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The Hospital Affray

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The Argus last week advised its readers that the Executive Cominittee of the Regenta was eugaged iu the investigation of the charges against the management of the Hospital and the reauiting "niiü" between Dean fc'rankhn, ot the Homeopathie Medical College and Dr. A. C. Maclean, resident physiciau of tha Hospital. The following letters, which we choose to give without uote or coiumeut, will chronicle the result : PBOM DK. l'EASKLIN. To the Honorable Executive Committee, Board of Regenta of the Uuivereity : Gentlemen The undersigued, Dean of the Faculty of the Homeopathie College of the Uuiversity, haviug bbeu lately party to an uuiortuuate colusión in the hospital, and also having made grave complaints agaiust the management ot the hospital, which coinplalnts are now beiore your honorable cominittee, would respectiully stiy : 1. Uu a full knuwiedye of the limitad resources of the hospital, and all other facts relating to lts condition, I ain satisñed that in at least some very important respecta I have been hasty, and would therefore ask the privilege of withdrawiug the comploints which I have preBented 2 I re_'rot that I have beeu in any sense related to the publication of auy articles in the public papers reilecting on the interests and management ot' any department of this University, as I am now convinced that 1 ahould rather place auy cause of grievance which may exiat before the coustituted authurities of the iustitutiou. 3. I exceedingly regret the collision which occurred between Dr. Maclean and the undersigned on the 8th day of December last, aud would hereby tender au apology to you, and through you to the people of the State. I am deeply paiued in view of the whole uufortuoate trausaction. 4. Beheving that the iuterests of the Homeopathie College, the University, and the dictates of humanity will be best promoted by a distinct and independent ward ior our college, I respectfully aak that you solicit the required appropriation from the Legislature. E. C. FRANKLIJÍ. FKOM DE. MACLEAN. To the Honorable Execcutive Committe of the Board ot Regenta : Gentlemen- ünderstanding that Prof. E. C. Franklin proposes to withdraw, or lias withdrawn, certain charges made agaiust the management of the Uuireraity hospital, I conceive it to be due to yuu and to the people of the State that I expresa my deep regret for the recent uufortunate collision betweeu Dr. Franklin and the undersigned in the hospital. I sincerely desire to act a peaceful and honorable part, and promote, to the best of my ability, and with the limited mean at my disposal, my whole duty in the hospital. Assuring you of mydesiie to act faithfully and honorably to every interest with which I am related, and to aid, to the best of my ability, in the interest of the University, in tha care and cure of all patieuta. I am, etc, ALEXANDER C. MACLEAN. FBOM PEOF. FE0TUINQIIA3I. To the Honorable Board of Regenta : Gentlemen- Having understood from your Executive Committee that Prof. E. C. Frauklin has withdrawn all his charges against the management of the University hospital, in the interest of peace in the University, I withdraw all the charges which I have preferred before you agaiust the said Prof. Franklin. G. E. FROTHINGHAM. Regent Rynd then ofFered the following reaolutions whioh were adopted : Resolved, That after a caref ui review of the complaiuts made touching the management of the Uuiversity hospital, we are satisfied that the hospital is inanaged with care and ability, and that the house surgeon is doiug his duty faithfully with the mcans at his disposal. Resolved, That while we rogret the late unfortunate colusión which occurred in the hospital between Prof. Frankhn and A. C. Maclean, and shall, should occasion recur (which we believe will not be the case), will uilvise tho Bourd to iuflict severe punishment upou auy Uuiversity official who may be the cause of any further disturbance, y et we point with satisfactiou to the great work which is being done by the hospital in the interest of humanity. As al80 werc the followmg olfered by Regent Cutcheon : Whereas, It appears to this committee that the late uufortunate diilicullie in the UniverBity hospital, have resulted from the grave error of resorting to the public press tor the redress of grievances, real or supposed, instead ot to the constituted authoritieu, and Wheekas, We believe that had a contrary course been pursued in the premisos the late difficulties vvould not have occurred ; Resolved, That we heartily diacountonance the practice by any person counocted with either medical school of the University of publishing, either in the newspapers or professional journals, any articles reflecting upon those connected with the opposite school of medicine, or in any way tending to disturb the harmony of the different branches of this University ; and we believe that the entire Board will regard with serious diapleasure any act inconsistent with this resolution. Resolved, That the apirit of this resolutioa applies to all employees of the University. The expression of the Committee in the above resolutions must commend itself to all concerued.


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