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The Republican party, which has no earthly chance to win in the next Preaidential coutest, ia now engaged in tho desperate attempt to manufacture publio opinión in its favor by a wholesale abuse and denunciation of the people of. the South. That party has been kept alive and in organization upon sectional issues solely, and thia being its only stock in trade it is quite natural that it should resort to its old tricks to retain hold upon power when it finda power slipping from its grasp. It haa nothing to cominend itaelf to the people, and can ouly hope to live longer by renewing ill sectiouul feelings and calling up all the hatred aud animosity possible. A party that can only live by such meana de8erves to die, aud that speedily. It should bo the missiou of parties to heal dissensions between the different seotions of the country, to protnote good will and enhance the prosperity of all. A party that lives and thrives on hate and división of sentiment is not fit to live and should perish from t ie face of the earth. There are some things that he people should not excuse in any party. Sinall party tricks may be excuaed. But a gigantic conspiracy like that in which Mr. Hayes and his party have engaged to retrieve their failing fortunes, places thein beyond the pale ; they cannot be excusod ; thoy cannot be forgiven. Their motives are all too palpable, and the direct effects of their course aro too apparent. The people will condemn theni and not permit auch reprehensible conduct to go unrebnked. The people desire peace and good government and will have no patience with this party trickery. - Boston Globe. Ex-Congressman Farwell, of Illinois, says that after the Senatorial election in that State in 1877, which resulted in the ohoice of Davis and the defeat of' Logan, Logan asked him to go to Washington aud ask Hayes to uiake him (Logan) Secretary of War. William Heury Smitb, at Furwell's solicitation, wrote for the Chicago Customs Collectorship For Logan. But Hayea suited himself in both these offices, and as the next Oest thing on hand offered Logan the Brazilian mission. The high-uiinded Logan thought this office below his deserta, and besides it would take him out of the country. - Free Prent. If the steamahip subsides were quite unobjectionable in themselves, experience should teacli us the great risk of nitiating a policy which would lead without fail to the grossest abuses. The advice of the President and Mr. Evarta cannot possiblybe taken without bringng down upon the troasury an avaanche of extravagance and fraud. Give hese subsidy hunters an inch and they will take an ell ! It is not one of these eviU, but a Pandora'a box full of theni, ,hat we dteni. Jüurnal of Commerce. When Mr. Blaine introduces with a repared apeech resolutions to investígate, and then refuses to take the head )f the committee, tbe country sees that ! ie took to himself the easy part of makng a splurgy sensation while intending o put the real work upon others. This mlpablo impoature bas brought Mr. ilaine's deinonstration to couteiupt. - i Cirtfimiati Oautte. Among the gravestonoB of tho passing yearmust be raiaed ome tu Civil Service Reform. It received its deadly hurt uuder the arm of the flrst President to make it a policy, aud was iiaally slaugh tered in the House of the only party that could be its friend. It had a brief, sickly, blighted existence, and never really attained the use of its natural powers or had a chance to grow. Jeered at and despisod for its deforinitios and weakness, the consequence of uialpracj, tice and neglect on the part of ie nursea, it gradually became an object 01 disgust and weariness. They cease to speak of it, and at laat put it quietly out of the way. Eesurgat. - Botton Transcript. If the Eepublican leaders are confident that the authenticity of the cipher inessages and the correctnss of tho translation can be maiutained, it is strange that they do not take meaaures to put these matters in au authoritative official shape. Their quieacence permits the suspicion that they are a little apprehensive of unpleasant revelations, and willing rather to lot the moral effect of the publioatioo, whatover it may be, remain uniinpaired, than to take the risk of sume Democratstum faling upon the real clues to thi conspiracv bv which the buil dozod States were socured


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