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The report of Gon. Sherman to tho Secrotary of War in quito lengthy. A considorable portion relates to tho Iudian troubles. The General asserta that tho Iudian problem is not a singlo problem, bnt many; as many aimost as thoro are trilie. ileasnres wliietí would bo wise in one instanco wnnld be folly in anothor, ' and whaterer departmeni of the Government is oharged with it mnat bo anued not on]y with I force, but largo diucretion, and authority to , fnniinli fond m omorgoncies. Starvation will ■ oach voar cnuac wnr such as ocuurred this ! öon with tho Shoshones and Southom ' euues. The army canuot foresoe or prevent these war. AU it eaa do, after tho Indians breuk out, plunder, or steal and kill harmlesë , families, is to pnrmie tod oaptare tliem ir. dotail, after infinite toil; the:i to conduet them back t tlieir reservations and tam tiiem It, me to rotura to tho taino game ad liintuni. Congres can alono provide a romodv. The report shows that there are 7,839 enHsted mon in thí ten regiments of cavalry iu the army, a,tt;iO mon in the five regiments of : artjllery, and U,aO5 ia til? twoiity-flvo I mente of infantry, maidng a total of 21,664 Bomden thoRO theia aro in theengiueer battnljnn W9; permanout aiul rcornitiug partios, mnsiobdys; and recfujtg in tho depots, 1,121 ; ewu&öU men dotachcd on general norvien, Ú?; ordnanee departmentB. 944; West Pointdetaohmeiito, L9D; prwoiiKiiard, Tl; lKpital stewards, 188; ordnanco serReants, 114; commissary sorgeantfl, 1 and Indian Boouta, 840; a total of 8,097, making tho whble inimlwr of onjigtod men in tlio army, LM,7iil. in Conclusión th repoit naya: 'I liep; to tat tliat from personal upection aiul from oflimal reporn I am siu-o tlio army is ■n-oll and ooonomieally unpplied. lts diHciplim; and instniirtkin aro au gorxl au oonld bc expeotod frum lts srutliu-cd eondiHon, and fr mi tlic vast uiionnt of labor imposed on it; it luw mot fhcoiíuUy every cali of dnty and hardship; it Imj acxtup!ilied an amoiint of work wliicli, as Gou, Sliiiidan has woll said, 'No othor natiou iu tho vorld would have attomptod with loss than G0,t)UO to 70,000 moa' "


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Michigan Argus