higheat bidder, at the south door oí the County Cierk1 ofiioe, in the city of Ann Arbor, in oid County t Washtenavr (taid Clcrk's office bcinu the plaoe of holding the Circuit. Couvl for said county), on Satckdaï tuk iwkhtï-eiqhth ihy of Dücemui:i;, A. IJ. ÍH7S, at !eu o'elock in rhe Jorenoon of that day, uil that trapt ur (iiimi! nf land described aarollotro: Being a strip of lnnd soventeen feet wide off iroiu the north rideol lot numbor six. and a strii. tive feet wide oif from the uouth siue of lot number live, all in block number two, Kooording to the plat of the village of Chelaea, m ihe Cotinty of Wai-htenavr and State of Michigan. Datwl, Jiovember 15, A. D. 1878. 1713 FRANK BMEEICK, rirouit Court Commissiouer. CiEobqü Vv. l'OKN Bui.l, olicitor lor Complainant. Estáte of Ccmrad G. Holber. STATB OV MICHIGAN, County oí I naw, es. Notice ia hercby given, Vhat by un order of the l'robute Court ior the County of Washtenitw, niaiie on the eigbteeuth diiy ot Novütuber, A. 1). 1878, x months frora that date vera allowrtl fui1 crédito to pieaent thtir olaiuin aaiuit fue estáte of Connid O. Uelber, late of suid county, deuoused , (ind tUat uil creditorw o( Huid deceased uro riuired to jneaent their olnima to sid Probate Court, t the Probate uüice m tho city of Ana Arbor, for ncomination and llowanoe, on or before the ninetet-nth dsy ol' Mny uext, and that snob claims will be lieen] bet'uro aaid Court, on Tunsdrty, tíie eitíhtccTitti áay of 'bruary, and on Mondaytbe uinetceuth doy of Mnynext, at ten o'clook ni tUe iorenooa oí eaeh f n!d dayti Dated, Aun Arbor, November IS, A. P. 1878 WILLIAM P.HAKKIMAN, líUwí Judge of Frobnte. Coutiniissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtensw i. The undursigned having been appointed by the l'robatc Court for naid county, counaísaioner to rcceivu, examiuc aud ailjnnt all claims and dewand of all penons agalnst the e.-tatc oí Julia Ueorge Schumacber, late of xül county, deceaaëd, hereby give notice tbat aizinontha from date ar.'. altowed, by order of aald Probate Court, for crédito to present their claims agaiust tho estato of said decpiiseil, and that they wfil meet at the lato rudideuco of said deceased in the township of Bridgewater, in saidcuuiny.onTucsday, thofourth day of February, and ou Alondaythe fifth day of May next, at teu o'clock a. m. of each of said davs, to recoive, examine and adjust said claims. latl, November 1, A. D. 1878. I"lDw4 DAVID W. PALMER, CHARLES MILLER, Couuuieoionsra. Estáte of John Kettner. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahteaaw . as. At a seüáion of the Probata Court for th j Onunty uf Wi-.lil.ntiw, holden at the Probate Of. lioe in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the Hg-hteenth day of November in the year od thousand (iight hundved and teventy-eight. Present, WilliaraD.Harriuian, Judfreof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jolm Kettuer deceased. Onreading and flling the petition, duly verified, of Lconhard Griiuer, praying tliat ho may be lipensed to sell the real estáte whereof said deoéased lied scized, for the purpose of distribution. Thereuponitisordered.thatSaturday.thetwentyfiist day of December next, at ten o'elock in tlio forenoon, be asjigned for the hearing of said p tition, and that the heirs at law ot said deceased, and :ill other personn Intereeted in said estáte, nre riuired to appearat asesaion of snid eonrt then to bti holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, aod nh_OTC oanse, if any there bo, why th prayer of th petitioner should not be granted : And it ib furthwr ordered Ihatsaid petitioner give uutioo to the persons interented in eaid eatate, of ■ the pendency of aid petition and the hearinf thereot, by causinr; a copy of thl order tobe published in the Michtyan Argus, a newspaper printJ and oiroalated in said oounty, four auccemi? i weeks previuua to said day of hearing. WILLIAM I). HARR1MAN, (A truccopy.) J uige of Probnt. m. (i. Don, Probate Kegiater. 1714td Estáte of Christopher Herzer. VÉTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa-shtonaw, u. i At a Ion of tha Probate Court for the county of Waihtena. holden at the Probate Office, in the city ot Ann Arbor, on SaturJay, the niaüi Jiy oí N'overnber, In the year oao thoüianJ eigtt huodxed aad -venty-eight. Present, WllHam D. Harrlman, Judge of Probate In tliR maner of the ostatoof Chiistopher Herzer, deceasea. Uhri8loph(?r Kuiser, adrainistrator of said eatate, comes into court nnd representa that he la non prepared to render his final account aa such adromistrafor. Tbereupon t Í3ordpred,thatSatuday,thesev8rnh diiy of Dceemlicr next, at ten o'elock In theforeuoüii, bc asigned for examinint,' and aliowing sueii aocoaut, and that the hoirs at law of said deceaaed, and nll other persons Interete.i in said ostate, n: reqaired to a aessiou of J oom-t, theu io 1 holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor in saldcouuty, and cause, if any there be, wbv the said account Khould Dot be allowed: And 'it is further ordered, tliat said drainistrator give notice to the persons i n fe res l cd in suid estáte, of tbe peudencv ol Küid account and the hearing thereof, by causinacopy ofthis order to be published in the Michi!,m Argm,i uewspaper priited and circulatint; iu snid c.)UDty, threc suceessivc; wxclts prevlous to Maní day oi Uearius. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, (Atrueoopy.) Judge of Piábate. w J!. G. Dotï, Probat Elegister. ' -j Estato of Ooorge Whiting. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couoty of Wasbtenaw, O sa. At a sebsiou of tbe Probate Court for the Couuty of Waahtuuaw, boldea at the Probate Officin tho uitv of Anu Arbor, 011 Saturday, tli oiuth day of Koverabcr, in the year oue thöusauJ eigbt huudred aud suveuty-eight. Preseut, Williaui D. Harriown, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the éstate of Gsorge WhitiD deceased. Ou readipgaod filingthe petition, dulyTerined pi Alexauder W. Hamllton, Secretary óf the Toledo aud Ann Arbor Railroad Coinpany, prayinu that the couimissiou heretofore appointed to hear and adjost claims against said estáte inay b revived, that the (.luim of said company may be Ueard and allowed. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, tbe thirn day of December next, at ten o'clöik lu tho forenoon, be assignod for the hearing of sala petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested u said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be bolden at the Probate Offiee in the city of Aun Arbor, and show cause, ïf any there be, wby the prayer of tho peUtioner should not be granted : And it is furtber ordered, that sid petitioner give notice to the persons i nteivsted in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thcreof, by causlng copy of tlila order to be publiahed in the Michigan Arytts, a nowspapor printed aud circulated io saiil county, twosuocessive week prerioii to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARP.JMAN. ,,.(A truecopy.) Jdge of Probate. V M. O. Doty, Probato P.egister. 1713 Eatate of James Howe. STAÏE OF MICHIGAN, Conuty of Washtenaw, 8S. At a session of tho Probate Court for the Ccmuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, tu the city of Anu Arbor, on Saturday, tbe secday of November, in the year one thousand eight handred uud Hcventy-eight. Present, Williaui D. Harrimau. JudK'e of Probato. In the matter oi the uue of Jauiea liowidecoased. Martin Howe, admiDistrator of said estáte, comee luto ooart ;md represent tuut he is now prepured to tender hls fin-jl account a suoh dmiuiatrator. Thereupou it ia ordered, that Tufsday. thf tliird day of December next, at ten o"olick iu the forenootl, be assined lor examiuing and aüowiog auehaooount, and thot tlie heirn t law of naid deceased, ud all other persons intereated in said estáte, are ntquired to appear at a mKiott of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate üflioe in the City of Ann Arbor in said county, und show cnuso, il' any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said administrator give notice to tho persons intorested in said estáte, oí the pendency of said account and the hearin" thereof, by causing a copy of this order to bï published in the Michigan Argu!, a newspaper printed and circulatini? in said county, three huooesstra weeka previous to said day of heariaj; W1LLIAM D. HAERIMAN, (A truecopy). Jude of Piobate. m. (}. Doiv, Probate Registtr. 1713 Estáte of Seyuiour Lytle. OTATB OP M1CHI0AN. County of WashtO naw, en. Jiotice is hereby iriTen, that by an order of the Probate Court for the l'ountr ot Wiishteuaw.miule on the twenty-sjxth day of October, A. I). 187S, six months from that date were 1lowed for creditora to present thetr claims against tho eatnte of Seyuiour I.ytlc, late of enid mnty, deceased, and that all creditors ot naid dcoased are required to prent their olaimn to mild Probato Court, at the Probate Office, in the rily of Ann Arbor, for examination nd allowance, on or before tho twenty-sixth day of April nest, and tht snch olaims will be hêard before atd Court, on Monday, the twenty-seveafü day of January, and on baturday, the twentysnth day of April nuxt, at t'u o'clock in the forenoon of each of sid days. Kutcd, Auu Arlwr, October 26, A. D. 1S78. WILLIAM D. 1IAHRIMAN, 17 '-w4 Probate Register. Estute of Johu Leouard Reinwald. DTATt OF MICHIGAN, County Of Wasbteuaw, O bs. Notice ts hereby giren, that ty an order ufthr Probate Court tor the Couuty of Washtenaw inado on the Iwenty-eighth day of October, A. 1). i&7s, sis muuths fruin tbat data were allowed for crédito to present tbeifclalma agaiust the estáte of John Leouard Beiuw&ld, late ol said county di ceased, and tbat all creditorsof said deeeased are reqiiired to present thelr claims to said Prolmif Court, at tlie Probate otllcu iu tbeCity oí Aun Arbor, for esaiuinatíon aod allowauce, on or befora tbc twenty-eigbth dav of April noit aud thatraeh claims will Le'heard before aid Court nu Tuesday, the twenty-cighth day of Jaiiuary, aud on ilooday, the twenty-eighth day of April uext, at (eu o'clock iu forenoon of eacb ï aiil days. lnted, Aun Arbor, Octolwr 88, A. I). 1878. WILUAM U. HARUIMAN, 1 7 1 'J .-.- i Judge of Proba t. Estáte of Abrani Laing, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wanhtenaw C .-■.. Notice is hereby giren thai hy an ordur oi' the Probate Court fortho County of Wasutenaw, luade uu thtï lourth day of November, A. D. ls?.s aix moutb froiu tbat date were allowpd for orpdltora to present their claims against the estáte .il Abram Lains;, lat of said cowuif, deeeased, aua that all cretliturs of said doc'oiwed aru reuuired to present their claims to sald Probate Court at UuProbato Oflioo in the eity of Auu Arbor, for examiuaüon and aliowauce, on or lefore tbc flftu day of April next and tbat aucb claim will be heord before aald Court, ou Tucaday, the fourth day of Februaiy, aud n Mondny, the tiiib day of May next, at ten o'clock in tbu forenoon of euch of naid days. Isted, Ann Arbor November 4 A. P 1S7-S. WfLLIAM D. HAUR1MAN, I"12w4 Judg of Probate


Old News
Michigan Argus