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- l'rof. Watling ia inaking & colleotiou of skulls for the Dental College. - The several departmenta cloao to-day for holiday vaoation. Will open again ou Tueaday, January 7. - The students of the Law Department propose to celébrate Waahingtou's birthday and have appointed Mesara. McLaughlin, Judd, Judson, and Wilson- two seniors and two juniors- to confer with Judge Cooley on the subject. - On Monday evening laat Presideut Angelí discussed "Christianity and the Labor Problein" before the Detroit Evangelical Alliance. The abstract of the addreaa aa given iu the Free Press shows that it was both a scholarly and thoughtful production. - The Adrián Press is respsctfully advised that seventeen Ann Albor students have not been sont to jail for expelling a fellow student trom a society. That little aftair is chargeable to the Albion College. Don't pile the agony upon the Uuiversity auy thicker than is uece8sary. - I he " Eclectios" are kuockiug at the doors ot the University. They want a departineut or school, and want the liegents to joiu them iu asking the Legislature tor an appropriation : or so saíd a delegation which appeared bofore the Executive Committee of the Regenta yesterilay. - The Ksecutive Committeo of the Regenta ware iu session on Wednesday eveuing and had thu " war of the patheis " íuformally bfore them. Yesterday most of the day waa speut iu mvestigating the recent affray at the hospita!, lts causes, surroundiugs, &o. Wheu a reault is reached the Akgus readers shall be adviaed. - Rev. J. K. Applebeo dul not have a large audieiice last Mouday eveniug, but his hearers seemed to apprcciate his analysis of the characters created by Dickens and his renderïngs of nuinerous pa?snges. Sorae of his delineratious were specially good. After the lecturo a reception was givon to the lecturer at the reaidence of Judge Beakes. - The State Dental Association held a meet ting in thia city on Friday last, to specially consider the needs of the College of Dental Surgory. The Associatiou will probably memorialize the Legislature at the coming session for au iuoreased appropriation, and will aak that it be made a permanent one,- to save biennial calis; They will claim that the progress of the school will warrant this. - The Palladium was placed on sale on Tuesday morning and went off like hot cakes. In its text are catalogues of the several secret societies under whose auspices it is published ; of the faculties and Btudents in the several departments; of the various literary, musical, athletic, and other organizations, etc. The illustrations are more uumerous than in former years and some of them combine decided humor with real merit. The drawiugs were inade by I. K. Pon3, of tho senior class, aud engraved at Boston. The printing waa doue at the Courter office. The editora have spioed the matter with jokes and wise snyiugs, aud are entitled to credit for bauishing the smut and vulgarity which has aometimes disfigured oilege anímala. They hare a right to feel proud of their work.


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