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The Home Doctor

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AMMojua, saleratus water and other alkaline washei are tlie usual remedies for bee stings. A íresh tomato leaf cruahed and rubbed on the puncturo is recommended ns au easy and sovereign cure. To Kemove Warts. - The best application is suid to be that of mouohydrated nitrie acid. The ordinary acid should üot be used bceanso its caustic effeets extend liiuch further tbnn the pointe touched, wbile the aetion of the stronger acid here rccommendod is limitcd to tlie parts to which it is actually uppliüd. Nitrato of silver is aleo frequehtly uned wítb ndvantagc, and of lato a concentrated solution of chloral ha been spoken of as efficiënt in destroying warts. To Relieve Children When They Get Beans ou Buttons, etc, in Theik Noses. - Parents are often puzzled to help their children when tliey get beans, buttons, etc, in their noses. The Medical Record says : " Blow the patient's nose for him, by closing the empty nostril with your finger and blowing suddenly and strongly into the mouth - an efficiënt mcthod which lias often succeeded when instrumente have failed. The glnttis closes spasmodicully and the whole force of your breath goes to expel the button or beau, which commonly ilies out at the first effort." A Cure fob Smaix-pox and Scarlet Fevek. - Sulphate of zinc, one grain ; foxglove (digitalis), one grain ; half a teaspoonful of sugar; mix with two table-spoonfuls of water; when thoronghly mixed add four ounces of water. Take a spoonful every hour. Either diseasc will diflappear in twelve hours. For a child smaller doses, according to S age. A correspondent of the Stockton (Cal.) Herald claims to have personally known of hundreds of cases of the successful use of this recipe for small-pox, and says that it will prevent or cure the disease though the pitting be filling. It is harmless if taken by a well person. To Keep Oct the Gold.- For persons wlio are apt to suffer from exposure nothing is so injurious as the use of spirits " to keep out the cold." The effect of alcohol taken in cold weather is simply to deaden the sensibility of the body to the feeling of chilliness, and tciii2)orarily to ha-sten the circulation, which leads people to fancy they are being " warmed." But theu there follows a roaction, during which the circulation is depressed and warmth diminished. If exposure is continued until this period arises, the effect of it, of course, is donbly dangerous. Hot coffeo and tea have long been known as the safest of all warming winter beverages for men constautly working out of doors. Coughs and Bad Air. - A writer in a recent issue of the Popula)' Science Monlhly tells of two patients whose cases may wam and encourage those troubled with coughs. " The reader," he says, " will allow me to recite the case of a patiënt of mine. A year ago, during his honeymoon, I congratulated him, and told him that a dry cough with which he was troubled was curable, provided he took care to live in the open air as much as possible, inuring himself to cold, sleeping in well-ventilated cliambers, free from dust, etc. But this advice was hardly relished by the young man. In October they hired rooms in a house that had just been built ; its ' dampness ' they remedied by keeping up lires steadily. The windows were hardly ever opened, as the house stood on a windy corner, and the hosband was growing more and more sensitivo to cold ; for this reason, too, he seldom went out of doors. In November he took to his bed ; was again about ; but he gradually declined, to the last hoping to recover. Different was the course followed by Mr. H., who, 1 ated and troubled with a cough, had a hemorrbage after contracting a ' severe cold.' He went into the country, took is much exercise as he could in the open air, and returned homo with only , a slight cough. At home he every morning took a warm bath, with affusions of cold water, avoiding rooms with bad air, etc. In six months he was free from his cough, ap2ieared to be well nourished, and no longer had any fear of taking cold. If the reader will dispassionately comparo these two cases, he will agree with me that the first patiënt, who never had hemhorrhage, feil a victim to the aetion of foul air ; wbile H. used to say, ' I must give to my diseased lungs above all things fresh air, as the prime necessary of life.' Animáis never tako-eold, even in winter; therefore among men it must bea result of wrong habite if air does any harm. We know that gol -fishes quickly perish when fresh water is not provided for tbem, and, when we were boys, we used to i consider it cruelty to animáis if we i made no openings 'for ventilation in the I boxes in which we kept cock-chafers."


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