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THE EAST. A violent rain storm swept over the the New Eugland States a few days ago, deetroviug mucli property, aui. by waHliing away bridgen and culve-rte, "cansing several railway acciddiits and ome loss of life Sam Collyer, the prize-fightor, wlio was sentenced to "the New Jersey peniiontiary for six vearti for manBlaughter 'in 187ü, has" bon pa"rdoned by the Governor. Saratoga, X. Y., had something of a finaucial llurry last week. Two banks - tho Commercial and Piret Xatioual - cloaed thoir doors I)r. Bradford, a New York phyuician of hithvrto fair repute, has been sentenced to fourteen years and ix months imprisonmont iu tho penitcntiary for malpractice. THfi "WEST. Chicago elevators, as per official returns, oontain 4,íütí,4ííl) bashels of wheat, 1,290,1)27 bushola of corn, 505,105 buahels of oat, 173,868 bushelsof ryo, and L34O.581 Irashels of barley, mt&ing a grand total of 7,991,850 bnshels, against 3,&W,918 buahels at this period last year. A heartrendixo accident recently occurred near Sabula, Iowa, on the Mississippi river. The river bcing partly frozcn over, a man namcd tano took hiswife and twoohildren out for a little diversión ou the ice. Plaoing them on a hand-flleigh, he ahoved the partv ahead of him bv moans of handles ! tachwl thereto. All at onco thewholo party'; broke through the ice and were drowned. Their ; bodios had not been reeovered at ladt accountSi . ...A whöle f amily, oonsisüng of lí Haraleon, a widow lady, and her threu cbüdrsn, were receutly found murderud in Kenrnoy county. Neb. The bodiea v.-cre found concealed in a hay-Btóck. No clew to the murderor The Chicago Tribunt printH i xte .Hive teleL'raphio reporte réga:ding iho winter-wheit outlook throughout the N.ji thve wQich are i;ouerally of a'i enconraging character. In niany loealities the av. rage lias lieen loduced by reason of theunuaual drough' whicb pr vailed during the fall m-nths, wliilo in o ho.s tbe sceage hasbesnlargolyincrcascd, aud prospecta are god for au abundant oi op. THE SOUTH. Two important evonts in tho lifo of Wade Ilampton happoned on thelOthof December. On tliat 1 ay ho was eleeted to tho Sonate I of tho United States frora South Carolina. ! most at the samo hour the surgoous amputated i i ne of lúe lega. A state of lawlcssness still existed in Breathitt county, Ky., at last accounts. The rival faetiona continue to ehoot each Qther like baiiwriana at every opportunity. The State militia has l;een sent to tho sceno of tho outrages, hut they secm powtrless to snppress the spirit of lawlessueas tliat seeins to have seized upon an entilo eommunity. WASHINGTON. It can now be stated positively that thoro is at least no present probability of Attornoy General Doven retiring from tho Cabinot. The President and other ntombers of the Cabinet consider it of advautago to the Government that no chango shall oocur at present, and, whilo Gen. Deven hM h;i'l offered to him tho poeiiion of tho First Circuit Judgesbip, ho will defer bia nwn wiahèe in regard thorcto, and remaní in bis present office. At Mount Carrie, Fla., four nogi-oes attemptod to bnm a mili, and boat the Superinondent's wife, and compoüod her to givo up 5400. Tlie negroos wero srrestod, bút a band of masked men overpowered the gaard, (ook the prisouors iu front of tho Baptist Church, shot two doad, and mortally wouudod a third. Tlio fourth escapod Prj'ör Jones and Smitli .lacksnn, colorea, were execoted !:wt weok. at i Bastrop, Texas, in the prosonceof 8,C00 persons prinoipally negroos. Tin-, Troasury Department, to stalate salet", contemplatee öxing commii'sioii.s on ubscripüons Tor tho 4 per cent eon!n, np to June fe), !.:'. aa (ollomi On subscriptif.iiK of $100,000 to ll.OOaOUQ, ; , qt : i or cenu From Í 1(000,000 to fiO.eOOtWffV ot 1 por oent On amouuts iü totea of $10,000,000, an additional commission of 1-10 of 1 percent It íb Kaid that tlio Intor-Blato Commerco l)ill for rognlating rnihvay tariefs will bu for tho benefit of railrond and u, tiu. iüji.iv of prodsowni, u t ro ■ ables tlio roads to mako thoir own ratos o long as thi-yaro uniform and not diBOriminating Tlioro is íi proposition boforo tho AYnys and Means Committeo to placo a coupon stamp upon everv eigar manufactnred or imported, and a number of members of the House have indorsed tho idea afl a cheap aud certain manner of collecting the mx. GENKKAL. Gen. Graxt expects to embnrk at Maravilles, Franco, in tho Uulted States war stoamer Eichmond, for India, via tho Suez ('ui1.:: i, about Christmas; thence ho vii proceod, in tho same steamor, to China, Japan, instrali, aud the Sandwich islauds, reaching San Francisco in May next. Tho stoamor Richmond haa lwen placed at h8 oonvouionoe by President Hayea.... Failod: Lull & Sage, butter nd chooso manufacturéis, Chenango couiity, N. Y. , liabilities Í350.000; Place k Levy, gjove manufacturera, Glovorsville, N. Y., liabiiitii-s ?:.'■ 0,000; Hauauer, Lichtenauer A Co , wholesalc clothing, t Paul, Mimi., liabUiüea S; Dodd, Brown & Co., the great dry-goods dealers of St. Louis, havo boen torced by their creditors to mako au assignment. Henry Wells, of "Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, died recontlyin Scotland. . . .Tho office of Turnbnll A Co. , St, John, N. li., was robbod last woek of bonds, stocks, etc. , of the valuo of $100,000 Immigration is ou tho increaae again. Tho arrivals at tlie port of New York for twelve monüia onding on the 30th of November numberod 81,255, while ouly 0(1,111 were reported for th proviou yoar The OctoW.r returns of the Department of Agricultore dld not mateiiallv chango tho aspect of the wheat erop as foresbadöwed bytho niontlily rejiortH of coudition. The December returns, im lading tho ostiniates of the yiold por acre, confirm aud somewhat onlargo tho provious ostimates. A computation from all the returns shows au aggrogate erop of about 4X'5,(J0 UOu bushols. Mi;istek Kasson ■rites from Austria that he thinks tho l'nitcd Statos can make a treaty with Persia which will be to tho interest of our ootton manufactuirs.. ..Gen. Grant's house in Washington, which cost $25,000, has boon sold by bis agent for SIS.OUO to an Ohio lady, who now occupios it. The house has been long vacant PO1JTICAL Theke is to be a meeting at Wasliingington, on tho S2d of February, of all tho National Groonbaok Congressmen-elect to the Forty-sixth (?ongress. The objoct of this conference, a cali for which haa already been issued, is to get all tlie National membors of tho next CongresB togother for tlio purpoao of conipaiing views, and, if possiblo, determining npon a plau of action.... Boston municipal elcotiou tooK placo last woek. The total vote castfor Mayor was 37,986, Prince, Demoerat, beiug elected by a majority of 1,106. Sexatop. Thürman authorizes the statement that ho will undor no circumstances stand as tho Democratie candidato for Governor of Ohio next fall. FOKKIGN. A Bombay dispatoh of the 12th inst. says "An Afghan official arrived in Gen. Browne's camp from Jellalabad and invitod the British to advanco to Cabul aud establish a new Government in consequence of a general risiug against the Ameer. " Another dispatch says it is reported that " the Amoerhas sint a relative and high dignitary to Maj. Cavaguari at D;ikka, bosceching the Britinh to graut peaco and asküig for uo condiiions. " By the arrival of the steamer City of Pekin, at San Francisco, we get an interesting budget of news from China: Insurrcctiona continue in tho Island of Hainan aud the Troviuco of Kwangsi, the formor being agrarian and the lattor military. Thus far tho robels have boen successful, but their speody suppression is confidently expocted. There is considerable excitement over the quaiTel of the Engligh missionaries with tlie UaoSariDB. near Foo Chow. Li Hung Chang, a powerful Northern Viceroy, f ayors tlio immediate establishment of a Chinese ! mint. Fresh Goverument exertions aro made thronghout tho empire for tho suppressiqn of opium smoking. Frederick HotTman, Iiegister of tho Court of Hong Kong, bas boon eonvicted of embezzling nearly 81(Kt,0Ü0, and sentenced to seven years' penal servitude. After a long debate, the motion in the Iïritish Parliamcnt for a voto to censuro on tho Afghanistan policv of the Government was defeated bv a niajoriiy of lol, being nine or ten less than Iial been cóunted upon by Beaconsfield's supporters. A hitherto harmless lunatic, who bears tho appropriate name of Madden, has been arrosted in London charged with threatoning the Ufo of Queen Victoria. PltlNCESS Alice of Hesse, socond daughter of Queen Victoria, died of diphtheria at Darmstidt, Germany, on the 14th inst Khe was bom in 1SÖ, and married iu 18Ö8. It is reported that Schouvaloff will no-.v endeavor to bring into effect tho conütitution which he was instructed by tho Czar to prepare From Constantinople it is reported that Turkoy will at once settle tho Greeian questiou aud conclude a deñuitivo troaty with Kusaia.


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