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Mr. David B. Parker, Cliief Special Agent of the Postónico Departmcut, in his report showiug the operations of tho Special Agenta attached to the división of mail dopredations during tlie fiscal year emliiiR Juno ÜO, states that fiarjng tüo year 554 persona were arrestod, of wuofn 4'22 were prosecuied in tho Unitod Statefl oonrte, and YA2 wero cases of highway mui] robl5i-y, bundarios of postoflioon, etc, and wero prosecutcd in tlio State oourte. Of tlie fcjrmer, 0T were convicted, ' acqnittetl, 5t.i otlierwuu) dis))oed of, and 154 are awuiting trial. Tlie numbor of cases mwle up for iuvesti„'ation durinR the year was, 11,514 of which tlie lotiH of regietered letti'i- waa 2,582, of unregÏHtei'ed letters, 0l544; ïniHcollaut'üua case - tlie location of postofficen, neotiatiug leases. etc, 2,855. Of 1,957 regietered letters reported lost in transit, 1,117 woro rucovert'd without Iohb, and, of the iHO achially lost, the values of SOI, anionnting to 90,248.12 wero rBOÖvored froni tlie robbers and rostored to the i'ightful ownerB. Tho mimber of regixterfl letters sent dnring tho yoarirns 4,9(,8 "4; tho tmmber lost to the remitters waf 5:C, or lees than 1 lüttor in every Í),ÍMK) sout, a very small Dtnmbor in view of tlie nature of the service, exteuding all OTf-r the Union, with fully UXyXM pei-sons duly authorized to handle tho mails.


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