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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. D. feSSag attokneïIt" DDNAl.D JUAULUAN, M. I., Ptiysieian and Surgeon. Ollioe and residcnce, 71 HÜron street, Aun Arbor. Office hours f roni 8 to 9 a. m. nd trom toSp. m. M1ÍS. SOPHIA VOLLAND, M. D., Physieiau an i Surgeon. Office at ríwdence, 44 Aun street. wüi at end to all prof Misional calis pronipty, day and nigut. Wf JACKSON, Dentist. Office córner oí TT Main and rt'asbiustou streets, over Bach & Abel' store, Aun Arbor, Micb. Auesthetics adniinÈstered if required. MACK & SCJOIID, dealers in Dry Goods, Groceiies, Crockery, etc., No. 54 South Main Btreüt. I ACH ABEL, dealerB in Dry Goods, Groi cenes, etc., No. 26 South Haiu street, Ann Arbor, Mich. WM% W AGXKK, draier in Rraiíy-Made ClothII "(?, CluthB, Cas8iujeree, Vestinus Trunkü. Ciirpet Bags, etc , 21 South Main street. CSCHAEBKBLE, Teacher of the Piauo-forte Pupila attain the desired bkill in piano-playug by a systematic coui-ne oí instruction For Itermg, app.j at readence, No. 12 W. Liberty 'streot, Aun Arhor. Prompt attention paid to pianc-tuning. KAÏ1K .1 KOíiEItS, Portraít Painter PorI traitu painted to order either f rum lif e or photograpUa. Instucaona giveu in Drawing aud Pa nting by the systeui used in Academies of Di-sign. btudio, No. 7, cor. División and Ann streets. J. D. HAEÏLEY, M. D., AND MKS. SOPHIA HARTLEY, M. D., GERMÁN AND ENGLISH PHYSICIANS AND SURCEONS. Office and residiré, No. 18 Thompson, comer of Thompson and ttill.ain otreeb, Ann Arbor, Micu Mre Dr. Hartley wül limit her practice to the treatment of diseases peculiar to Ladies and Chüdren. FBUE.VUFF & COE BIN, ATTORNEYS AT L A W . E. K. FB ;E iUFF, Justice of the Pesoe. All bnsiuess promptly attendcd to. Office No 8 fEast Waahiugton Btreet, Bingey & Seabolt' block.' NOAH W. CHEËVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlee eu.t siüe uf Cüurt House Square, Ann Arbor, Micti. HEafftZJB. hTllT" ATTORNEY AT LAW Dealer in Keal Estáte, and Insurance Agent. Offlee. So 3 Opera House Block. ANN ARBOB. EVEEÏBODT SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUCH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbot Fmtrth -St'eet, vf Cuurt Hottne; Ut Hoor. J. H. ISriOis.JEJL,S, Dealer m FREH & SALT ME ATS, llam, Saiwages, lard, etc;., STAL'E STREET. OPPOSfïE NORTHWEST CORNEK OF UNXVERSUY CiMPUS. Orders promptjy fllled. ParmerB having meats to seil süould Kive hini a cali. 15fi8-yl THLAÑÑRBOR SAVINGS BANK Anu Arbor, Michigan. Capital paid in g 50,000.00 Capital security , 100,000.00 Transada a general Banking Business ; bujs and sella EichaLge on New York, D.troit and Chicago ; ■sell8 Sit'ht Drafts on all the principal cities of Europe; also, Bells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, London and Glasgow. t the Anchor Line of SteamBhi(is, whoe rates arefíower than most other firotclass linee. This Bank, alrcady haviug a large business, invite merchante and others to open accounts with them, with the assurauce of the most liberal dealing consistent with Bafe banking. In the Savings Department interest is paid at the rate of fi ve per c, nt. per aupum, payable Bemi-annually, on th nraï diys of January and July.on all om that have remained on deposit three months previous to those days, thus affordlng the people of thia city and county a perfectly safe depository for their f uadü, tojether witü a fair return in inter ior the same. Money to Loan on Approved Securitles. DlBEOlOBS- Christian Mick, W. W. Wines, W D Harnmau, Daniel Hiscock, B. A. Beal, Wm. Deubel aud WiilarU B. .Sinith. ' OFFICERS : CHRISTIAN MACK, W. W. WINES, President. Vioe Prenideut CHAS. E. HliCOOK, Cashier. A CARD. The imdersignea respectfully iaforma lrs friends and the public of Anu Arbor and vicinity. that h has purchaaed the Btook of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Dye Stuffs, &c, Fonnerly owned by ths late George Qrenville, and thit hewll corjtinue the drug buúnese. in all its branches, at the old stand, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STKKKT. By giving strict atteution to buiiiuess, and Belling good i at reaonable prices, he hopeu to merit a 6hare of th public patronage. WPa.ticuiarattention will be paid to the compoauding ard filling of Phys:cian' Prc-ncriptions by coiop't-.-nt asaistants. EMANUEL MAN Aon Arbor, March 25, 1878. ËliËïtBACH & SOÑT üruLLists aai Ptemacists, 12 South Main St., u hand a large and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS ART1STS' & WAI FLOWER KATEHIAL8 Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PURE mms AND UQUORS Special a'tcnttm paid to the furnishing of Ph !icia-iK, Cheii:inbs, Schoo's, etc, witn PuilosopMea '"' Chemical Appuratus, Bohemian Chemie Oi i3warè, Porc Jain Warj, Pure K iagin, etc. Piiy-ioinnB1 n.vsípntíciiK íreín ly preparada


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Michigan Argus