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Calendar For 1879

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1 1 l!l#li%ï! - 's W%N'I 2_ïl!lill 2 iïlllll Jan. 1234 July ' 2 3 5 5 í 7 8 9 11 1 C 7 ■ fií 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 iO 17 18 13 14 i5(i6 17 18 19! : 1 -■ ?. I ?■; 23 24 25 ÏC SI tj 23 2.} .'5 :(■ 26 27 28 -9 f ?7 aS!?9 30 31 Fcb. i Aug 1 2 = 345678 2 4 5 6 7 S q 9io 1 ic.ii i2 13 14 15 16 1 6 1 7 : . IQ! 20 21 23242326.:: Mar t;j 3UM Scpt ... 1: ,-. 3] J s! & 11 ia 13 14 15 1 9iotiii3 i6i7 iS 19:20 2i 22 i 1 11 1 7 i3 in'ao -: 262728=9' J324'25 26'27 Apr. ...... 12345 Oct i a 3! 4. 67891;' 5 6 7 12 13 m 1516 17 22 23 2. 25 -6 19 20 21 23 . : 'l ■ 27282930 627: . . I May 1 2' 3 Nov ! 1 4 5 i 7 8 giro! 2 3 4 5' 6 7' L II 13 13 14 i' o 10 11 i? 13 :.-, [5 18J19I20 21 22 zj. j-t ■ . 19 2 1 -1 -■- 25 í6 27 28 29 30131 ! -'5 26,27 zS'a9 I... i I30 ! y... June 1234567 Dec. 1 2 5 4 5! 6 ■ 9 xo un a io 11 12:13 1 5 16! 17 ! 1 8 . 1 24 25 -( --7 8 ' : ■ ■ I ■■■■■_■ ■--;- ■ a - ■ ■' Chronologrical Eras. THIS YF.AK CORRESPONDO TO The year üñ!2 of the Julián period. 'Dio yoar 788T-b8 oí the llyzantine era. The yt-ar 66tfMQ of the Jewish era. The year -' 2 sinee tho foundation of Rome. Th year 2(55 of tlie lympiadB. The year 2:ili ot tbc Orcelan era. The year 1595 of the era of XHocIefian. The ycar ISW of the era ot the Hegira. Chronoloeical Cycles. Dominical Letter E. Sol ar Cycle 12. Epact-. 7. lïnmun Itulit-tion 7. Lunar Cvcle, or Golden Julián PerioU 6092. Number 1S. Iffovable Festivals. Beptaagesima Sunday Feb'y 9. Sexaetima Sunday Feb'y l(i. Qulngnaffesima Sunday Foby ö.'i. Ash Wednesday Feb'y 2tï. Quadraesima Sunday March 2. Mid-I.ent bunday March n. Palm Sunday ptil fï. Oood Friday April 1 1 . Eaater -unnay April 18. Low Suiiday April 20. Iïojration öuulay May IS. Ascensión Day May 22. TVhit Suiulay Juno 1. Trini t y Sunday June S. Corpus Cliristi June 12. Advent Sunday Nov. 3U. Eclipses. 1. Annular eclipse oí the sun, Jau. 2, 1S79. In viflible in United States. 2. Annular eclipse of the sun, July 18, 17'J. Inviyible in t'nited Statfts. 8. Partial eclipse of the raoou, Dec. 27-2S, 1579. Invisible in United States. Herschel's Weather Tablo, TOK FOREl'KLLIN'ii THE VKATÜKR. THROUGHOUT ALL THE LUNATIOXS OF EACU YEAB, FORÜVKU. Thfs table and the accompanyin remarks are the result of niauy years1 actual observation, the whole ueing constrncted on a due consideration of the attractiou oi tho sim and moon in their several poHitiuiifi rtspectíng the earth, and will. bysinnle inBpeotJon.ehcrw öie obéerverwhatklnd oí wetherw111 most probably follow the entrance of the moon into any ot itH (uartrn. and that ko near the tmth 08 to be aeldom or never tound to fail. " .Njr iftonjFirtt Quartfr, FU 3fi)on or I. OÊt Q nar ter In Summrr. In Winter. happen Lt;icn Midnight & i a.m.iFair bioet unlesa wind fiou tü west. 2 and 4 a. ra 'Gold and showeis. Snow und stonay. 4 and 6 a. ni Hwin R:iin. (5 and a. 111 Wind nd rain.... St'jrmy. 8 and 10 a. 111 Caungeaitle Uo3d rain if wind we5'.now if east lü and 12 a. m .Frequ ntshowers. (!old A hit?li wind 12 una 2 p. 111 Vt.v rniny Snoworiain. 2 and 4 p. m Ofiüngeauje i'air and mild. 4and 6 p in Tuir Fair. 6 and U p, m 'Fatrif Fair, frostyif wind 1 west. I nurth or it. o. 8 and lOp.m Ruiny it south or'U.iin or anow if 1 fioutliAil. I sowth or e. w. 10 and midnight.. Fair Fair and fn.sty. OiisKRVATioNs. - 1. Tlie nearer tha tmio oí the moon 's change, ftrst qitarter, tull and laat quarter are to nddnlght the falrer ftül be tho woather duríiiít the next sevéu days, 2. apoce for QÜS t-alculatiou occiipieH from 10 at nlghi til] , next monüncr. 8. The nearer to middny or' noon the phases of the moon happens, the more toul or wet weather jnay be expected dnrïng the next seven days, 1. The spaee for tliis calculatlón occupies from 10 in the forenoon till 2 iu the afternoon. These obuervations tefer prlncïpally to the sommer, thouh they affect spring and autumn nearly in the isame ratio. 5. The moon's chanpe. ürst (jilartt-r, full and last quartvr. liapponing during ftix of the afternoon hours, from 4 to 10, may be followed by fair weathf-r: but tliis ia inostly dei)cudeiit on the wind. as ia noted in the table. (l. Thouglï the weather, from a varit-ty of irrcfjular causi,-s, is more uneertain jn the la.tter part of autumn. the whole of winter and tht: beglnnJng of sprint.', yét, in the main. tht-aboveobaervatiouswill apply to periodfl also. 7. To prognoölieate correctly, eepecially ín these oasoe where the wind is concerned, the obaerver should bo withiu aiifht of a good vane, where the four cardinal poiuta of the heavens are correctly placed.


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