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HILL'S OPERA HOUSE. C. J. WlIITNEY, - LB88KE ANI MaNAOEB. For tl) ree nlglits poslUvely, Moiiduy, Taraduy, aud Wednesday, ec. 3, 4, and 25. Grand Matinee Carísimas day at:!,';.. Engagement extraordinary, and flral appearance ui Uit world's gnatest magieiaü, HARTZ! In hli niarTel and miracU-s. First ■ppeannce oí the l'remier Ventriluquist, die original rLIl'TON, introduciug bis íuiiny lime people, Duke and Suio. The inimitable LAWTON, In hb great snevialty, Snddeii Amiearance, producing a grand prusrainnie of Mirto, Muslo, am) Mystery. Everythiugchaste. liriglit aud elegant. Pupnlar prioss, idmisBloB SS c('iits: reserred sc(3, 50 oents; chlldren, 25 cent. Seata can be securcd threedays iu advance at J. C. Watts' Jcwlry Stre without extra Ahaige. Ann Arbor City Mills, The Flour we are makinpr from Southern Illinois and Old White Michigan u heit s giviog ibe VKRY BEST SATISFACTIOIf. Ank yonr Grocer for it, or culi at our Flour smid Feed Store, cor. Ann aud Fourtb Slreets. To Fahmees.- Wo are piying the hii;hest market price at all times foi Wheat. Cali at our milis before selling and get ttll your wheat is worth. 1715tf SWATHEL, A1LES & KYEE. OINSEY & SEABOLÏ'S BAKERY, GROCERI - AND - laOUK & FKKD STOKE. We keep constuntly on nand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and KKTAIL. TRADE. SVe huil itleo keep u nupply ot DELHI FTOTJFfc, J M. SWIFT & OO'S BE8T WHITE WHEAJ FLOUK, KYE KLOUR, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUK, CORN MKAL, FEED, c, ico. At Wholesale and rutail. A gfperal Btock of GROCERIKS AND PROVISIONS Qonatutly on humi, whiiih will be scjld on n rea a jnuble ttsrmp an ut uny other house in thi city. Cash paid for Butter, Kgifi, und Country I'ro1DC6 ki'HiT;illy. B" GoodH delivcrca 'O any part of the city with out extra churgo. KIIVSKY . SICABOIr. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 1S78. 15C4 THÊ0iïÊAT KNGLISH REMEDY! GBAY'S SrECIFIC MEDICINE TRADEMARK.l8 e,nV re rRADiÍ, K-flfSKMl.VAL éÊÊ'Svi ■n í m' Belt Abue; ns .7 .'"' Before TakingLuss o Muao-After Taking. RT,UNlVEH8iLLAsain;l)E,PA]s inthkBack.DimN-Ec of Vision, VuematukkOld Auk, una many other diHeaeea Unit lwid to Iruanlty, Consuiuplion ind a Prematnre Gvare, all of whlob as s rule are tirstciiused by rievuitinf; from the path of nature and over Indúlgenos. The Bpeolfio Medicine i tlie result of a life stu:ly and many yenrs of espenence in treating thenu spi-eial diMasee. Kuil particular iu our pampblets, iii.-h we desire to send free by mail to i-very one. The Specitlc Medicine is old by all Drtlggistsat Í1 ptrpackaRc, ornix piiokn(fe8 lor $5, or willbe sent by mail on recoipt of tho money by ndd-vesing THE OKAY MKUICINE CO., 1674 No. 10 llechanics' Block, Detroit Mlol. ♦B-Boldin Ann Arbor ly Eberbaoh & 8m, and by all druggist evei ywher The DetroitFree Press JPOjR 1879. Donna i lic coming year Tuk Fbeb PBBftfl wlll be improved Ln ;ill th departments, und new f entures wiíi be added trom timeto urne. The meritsof the paper urn imw o well lcnowo thiit the publi.-thcp !o not doem ifc necessary ïo recapitúlate tliuin. TUK DAILY FREE PRE88. The alna ia tomake itthe best nowspaper, and jvery exerÜoh i? put fort-h to ki'ep it in the front rank. Pnce $10 a year ; $■■ for mx raonths. THE TEI-WEBKXY FULE PRESO Has no superior in the quantity and variety of its reading matter. Subacriittiuii, $J a year; l'.5u íor síx tuontha. THE WKEKLY FREE PRESS. It bas correspondent-a in all part of Michigan. Lt has DO superior 'or market reporta that every lujiici will appreciate. lts "Farm" department Isright up to the times. Our best farmer in all portions of the State contribute oiiginal articles for its columns. Whilo the excellence of Thk F kek Prkss has been lauded by thoae acqutúnted with its merite, iti wet.-kly supplement, "TIIE HOUSEHOLD," bas iu#i - espeeially at the hands of the ladief- a moei reception. Tiie HoiiHehoid'1 ie pre-eminentl; thewoman'a puper of thie country. N'o other journal gives expresión bo i'ully and bo oompletely to the anpirutiona, wibhee and achieve niunts of woniitn ; none other upproaohes it iu kinc ud sympathelic tone. The oroad and generoua huinanity ;evinced by its contributora renders it uttrnctive to people of every eins, age and sex. Tuis Fiu:k Prk-s oud 'The Household" together are n&approaGhable in excellence, and raake up a weekly joimiul that every faniily in the land wil prizo. The Wkkki.y FbBE Pbess and "The Household' win ie sent tö single aubaaiibera In the .Stato o ttiobigan fot ít.5 a year, postule prepai'i. Remit by potitoffloe order or New Vork draft. A.idreH, THE ritlili PRÜ8S C , Detroit, Man lu Ihe hope that friends everywhere mav render il.- Die favor tf uanvasKing their rfí8pecLive localítiea for Thb Freh Pbess, the pabllshen oiter to al who will eend us, between the 18th oí Novemucr and ls(. of Miuch next, thirty aubscriptionf to 'I tn W : : ju.v l'm;i: Pbbbb at $1.90 each, a copy o W'ebster'í Koval Onaito ü NABRIDGE1) DICTIONÁRT. Ci & t'. Bferriam & Co., PablishenB, Springfleld The groat national standard. A librar y in itelf 1,840 pages; 'fino eogravings; 114,000 worda N'tíntly and strongly bound in aheep. A book that Bbould '! poaseasea by every family. Other ]remiuuiB aie decribed in a oirculai iimiled free ou upplication. FOR YOTJR OWN SAKE Ti y TBE Fkkk Prers for a year. ■'i ... prétn tuflu Ctn to ag#ntt Send for u circular before aubscribin to any other paper. i; CLUB 1T WÍTH THE ABGUS. Thíí tenns for the two tojí ether are $?.7 per y-ur. Send that amount to the publisher of the Abous and both will bu maik-d you poatage tree, If you ilesiie to luke both together you'll never regret it. All persona should pat ronize'ít huir local papor. Next )et ' ln'in take the BEST PAPER TIIKY CAN FIND. That paper ia, as all Bay who know, THE DETROIT PREE PfiESS. A ipeoímen copyof The Fkee Pbbbs wilre seDt fwe tö ;my addreas. 1716 PURE GUM RUBBER BOOTS Being free from adulter&tlve mixtures, will give louger ssrvlce than cumuion Rubber Uoots. Tluír fereat popularity has !Od to xnany címap linitations, having a Dcll Fimbu, but this stíaüün the "CANDEE" CO. win VARNISH Their PURE GUM P.OOT8. and to dlstlnguiah theni íroiii the cominoD kiDd. will attach a RUBBER LABEL on tho front of the leg, hearing ihe laacriptíon CUSTOM MADE. PURE GUM. Th ■ Bi "■ havo thPan Metal Heel Pint-. , which te 'v.-:itK th' iteel wearinp away so quicki; . ani ;hi-y will have alao the patent Gutsids Staiionary Strap ÏTtateftiï oí the very iuoonvenient web inside ut ;ij.. LIB4 ! on othef uiiikes oí üooti. ASK FOR THE "PANDEE" BOOT, ÏTOTICE. ' The understgned lias puTChaaed t)ie hiterost of George H. Winslow In the frame and plet ore buslDeas, No. 30 Eaat Huron Street, and will continue the busi oeas at the same place, giving prompt attentioii toali orders for frames. ëtc-A fine Btock of ('bromos, ICngravings, and Photographs on hand and for sale eheap. All debtfl due the late firm of Wlnalow A McMIllan are parable to the uodersigncd, and aoy debts contractd d uring hls cöuoection wiih the flrm will lic paúl by him. Ann Arbor.Oct. 14, 13S. ITiüu O. McMIT.LAN. VTOTICE! The anng'ul íiitíetinp of the Washteimw Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednksday, Januay 8, 1879, at 10 ocloek a. ni., for the purposa of electing oöioera and transaoting such other businosa as may legal ly come before the meeting. A general attendance is deeired :ia an amendment to the Charter will ík; subinitteO in regard to alteriur the Charter ao a to insure Live Stock against Hghtning on ihe premirjeB instead of in the buildings as at Also the question of uaing Steam n a motive power will be acted uion. Dated, December .", 187R. U1WÖ N. SHELDOX. Sec'y. Bilí BlS-ïfflSI UW í i ia f 5iJ m [VS Iftl mm i 2s ? 2 s ;( TTODSE AND LOT FOE SALE. Loented 111 b desltable part of the city, and in ?ooil repair. AIho u house to rent on favorable .enne. luquire at the AltOTTf otlice, er 22 THOMöOX STREET. . Ann Arbor, March 14, 1378. lU78tf. Ucan make money fanter at work for O8 than at anythiug flse. Capital not requïred; we wlll lurt you. $12 per day at huiae made by the induatnous. Men, womt'ii, boys and girls wantcd everywhere to work for ua. Now i hc Jtiuie. t'ostly outHt and term f ree. AddreaB Ïia-K St Co , Augusta, Muine. TlVOTliEK KKmrCTlON IÏV LIME! oiiin Urne will t(' horouftersold :it mv Huif woi ks t v. liolesalfl for 30 cents a bashe!, and Monroo lime t LM contn. Ah; lïiifk, Viit-i Huif. -:i]iiiM-(l gaster, (''meiii Plaaterf ng" nair and Wood íor aale. Aun Arbor, Sept. 10, W78. 17O4H13 JACOB VOLLAXI). 50,000 Letter and' Noto Ileaila Just eoeived at the AKGUS Office. ow ia the iuie to liuud in yuur order.


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Michigan Argus