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- TH E - Scientific American TIHRTV-FOVTUTH YICAR. Tuk Most Popula Scientific Paper [N THE WORLD. Only 3.ÍO a Vear, iiicluding l'oire. Week 1 -, 52 umlxri a Year, 4,000 baak paires. The Scientifc Amebican ia a lrj?e first-class weekly newapaper oí Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profuaely illustrated with ploudid engravings, ropresenting the Eeweat Inventiona and the moet recent Advances in the Arta and Sciences; iacluding new and interesting facts n Agricultura, Ilnrtirnlture, the Home, Health Medical Progresa, Social Science, Natural Hiatory, ieology Astronomy. The most valuable practical tapera, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, -will be fonnd in the Hcientific American Terms, 83,20 per year, 81. GO half yonr, wliich ncludes ponta!e. Discount to Avenís Single copies en cents. Sold hy al) Nevadealen. Itemlt by Mislal order to MÜNN & CO., Publiahere, 87 Park ow, New York. JATCMTC Inconncction with lbo Scl I CH I Oi enttfic American, Mcbis. MtrawdkCo. are Sulicitors of American and Foreign Patenta, have have had 34 years expeiince, and now have the largesi establishment In he world. Patonts are obtiiined on the bost terms. 1 special noticc Is made in the Scientific Lmerican of all Inventions pateuted through bis Axency with tho name and rsnidence of the Patontoe. By tho inuieuse circulation thus Kiven, ublic attontion ia direoted to thn merllaof the ew patent, and sales or introdiiclion ofttn onailv flected. Any person who hn made a new dbcorery or inention, can RKCrtain, free of charge, wh'ther a atent can probably be oblalued, by writing to the ndersigned. W a!o seud frj our If aud ISook bout the l'atnt Lawh, Patenta, Caveal, Tradtjlark, their conts, and how pmenred, with hints or procuring advances on nvenüoim. Addrea lor he PajMjr, or conccining Palunu, 171S MUJÍN & CC, 37 Park Bow, N. Y. iranch oflice, Cor. F. 7th Sis., Wasbingtou, I). C. Harper's Bazar, isr o . ILLUSTRATED. NOTICSS 01' THE PRESH. Toilicss Bfcorilins 1" Uarper't Batur will he the iim and ambiliou of the women ul1 America- Botton Transcript. As a faithful chronicle of fashion, and a newpaper of domestic and social character, t ranks ' out a rival- Brooklyn Eaglt. Tuis paper baa acquired a wido popula lity íbr tho íi residí' enjoyment it aflordu, and hn bccome an fstablishwl authority with the ladics.- V. Y.Evtning The volumes of the Baaar begin with the first number Cor January of each year. When no timo is niontioned, it will be understdod that the subscriber wisho to ooinmence with th number nnxt fter the roccif.t of his order. HARPER'S PERIODIOALS. HARPEIfS MAGAZINE, i)nc Yeiir, s, 00 HAIIPER'S WEEKLY, " t CU) HAKPER'8 BAZAR, " " 4 00 The THREE publlcations, one year, 10 00 Any TWO, one ycar, 7 00 SIX subscripHons, ono year, 20 00 Terras lor large clubs furnished on iipplicatioii. Pontaje free to all Hubsoribers in thfl l'nited fttates or caQftda. The annuai rolumes oí'IIarper'h Bazar, ín ueat cloth binding, will be sent by expresa, frte of expense {provided the freight does not eiceed one dollar per volume), ibr fe7.O0 each. A complete set, comprising Eieren Voluniea, sent on reoeipt of cash at the rate of $5.2ó per volume, freight at exLense üf purehaser. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 81.00 each. Eeniittances sbould be made by Postónico Moncy Order or í)raft, ti avoid chance of loss. KewBpapers are not to copy this advertisement without the expresa order of Ilarper á Brothers. Address, IIARrER & BROTHERK 1715 New York. Harper?s Weekly 187e' I LLUSTR ATED. i O i 1 XOT1CES OF TUK rilESS. i The IVeekly remains pusily at the head uf ' trated paper by ita fine literary quality, the beauty of its type and woodout.- Spring M Rttmblican. lts piotorial attractions are Hupcrb, and embrace every variety of subject and of attiatic Ueatment. - Zion's Htrald, Boaton. The WtrMy ia a potent agency for the i tion of eorreot political principies, and poweiíul i opponent of shams, iraudtt, and talsu pretensen. - Evtuiny Erprei, Roühetiter. I Tbe Volumes of the Wetkly begin with the lirst number for January of each year. Wheu no time ia raemioned, it will be underatood ihat the ; oriber wishes to eommence with the nuuher next fter the receipt ol hia order. HARPER'S PEltlOMC :hS. IIARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Yeitf, ?í o HARPER'S WEEKLY, " " 4 00 HARPKB'S BAZAR, .... 4 The THREE publication, oae year, 10 00 AnyTWO, one year, ; 00 SIX subscriptions, one year, io 00 Tenns for large clubs ïurnlshed on applioMtion. Postagr. 1'rr.r tn all iiibscriben: in 'tit T'nittd Sífíft' nr The annual volume of EUbpek'8 Wkiklt, in aeat cloth biuding, will be sent by tiipienn, frue o expeuse (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume) for $7 each. A oomplote set oomprisinftTwonty-ïwo Voltimer, Mnt uu receipt of cash at the rate o( %i:ü per volume, freight at expenne of pnrchascr. Cloth oaeea for each volume, imitable for bioding, wül be sent by muil, postpaid, ou reeoipt o: 1 each. Remittanoe shoultl be mude by I'ostoflice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loga. Newspaper are not to oupy ttis advertisement without the expresa order of Uarí-kh i Bhux. Addren, 17 16 HARPKR & BROTHERS, New Yoik. 1879. E electie Magazine DF - Foreign Literature, Science, and Art THIBTY-FXFTH VKAIï. The Eclrctic Maoazink reproduces from i'oroin periodicala alt those articles which are vuluable to American readers. lis field of Kleöttoa embracen all the leading1 Foreign fíeviewH, Magazines, and Journalá ; and wh ile the tasTi's of al 1 classes of readers are consulted nothing trivial In charaeter, or of naerely tranaient interest is admítlííd %o iis pages, lts plan includes Essays, Ile view, Biographical Sketches, Hlatorical Papers, Traveli, Poetry, Novela, and Short Stories ; and in the case of Science (to which rauch space nd attentlon are given), no special prominentie ia allowed to any particular phase of opinión, but plnoe is given iinpartially to the most valuable articles on both aldea of the great themes of scieniiiic dlscussion. ïhe followlne listo compuse the principal periodicals from which selectlons are mude and the namps of aome of the lefldiu witters who couuibuie to them : I'ERIODICALS. AUTHOKS. uarterly Review, Rt. Hon.W. E. Gladstone. Brit. Quarterly Bevkw. Alfred Tennyson. Edinburgh Review. Prof. üiixley. Westmlnster Review. Prol'. Tyndall. Contemporary Review. Rich. A. Procior. B. A. I t'ortnightly Review. J, N. Lockyer, F. B. S. The Nineteeuth Centy. Dr. W. B. Carpeuter. Popular Hcience Review. K. B. Tylor. Blackwood's Magazine. Prof. Max Muller, i.'ornhill Magazine. Prof. Owen. Macmillan'9 Magazine. Matthew Arnold. I'raser's Magazine. IE. A. Freeman, D. C. L. New Quart. Magazine. James Anthony F rondo. Temple Bar. Thomas Hughes Belgravia. Anthony Trollope Qood Word. William Black. I-ondon Society. Mrs. Oliphaul. Saturday Review. Turgenieff. The Spectator, Etc. Miss Thaukeray, Etc. It i l'requently reiuarked tb at in Englsnd the best literaiy talent of the time ia being diverted from the writtng ol' books to coDtribuling lo the periodicals. The Eclkctic garners the choicest sheaves from this rich barvest. STEEL i:.iKAVI!VS. Bacb number contains a Fine Steel Engraving- umally a por1 rait - executed ín the best nlanner. Tiie eugravingB are of permanent value, and ndd much to the attractiveness of the Magazine. TICKMS:- Single Copies, 45 cents; one copy one year, 83; ve copies, S20. Trial rohscripMon for three muuths, 51. The BcLECTIC and-any U magazine to ooe addresa, $8. Puatago Fiee to all Subscriben. E. U. PELTOJï, Publislier, 1 ■ "' 3') Bond Street, New York Abstracts of Titles. All pnrtiea who are desirous of auoertuining the condition of the title to their land, or partie who wiüh to loan inoney od real estáte will do well to cali at the Register' office nd consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Said bookí are so Jar advanced tbat th Register '■.in furniah on short notice k Perfect Statement as to the Title of aoy paroel of land in Washtenaw County as sbown by the original records. C. H. MANLY, Register. #- 50,000 Letter and] Note Henl hui reoelved at the AROl'S Office, Nuw lth tloa to hand In your order Estáte of Williara H. Besimer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Wuhtenaw, O ss. Notice is hereby given, that by an order 01' the Probate Conrt lor the Oounty of VVashionaw, raadi on the twenty-aixth day of Novnaeber, A. I. 1878, bIx montha frora that date were allowcd for croditors to presrut their clniras agaiust the estáte of William H. Bcsimer, late of' said county, deceased, and that all crédito of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office a the ('Ity of Ana Arbor, for exaraination and allowance, on or before the twenly.sixth duy of M:iy nrxi, and thstunch claims will be heard before said ('nnrt on Wedneslay, the twentv-sixth day vi Kehruary, and on Momlay, the tweñt-T-sixtb day of Muy ri"s!, t ten o'rlock In tlie forenoon of 6ach of said daysa Iird, Aun Arbor, November '-, A. D. IÍ-7S. WIliUAM 1. HAÜIUMAN, Iïlw4 .ludev of Probate. Commiseioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wwbtenaw ss. The underaigued havlng béeu appoiutcd by the Probate Court for said eounty, commissiouers lo receive, examine and adjust all claims and deraands of all persons aainst the estáte of Thomas A. Booth, late of said eoiinty, deceásed, hereby giT notice that six montbs from date are ailowetï, by order of said Probate i'ourt, lor ereditors to !!■'■- sent thfr claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the office of Zlna P. King, n tlie eity of Ann Arbor, iu said county, on Thursday, the twentletl day of February, and on Tuesdáy, the tweutielli doy of May next, at ten o'elock a. m. of eaeh of aid days, to reoeive. examine, and adjtist said claims. Dated, Noniubcr 0 Y. 1. 1878. COMSÏOCK i'. HILL. !710w4 EGBEBT P. HARPEE, ZINA P. KIN(i, Com ut issi o u e is. Estáte of Conrad G. Helber. STATK OF MICHIQAN, County of Notioe is hereby given, t.hat bvan order of the l"robate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the eighteenth day of NoTember, A. 1. 1878, bíx moQttaa from that date were allowed for ereditors to piesent their claims againet the ewtate of Conrad G. Helber, late of aaid county, deceased, and that. all ereditors of said deeeased arerequired to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate uffiee in the city of Ann Arbor, lor exfimination and allowance, on or before the nineteenth day of May next, and j that suoh clftiran will be heard before said Court, on Tuesday, the eiifhteenth day of Kebrunry, and on Monday the nineteenth dy of May nex't, ftt ten o'cloek in the forenoon of each of aaid dy. J)ftted, Ann Arbor. November IR, A. T, 1878 W1Ï.LIAM IJ.HARKIMAN, l"14rt Judge of Probate. JísUte ot John J. ivooh. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wushtoimw wi. At h uwion of tho Probate Court Cor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate ( (luco in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-ninth day of November, in the yer oue thoiuand eight hundred and eventy-eight. l'rewnt, William D. Humillan. Judi'e ot Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí John J. Koch, deoeaaod. On reading and üling the petition. duly veiifled, of Aaron L. Feldkamp, Adniinistrator, praying that he maybe licensed to selj the real estáte whereof aaid deceased dird seized. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednenday, the eighth day of January next, at ten o'elock in the torenoon, be assiirned lor the hearing of aid Ipetition, and thnt the hcirs at law of aaid deceaaed, and all other persona interested m said estáte, are roqmred to appear at a sesaion of said Court, then to heholden at the Probate office in the city of Anu Aibor, and show cause, if any there be, why the praytr of the petitioner sïiould not be jjrranted : And it is further ordered that aaid petitioner give notioe to the persons interested in aiid estáte of the pendeney of said petition and the hearing thereof , by cauain a copy ot this order to be publiahedin the Michigan Argity a newupaper printed and ciroulated in said county, iour sutceonive weeks previoTis to said day of hearing. W1LHAM D. HAKRIMAN, (Atrae copy.) Jadge oi I'robnto. W, U. Doït, Probate P.egister, ' TIGtd Estáte of Margacetta I. Donnelly, minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbteuaw, m. AtasesBion of the Probate Court for the Oouuty of Washtenaw, holden at tho Probate Ot8ce, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Fridaj-, the tirenty-niuth day of November, in the year ont thousandeight hundred nd seventy-enrht. Present, William D. Huvriraan, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of jlargaretta I. Donnelly, minor. On reading and flüiig the petition duly Terifled, of Catharine Walsh, praying that sbe may be lioeuBed to scll ocrtaiu real estáte beloning to aid minor, Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the seTenth day of January next., at ten o'clock in the t'oreuoon, be assigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and that the next of kin of said minor and all other persons Interested In aaid uatatc, aru required to appear at a session of said :ourt, thon to bo holden at the Probate Office in the ity of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if auy there e, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould not be granted : And t is further ordered that said aetttioner give notico to the persons interested it aid estáte, of the pendeney of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causint; a copy of this order to bs publlshed in the Michigan Argus, newspaper prluted and uirculated in aaid county, 'our succe-ssive weeks previoua to said dav of hearing. VVIl-LIAM 1). HAKBIMAN. (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wu. C. Doty, Probate Register. 1716 Estáte of Thomas Harria. S.-TATE op MXCHIOA.N. Oounty of Washtenaw, js. At a seasion of the Probate Court for I the Couniy Wiishtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twentythird day of November, in the year one thousand eight huudred and seventy-eight. Prwent, Williüm D. Harriman, Judge ofTrobate. In the nia(tero) tbe eatate uf Thainas H.-ini. dteeaied. On reading and filing the petition, duly verifled, of Margaret Harris, praying that aceitáin instrument now on tile in thia court, purportiug to be the last will and tentamen! of said dfctased, inay be ulmitied to probate, and that she may be appointed executrix thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, thetwenty. third day of December next, at ten o'eloek in the forenoon, be assiar ed for tUe hearing of said petition, and that tbe denisees, leñateen and heiraat law of Baid deeeaseü, and all other persons intereted in aid estáte, are required to appear at a setwion of naid court, Énen to be holden at the l'robiite Otüre in the city of A nu Arbor, aud show oause, if auy there be, why the prayer of the putitioner aliould nt be granted: And it ii furtlier ordered, that said petitioaer give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pemlency ofeaid petition and the hearing thereof, by eau. ing a copy of this order to be publi.shed in the Michigan Jrgus, a newspaper printed and ciroulated in said county, three ■uoowBiTe wt-ekrt pie vious to aaid day of heariu". Wil. HAM n. HARUIMAV, lAtrueoopy.) Jud; of i'robate. Wm. O. Dotjt. Probate Reistcr. lTiatd Estáte of Lester Latimer. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw U s. Ata nession of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlee in the City of Ann Arbor, on Titeada?, the tweuty-sixth day of November, in the ye:lr one housaiuleiïht hundred and aeventy-aight.. Present, Williara D. Harritnat. , Judpe of ['robare. In the matter of the emate oí Loster Latiler, (leotased. Abigail E. Latimer, exocutrix of anié estáte, comes uto court and repreaents that shc is now picarea to ronder her anal account uiaoii executrlx. ' riieivupon it isorderf'l.thatSaturday.tbotwentyrst day of December, next, at ten o'clock in the ' orenoon, be assigucd rorexamlning and allowine i ïch account, and that the devisees, lcgati-e, and , ■ einailaw uf saiddoveased, and all other persons L iterested in said estáte, are required to appear at session of said court, then to be holden ] at tb Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, iu said county, and show cause, ifany there , be, why the said account should not be alIowed: And it is further orJoml, Uut said ( exeemnx give notice to the persons interesten ín sold estáte, of the nmidcucy ot aaid account and tho hearing thereof, by causiug a copy of this order to ba published in the Mkhignn Aryxu, a newspapcr pnnted and circulatlng iu said couuty three succcsnive week prerious to said dav of hcar'"g- WII.LIAM I). HAHKIMAN " [Atruecopy.l Judg of Probk t V. u. (i. Doiy. Probate ReliUr. nutd t Estáte of John Kettner. STATE OF MICHIOAN, County of Washtenaw, 8H. Ata session of the Probate Court tor tha (Jounty oí Wanlitenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Aon Arbor, on Monday, the eighteenth rtay of November in the year one thouaaad cight hundred and -eventy-eight. Preaent, WilliainD. Harriman, .ïudgeof Probato. In the matter ol the estáte of John Keltuer, deceased. On rending and flling the petition, duly verified, of Leoühaid Gruoei, praying that he niay be licensed to sell the real estáte whereof said deceased died Beized, for the purjmse of distribution. Thereupon itisordered.that.Saturday.the twentyfirst day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assiprned for the hearing of said jw ; tition.and that the heir- nt Iswol said deceaped, and hII othor purson interrntrd in said estafe, aro rr-qtiired to appear at n sossion of said court then to be holdea at, the I'robate otöre in the city of Ann Arbor, and how sanie, if any there be, wby the prayer of the petitioner ahouïd uot be granted : And it if furthir imlered that aid petittoner gire notice to the psrsons interested in eaid estáte, oí the pendency of said petitiun and the hearlui; i thereof, by causing a copy of thl order tobe pnbÍ lished in the Michigan Argm, a newspuper piiutcJ I and circulatod in said county, tour suoceBaiVö wefks previona to aui day of hearing. rt 1I.LIAM D. HAER1MAN, (A truecopy.) Judge ai Probnto. Wm. U. Doxy, Probate Register. 1714td Mortgage Sale. W HEBBAS, defaulc having been made ia u cuuditionaof u certain mortgage bearin data the flfteeiith day of April, A. D. 1873, made aiij executetl by Chauncy Iï. Milieu ana tíarah M. ilillen, his wife, of the city of Ann Arbor, Waöhlenaw County, ,Michigan, to Sila H. Douglas.of the me place, trustee of Marie L. Welles, and recorded in the oütce of the Regieter of Deed for Waahtena w County, on the twelith day of February, A. D. 187B, in Liber 58 of mortgages, on page 17J ; and whereas, thei-e is now due and unpaid upon said mortgage under the turnia and conditlons Ihereof the suin of two thousaud odo hundred and forty-six dollars and flfty-eight cents ($2,14e.58j, including an attorney fee of twenty-five dolían provided for in said mortgage in case anyproceedinga be taken to foreclose the mme ; and whereax, no suit or procieding at law or in equity bas been instituted to recoTer the debt so due and secured by said mortgage or any part thereof : Now, thereCore, notice íh hereby giyen that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage ccntained, and of the statutes of the Stnte of Michigan in such cases made and provided, ou Moxdaï, the skventkenth Diï OF Fkbkcakt, A. D. 1870, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, at the norlh door of the Coutt House of said county, the underaigned will sell at public auction. Ut the highest bidder, the premisos describid in aaid mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessury to satiify said debt, interest, attorney fee, coit and expenses of ule, said premlses beinj 11 that oertain piece or parecí of land sitnate in the city of ánn Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and State ofSlichigan, known and detcribedas follows, to wit : Lot number nine (HJ In range number fotir (4), block number throe (3) of the original plat of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan. SILAS H. DOUGI.AS, Mortgagee. Dated, Ann Arbor, Nov 22, 187S. Docolas & Bowis, Attomey's for Mortgagee, 5S Seitz Bloek, Detroit, Michigan. 1714 Mortgage Sale. DEí'AULT having been made in the conriitions of a mortgage ularte and executed by Michael Haehnle and Rosilla, hl wite.of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to l'harles Behr, of the eame place, bearin' date the flfth day oí February, 1670, and recordad in the office of the Register of deuda lor Washtenaw Coanty, Michigan, on tbe niuth day ot Föbruary, 1870, at 4i p'clock p. m., in Hoer 42 of morlgages, on page 315, on which mortgage there U claimed to be due at the date of thia notice, th sum of four hundrcd and flfty-flye dollars nd forty cents, and no proceedings at law or in equity havlug been rnstituied to recover the debt secureü by said mortgage or any part thereof: N'otice ia herebygiventhaton Fkiday.thk TwENTY-rocaTH iav of Jaxuaky, A. D. 187 at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon of that day, at tlio soulh door of the Coart House,% the city of Ann Arbor (that beine the building in which the Circuit Court tor said County of Washtenaw is held), by virtue of thn power therein contained. I sbatl foreclose saui morigage by sale, at public auction to the highes: bidder, of the premises dtBcribed in said mortgage, or so much thereof as shail be necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage with tbe interest, costa and expenses allowed by law, which said premisa are desoribed in said mortgagt as follows, viz: All the followin desorlbed lands towit: The west twenty-seven and a half feet of lot oye iu block two BOuth of Huron street, range tour east, in tlio city f Ann Arbor, Michiftan. Dated, Aun Arbor, Oct. 30, 1878. pniLir bach, ANNA L. BEHB. Adminislrators ot the estáte ol' Charles Boor deeeased. 1711 Chaucery Hale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, The Circuit Court for the County of Washteuaw. Inchancery. Jobu R. (iates, uomplainant, va. Charlea Whitaker, Jame M. Congdon, William Martin, Albert Congdon, KmniA Congdon, Fred Congdon, and Bessie Oongdou, dofendants. In pursuanoe and by virtue of a decree made and entered in the above entuled cause, on the twenty-second day of October, A. IX 1878, the underMgued, one of the Circuit C'outi Coniraissioners in and for aid County of Waslitenuw, will sell at public vendue, to the bidder, at the aouth door ot the County Clerk'a office, in tht; city of Aon Arbor, in aaid Couoy of Waahtenaw (said Clerk's oflics bcinir the plae of holding the Circuit Court for said county;, ou SaTÜKDAY HIK TWKXTY-KICIHTH Wï OF DeCKMbf.k, A. D. 1S78, at ten o'clock in the iorenoon oi that day, al) that traot or parcel of land desciibeJ asfollows: Ueing a strip ol' land seventeen Ject wideoff from the north sideof lot number six, aud a strip flvefeet wide üfl' trom tlie ooth side of lov number ftve, all in block numuer two, aooording to ihe ilat of the rillage of Chelsea, in ihu Cuuaty of Waohtenaw and Stafe of Michigan. Dated, Norembtr 16, A. I). 1878. vv. FRANK KMERICK, Circuit Oourt 'oniinLssiouer. Oeobok V. Tcun Bull, .Solieitor tor Complaüiaüt. Real Estáte for Sede. oTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O bs. In the mat ler of the estáte of John Ciibney, late of said county deceawd. Xotu-e is hereby given, taat in pursuauco of an order grantcd to the underslgned, aduiinistratrix with the will aunexed of the estáte of said John (iibney, by the Hon. Judje of Probate for the County of Washteuaw' on the twenty-Vixth dny of Norembirr, A. Ij! 1878, there will be aold at public vendue. to thé highest bidder, at the dwellins; house on the premises below describfd, in the township of Xortlifield, in the County '-t Washtenaw, in aaid Stal e on Wkunkbdo-, ihk nnoom dat or Jancakï, A. D. 1879, at len o'clock in the foienoon of thai day (euojeot tú ail encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise exittnig Rt the time of the death of said deceased, and subject to the riffhf of dower of Julia (iibney, wiaow of Patrick (iibney, deceased) tlu. tollowing deacribed real estáte, to wit : AU the uodiïlded inten.'nt ot the saia .John Oibney as an heir ut law of Patrick Gibney, deceased, iu thnse oertaio pieoea or parcela of land sitúate and bein in the township of Norlhneld, in the County of Waahtenaw, ;ind Stnte of Michig-an, known ,u.t describecl a follow9, to wit : The Southwest quaitev i the mirtheaat quarter and seven (7) acues off the east Bide of the north west quarter of the northeast qnarter of section twenty-one, iu town oue outh, range six east, iu said Mate of Michigan contaming foity-seven aeres of land, be the saino' more or lesa. Dated, November 2G, 1878. JUMA GIBXKY, 1713 Aaminlatratrix with the will annexed. Eeal Estáte for Sale. ]V"OTICE is hereoy giren, that in pursuance of ' licenfe Kiantcil to the undei-signed, adminjtrator dt bonñ non of the estáte of Evlin Shepard, deceased, by the Hon Judge of Probate tor the couuty of Washtenaw and State of Miohitan, on the fint day of Juno, A. 1). 1878, there will De aold at public vendue, to the higheat bidder i.t ;he rendenee of the undersigned, in the township )f 1 01 k, in said county and State, on the klevextm day O JahoabT, A. D. KS79, at two o'clock In the ifternoon of said day [subjtit to all encumbrance ïy mortgage orothrwise e.tisting at the time or ;he deatli of said dteeased) the followine descril.ed oal estáte, to wit : The east half of the north went .'rtcr of aeution twenty-seveu iu aid townahip if ork. ' Dated, November 27, 1S78. ,_. L0VATÜ8 C. ALLEN, _ " Acministrator, delionitnon. l'nlversity Letter and Note Heads, with ind without Cut, In Hodder's Patent Blot!ngPadCover_100 and 120 sheets In a look- for tale at the AKGUS O film


Old News
Michigan Argus