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pletes its thirty-third volume. lts past record is known to its readers. lts future is with its subscribers, and tkis is a good time to show an interest in its future, - by paying up arrears, by paying a your in advance, and by recomnionding it to your neighbor who does not take it. Kuch subscriber eau send us another, and a doubled subscription list will enable us to inake desirable im proveinents. With these few words personal wo send greeting, A Happy New Yeae to every uiember of the ARGUS family. The Legislature will meet in regular biennial session on New-Year's day. BeVEBLY B. DOUGLAS, Roprosontative of the First Virginia District, died at the National Hotel, Washington, on Sunday last, of inflaraniation of the bowels, aged 5G years the day beforo. Tue Blainc investigating ooimnitteo - on which Blaine wouldn't serve - is in " a peck of trouble " at the outset. There is no appropriation i'rom which its expenses can be paid, and an investigating coinmittee without a treasury at its command is a usoless piece of maohinery. Tuere is no lack of newspaper candidates for the vacant Berlín mission. Among thoso named are ex-Minister Washbnrne, ex-Senator Frelinghuysen, Senator Christiancy, Representative Hale, Gov. Hartrautf, and George William Curtís. Hasn't Gen. Banks, or that other model politician, Gen. Butler, a " friend at court ?" That Blaine investigating committee was jflnally nonstituted as follows : Messrs. Teller, Cameron of Wisconsin, Kirkwood, Hoar, McMillan, Bayard, Wallace, Garland, and Bailey. The last four are Demoorats, and the Washington correspondent of the N. Y. World eays, " Not a few Republicana, in criticising the coinpositiou of the committee, aduiit that the tail will wag the dog in this case." Blaixe refused as chairmanship of that investigating committee he was so anxiou to raise, and it was exceedingly dimcult for the Republicans to find any ot' their number who were willing. It was a political misibrtune to have strength sufficient to adopt the resolution. lf the Demócrata could only have defeated it soinc capital inight have been made by Blaine & Co. The late annual meeting of the Patrons of Husbandry at Lansing was the largest gathering of the order ever held in the State. The annual address of Master Woodman was reoeived with great favor. He advised that the Legislature be appealed to at the coming session to provide by law for the taxation of mortgages on real estáte ; for the limitation to a reasonable amount of the fees and costs of foreclosure ; to prevent the taking of usurious interest; and to reduce the rate of interest that may be taken under special contract. -m-- f Y■ l Down in Iudiana a Republican-Greenback combination is reported, - haring in view the defeat of Senator Voorhees, whose friends havo claimed that his reelection was a sure thing. The National-Greenbackers are tojoin the Republicans in the organization of the Legislature ; De Li Martyr, the Indianapolis Greenbacker elected to the House is to be made Senator ; the Republicans are to have his successor in tho House ; and the minor offices in the control of the Legislature are to be divided. Should the little scheme succeed the financially sound Democrats of the North and Eastwill try to get a littlo consolation in the fact that tho Democracy will not have to suffer for the horesies of the new Senator. Now that " gold is at par" and resumption an accomplished fact, or in othor words now that the credit of the Government is uo longer at a discount, but its promises to pay or notes of hand - the greenbacks - are worth one hundred cents on the dollar in gold, will any sane man, in Congress or out, proclaim himself in favor of a repeal of the resumption act, in favor of a new issue of greenbacks, or in favor of " fiat" or cheap money ? If there is either truth in the old maxim " a burnt child dreads tho fire" or virtue in the lesson it teaches no intelligent " statesman" will ever be found fool-hardy enough to advocate the issue of any more paper legal-tenders. If we are to have treasury notes for circulation let them have the Joffersonian qualifications of redemption in coin at the pleasure of the holder. No other currency is Ut to be issued by, or through the agency or permission, of a civilized government. The Ann Arbor ABOUS devotes aliout three squares of space to an uuimpaasioned report ot a lectura in that city by Governor Hendncks, au address to the law students, aud a reception given to the distinguished Iudianian. But suppose Thomas A. Bayard was to go through the same role at Anu Arbor, would three square suiïice '{-Lansing Journal. Isn't our friend of tho Journal unnecessarily captious? The Lecture Association before which Gov. Hendricks appeared is not a political one ; his subject was in uo sense political ; and, while treated in a candid, calm, and scholarly manner, his lecture was by no means above the average of those heard before the same association, and merited no oxcoss of enthusiasm in our report, which was as full as given to his prodocossors. The " reception" had no political significance, the guests invited to meet him not exceoding fifty and not being invited becauso of their political proclivities. There was nothing in the visit of Gov. Hendricks to invite makiug bim a political lion, and we know that the langth of our notice was not in the least dictated by any political defferences. And from the tenor of his conversations with a political frieud or two we are quite contident that on finiincial questions we should come nearer to an agreomont with Governor Hendricks than would our friend of the Journal, who has neither Democratio antecedenta nor love for Democratie legenda as chart, compasa, or bulancu wheel.


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