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On the last'day of the session, Rufus Dhoato, W. C. Presión, Richard Rush, . Bache, Gideon Ilawley, &c, was confirmcd by ihe Senate as Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, the bill for ts jstublishment having been signed by the President. # The Frcnch Spolialion Bill was lost n the Senate it had been yetoed, uot quite two-thinls votingfor it. The civil and diplomatic appropriation bilí, as compromised by a committee of the two houses, passed the House. The post roule bill passed the Ilouso, nfier striking out all but the routes, hut früied in the Senate for want of time. The bill authorizing the President to employ $2.000,000 in procuring peacc wilh Mexico, was lost in the Senate, Mr. Davis of Massachusetts, speaking to the last minute 01; an amendment prohibiting slavery in California. Mr. Lewis, of Alabama, had moved to strike out the section prohibiting slavery inserted by the House. Had a vote been taken, it is thought that it would have been strickcn out. The Slave Power rules supremn.The V'ice President desinng to léaye, a President of the Senate pro. cm. was elected afler numerous bailóte - a slaveiioldcr of course - Mr. Atchison, of Missouri. He presided one day. The late session of Congress is said to have been ihe longest on record. Measures of great importnnce, both for good and evil, have been consumrnatcd. The Oregon queslion after all the bravadoing speeches and messages of Mr. Polk has been setlled on a basis probably as near right as could be attained; and on such termsas will preclude future hostiltlies with England. We have reason to rejoice at this result. Next, the country has been plunged into un unnccessary, expensive, and aggressive war with a forcign power for the express purpose, as there is reason to believe, of seizing a portion of her territory, and appropriating it toour own use. We shall receive our natural punishment for this wickedness in the direct line of the transgression - by enormousand grinding taxat ion. Tho Sub-Treasury bilí has also become a law. We have not seen itas it passed: but we have no very favorable dea of somo provisions of the former law. The new TariiT seems to be ot a mongrel charactcr, got up by a kind of logrollingdevice. We regard it fa vorably, so far as it involves a reduction ofduties on arcicles of necessary and general use, and in that respect approaches to unreslrictcd freedom of tradf which will bé acknowledgcd and practised by future generationsas the true duclrine for mankind. The rcduciion of the price of the Public Lands, a mcasure which has been eought for during many ycars by a portion of western politicians, luis again fniled by a disagreement in the details of the bill.