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ÍVIN8EY & KABOLT'8 BA KER Y, (HtOCERT I -AWDCMMIH v KKKI1 -TOK K. UV kwp oouvtuitly n nnnd, j KKEaD. CRACKEBS, 0AKK8, KTC, l'OK WHOL.KHAL.1S ssn KKTAIL ÏRADK. WB IwH fllüO kp U -ttpply Of DELHI F-L.OUÏ, 1, M. SWIFT Sc OOIt BKrtT WHITü'WHKA I VLOI.'R, KVK KLOL'K, BUCKVrWHBAT, COENMBAL, y(cr:i. 41 wbüleesle nod ntul A íuornl t.-k .. tíROCERIKS AND I'K()VISIOS on huna, whi.:b ill bn aoH mi r ruH'jliuble ttrmrt fw itt fiuy other houw in ïlii c-ur . j Tah pid for Kuttr, KanH, and Country l'ro3T" Ooods dolivr' : "O any jmrt ot thf citr witii t? trt charta ihm;i a si:ahiii i. Uu Arixir, Jn. 1. 18"8. 1564 Abstracts of Tiths. Ail pHitws wlio ire ileainitti f acs-rtaiiuu tic : eoodition of che tille lü ihir Isuds, or partien who wih to luna ir.uua, on ral estáte will do irell 1. uall en ma Bagiaton oiSlbe mid Muult a Compared Set of Abatract Books. .Said books ire so tur advancpd Diai the K8tr I can turnmb on short notim n Perfect Statement as to the Title ol any parcel of iuud tn Waahtenaw Couuty aa Hhown by the original records. i'. H. MANL.Y, ilegister. AHOTHEB HEOICT1O.V ITV LIME ! t.Jhio lime wiil be hereaftersold At my liine work at wholcsalo for 30 ceñís a hushfl. and Monroe limo at 28 centa. Also Uriek. Waifrlime, Calclned Piaster, Oiueut. I'la.-rteriiitr Ilairand Wood for iiUc Ana Arbor, Sepl. 10, 1878. 17O4mS JA COK VOLLAND. Keal Estute tor Sttle. TATü OK MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, s. In th! matter ut the f oí Johu Gibney, late of said oounty deeeaaed. .NTotice i hereby I (fiven, that in purauance of an order granted to thi uurlto-KiKiuid, adminiatratrix with the will aunexed of the estáte of snid John i.ii.iie, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County ol Waahtenaw, on the twenty-slxth day of November. A. D. 1878, there will be 8old at public rendue. to the highest bidder, at the dwelling house on the pi emiBea below degcribed, in the townehip of Northfield, in the County ■ Washtenaw, in aid State, On WkDNEBDAT, THK riïXEESIH DA! OF JaSUABÏ, A. I. 1879, t ten o'clook in the forenoon of tliat day (pubjeet to all encúmbranos by mortgage or otherwise exlsting at the time of the death of said deoeased, and subject to the rüthf of dower of Julia Gibney, wldow of Patriok Gïbney, deceascd), the lollowing decribed real atete, to wit : All the uudividcd interest of the saio .John Qlbney as an heir t law of Patrick CHbney, deceastd, in thuae certain piecea or pareéis oí land sitúate and being in the township of Norihneld, in the County of Washtonaw, and State of Michigan, known and diüoribed as f ollows, to wit : The southwest quarler of the uortheast quarter and seven (7) aores off rbd brtKt nicïf of rhe northwHHt quarter of the northaost quartt'rof nection twenty-oue, in town oue uth, raliKewx eat, in xaid 8tat of Mlflhitratl, oiintainiuii forty seTen acre of land, i.e the same more or lesa. I)td, Norembür SB, 187S JULIA GIBNKY, ITÏB Administratiix with the vill nnnexed. Eal Estáte for Bale. jVTOTICE i hereby givtm, that in pnrsiiance of I 1 liconse ranted to the undersignud, adniiniatrator tí? bnnis rum of the uf Kvlin sbrpard, deceased, bj the Hon Judge of Probate ior theoounty of Waahtenaw and Stte of Michikiiu, on the flrst day of Junu, A. D. 1878, there will be aolii t public vendue, to the highmt bidder, at ibi randenoe of the utuleroiynud, in thu townxhip of Yorlc, in aid county and State, ou the elkvenïh dat Jaxcaky, A. D. 187, at two o'olock in the rttiurnixm of said day 'subject to all encúmbranos ' by hiorttf or otherwise existing at the time of I uw death ol aid dtoeaswi the fuüowin dereril ed rexl fflime, lo wit: The east half of the northwest qunriiT "I ooction twdnty-oeven in aid townablp of York. Datad, Xovembor 27, 1878. LOVATUÖ C. ALLKN, 17's Aiministrator, e honUnon. Chauoery Sale. UTATÉ uK MIOHIOAX, The Cironit Coart for 1 ' the Tounty of Washtenaw. In onanoery. lohn K. Gaten, complainant, tb. Charles Whitakor, James il. üougdou, Williaro Martin, Albert Congdon, Kinma Congdon, Fred Congdon, and Bessio O'ongiion, .iefi-ndaiit. Iu puvsuauor nd by virtue of a decree made and entrrod in the above entitled eauw, on the twenty-seoond daj of úotober, A. D 1478, the undersisned, ons of the Circuit Court Coramisstoners in and for said County of Washtonaw, will nell at public vendue, to the highcst biddr, at the south door oí the County Clei-kS omoe, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid County of W ashtenaw tsaid Clerk'k otHcc boin the place or holding the Clrcuii Court for said county), on .SaITEDAT THK TWRNTÏ-EIOHTH DAT OF DitClSMïeb. A. D. 1878, at ten o'clock in the iorenoon of tnat dav, all that traet or parcel of land deacribed astollows: Belng a strip of land venteen feet wloe on from the porth 3ide of lot numoer aix, and a atrip fiv toet wido off from the south side of lot number fire, all in block number two, aooordins to the plat of the villaje of C'helwsa, in the (unty of Wafchtuw and State of Michigan. Dtil. Novemtr 15, A. D. 1878mt I FRAKX KMKK1CK, Circuit Oourt Commisxloner. Ueokok W. Tcbn Bcll, Solioitor tor Complainant. Estáte of Conrad G. Helber. CTA'l'K ÜK MirHIöAN, County of "sshte0 naw, na. Noticw w tfiven, that by an ur der of the Inbate Oourt tor the Countv of Washtenaw, niade on the ghteenth day oí NoTember, A. D. 187R, aix mouth trom ihat dat were nllowei! forereditors to pieten their olaima aiinst the Pítate of Conrado. Ilelbér, late of aii] county deceaaed.and that all ereditont of snij docvaned I ure required (present thcir claim to said i bateCourt, ut Probate utfiee m city of Ann Arbor, tor eiauiiiiiition and Allowanot', ou or beiore the uirotH-ntli day of May ncxt, an.l ! that snoti clHims wttlta heatd belten -nid Courl i on Xuly, the eifrhtwutb ilay 01 tVbrunr} and on Monday nintenth day ol iia i.exi' al ten o'olock in tlie loninoon M .vicli ui niJ Dt!. Ann Arbor, November 1, A. ii i;n W1I.I.1AM D, BAERIMAH, '"'4wl Judfre ot 'róbate. Estatf of Lbttr Latiuier ÜTATH MKHISAN, Oountyof W,whteuitw, 1 ia Ai n.iKiim rjf the Probate Courl fortlw (ouuty of WaslHi-uuw, bolden nt the I'robatc i ! tlw lij the City uf Anu Arbor, on TuesJnv the tweiity-nixth dny of Nomaher, in the year w ' thotuand euthi huiiilrtd and neveuty-eiKlit'. Present, Williiim ). ilnrriinai,,,luiin ot l'roliate I In the msttsr of the .tate oi i,wiw ' Dier, üectascd. Abigail E. Latnuer,i'iei:uiriiufsaic estáte comea into court .tnd representa that the now prepnl to render lier liual ace. unit iv.s smb axecamx Tnereuponit Uordered, that Baturday, the tweaty' jrst day of Decouibnr, next, at ten o'cluck in tfie foruuoon, tw aiMKuetl for-eíamlntug and alUiwiuir inch account, and that the devisaes, legateea, arnl ïetrs at law of said decoaned, and al] ottier uureoniDtereated in aki eateta, are reqnired toanpearat a wmIoo .jf aaid eüurt. itu-o k, be bolden it the l'robatc Otficc, in ibe city of uu Arbor in said countv.and show causa, if a.ny tbero 18, wliy tht: said account sliould not be alowed : And it ia furthor oriered, that aid executnx glve notice to tlio iwrson iuterented ! n said aa, of the neudeuey ot said aceouut aDd bc hearing thereof, by cüusIuk copy of this jrder to be. nubllshed in thn Michigan Anti a ' newspaper prlnM-d aud clrculailnK iu aid coun'tr hree micceMlve weeks nre-rlutia to said day of ' A Í?.copy-J. of Probato WK, Doty, Probate Begtatw. 17i8td Mortgage Sale. WflEP.EAt), default havinjf been made ia u,i condition of a oertain inortgage hearing dat) the fifteenth day of April, A. l. 187S, mado and , ïecuted by Ohauncy H. Milten and Sarah M Mill.ii, nu wiie, of the city of A.nn Arbor, Wash. i teuaw Couuty, Michigan, to Süa H. Bonglad. of ' the same place, ( rustfie of Marie I .. Welle, aid ncorded in the oiüce of the liegieter of üeeds tor WafthtenawCounty, on the twelftn day of Februj ary, A. D. 1876, in Liber 53 of mortgages, on page i 174 ; and wheremn, tbere is now due and anpaid i upon aid mortgage under the terms and condltinss ihereof the sum ol two thuusand one hundred and forty-six dollnxs and flfty-eight oenU (2,14.i8, , including an uttorucy fee of twenty-üve dolían provided for in uaid mortgage ie case anyprocueding be taken to forecloie the samo ; and wburoas no suit or proceeding at lw or in eqnlty baa been tnstituted to reoover the debt so due and ecured by said mortgiye or any part thereof ; Now, therefore. notice i Dereby srivcn that by virtue of the pmv.irof ale in uid morteage oontained, and of the tatntes of the State of Michigan in snch cases mude and provided, on Monday. the seventkexth r i Febkuakt, A. D. 1879, at ten o'clook in the ■ ii, at th' north door of the Court House of saii oounty, ondernened will sell at public anoi tloD.tothe iiighest bidder, the premises deecribed , io said mortgage or o niuch thereof au may be I necemary to satÍBty naid debt, interest, attorney , tee, oost and expeus of ale, said premisea being all that certoiin pieoe oí1 purc(?l of lana sitúate in th city of 'nu Arbor, Oounty of Washtenaw, and ' State of Michigan, knowii and deaoribedas follows, io wit : TwOt number nine ") in range number four i4, block numljer three (3) ot the original plat or the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Oounty, Michigan. SILA 8 H. DOUOLA3, Mortgagie. Dated, Ann Arbor, N'ov 22, 1878. Dodola 4 Bowes, Attoiney'a for Mortgacee es Seitz Biook, Detroit, Michigan. 1714 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT harins been made in the condltiorus of a montage made snd executeU by Miohael H.iehnle au J Rosina, hls wiie, of Am Arbor, Michigan, to i'tarlen Behr. of the same piara, bearing dat the Ülfh day of Kebruary, 1870, and reoordëd ín the office of the Register of deeás for WasötinawCounty, .vfiohlgau, on the niath day of February, 1870, at 4 -„ o'clook p. ru.. in libar 42 of roongageg. on pai;e 316, on whieh morta(fe there U dalmed to be dae at the dale of this notioa, the sum of iour hundred and üfty-üve dollars and fortf centa, and no prouewlins ut law or in eaait; flavina been institute.3 to recover the dew sacurJ by aaid raortg-age or ny part thereof : Notioe ia herebyarh'enthati.ii Fbiday.thk Twenty-ïwtoth uaï óp JiM-vi.ï, A. ii. S7fl al teno'olook m the forenoon of that day, at the south door of the Oourt Houae, in the city ol Atui Arb..r (thnt bein the building in whioh the Circuit Court for sai3 Oounty oí Washt-nnw is held, by of tbo power therein oontained. 1 ahall forecluoe iid mortífage by ale. at public auction to the hlgheat bidder, of the !'emise diarribed in said mortaal or ao muoh thereof as bIi.iII be necessary to natiafy the amonnt dnt on said moitgage with the interest, eosts and expenaes allowed by law, which sald promises are descrilied in aid mortgagt a follows. viz: AU the followin deacribed landa towlt: The weet twenty-aven anda half ii-et of lot flve in blook two som li o, Huron street, range foor eam, in thn city of Ann Arbor, .Miohitlnu. t)Atl. Ann Arbor, t)et. S, 1878. PHILIP BACH, ANNA L. BKHB, Ad mimet rat-or of the estáte of Charles Benr droeasel . 1711 Kstatt of Thomas Harria. WTATE OF MICHIGAN Cunty of WashtoJ naw, ss. At i session of the Probate Court for the 'ounty Wnshtenaw. holden at the Probate Offlor in the dty ol Ann Arbor, on Haturday, the tweatythird day of November, in the year one tbousand oig-ht hum! red and seventy-tught. Pr ent, Willium D. Harrimau,.Iurtj{e of Probate In the matter ol the estáte o! Thamaa Hai' On reading and flling the petition, iiuly verüied of Margaret Harria, praying that a ceitain Instrument now ou file in thia court, purportina; to ba Mie lasi will and testament of said dfctased may be ! admitted to probate, and thut she muy be api puinted executrix thereot. Thereupou itia ordered.that Monday. thetwentythird day of Dooomber ncxt, at ten o'clock in the roranoou, be assig ed lor the hearing of said p. tltion, and that the deuibee, légateos and heirs at law ol aaid deeeased, and all other persons intereated m mud estáte, are required to appear at a wwiod of 8id oourt, ttaen to be holden at the Probate DWi% in the oity of Ann Arbor, and ahow oause, if anr there b wby the prayer of the petitioner should net be aranted: And it ia further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the peraon interwtad in said estáte, of the pendenor of said petition and th hearing thereot, by cau ïna copyof this order to be publiahed in tb Michigan Argm, a newaiaper printod and oironlatd in s.i.l oounty, three aoooeaaire week pre viou to aid dy oi hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, „■A tou oopy.) Jndsre of Probate. Wx. Q. Dotx. Probate EeÍ8tr. 17istd Estáte of John Kettuer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN , County of Ws&bKnaw O sa. At a saaiion of tna Probata Court for U)' County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Piobal Ofooe in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, ti elghwentb day of November in the year on thousand eight hundred nnd êeventy-etght. Present, William D. Harriman, Judaof Probau In the matter ol the wtBt of Johu Kttner' deceased . On reading and flling the petition, duly verUled, of Leonhard Otrunei, praying that he my be hcensed to sell the real estáte whereof aaid deoeaMd dled seized, for the purpose of diatribution. Thereupon itiordered,thatSaturday,thetireotyfirst day of December next, at ten o'doolc in tb forenoon, be aMigned for he hearing of saiü p tition, and that the heira at law of said doead and all other persona intereated in sid estáte, ai required to appear at a seasion of said oourt thn to be holden at tho Probate office In the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why ti, praver of the potitloner shouid not be granted ■ And it i. fnrther ordered that said petitioner giv noti? to thu persona interested in said estáte, at the pemlency of said petition and tho hearlu therooi, byeauainff copyof thls order tobe pabhahed in the Michigan Argua, a newspaper printod and oirculated in naid county, four suocelv weeks provioiu to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARK1MAN JA true oopy.i judg of Prebati. Wm. U. Doti, Probate Kegigter. 1714td Estáte of Christopher Herzer. TATKiKMli.'UIOAN,CountjofWashtenaw s Ai a sesslon of the Probate Court for the county ■i v ashtenaw, holden at the Probate Office In tho l'iiv ol Ann Arbor, uu Saturday, the ninth diiy 01 November, in the year oue thousaud eiïhl hnndred and sevcmy-eight. Present, William t. ifarriman, Judge of Probate In llic matter of the state of Christopher Herior ieceaHl. Christopher Kaisor, ïdminwtrator of naid estáte, Hmea luto court aud repreHents that he is now prepara) to rendar hiH final account as such admimgiraior. Tliercupon il isordered, that Hatnday, thcsevnth lay of December next, at tea o'clock In the foreiifxiii, be asslined for examinlng and allowing such UKount, :iiid thai the heirs at law of aald deieed, md all otlmr persons interested in aaid Hítate, are roqutied o appear at a seKsion of said iourt, theo to be hr.lden at the Probate In the city of Auh Arbor in naid county tna Bhow rauw, if any thero 1, why the said acunt should not be allowed: Aud It is furthr irdered, that said adminiHtrator gWe notlcetothe lersons Interested In said estáte, of the ix.'udencv of ;id accouut aud tbc hearing thereof, by cauaini copy of tbi order tobe published iu the MicM Arjru, a ut'wspaper printed and circulating in aid county, three suceessive weeks prevlou to iald uf liearine. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN I A Irue uopy. ) jll(igt, „f probate. ffH. I .. Doty, Probate Roiflster. 1713 Conimissiotiers' Notice. JTATJEOK MICHKiAN, County of Washtenaw u Ihu uudorsigiied having teen appointed by nu Probate Court ior said cuunty, comoii89iou-ia o rcc.Mvc, aud adjust all claims and diaands of - 1 1 penona agalnst the ostato of Johu 'eorgo.'hiimacher,late6f said county, deceased lereby ;ive notioe that six uiouth froiu dat are lloved, In ordur uf said Probate Court for credior to preneut their claims ngainst the estáte of ïid deceastd. and that they wfll iü,et at the late Midenoe of said deceai in the townshlp of Irldgwater, Iu said couuly, oa Tuesday, the fourth ay of rebruürj'.and on Monday the nfth,day,of Iy neXt. at Mu o'clock . m. of each ofiajd day o recejve examine aud adjust aid claims." Dated, Nov.-mlr , a. I). 1878. ,?-4,1.o "1Sw- c -DAVID W.'ÍADMBJl-. CHARLES MltLEBjiV: .r' re? ■ ConuBJialottB-t ■


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Michigan Argus