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- Next Sunday afternoon, Prof. Estabrook, of the State Normal School, Ypailanti, will address the Reform Club, at the Opera House. - The Reform Club fair opened on Monday eveuing, and is being very well patronized. They have tancy articles on sale auitable for Chrislinas presenta. - Heury Chance, who delightt in being advertised as the "Buckeya Broadaxe," did n't appear at the Opera House on Sunday at'ternoon. The meeting was addressed by Mossrs. Otis Thompson, W. F. Hayes, and L. Chnmberlaiu, of the Law Department. - On Mouday next, Dec. 23, in response to the request of the State Board of the W. C. T. U., meetings of prayer for the temperance cause will be held in the reading rooms of the Reform Club, at 10 o'clock a. m., 2 p. m., and 7 p. m. It is expected the clergymen of the city will be present and conduct t he meetings The State Teachers' Assoclatlon. The 26th annual meeting of this body will be held at Lansing December 25-27. The meetings will be held in the Cougregational Church. Reduced rates at 2 cents per mile, round trip, will be given on the railroads, and the price of board at Lansing will also be reduced. The foliowing is the prograinine : The opening address on Wednesday evening at 7.30, will be given by John Bascom, D. D-, LL. D., President of Wisconsin Uaiversity. Topio- " Tests of a System of Education. " On Thursday eveniug an address will be given by Arnold Stone. A. M., Director of the Cincinnati Observatory. Topic-" The Sun." Topics for Thursday-" The Spelling Reform," E. O. Vaile, editor of the Educational WeeMy, Chicago. " The Need of a Broarder Culture in Literature and the meaus of Securïng It, " Miss Florence E. Cushman, preceptieas of the Niles High School. "School Exhibits at our Meetings,"" Delos Fall, professor of natural science, Albiou College ; H. N. Chute, pjoíessor of natural scieuce and mathematica, Anu Arbor High School. " Oür School Librarles, " William H. Payne, superintendant of Adrián Pvblic Schools ; I. N. Demmon, assistant profH88or of rhetoric and English literature, University of Michigan. " Our County Iusti'utes, What Can be Done to Iucrease their Eflicieucy. " Free discussion of all topics is desired as far as time will allow. Gov. Croswell has been invited to be with us at such time as shall suit nis couveuieuce, and give us such words of counsel and cheer us he may see fit. A special card of invitation ia sent to each member-elect of our Legistature to be in atteudance and particípate in our deliberations. Session of Superinteudents' Association. Friday, December 27.It is proposed to devote Friday to the considerations of the condition and needs of our rural and ungraded schools. The plan is to have the foltowing topics introduced by competent persous in short speeches, and then thrown open to general conference. We wish all to give these sub jects careiul attention, and come to take part in the conferance. May we not hope that such a conference will develop somethiug which will give new efficiency to this important -part of our educational workf Teachers, township superiutendents, former county superintendente, citizeus interested in our educational work, and especially members of our next Legislature, are earnestly invited to be present and take part in the deliberations. The foliowing are the topics to be considered : 1 Are uur rural and ungraded schools sec ui ing auch results in the ordinery branche now taught In them as niight reasonably be expected? O. Hosford, I. N. Wellington, Frank Peavey. 2. Is it expedieut to add to tb studies now geaerally pursued in these schools other topics, such, for example. aa United States history, uatural history, drawiug or the elementa of geouietry? Hou. J. J. Bagley, E. A. Strong, C. F. E. Bellows. 3. Is au undue amount of time devoted to any of the subjecta now taught in these schools? C. B. Thomas, J. B. Plowmau. 4. Is there any better or closer relation practicable between these schools and our giaded schools? Austm üeorge, H. N. French. 5. What can be doue to secure greater permanency in the work of the common school teacher? Is a consolidntion of the aessions of the school year practicable? Ia pensiouing practicable? Would higher wages do it? H. A. Ford, I. W. Morley. 6. What is the best practical stytem of supervisión for these schools? Hon. G. A. Gower, W. H. Payne. 7. What are the best means to be ued for improving the teachers of these schools? J. Estabrook, Z. Truesdel, T. W. Cris--ey.


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