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The annual roport of the Stat salt inspector shows 1,855,88 1 barrels manufacturad, an inerease of 191 8 17 barrels over ;he amount produced the previons season. The total copper shipmonts from lake Superior tbis year were 17,890 tons, of which 14,197 1-2 tons woreingot coppor. The Quincy mine's product was 1,777 :ons, 52 moro than last year. A little son of Joseph and Ann Gasiill, of Medina, Lenawee county, aged 7 years, was killed on the 12 tb. while playiug around a wagon-box which was :urned up on lts side. It feil over and struck the cbild on his neuk. A farmer living in Clinton county raised 5,000 busbels of onions in 1877, and :,000 bushels this year. He has a building erected especially for storing and preserving his onions, coutaining 1,200 reet of shelving, upon which 0,000 bushels of onions can be atored. Clement McDermid, of Midland county, convicted duriug the last term in the Circuit Court of stabbing his brother, has goue to Jackson for six years. It is said that an eifort will be revived in the Legislature this winter to creatu a naw judicial district out of the counties of Huron, Tuscola and Sanilac. - While sawing logs in the woods, two miles northeast of Ileed City on Monday aftoruoon, Miobaol Kuioh, his son and a man nauiüd Gingerech, were severely iujured by a falliug limb. The boy bas onu hand smashed and sundry bruiseB about the head, which muy prove fatal. At 1 o'clock Sunday morning lire destroyed the niarble shed and barn of Ira V. lieed, also tho barn of Dr. Wilber ; all a total loss, but partially covered by insuranco. There wasanothor incipient lire located in the heart of the business centre of the city in the rear of Jas. W. Sheldon's block, superior Srreet, Cause, incendiary at Albiou. At Ionia on Monday afternoon a little boy, Christopher Velker, feil into an open cistern while playing near his father's house, and was drowned before he could be taken out. The Board of Supervisors of Barry county have issuod a circular to the several Boards of Supervisors of the State looking to combinad action relative to taxation. They want a law by which a mortgage on real ostato inay be assessed to the mortgagee, and the vaftie of the property over and above the mrtgage to the occupaut ; all uioueys aud credits to be assessed as personal property except when secured by mortgage on real estáte ; that personal property shall be exempt froni taxation to the amount of indebtedness of the persou possessing tbu same, other than debts secured by mortgage , that the occupant of any real estáte mortgaged be required to pay the taxes assessed to inoitgagee, and the. collector's receipt therefor shall be as so mnch money paid on said raortgage. These are all rather abrupt departuros from the present established state of tbings. Eugene Canright, of WestLeroy, Calhoun County, was killed about 4 o'clock Monday afternoon by the oaving of an old well, from which ho was removing the bricks, in company with his uncle. Ho stood at the bottom of the well, and just as the last bucket was about to be drawu up by his uncle, the earth suddonly cavod in from abovo and buried him in the well. The neighbors were aroused and prompt efforts made to save the unfortunato man, but when the debris was removed he was found dead, standing erect with his face upturned. The deceased was about '27 years of age, and has been employed for some time on farma in East Leroy. On the moruing of the new year it is expected that the Governor, acooiupanied by the jujges of the Supreme Court, will visit the new representativa hall, where the oath of office will be publioly administrated to the Governor and new State officer8. On this occasion it is expected that all the living es-Governors and Heutenant-Governors will be present, together with niany Michigan ]iouef!rs who have been connected with State affairs in years past. Short speeches will be delivered by some of those present. At this gathering a detailed report will probably be made by the State Building Commissionerg, and the Capítol building formally tnrned over to tho Governor aud State officers. Xo formal, but a general invitation will lie oxtended to civil and military organiziitions throught the State to be present. It is hoped and expucted, that somo remarks will bo made by ex-Gov. Felch, tho oldoat living Michiga exGovernor and ex United States Senator ; by ex-Gov. Greenly, who signod tho bill for the establishment of the Capitol at Lausing; by ex-Gov. MoClelland ; by ex-Gov. Blair, the war governor of Michigan ; by ex-Gov. Baldwin, under whose administration the uew Capitol building was cotumenced; aud by ex-Gov. Bugley, under whose admi uistration]a large part of thejwork was done. In the evening a general reception will be given from 8 to 10 o'clock, by Gov. Croswell at his rooms in the new Capitol. TIiíb will not be a formal affair, but a general invitation is extended by the Governor to the people to cali on him at his new quarters. - Lansing Repubhcan


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