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Tuesdat, Dea 10.- Senats.- Mr. Wallace introducen.! a bilí to authorize the exchtfngc of subsidiary coln for trade dollars, Reftïrred. Tlic bill provides that subsidiary coius shall be exeUanKOable for trade dollars at the rate of KiU cents for e ach of Raid dollars, aad they shal] forthwith be recoined iilto snbsidiary coin, and the jrain, if any be made, may be HKod by the Secretary oL theTreasury to pay the expense of seuding the subfcidiary coiu to snch persons or banks as ma; deslre th; same in exehauKe for other coin. TUo eoinatfe of the trade dollar shall ceafie from and ifter the pausare of this act ."Mr. Ailison. from the select comniitk-e tó inquire into the charges afiaiiit Stanley Matthows, submitted a rcsolution reqnesting tin1 House to transinlt to the Scliatc tho copy of the testimony of Jamen K. Aüderson rvlatin to Mattbews, taken beioro tlie House committee. Agreed to. . . . At the cxpiraÜou of the morning honr, considcratlon was resumed of the bill relating to Preaidentiul eleetions, and Mr. Morgan mado a speeda favoring the measure. Hot'bK. - The Speaker announced the committee to inquire into the causes of the yellow-fever epidemie: Young, Gibson, Goode, Hartridge, Morse, Garfkld, Harmer, and Cbitten4en....Ttio Speaker also annonnced ppointmente to flll vacantes in coramittees, . ..The House theft went iuto committee of tho wholfi (Springer in the chair) on the Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation bill. On inotion of Mr. Hale, the salary of the Ministers to England, Praiice. írinnn.v ilndlïussia. reported in th bill at $]"h)uo. Wfte, by a vote of 98 to 01, put bark to thö present figure, $17,500. Tlie [ment to increase the salaries of Uk; Ministers to Spain, Austria, Italy, Iïrazil, Mexico, Japan and China from $1U.OÜU to 12,000 was defeated. LikeWise ttie aniondment providlng lor Ministers to Belgium and the Netherlahds. Wednesdat, Dec. 11.- Senate.- Mr. Bock iütroduced a bill for tho repeal of the Bection of tlie Jlcvised Statntes whieh probibite tlio appointment to tho anuyof auy penou who non'pd imdor the Confedérate Govermiunt. J.nid on the tablc for Uu prMent Mr. .Ferry introducid a bill to üx the salary of persons in the railway mail wervico. Eleierred On motion of Mr. Haxnlin. the Senatc broceedèd i' tin: consideration of Üie rosolutiou submftted by Mr. lilaine in regard to au in(piiry as (o wli'tinr. ut the recent elections. tho constitutional rfghts of American citizens were violated. Mr. Blaine in favor of the rosolution. Mr. Tlmrman pfffflrêd au ;um-iidni-nt tuut "thf Cemmittoe shaZ3 also lnqüire Mrhetfiët any of any State hastbeen dièmiAsed or threatënêd witli Ilaïnifiafll from cniploythcut or the deprivaiion of iiny rijht or pïdvllegé by reaspn, of bis vote or Intcntion to vote at thu recent elections or liaft iwon otherwise interfered with; and to inquire whetli'-r. in the year 1S78, money was raisod by artStü9inut ! I or otherwiaexipon Federal offtceholdersor cmployeH for elüction puri)OKea. and under what j Btauces and by what moauH.and, if ho, whatamonnt was no falsea and liow tho same was expendtd; and. furiher, whether süch aéseosiaooïs wen not in iolution of lftw, and liall further inquire Into the actlon and coüduct of the United States Hupor' visortt of KliH'.tionft In thü acveral States. aR to the numb'-ir of Stftshals, Deputy MarwbalK, and others employed to take part in tlie condct of aaid election.H, in what ÖtaU;ö or cities ftppolntèd, ttifi amount of money paid or promised to bo paid to tli'ii i, and htnv or by whom and under what law and authority.1' Mr. Thurman addressed theSiiiatc in support of bis aaiendment and i;i rcply to the speech óf Mr, Blaiue. Mr. Ijamar alo poke ín favor ot tic adoption of tliv aintndiuent, and wos replied to ljyMr. KilraundR. IIoi.'sk.- The Naval .and Diplomatic Approprlotiou bilis vete paesed. . . .Tho Pension Appropriation bill was reported and referred to the committee of the whole. . . .The bill to regulate inter-State commcrcc was pas.sed by a vote of 13Í) to 110. after a lengthy debate. The bill maltea it unlawful for any perwon or persons engaged in the traasportatinn of property by railroad from one Btate to another, or to or intm any fortitiii country, to recejve any greflMT or leas amount oL úomponsaaon from one porson tban anothcr for like and contemporaueouü service. It also mákes it unlawful for any peroon ao engaged to aÜOW any rebate or drawbftck on the yhipm. ut-, ruado by tln-ni. or cutcr into acontbiimüin with auother carrier to prevent the carriage ot' propi ,ty frozq In mik continuous, and prolijbite thj pooling of Lreifchtn. Thur-sday, Dec. 12.- Sen ate. -Mr. Anthony called up the Senat bill authoriziuK the l'ublic l'rintir to print papers and documenta for tho f?en- ators, lioprt'Si-ntalivcs :;ud Delegates in CongTCfts npon payment oL cost and jü per cent. additional. Passea... .5ír. Wlndöm called up the Fortification A.ppropriation bill. The amenamente oí the committee increaftlng the appropriation fur armament of aea-coast forti fioation ƒ rom $145,0 $.25fl.d(0 and for the preBervattón and repair of torh'fications from ft 100. U K) to $2:U,(KK), wero agreed to. 1 ho bill Uien paned The bill from the House to corroo t íhe eojollment ia tho Sun dry Civil Appropi-jation bill of last yt ar. Ju regard to tho Hot QprlngS Iit'fer-ation. in Arkaiifsas, was paftscd without aniendmont Mr. Paddock introduced a bill to araond tlie poM6-oomitatuR cl au se of the Army Appropriation tlll for the present fiscal ycar. to ís to piovidi; that jt Bliall not apply to any part oE ttie army enipluyod in ti Staten et Törritoriea ujbjeot to Indjaa ■ ■ mU po i wrted by hira irom th joint comniiKHion iu regard ;o rcorganization of tho arm y was made the special irder for the Hh of Jaauary not. , , House.- Mr. Wood offered a retrolutiou dirootlnpr m inmiiry iuto the eonduct of Chief HutifTviaof of SlccUons Davenport at the last election in Nuw lrork. The ailcuation wás tliat Dárcnport was [Uilty of Uitval, nnjust and oppjtessiYe nxerelse oE 1 pretended ntithorlty. in oauNiriK thearnHt.detentioo i iiid iinpri.sonmei.t of citizonn innoceut of offenxc, ty WÏÜch he doprivrd thein of tho riKht ' to vote, and Riibjected thfm to indigmty, iiiHiilt and 1 intimidation without warrant of law or justifica! Üon, tvhlch arresta havo been declared illoal by a Pnlted BtatM .ludo. . . The reaolutioD wan adoptad 1 ordoriUfí a recete froiu Dec. ÜO to Jan. (i A bilí , waa introducid by Mr. Morriwou to remove tlu duty : ou qainlae A bill was pasíud rrmoving tho M poUucal diB&bflStlefl of ex Senator JaiufH Oücumot, ■ uf South Carolina. FitiDAY, Dec. 13.- Sbnatíe.- Tho bilí ! ilucod and roferrod iiicluded tho foUoittfigt By Mr. i ' I'lumb, to próvido íur thu tempofary ínrrcnni1 oí ; ' tho arm y m elnerge&oví by Mr. Coukliufr (by ! ' tjuontj, to amtud tho lawe rolating to puiaíoUB. i 'J'lii.s bilí concrruK the íock of attonieya. It i chüiiH-d tliat the preuwiit rKulatiuiin prOveñt thoBe cntiUfd to pensions neouriiDf Ue eorvice-h oC ' ppoctable nttornoya. . . .Mr. Morrill, from the i niitl'1 oti Iftnaüce, reportt-d favorably on tlie Sonate bilí to ftuthoHzé duplíratt-n of the íVtfiHtert'd bondH i fltolim írom the Mauhattau Saviu Inutitutiou iu ■ New York city. Paf sed Mr.Öordon iiitrodueod a bilí to s cure a more efiVieut collcctiun oí the : revenue from ciKars. Reíerred. . . .At the expiration ' of tlie morniufí hour, cnsidcratiou waa reiunaod of the bilí m rogard to the count of tho olcctoral vote, and Mr. líayard Hpokp in ít favur. Mr. Eaton oppOBed the bilí. Mr. Morriraon bolle ved tho a-saye ' of thlH biil would be satiafactory to tho people, Mr. Garland Gpppsed tho bilí upon constitutional roundH. .Mr. Xlill spokein oppoHition to the bilí. Mr. Thurmati naid he would not diacunfl the Wil at i tliia late hour. Uu would oonte&t himself by votlng aííaiust it. Aftvr some further discuMioo betwvt-ii MeHsrs. Hoar, CooJbSmI aud KdniuudB the bilí waa read a thlrd limo &nd piissed - veas. K5; nays. 2(i. Ailjouracd lili Mondny. HouaE. - The rPHolution lookin to an inventivatlou of the official conduct of J. J. Davenport. the United Statea Soperviporof Electionn at New York, waa adopicd without objeotion, af Ut belu i ed fio as to make the invpKtiKation extomi to Mm conduot on the days of reglatraüon Mr. tíhelley, from the Commlttoe on ÏRailways and Cauals, reportod a bilí to authorize tho Washiüpton. Cincin I 1 uati and Ht. I-oiiis Kjiilroail ('kimpauy to coiiiitrurt a DUTOW-gAtlge raiïruad from he Úüo-wat:r to St. Loóla and Chicago. Ktoommitu-d. ISaturdat, Doe. 14.- Sonate.- Not ia seasion. Hoiikk.- Mr. Kjiarks, from thy Committco on Appropriations, reportod the Indian Appropriation bil!, wliich tras made tïio Bpeclal order for i day Mr. Durham, froni the pame committeo, re ported the Military Acadcoiy Appropriation bill. with tho Senatr amondmentH, whiüh, with trivial excoptions, wore nuu-ronourivd ín Mr. Phillips submitted a roHolmiuii n'iting the Jato ludían raías in Kbuhuh and Nobraska. and th caitur oí marauaén, and caliing on tlie Reetary of j the Interior for informahon aa to why he had not Burrendered the puilty aud renponsiblft partlOB of fluoh Iiuliau handt to the authoritir-R of Kai)an and Nebra-nka. Adopted The Smiatf bill fiatlior izing the isaoe of dupliciitc of rxistfred b-nul Btolon from Uie Manhattan Savittga Instttution. in New York, was panscd . . . .TIn1 Sciiat'1 bill to resíllate tho Prwldentlai rlortion was taken from the Bpeat rr's tabïo and roferred to the coniinittoe on the ubJect, Monday, Dec. IC - Senath. - il?. Blaino ! callèd up hiK reaolution direottng au litveêtigation into the recent olectionw in the South. A metion to tble the resol tition was rojee ted. Mr. Thurmaii's anifiulment exteudliiff tin: inv. .-: i Üsation into tho flllegèd forcod , monta "f adniinistration ofüct'-holders for eledtiöpr oampaign piirpoHen, was adopted. Mr. Oohkling : announctd that it wuuld be impoanible for tbc Ju '■ difi;iry (mmittee to conduct the tnvwUfffttton, and it was proviand in the resolution that the matter hould bo placed in the hamlH of a committt-e of nino Senatoi-H. An amoudmtnt offerud by Mr. Butler, of South Carolina. to conduct tho invêstlg&ttonB with open doora led to a protracted debate, and tho resolution went over, . . . Mr. Beek oiTcrod a resolntion commaiidlng Htcrt-lary Hhernian to apponr in perwon befóte the Senate and state what reaiton he has. if any, tot failint,' to inform the Sonate how much ilver coin has been received for customs dutíea, uhd how much has betu applied tn paying the interest on the public debt. Mr. Morrill objected, and the resolution went ovri under the rule...'.Bcveral billa were intiodiaoad and roferred A motion to take up the Tex-s Pacific Railroad bill was defeatd by six majority. Houhk. - The following bill were ïntroduct-d: By Mr. Hobart (Ala.), a bill requiring Untod States MarshaU to carry prisonor arroted by thcni to the nearest court; by Mr. Youug (l-nn.),"a bill for the relief of settlers on Hot Springs rewervation. in Ark ansas; also. bill to extenq time for putting iu claims for hounty. otc; by Mr. Jïrontano (IU.). a bill to amondthe act for thecoinagcof tho standard I BÜ ver dollar; by Mr. Wood (N. Y.). to make Unit-'d Statf notes rt'ct-ivablc fr duttcs on importe: also, bill rospeeüng pro tests on appculs froin seiauijea by Collectors of Cutoms; by Mr. Cox (N. Y.). íor the removal of political disabilitics: by Mr. Phrlpu [N. 3.U providlng Lo the rinuiation of wUionalbank notes of Itoe than íi af ter rcHumptlou. the sarao m beiore; by Mr. Lathmp (111.), to place the silver coinage of tho Üflited StateB upon tho bawiw of lts intrinsic value - it propoBes to makc the silver dollar oí -H2lu grains and minor coins relatively of Uke weight aud fluencia, provides for freo coin age without limit, and makes all silver coin t&gal tender for any amonnt. whon uot othcrwise Bpecifled in the contract; by Mr. Fort (111.), proponing a penalty of $ltüü0 to be imponed upon any nationalbanking' aasociation for each offense ín refuninfi to nr.-iv,; or pap out ntandard ílvrf dolíala the huïhc as other lawful nioney..:.A resólutloti wan ! duced by Mr. Kolley (Pa.i, dlroHng Secretary Slnrman ts fuminh a NtaU-iUfiit bi tl;-1 ninount "f Qv esnuent gold depositod wlch the bank at tho Bocinniiiff of eath month duriuji Mr. Jlayos"1 adniinistration.


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