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TSE S"Ö"1T for 1879. ThbSun will be prinied i-very day duiiug tue year tocóme. It8 purgóse and method will be tbe same as Id the past: To present all the new iu readabte shape, and to teil the truih thousih tbe heaven ft.ll. ThV; 6CN has TjeíD, id, and will continue to be indepeudent of eyerybody and eyerything save the Trutn aud it owu coñvictiona oí duty. That is thoouly pnlicy whleh aa honest uev. slaper imed have. Thai ië the policy which ha won tor this newspaper the confídeuce and irieudship of a wider in.iiPtituciii'y Uian was over.eojoyed by any other Ainoricau Jourual. The Sus is the newspaper for the prople. It ii not i'or tht; ricli man agamst the poor uiau, or lor the poor man againM the rich mita, but il seeks to do equal justice to all nterosts iu thf coraniunity. Il is uol Ihe uryau of auy persou, elusn, d(ct or partv. There netd he no mystery about it- lovti and hateii. It ia for the hornat iuan Rgatnat the rogue every timo. It is for the honetit Dpmocrat againat thedishonest Eepuhlican, and tor tho honest Republlcan as atcaini-t the dUhomni Democrat. It doea not take iu cue from the utteranens of anr politician or politioal orgsnlzstion. Il givtw ita support unraserTectly whcn ruen or raeasurt-s are iu agreemcnt wifh thi Constltation and with the principies upou wluch this Uepublic was foundcd for the peoplc. Whenever the Conatitutlou and conatitutional principlee are violated- as in the outrageons conüplracy of 1876, by whicb a man uot elected vas plaeixl in the l'reeident' office, where he still remanís- it Mieak out lor the right. That is Tuk Sus's idea of imlepeudcnoe. In tbis reopect there will le no change In it promninie for 1879, Tuk Sus ha foiriy earnod hearty batrod of rascáis, frauda, and Bumbugs of all orU and izw. It hope tu deserre that batrtxl uoï lew in the year 1879, than iu 1S78, 1877, or any year Kont' hy. THK i 8un will C4intinu; to shine on h? wlcKod witb i mitigated brighiuewi. Whlle tbfi Kjösou ot' the past -bouJd be eoustantly : ki-jjt buforc the peopli-, The .Sik din not propone to iusolf ín 1H79 a magazine oí itncieat ! tory. Il a pvinttd tor the utru aui womeu oí' day, wbose concern chkfly witb thu affiiirs of today. It hu ioiu tlie dinpoaitiun aud the ability to ftfiord i U readers ihe prouiple.1t, iuUvat, aud most accurate inteliigenueof whatever iu Ibe wide world u worth attention. To this end the resources bclonglnt; ! well-twtablished propt-ny will be llberally employed. The praaanl disjointed condition olpartiea in tbia country, aud the uncertainly of the futiira, lend au eiU-a.,rdiuary siifnifieauw io !he eveuta of the comitiK year. The diaouasion of thf pre, the dtbat. and avt ol' Congres, aud the inovemttnU of the leaden in every seetion of the Kepublie will have a direct laring on the Prenidential elcctlou of 1880- an event which mint be regarded with ! the moet anxious interest by every patriolic Amer can, whatever hls political Ideas or sllegiance. To thoüe elcmnts of intcrat may be added tho probabllity that tb Demócrata will control both louse of C'oneren, the inertasing feeblenraa of the fraudulent Adminiatration, and the npread and strongthenini; everywhern of a healthy abhorrenoe of fraud in auy form. To present with accuracy and clearnsss the exact aituation in -ach ol' lts varyint; phae, aud to expouud, arcording to ha j well-knowu methode, and the principien thal should ! ruide up through the labyrinih, will be sn important part of Thk SüN'a work for 187S. Wo have ihe means of inakinc Thk Sun, m political, a literary and general newspaper, more entertaining auil morf uaofnl than ever b"for-; and we mean ïo apply them freely. Our ratosof nubscription remain unchanged. For he Dailï Sus, a four page sheet et twouty-eight oliiinii.i. the prli-e by mail, pontpaid, is ö5 cftnts a nouth. or 86.50 a year; or, inoluding the Sunday japer, an eight pagf sheol of rtiiy-six colnmu, the pnce Is 65 cents a nionth, or j'ï.TO year, postige prepaid The Sunday edltlon of Xhb 8ü is also furnjïhed parately al SI. 20 a yer, post age paid. The price of the Weekt.v Hun, eight pK;e, flftyix column, isSIs year, postage paid. Kor clubs f ten sendin!;810 we will .-nd nn extra copy ree. Aildrens, I. W. 1WI.1MI. 711 Publiaher oï The -i n, New York City. THE GRE AT KJJíOLlHH REMEDYÏ 43UAY ft SPECIKIC MEDICINE TRAOE MARK., . „ , „ ■ -S3_ Ia .-H[tciflly ■- . jBr' _n. jtinfiulmii niir tur Jtei' "il Before TakingL,,. ,„, Mi-Aft Taking. BI.UMivEBRAt Labsitdde, I'ain intuk Back, Iim. NEB8 Or lION, l'KEMATDHE ()Li AOK, Mui IMDJ itliei-uiin'HsotliKt lend t In.iity, roimomption und il Vruniiitme Urave, 11 of wbich u a rule ars ih-Ht. i-r.HKfd 1 üñviatins froin th path of natura nd ovr indulgemig. The Siweiflc Medicine í tbe resultot a lili atudv !ind many year of oipi-rionce in Ireatiii); these -.peci! dUaam. Full particulan in our pataphlets, uiiieli we ilesire tu wud froc by oiail to Terv one. The SpeciHc Medicine is oíd by all Druggistc ut $1 per psckagn, .ir aix paokaye for $6, or will Vif ent hy ihhü on recnipt of the money ly aildrinsitiu THE lillAY MEDirfNE 00., 1674 No 10 Mechanica' Block, Detroit Micb. i -Soldm Ann by Eberbnch Hon, uil by all drutnclst o overvwhere TT0U8E AND LOT FOR SALE. Looatedm a denirabln part of the city. :md in good repair. Alao a. houaa to rent on iavorhl tenu. luquire at the Akoc o81c, ci ' 42 THOMHdN HTKKKT Ann Arbor! Meu-oh U, 1878, ia?tf EX-SOLDIËRS ATTENlIOX! l'euGioiu proound fur Jilmo; th hu-e war disabled io any way by wounds, rupturr. .uut ol auy kind, oí by accidental injurira. PENSIONS INOREA8ÉD. A iarj5tí uuwhei oí thotte now reeetvíBg pcumoiu are eutitleii to an Increaük tinder Inte law. AU I oldi'-r diisfhargod lor Woüsdb, Ruptdre, ub Me; ohaxical Injukï. t-iititled to Fnu. bounty. All I tnmiDfTiö i on by correspondencf, ame art if you were personalia juwent. U'here the soldier is dead the widow ir hcirs aro cntitlwi. All soldiers and tLcir widuwn oí tlie war of I S12 are now (ntitled to f pension. I albo proouie PaWut.- ior Jnventoiti. Kverj solUier rho ee thi notioeabonld nono )u a-ídrcs on l'oHttil card and recaive in return h 8ampx.e Copy Fbkk of the "NATIONAL CITIZEN WUtlKB,," a paper published at the National Unpitol, giring ivll the iatoKt mformation about penaion nad bounty and land, to all noldip and Cllt'ir heim. i'oriuBpoudeucc tiOlioitd trom al!. Addretw with dtiimi, 1714ml N. W. IITZUIJHALI), U. n. Claim Attorney. lioi 688, Washington, D. C. PURE GUM RUBBER BOOTS Being fre f rom adulterntíve mixture. w(U gir Inniger service tlian commoo Rubbot floot. Their fi-riit populsrity li-u led to mur eheap imlmtion. havlng a Dnx Fihim, bu thti eson i li.. MCANDEEM OO. trox VARNISH Thelr fURE ttVM B(XT8. and to diltincuiah thniii from the common kind. wUl attftch a KLBBER LABEI.on the front of the leg, bearinfg the incriptlüti CUSTOM MADE. PURE GUM. The? Boon the PKtaal Metal HI P1if. whioli y ■■.(■.iithorK'elwogrinxaway êo qulckly. ana thj wül have aWo the paten't Outside Stationary Strap lttf.i of the icvy Inoonvenient web Insld #rrap. usíl An other rustes of Boots. APK FOF THE "CANDEE"B00T. ITotice Id aocordance with a roaolutiou of ïhe Directora of ihe First National Bank of Ana Arbor, there 11 be a meeting ui1 the stockholders, al llio Rink, on Wednesday, the llth ilay of December neict, at 10 oVlork a. m., to vote upon the qucstiou of reduci tai; ilii'pii'il 01' xhIiI Bauk, and uueh ottier business i uu; legitímate!; come before the meeting E. WELLH, Preit. J. W. KNIOHT, Seov. An Arhor, Nov. S, istjS. 1712M 1TOTICE. The underslgned has purcbaaed the Intereat of licorgi1 II. Winslow iu the and picture buieei, No. 3(1 liant Uuron Street, aod will continué I lic buhinem at the samp place, giving prompt atitution to all ordcro for frames, etc. A fine stock tf i'hrouio, Ensravlngt), nd Hhotograph ou hnnd umi for aalt' ilieap. All debta dne tho late tiriu oí Winslow è UcMillao arepayalile tu the uudereigued, nd any debts coutmeted during hi oonnection lth the Brui will bt: psid by him. AnD Arhor, Dct. 14, IS8. "tOtf I. MoMILLAN. Ücn mui niurwy ftr t work ior uh tban at anythiug eloe Capital uot requh'ed : we will start yon. J12 perdity at houift made bv th ïnduntriou. Men, women, büy una 'girls wanted uTirjrwhere to work for uu. Now i tbc .time. ontly untflt and tonn tree. AddrPM Tbuk 6 Co , Augusta, Main. Vnivenüty Lttr and Not Bead, with and without Cut, in Hodder' Patent BlottlnK Pad Cowr -10O and I'ÍO htii tn a book- íor ale at th ABOD8 Offio,


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