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NEW AÜVERTTSEMENTS VrOTICE ! The jinngal meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual Pire fniuntoce Companv will be hela in the city of AnnAtbor on Wkshbaday, .lnnuay 8 1879. at in o'elook u. m. . for the purpoee of Weet oftieers nd ! vüUNHfM ui'; such other business ju muy legally couie n(ir ' ■]■■ mei tiiiL-1. A gein rul attendance is dmirttd :ih au amenduicnt 'o the Charter will be nubuutiM in renrd to aUerins Charter hu h to tarare Ure Stock asminat Hglitnin on the preminee tantead oi in the building a at prei-t-nt. Also th1 quention ot hhíuk Sickih ívh k motiva power will b aoUkl upon. Dated, DfíOfniíHT 5f 18I8. Kl-wf. N. MIKLDOK. Sec'y. The Detroit Free Press 3FOR. .1879. Duriuff the üoiniiiK year Thb FREE Fkkkb will be improvfd in all the depArtmentn, and new features will be added from time to iiiuh. Th mérito of the pii pi t are dow m wil kuown that the publitthers ■li not dt'ein it ncfdsary lo re -apitulnte thcui. THE DAILY FBEB PBE88. Theaimid to muke it tbc bvttt uewspapor, and cvery exertion is put i'orth Ut kt'ep it in the front rank. l'rioe $10 a yéar ; f-i tor níx imutlb. THE TRl-WKKKLV FUKE VRE88 no ËUporior iu the quaiitity and varit-ty of t rejitüiig matter. Sulmi'ription, $.S a yoar; $2.50 lor hx ruuntha. THE 'KKKnY FIíMK PRB8& It hun coriHpondenttt in uil pArtH of Michigan. It liaa no superior or market reporta th at even t'iirmcr will apprecint-. lts 'Farm' department is riefht ap to the times. Our hest farrat ra in uil portions f the State contributf otiginul artiole for it colamos. VV'hilf the excellence of The Frer Iress has btuïu laudad by tl. )?■ aoquaiotecl with i tu merite, wet'kly tmpplemtnt, "THE HOUKKHOLD," ban uiui -opfciall ut the Imruts of the ludíe- a uiuti triumpliiint reoeptioD. " Ttip H'usehoid'1 i pre-emioenll; Üe vromaat puperol thia country. N other jouruul given ■ jpi-.i)ii. ho futly and so i'onipU-tely to the aaplretioitt, wibhe and eilieveuients of wotuau ; none other approaoiies it in kind ■ ii'i synipHthetio tou.'. The oroad Hud generous iiumiinity uvinced by it contributorn rendtr it atfnotive Ui people of eren clbH, age and sex. Tuk Kiieb rsse and 'Tlie Houï-ohold" together in excellence, and rnake up a weekly Journal tnat vry fnmily in the land will Pbe Wkf.klt Fkkk Pbeu Hnd"The Houaehold" will be sent to Mnlf Milh-.nii.i.s in the State of Michigan for$l.í a yeai, poKtaK" prpaid. Heinit by pontoítict order or New Yotk draft. A.idr.HH, THh Htl I. l'.i l,ss o , Dktkoit, Mich. In the hope that íricnd everywhere mav reuder ub the favor of iianvabsinj? their respective loealitie for Thk Fhkk Pbbss, the publishers oflfer to all who will seud us, between the 18th ol Novemoer and lst of Muren next, thirty subscriptionö to Thk Wkeki.ï l'jiKi I'kiesk at f i."'' i.-in-ii, a copy of WflwttT's Koyal Qu;irlo l NMBRIDUKÜ D ICTIONART. Ci Ac '. Morrium & Co., I'ubhl. tu, Sprinfleld, MllHt). The ivat uatiunal ntsindard. A hbrary In itself. lt840 paffe 3,0ü0 enravingH; 114, 0U0 worda. Nt-üt ]y and atrongly bound in sheep. A book ihat shouul be poastHsed by evury fauiily. Other premiumu are described in a circular mmled free on application. FOR Y0UROWN SAKE Try The Fres Press for a year. Fint premiums are offtrtd to agtrtU. Send for a circular beforc subcribin to any other paper. WK CLUB IT WITH THE AR0U8. The terms for the two together are 2.7. per year. Send that amount to the publiahpr of the Aboub and both will be mailed you pontaee iree, lf yuu deoire to take both toether you'll never regret it. All persons Hhould pfttronize jirtt thir local pa fjt-r. Sext let theiu take the . BEST PAPER THEY CAN PIND. That paper ia, aa all ay who know, THK DETROIT PREK PRESS. A xpecimen copy of The Pk i Pbes will be sent tree to any addreM. 1716 Estáte of Margaretta [. DonnoUy.iniuor. UTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 88. At a Hi-ssidii of the Probate Court for the County of Waahteiiaw, holden at the Probate Ofñce, in the city of Aun Arbor, ou Friday, the twMity-ninth day of November, 10 the year ono thouaaud eight huudred and -■ vmy-t-iht. Preneut, Wílliaiu L. Harrinmi, .Tudge of Probate. In the matter of t,h i-.iat of Margaretto I. Donuelly, niínor. Ou r'-HliiiR ami tlling the etitiou duly verifitdt of Catharlne W'nNh, prayin 'lint she muy be Hcentted to .--ll ovrtain rt'al uutate btlonRin to taid niini.i. rhiMi'iij-n i i í 8 ordered, tltat Tueaday, the Heventli duy of Junuary nest., at ten oVlock in the forenoon, hv aÍKiied for tn6 hearing of rtaid ptitftion, -tu. i ihut tin' next of kin of .aid minor umi all other person latereitHÍ in aaid estáte, are roqulred to apptüir ata session of aald ■.inri , i tien to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, and show caue, if any there bs, why the prayer af the petitioner should not 'rit ■!;( ñti 4 : And il i furthtjr urderrd that naid ptitiouer ivo notl(;e to tb psrou lnteretd id Huid extate, of the pendeucy of said petition, and th lifAiiuK tbenof, hy rKiinín a copy of thlo onler to hn uublibd In the Michigan Arpu4,a DwMpap'r printed and cin-ulated fu aid eouoly, foill MOCCMtTfl Wt't-kB prviou8 to ald dftV Ol beariuK. WILLIAM V. ARRIMAN. (A true oopy.) Judge of Probute. Wm. O. DOTY, Probate Resistor 1716 1879. E electie Magazine OF Foreign Literature, Science, and Art, THIRTY-FIKTH YF.AR. Tho Btlxctic Ma'.azim: roproduceafron) foreign jje t inlicaU all Hrticle-4 which ure valuable to American reader. Iti field of leotlon i-mbrnoes all the lfiiii](f Foreign Heviews, Magazines, aud Journal; and "hile the Iftutv.i ot' hII classes of readers are ooiunlted nothinR triviai in characusr, or oi' ioifIï t raimen I int:r.-M i adinltted to iis paiji'. It pltiD Includea Esaays, Reviews, liiographioaj Bkftches. Bislorital I'apers, Trnveln, Poetiy, Ni'lrt, aiul Short Stories ; nnd in the case of Sdeaoe (lo whiili iiuirli -prt mul .. I U-n tii.n re giren), DO r].i i.l promioenoe m allowed to nny pnríieulnr phase "f opinión, 'MU is ílv-n impartiílly to moet valuable artielfs on twih aldea of thugrvat thmof) of 4ciin1ific discuMiOB Th Wlowlng list comprifb ih principal perfodICftlB lrH)i whicn M-li'i' tinnen DUMfl H lid DMDes ni Boine of tlie Usnlin,' wMen wbo oon(ribut to tbi m: I'KKIODÏCAIX AUTHOK8. Qusrterly Ri vtcw, llon.W. K. (.ladxtoiH'. Brit. Quart. rij li-i. w. Alircd Tennysoo. KdinliBrgli Ki-vie l'rui'. Huxlcy. WwtmiDSter n.view. Prof. Tyndall. OoDtexnponirAeview. Rich. A. Proctor, X. A. Fortnightly Arlew. J. Lonkyer, V. K. H. The Nlneteerfn Oent'y. lr. V. B. (:rpentr. I'Uilar Kei ie E. I!. Tylor. Blackwood' Magaxin. Prof. IIbx Huiler. t urnbill Müazlno. Prof.Owen. Macmillai' Muttbew ArDold.'s.lli"l'"'& Frreinn, I. O. L. Ni-w Qiflrt. .lamts Amhooy Froude. 'lVmpL' l'1!"Tlioni;ib Huheci. Bilirpvhi. Anthony Tmllupr. ,„„■ Word. Willlam Black. Loidoii Socifty. Un. Olipïiant. Saunrday Bevw. Turgenieff, il. Spectator, Etc. Mlaa Thockcray, Etc. Ii (reqtifntly rvuarked thsi in Knglnnd tl lOTtt literary tueni ol" tiOlQ iw ht'iinj divortwd Brom the ritii.; of hook.s to contributinj; to periodleil. The Etikctic ganien the ohoiri-st uhnTM frOlD thin rjch llü v 1 NTEEli KSOKAVI;. Kw;h numbor etiotaina ; Fine stw! Kr.gravfng - usualIyH por1 1 -i it secutad in ih(! Ijrwt mannur. Thbengraviniis in1 of pcrraaintul value, and tdd much to tho attractiveoou of the Mf;aziuts TER MS: -Bionlc Öpll, 15 cont; ono cony, ono yer, Sí ; Uve coplea, $20. Trial subwription for three months, ïl. Tb' Kclkptic and my M magaline to one Juldri'M, {8. l'oolagc Krw to all SnK■cribeni. E. K. PELTO.V, Publisher, 1716 U Boad Htrect, New York Harpei's Weekly ILLUSTRATED. - O X0T1CB OF THg PTiA'AS. The Wukly remtn vasily at the head of illuntrated puper by iu le liternry qunlity, the beauty of it type and woocutn. - Springjltld Republican. lts pictoriftl attraiions ru Huperb, and embrtice every varieiy of utet ud of aiiiMtic ttftitment. -ZtonU H.raldi Bm. Tho Wttkiy ia a ptenl nency tor the ihsitüminalion of correct polital principio, and a po werf ui opponent of ahainJtauda, nd mitw protennc. - Evtning Exprett, Rlh Hter. The Volume oftae Wttkly bemin with the first number tor Jnuar oi eaeh yuar. Wlieu no time h mentioned. it wi fot; uutïeratood tbat the aubHcrilj'-r wisheH to comencé with the nummer next ofter tbe r-eeipi yl .ík order. HARPEU rGKIOIMI AI.S. UARl'KR'S MACHINE, One Yeai, $40u H Mtl'KK'S WKKKV, ■ 4 00 HARPER'8 BAZA " " 4 00 The THKËK pubAioiu, one year, ÏOOO Any TWO, oue yea ; oo ■ilX aubncriptione, m nu1. 20 00 Term lor lure du furoNhud on Applicatiou. Postage Frtt to all-bscritws in che Unittd ütatts or Canada. rb uwiial volin oï HASFXR'a Wmai, in ueut olotb biijdiatf.'ill b& sout hy uxpretw, fret1 ui expemte Cprovided r frulgbl doen not exceed one dolb%r per yolumefor 7 i-m'h. A complete Het, oomprising Twentj'wo Voiunres, sent on receipt of cash at tbc raiol Li.'t'& per volume, íreigbt at expeuae uf puroser. Cloth asfB for eh vuluzne, HUitable tor bindiag, will be seiit bunil, poatpaid, on receipt of f i each. RemittHnceH hhoi be made by PoHtotUce Money Order or lraft, to oíd chance of loss. NttWBptiperh itrft to copy tuin advertist-ment without the expretrder of Habpkk & Bbob. AddresK, 1716 HAKI'lAc BKOTUKR.S, Nw# York. M _ LI)iUNO EXTRACT OF ._' fc I T5 T C TT TT I Cieos, pr ft Spirits of Hitre . " . FOOM, FUR ■ Diseases ihe Iliineys k Sladdsr, i:r.orr], '.Vsakcesses, J" erSs5rt:, ffliet, Sirietar;. Costiles e: tin 'Jr:r'. B Hitil nll rniMM l II' I rimtry ftffiriiMl Ot'xatiH, ML OR FEMALE. I i r, .. - - i n,. DoUar. f(ail --jV.-i. iglnti rsoliwof DB ct.j. ud . ■ joasaTOM i hl fcêon Avenue, DETROIT. lltateof John J. Kooh. STATE MIHIOAN, County of Washte oaw""itasionof the Probate C'ourt for the County wehtenw, holden at the Probate Office in t ntj of Aun Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-nin,ja7„f Nowmber, in the year ont thousand et i)tndrd and aeventy-eight. Present, l,„m u. Harriranii. Judire of Prohitr. In the er of the estáte o John 1. Koch, Onrendibdfllingthepetition, duly veiilted, of Aaron Feldkamp, Admimatrator, praying that mte ücenited to sell the real etatc whereof KBpeer) ( Síz(.(i. Thereupo: i, ordered, that Wednenday, the eighth day januaiy next, t ten o'clock in the lore,, oe nssigned lor th heariDK of aaid (petitiCand that the heirs ut law of ama deeraand aii other persons intereted in eaid etaare required to appear at a sension of Court, then to behólden at the Probate omtn the city of Alm Arbor, and show cante. Rny there be, why thu prayer of the petitl ,hould not be (tranted : And it is furtheflered that aid petitioner give notice to the i„H interested in aid estáte of the pendenoj aid petition and the hearing thereof , by ca, a „py ot thj8 orijer to pull. liHhedin tne Syan Argut, a newspaper printd and eirculate „„(j eounty, four snooeiwirH week previocnniadayof henrine. LIJAM I). HAKRIjdAN, f A trne oopy JudRe of Probate. . O. DoTobate RefiUter, 7 16td CoujBioners' Notice. STATE OF MjgaN. Couuty of Waahteuaw ns. Tho unjI1(!] (.aving biwn appointed by the Probate Cour sttij rounty, oommhaioDen to recelvc, exanlmd adjust all claims and detnands of all po, agaiust the entat uf Thomas A. Booth, late 4[,f county, deceased, linbv zlve notice that lonths from daw are allowed, by order of satd ate i'ourt, lor crfidltors tu preent therclalma )st the estato of xald deceaseii, and that them meet 4t the office of Zlna P. King, he city oí Ann Arbor, Id aald tounty, on iniay, the twentieth day of February, and "'vsiliiv, the twentieth day of May next, at A, M. of eilci, of sai() days, to recelvn, xDft and adjust aid claims. I)ated, Novemb a. I). 1878. 'OMSTOCK F. HII.I,, 1716W4 ÍGBERT P. UARPER, INA P. KING,!úmT Estáte of Üaiu H. Begituur. 'OTATL OF MIcAj, i „uut; of Waibtenaw, Osa. Sotlcc Is hcrivcn.thatby au onier oï the Probate Court for t,unty ol Waxhtena'. made ou the twenty-sixth of Novmeber, A. D. 1878, slx inoiitli from th,te were allow4-d lor credtori to present thE(ms againsí the jtale of Wllllam B. Bealntts of aald ooonty, deceased, and that alitorx of saiii deceased are retiulred to present, claims to :uid ProbaUf'imrt, at the Probtffip,. iu the City of Auu Vrliiir. lor examili SDd allowancc, on or bffore tho twentih day of May next. and that nucii dalitn i,e ht-ard twlore sam 'ourl on Wodncsdhe twenty-sixth day of "ebniary, and on M, ihc tweuty-slxth day of My next, at tonock In the foreuoon f cach of sald days raled, Ann Arbor, niher 2, A. r. 1878. WILt I). HAKRIMAN, 171fiw4 Judge of Probate.


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Michigan Argus