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RAILROADS. JIltHIUAS CEM'KAl. RAILBOAdT MAY 12, IS7S. 4OING WKRT. ! ! i . s L a . La L,í_LLi_ílí i. M.A.M .M.: p. M.! P.M. P.M. Detroit, leave, ■ 7 00 9 &-,. 4 45 50. $ Joi 9 'd O. T. Junctlon, : J ir, 10 00 ! 5 00 n Ofl! 6 Si 10 10 Wayne Junclion 7 4B 10 26 5 :i2 3 30 7 10 10 4" "pilunti, 8 10 10 45 6 00 r: .11 7 Milt 04 Aun Arl.ur, s 30 11 00 6 80 4 05 8 li ■ 11 '1 belui, H h C 4:: 1 Dexter, 8 4 6 63 l 22 8 31 Ohelsea, , 8 l.v 7 ( a 4 40 8 40 Oti%m i.hWo, ■.' 1: ;oa r, 00, s o; P.M 1 A.M. Jckoii, ]" 20 lv: i;. 8 00 ft ik' 9 40 12 46 Albion, 11 04 12 a 1 (", 47 10 38 1 2S Marshall, II .10 1 10 .3 7 15 11 I 1 45 p.m. a BattleCreek, IS l'J 1 55 ?■ 7 lö 11 36 2 10 liiilMburK, 13 52 8 20 12 07 A.M. A.M. Klint,, 1 13 2 .'18 4 80 3 1" 16 2 53 Lawton, : 1 64 5 05 1 08 Decatur, 2 11 S 20 1 27 Dowairiiic, 2 : S 46 1 57! Nile, ' a u5 4 0J 0 :io í i 1.-, Buchauan, 3 1 ' C 4.; 2 54 ThnxjOnkn 3 49 ! 7 18] NewBuflalo, 4 03 4 67 7 18] ". 4:. Michigan Ciiy, j:n o;ii ;;,; 4 16 5 :v Lake, . i 13 6 02 8 40 S 04 MS Kerwington, 00: 6 50! 9 10 S 5ü 7 10 Uhicaïo, arrive, 6_M 7 40 lu S0 45 8 00 OPIMO ACT. . Á ISjliJi _?_ LLLÜkñ_i_ J. A.M. A. M. P. M. P.M. ï. V Chicago, lenve, 7 00 9 00 4 lm i 15 I a Keoaington, 7 50 9 S0 4 601 i 6 OB 9 .', líke, 8 40 10 :2 5 4.1 6 60 10 :t' Mehign City, ' 9 23 11 1: 8 35 7 10 11 jo New Buffalo, 'J 47 II 2 6 67 11 :a Three Uk, 10 Wi ■ 7 12 a.. Buchhnan, ■ 10 32 7 43 Xikw, 10 4 12 ÍS 8 12 9 i'O 12 S5 üowagini!. II 1 8 40: 1 IOS Decatur. 11 3 9 05; I 37 Lawton, 57 9 28 a. m.' Kalamauoo, 13 -tí 1 4U 10 00 6 60' 10 26 2 17 (laleburK, . 12 52 . 7 09 2 S7 Buttle Cr.k, 1 27 2 l:i M JJ 7 40 II 08 ü lí MarnhaU, i 2ó 00 J 3 10. il 37 3 4S A.M. ; Albion, S "-' 21 a.m. S 35 12 05 4 10 ! J&rkuun, i í 4 05 5 40 9 40 18 50 4 St I Oraa, 4 0 : ti M 10 00 Chelsea, 4 4 ' 6 31 10 18 ' Dext?r, 5 00 : 6 47 10 30 ' Dolhi, ' 6 10: ; G 45 ! A1.11 Arbor, ' 6 20' S 10, ; 10 10 4C 2 0B t Xí Vpsilanti. I 88 24! 7 líill 00 2 20 6 45 Wnyne June, i 2! 6 46 7 42 II 22 2 44 7 01 O. T. June, ' 6 33 6 15 b 15 tl B0 3 W) 7 46 Detroit, Ar., ,6 48 6 :i0 8 40 12 06:3 35 8 0(1 Urand Kapidl nuil Kalamazoo Kxpteae arrive nt Grand Kapids 2;20 p. 111., and lenvefl Graud Hnpúlc 8: IS, ra. Hundaye exceptad. IHaturday and Hunday ex. epted. Iaily. U. B. LEDYARP. Oen'l Mnnafifr, Detroit. H. C. fftüTwoiiB, O. V. & Ï. Atft.. Chioaio. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. TakliiK flt.( M.m.lay, Nov. 4, 1878. nOINO NOnTH. . OPINO SOCTH. Míx. bxp. l.xp. Kxp. ExpTlííx. . M. A. M. I'. M. A.M. P.M. P. Y. 6 50-10 80 4 05 TOI.EIlO , 9 29 2 60 6 40 I Cül laí 4 0S Xorth Toledo : 9 26 2 47 6M 1 7 10 10 43 4 19 rftroi! .lunctioil 9 16. 2 40 6 17 i 724 1OÓ2 42! Htwthorn 9 07 2S4602 ! 7.J6U0O 4 :'.: Sanmrl .9 00 2 29; i 4 7 48 11 0K 4 45 ñro!u 8 62! 2 21 6 36 7 56 11 la 4 50 Lulu 8 47, 2 20 5 28 S04 1118 4 55 Monnw Juncliou: 8 42 2 16 .120 8 28 1127 54 Dundee 8 28 2 10 ín'. 8 40 1132 5 11 Marón j 8 32:2 041 4 43 8 58 1140! i 20! Azalla . 8 14 155! 4 24 2C 11 X' .'. 34 Milán ' SOO: 140 3 54 944J201 í 4:1 Nora ! 7 51, 181 336 10 08 12 11 5 6f Urania i 7 40: 1 20 3 1! 10'.'6:i2 20 604 Ypnllantt Junr. ' 7 31 112 2M I W 12 2 6 lfl A.V.V ARBOK :7 2O12 582 30 The 7.20 a. m. exprr.H outh makea cloae coünfctloim hI Mouroe Juuotion for Adrián and Monroe and for poiut un (he luk Shore : at Tbledo wiih Columbio A. Tuledo and tbe Wahnnh. l'hc 12.58 p, m. exprMI south connectí at Tledo with the 3 ftVlock train eaflt on the Ppnuüylranla Kod Uira1 luNcff York, All trains run by Colunibus tlnir- 7 minutf.H faster Ihan Ann Arhor timp. .1. M. ASHLKV, Jr , Superintendent. DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND iSOUTHWESTERN RA1LR(JAD. To take effect AUg. 19, 18Í8. oixo ni. 001 o nnr. HTAX1ONI. Mftii. Exp. TA'IIONH. I.Xp. Mll A. M. P. M. YpsUantl.... 8:lf. G:05 - " F " Toledo June. :: 6:'. Bankim S:00 Í:W) Saline 9:25 6:4." HiUndale .. 5i30 2:W BriJgewater.. 9:47 7:07 Manrheater.. S:30 4:02 Manohci-lw. 10:22 Í:SÍ Bridgewater 90 4:28 . m. rtnline 9:5íl A-Al Hilliidalf 1:00 9:47 Toledo Jnne. 10:10 4:C5 Banken 1:10 10:00 : Ypsilnnti.... Jfc:3r. 5:13 Traína run by (,'bieao time. W. F. PAKKER. Snp't, Ypeilanti. ■ A llA SOtTHKKN K'Y UNES. vv The Ouly American Knutc Tbruujíh CaDwla. Traína toare M. C II. R. Depot, Detroit, city tiine, al folloWH : Atlantic Express, ilttily, ï a. ni., Wiignt'r car lo Boston . Kast Day Kxprws, daily, 12 10 noon, Wagner car lo New Vork ani Botou. Lihtuin Exprt-(s, diiy except Sunday, 11 10 p. m., WapntT car to Buttalo antl Kuchestcr. Toledo trains leave 7 ."íO a. m. except ; Ö 10 p. ni. daily ; 6 60 p. in. except Stiiniïiy, For Fayette 6 ÍIO p. m. cxrept uliday. &ir Kor iufonnation and ticket ajtply t.H. W, Hharpleiu, ageut M.C. K. It., Ann Arhor. W. K. MUIR, (íen'l Maaagrr, St. Tboran, Out. M. (;. RO.M'H. Paw. Agent, Del roit. FRANK E. 8K0W, Ben. Pas. and Ticket Ag!. Detroit. - Note important changee in the rime table of the D., H S. V. Kailway. A DOLLAR SAVEO 18 A DOLLAR KARNED ! NEW GOODS! AoU prloe LOWEK THAX KVSK. I bare puruhased tu New Vork. fur ftab., iJ I nm now tlity receivíiuí oue út' the lurgmt oud raott select stocks oí Grooeri íu Wushteuaw Ootmty, cuiivistmc of a full Hiid wwll select ed LINE OF TEAS, All of the new crp - includin Guupowders, liuperlalSt tviing II) - u, II) iin, Jitpitn, Oolonir, larmuMit, ('uuiroiiv, Niui liuiíy , and 'l'unku), Togethír with a full line of COFKEK8, coouitwg of tlio fulluwiiiK branda: MOCHA, OLD OOV'T JAVA.MAKACA1B0, LAUL'AYRE,8A'TOB and RIO, botfa roasfed and ground ; ■ full and well selected stock ot SUCARS, SYKU S AND MOLASSES, Together with t-verytbink' in the line cf Pure Spics.Canned fruit, aud Vegetables. W hare a full and completa Une of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. AIso, a rhoioe aMortment of Lidies' and Gentlemen1 Underwear C&U and examine1 Uoodi and Fiines and we will inbure aatisfaction. EDWARD DUPFT. " MaynarJ'n Block,' cor. Main and Ann atreeti Ann Arbor, Mich. WHieheat cah price paid for all farm roduce.VB 1N8DRANCB CöMPMF. Capital, - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 187C, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Yaars, $44,760,391.71. Hiirluü over all Liabilities, includ'i Ke-IuHurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Not Surplus over LiabüitieR, including Kelusurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. V. MACK, Agent. AnuArbor,


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Michigan Argus