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CUE AP STirVJËS! : AT YPSILANTl! C)K COOKING AkPARLOR STOVES, 1 UrJ just receivedj !y tlie SubfCiibefr, i y from AH)any) nuiking :i go(d assortment oT ie laicst nnd best poUerñs, whi'-h will !■ BÓld t J.ow I'iircs! not lo bu uticlersoki llii.s eide Cake !riei Also, Coppor Furniturr, Cqulprpn Kcttlcs. Iollow Ware of all azcs, Ktovc Pipe, Sheel ron, Zink, Sec. TJN WARE! Miinur;icturcd, nrul coiiainntl)' Kept on hand which witl nlso lic èwd very ! ■■v P. S.- Purchnsers wili "dö !! to cali nnd examine for tbeir own satisfaoiittn. J. M. BROW.X. Ypsllanti, J:nc 20, 18 IC. 271 tfVETTER LATE TKANNEYER! nl "líIK Subscriber Ims the o.isurc of o i n ' 10 the Public, ihai ka h.-is jn?t receivcd I! rfom New York, and opeued a dioica and wcll gslecied nisortmeni of NEW GOODS, consisting of b Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockrry, ware, ïiools and Shoes, , which lio will geit n V.ry Low Frices lor Rcady Pay in Cash, or Trodncc. ( ' . h 'ir Goons will be paid for WOOL n nn}quantincs. ROBERT DAVIDSON. Ann Arbor. June 10, I'4i. üOS Hats and Caps, J IN all tbeir vnrir'tir-s. also Cams. Silk nnd Ginplinin UmhrcHns. Silspcnders. rich Silk Scarfs&nd QravaUQ Silk, Liuen and Kul (Jluvcs, wiih every nriicle in tlial line can bc Ind at faii prices nnd warrnnted ii suit oy pending: your wishfïs by Ictier or by rnlling at No i6, Woodwnrd Avepu, 3 doors nortli cf Doty's Auction room. Detroit. N. B. MiJiis'ors rind Liberty men supplied. at a small advance from cosí. 2CG-fe JAMES G. CR A.N F..Cheap Hardware Store. TWIE Sabseriber laUes this method io inform JL his old cusioniers and the public generalij' hnthe still continúes 10 keep a lar ge aña genera) Sioriniein of Foit'in and Domesüc HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Aléo, piko. W loütí'.ii, Cut nnd Rótaè Siio S'aiU. Giiiss, Shoet Irun, Hoop lron, Sheet nnd [ar Lcail, Zync. Üright and Ancnlcü Wire. I lassea Gates nnd FaSB, MÜI Saw?. C'.oss Cm I Sawe, Hand nnd !.i"d Spws, Back nwd K" Hole Saws, Anvits, N ■ . -'- lktws.A"dzi.. ('..;. cr'á 'i-"ol , Prnwing Knives. S)iikoSh:.vis: Top Borers, Cast Sieel Angurs, Compon AuLurs, Augur Bilis, JIollow Augnte, Steel nnd Fron Squares. Grónnd Flasier, Water Lime. GrindJSione?, Potash.Caldroii nnd SnirnrKettlea, Cable. Log. 1'raCB nnd líalter Chaiiií!, Jiroad, Fland nnd Nnrrow AxeB, Spirit niiJ PlumL Iavals, toethor with n general asortnient o( Hollew W.ire. whicrh will Ie sold low for Cnfh onoprovcd credit at J3. Jclierson Avcmi.-. I'.ldrcd'sBIock. MAR1Detroit: Jan. 16tl . 24fi-]yTo Country ïïlerciiants. THE Subscriber h:i3 consiamly for s;i!e good nsaorurtGnt of hcavv WOOLEN C LOTUS, cH ndapreil lo t'io country markct wliich lio wi!' ■sil at wholcsale or reciil, kky i.ow. Cnil and sec them ai ihe Mamuttas Stokk. W. A. RAVMOND. 27ó-if Detroit. COII.TÏ ORD13RS. rTTHK hii,'liestpnccpnid ín cash by G. F. LewX 'v?, Exchange Broker, oppTwsite ibe Insur;.k-, Detroit, fof orders óh any of the countios in tlic State of Midi gin; also lor Stnte s.-ctiritios of all kinusaüd uncurreniiuniJs Oaü vhie.. i" , Déc 1,18 1 5. .'t.'-..: 241-tf . FOR SALE CMF.AP rOB CASH, or evcry kind ofcounirv Eroduce, Sdddles, BritVJTarne, TruHks, Yalises, Trunk Vaisc, ( 'arpr' Bags, 'c. Also a gooi assorlüiciH u! UiitíiV Ls!ts. wliich wiü be sold Vffiry !'-', mul oo minfee, :n COOK A HOH! Ann Albor, Ajigüsi !-J, L8 IÖ. ?7?if MITCHELL EACKFMt. sucecsspr or M. Jlow:inl. as &een tur lífe i'i.n n"N 1nsoBASen Cujii-AWï. "oi ll.üu.;nl. uill iamftë Diofllihgs, Barns, Herchandize, ond alj otbei opercyön ;s terms os aiiy qUlor good öótnpany m the Uniieil Stol r. FAIUtEn'rf i'.AUNS IN-ilUKI) AfiAIXST UC.MTMMi ! Öfficëtii tbe .Stc.'iul StorJ of Nëw Posi Ollu-. Bittkling, notttrol '.'.mr: House. ft„n Arl-r lr7öok iifíhtt THK:Eulwcribei ofan ló s1l !-..ny A .' .iil Lnnd m thq Ounmy pf t{tviojton - Tlio laii'i 'H tïii.iii ie. i. mui vvilhtn iw.j lflücsc! of whoii-a steam Sr.v mili is erecilng. Tei. ncfeenre cleored, and liciealri rep actB trióú tent!', ■ r l"?CÍ8g' 'l'li'ici? a r "i log musmuí .miii Pruil lrea op iho [mimjies. 'i'li' :.Tius w.tll :' ■ '■ ' ■ ■;, md p,Bj i i' : m'. ■ ui fMii'-n'.-i'p woik, tunibér -'t ■ ii-ani. Ai'ply t t!ic .-ub.-o.iini in. Anü '■ S. D. Aun Arbor. Jjaíy 1-. !- I'.. V X iw TEMPEÏÏ'XNÜÈ HOI 3R. 1) B. lill'l.l'.Y v..u!il s.iv i.t lus rn. ■.■.!.- 'in: . the h-iéiiJn ol 'IVii.r n-. ili.n he lïn .ifcon T pMC Ho i.'i-.y - i' by Wjll. (;. u!:i-u' u..u' !- vlí'd U.v.iir up ui tlicm. fl.y hd Oaia .ui.l bljOiWini 10 '-.-iin-i. DolFoK; .lanuorv I. !-.■ 2 5tf Paper llaiisiiig;. VI,AKri'. lul i iaper HnngiOgs, H1 '" ■ ili-iinr. t.r mIo ohoai'T tliuii ever ollèrei n tb;s Village, ut 'ERllY'S IJOüKSTOKR. Jonje r. sf7Qb#f "CTiattei WortsasiSr" JI'sT prinie-i and hi eaúai"iblífficí innj quautny.J. HOL MUS & CO., ftJOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STPJE AM FaNCY DRY GOODS, ry Grocerws, Carpcling, and, paper JflangiagS) ro. 03. Woodzoard Avenue, 'Lamed' a Block, Detroit. j holmes. Netn Yor!;. } s m. iiui.MKs, Detroit. !te ihi.omeihmi.ui nfurimpg oui fricntía l T titiü iii.stDii.cis tlirougiiout ilic Stiiie, that c nre siül [.ursuing ilic even lei.or ol .;,r búíiiieta noii Itir u! horiorbblu piiritijilcs. Wt wiuild ü.so tcnn our .ickn.jwledyiiieiiis fir tiie pfl?ro&og6 anded ttj u by our cuö iv. ond wauld ln nve to cali üe nncnuon of iltt .uLIiu fj a ny cll selecicd R98ntineni ut" seosonoble Goed, bichare ulTered ai wliulcmlr r retbii al very ■ h1 prices. OarlQicilitiftb foi purchtninj Good e pnsnrpnseed by any cbiieern in the Siat - 'no oí the linn, ftlr. J. Holmes residid in tho ii'") Wew Ynfk mui frosn bis Im; experieoca i the Jobbíng trntte in tfiat ciiy. .'ïtiti ironi bi toroiigh knowiedpe o' ihc ruüikrt, hc in ennidi' to avntl hiruself of the aitciions anJ iny ecljuc in price?. We nlso From ilio mporiers. Mnnufacuirer's Aucnis. and fioni the ucnons, by tl;e ask.'ige. 1 1 - s.n e ns N. Y. obbci-s purchnsc. ihus snving llicir profits.-1 iili tric-se faciJitics we cfin s;iely eoy th;it our ïoods are Roid chkav for the evidcrue of wbich re invite the atleiition of flie public to out stock. Vc hold to the great c;ih!ui.'i! principie oí i'tité :tt to llif, uhoh viniifjr," eo f you van tto biy GoofJa rhfojt. r.nd buy n largt rp-anity for a Hitle moncy give us a trial'. Cur (folk aas extcnuive as any in the citv. nnd wc sm u)!)Ktnntly recoivmg ncw and fitth Goodiironj New York. 30,000 IJis. TVooI. YVnnted, iluadnve 'uaniity olOüd inerchanttblj Wool for whicli the highesi market price .viH bc paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Dctroir, Mny 28, 1846. 2M-:fWOOi! WOOX.'! LOTH! CLOTH!! "II ÍK rindersïgned woald inlorm the public _ tlint lliey continue lo manufacturo FULLED CLOTH AND FLANMELS, tlior m.iiiiiloctory, nvo anl a half miles west Ann Arbor, on ihe Hurou River, oenr i'ia ai!ri)C:(i. THRMS. The priccof mniiuficturincr Wfcite FlonnrJ wtfl : 20 cents, Fulled Cloth ".7h cents and Coesilere 11 cunta ju-r ynrd, or mlf the elcth iha ool wUl ninkc. VV(; wül nlso excliange Cloth ir Wooi on renionabtê (ormaT The coiors wil] l.c gray, black or brown. The Noo) belongint; lo enoh individnol i!l be i-orked by nedi when there is enoujh of ore [iKilny ti mate 80 yords ( cloih; wjiéji ihis is rni! pnrcels of tfie same quality nll bc workrd together, and the cloth divided mong the severnl owners. Wool ser.i by Railond. maiktd S. W". Fpeter & Co.. Ann Arbor. vith directions, wül be ntiende.i to' in the sanio nnnneras ifihc ownor werc to come v i t h it. - l'he WdbJ will bc mnnulnetured tn mm ns it :omes in, ns nenr os m ïy be consistent with tho lifftrent qu liticw of Wool. Wehayti b'cn t-ngaged in this bns'upss scve■al ycars, and from ilic vory general s tisfnetion we hnve civcn to our mimerous cii6tonicr9 lor ih3 last iwo years. we nre inuccd to ask a iatge s-hare of patronage wiih coiifiden.ce ihat wo sball meet Ifie j'tsit oxprciations ol customors. Letters frhould be émretêcd 10 S. V. poster ScCj., Scio. S. W. FOSTER ie CO. Scio. April 6. 1846. 2G0-ly'OR SALE AT LOW PRICKS AND EASY TERMS. "FUIF, Subscriber offers a Farm, in (lio J_ town of Dcxrer, of I6f acre?, bout ffli efe itnprovecl. Also n Furui at ihe niou h ; Ijbfley Creek in Si-io. 3 miles from tiiis villnge, f 1 Hiñeres. 90 ocres iinproved. Also a Farm i' mile from ibisvitíage of ICO acres, 100 acres mproved. Each oí ihese Farms aro desirabjy ocated fox resldencea; have good buildings ond ire all well watered. Alsotwo dwelhng buuses ind lots in ihia village SJOO villnge lots; 24 out lotsot nbom onc orre each. in the tnmediate yicinity of ihi villatre. - 10 acres mnbered land. nml Í50 acrs fniproved 3 of a mile from this villago. Also 5 slips in tlic Vresiiyierian mee'ing house. Any of zbe above mentioned propeny will I-o iold nt (airprioos anci on n credit ol 2 oftbepur:1jisp mbnëy - 'l'ltlc Pertel. YF'7riEY? - a ptax of oood Hor3ES in rAv:.!i:NT. ILtlAM S'. MAYNAP.D. Ann Arbor. May iy, ]64G. i.'t'1-fiin 1846. WHOLESALE & R E T A I L. A. W PARREN, BOOXSELLERAKDSTAT!ONEB SM ARTS BLOCK, 137 JKFFKHSON AVR'UB, DETROIT. KEIEI'S conetamly lor sale a coniplote spson ment of Miscdluncoua. Schooi and CIpsíícal Hooks, I-ptier .iml C'op Paper, plain and rul cd, Quills. luk. SeaHng Wax, (Juiïcry, Wrop iiiií; I'uper. Printiwg Paper, of all sizes; and Dook. News and Conoisfèr luk. ofvarions kinds. BLANK 13OOKS, iull and hall bonnd, óïfevory variety of Ruling. Alemor.nnthini ]Jooks. &c. To Merchan'., Teacher, and oiiiers. luiying in ('ian;iiies, a 'lar ge discount mndc. SablmtU Öchool and Dible SocJety Drpnsiior. '2-i7-tf To lrool G roivers. TytE boa leave lo inform our Wool Growinn TT friciK.'s, iliat wï shall bc prenared for tho purchneo o 100,000 lls. if n good clean merclinntüblo artiele, as soort is ihaBeaaon for selfing commeliocaí, as wc are conneeted witli E:istern wool deaWs. "WO sliall be able lo py tlu highesi ptir the Eastern wil) aflbrd. Grea oomplaiiit wa's atade Jast m arnongat ilie Kasifin Dealera ana1 Afaoufactoiors, in referene to ih--; p.or conditionof Micliifiim WodJ - nuicli of it bcin; in l;nl order ,-üi 1 .t i -nnsifloi portion being utaeathed. Ve would hcre uiko ocension u rcqUost iliat :he ntniü-t pahVs slumld be taken to havo the p we'.l waeltid befiir ehcarirrir, tlmt tbë Tmg ƒ,')■..-■ bR cut olK nnd thnt each Fleece be c. ■ lip witli propirr wool tv. 1 r ü.) hewp twihö is the best: it will 6e Pound gíeatly to nd;int;ii;oof V.'col Growerst.' ptiMip their wool in tlnss marnier, ('uwitsFied yröol is pot tnercbantable, ;nnl wlll he . , by moatjf nojall ofibo uA buytrs, il li io clean. J. HOLMES & Co. WoOttWAltD AÍ 1 M !'. Lnrnords Hioc-k. Detroii, MrtbS6i 184$. 2"7-tf "Steiuu Foundry." TUF, uu. !.■; ig bougbt the omite inieiesttií i 1 . A. K. ' .r:i i-Ieo and C'n. F. Kent tu the Siiiim Fóundryj!' Ann Ail"r, will iiijiitufariuie all kinds.oCjatiugS tQ order, aml wïilbc hntipy tu fu.rnisb nnj k:ini ofCnstingd to thO "!l ■ ■-:■ ■ ■ ' " -.!■■'.; , l'o , 11. v R. PnrirWjíc, Su Co., and Panmlge. Kent - ('.., n:ul lo ail otjiera wliu :nay fair úmin wiiK a cali. n. i?, n NtiRis. i:. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Albor, Dec '2C, 1Ö4G. ül4-if To S%poriiïiEn. A GKREttAliirtmeni of Gnikl and Tron A Barrel !!,i'. doublé ftipjita barrel Shot (ïiin-, '.-; -. Gun Lock8„Game i Shot Pouchee', 1 dtr Fi n W; R (.'Vr5=, 2iS-!y ' ■■■-■■■ -■ Dttfoit.