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- 'Tis here- ÏSTJ. - Pork in Milan, 2.50if2 75. - The public schools will open again neit Monday. - Coimnon Council meeting uext Monday evening. ■ - Dexter's burnt cork mtnstrels are bilied at Tiiickney, Jan. 7th. - There are 13 criminal cases on the Circuit Court Calendar for next term. - The Circuit Court will ogeü in regular term on Tuesday next, Jauuary 7. - Items of iuterest are alwayd welcome at this oflioe, from any of our reader. - lf ït wasn't a little late, we would wish all readers of the Argus a happy new year. - Dr. George Smith, of Dexter, propoaes to open a dental office in some other locality. - The ladies of the Congregational Church netted about 183 from the New England Society supper - Hoyt of the Dexter Leader wis " at home" on New Year'a day, but he wouldn't aet up any refreshments. - Comiug ; Etneraou'a California Miuitrela, on Monday eveuiug noxt. See advertiaement, and go, lauL'h, and grow fat. - Prof. Ejtabrook, of the State Normal School, Ypsila'uti, lias hen appointed on ot' the visitor to Adrián College. - Next Sunday afteruoon the Iiuform Club will be addresaed by Messrs. Adama and Lemerauz, studouts of the UuiTersity. - A co-partnerahip has beeu formed in Dexter between Mesara. John Croarkin and Patriek Hoy, for the purpose of buyiug wheat. - The City Tax Collector reports the amouu' of money collected during December at $38,291, tG,819 of the above sum being paid in on the 31st. - The death ot Mrs. S. B. Morse, of Ypsilanti, ou Mouday morning of last week, is in part attributed to excitemunt and exposure ut a tire iu that city. - Notwithstanding the scandal attiiching to Rev. D. Murray, of Saline, held to buil for a criminal offonce, he received lately the haudsome douation ei f 160. - Jacob Sturm has been appomted by the township board of Saline Supervisor pro tem, in place of Everett B. Clark, resigned, to flll the duties of Couuty Clerk. - Complinientary to our predecessor : The Ann Arbur Arous haa juet completed its 33d year, and is brighter aud handsomer than it was at 1G. - Lansing Kejmblican. -Sheriff Casa has a boarder in the person of Chuck Martin, arrested for assaulting Isaac Polhemus last autumn. Chucfc jumped his bail and his bomlsmon feels easier. -■ Next Weduesday evening, January 8, the Dexter Union School Lyceum will wreatle with this question : " Kesolved, That geuiua ha8 accomplished more than energy." - The Milán joint stock company arrested Arthur Kinaer, charging him with furnishing liquors to minors. After ,a protracted trial the prisonor was fined $25 and coats. - Probably the oldest man in the state, John UcEnteo, of Lyndon, in this county, died Dec. 30"iu the HOth year of his age. He has jong boon a resident of the locality where he died. - Rev. Mr. Sunderlnnd will preach next Suuday morning iu the Unitariaa church on " How to Keep the Week of Prayer." No Students Iuquiry Class or Sunday evening Lecture. - Qeorge Fuller, of this city, formerly clerk of the Russell House, Detroit, and a well known bilüard player, broke the laree bone of hls right ankle on Satuvday last, while wrestliug with Fred Besimmer. - Wm. H. Pease, residing at No. 19 east Uni. versity Avenue, lust on Weduesday a pocke book ooutaining f50 and au order of f 12 upoi the town of Fittsfield. lie offerj a reward ol $5 lor a return of the walletto him. - Wm. H, Clute, late of this city, but now of Dundee, is raising a dog that combines the strange compound of blood, comprisiug the lion, antolope and hyena. He will exhibit him at the dog show ln Detroit next year. - The fitst national bank of this city declared a semi-annual divideut of six per cent payable on and after Jan. 25. By au unauim ous vote the stockholders vote to retire Í50.000 of its capital stock, such stock to be paid oñ Jan. 20. - The Manchester Enterprise of Dec. 20 says that a number of people of that village will visit Lausiug next week, wheu " the state oflicers will move into the new capítol, the legislatura meet, and the governor will hold a receptiou. " -The Liberal people of Ypsilanti have been malcing arrangement to hold Liberal weekly tervices on Monday evenings, iu the New Jerusalem Chapel. Eev. Mr. Sunderland, of this city, will preach first service next Monday evening, Jau. 6th. - Withiu th9 last two years of General Manager Ledyard's admimstration of the Michigan Central raüroad, $1,250,000 of the floating dabt of the compauy has been paid off, and the. road ie to-day without a dollar of floating indebteduess. . -The Pink and lied Ribbon Clubs of Dexter have formed a " Grand Combination," aud will give a dramatic entertainment, at Costello's hall, on Weduesday eveuing next, Jan. 8. Two plays will be preBented, the first, " My Husband's Secret." How the wives will turn out. - Jauuaiy term of Circuit Court, opeas in this city on Tuesday, Judge Huntington, of Ingham, to preside. The calendar compnses one hundred cases, divided as tollows : Criminal, 13 ; Issues of Fact, 48 ; Issues ot Law, 2 . Imparlance, 5; Chaucery, -first class, 'ïi' Fourth clasa, 8. -Conductor Morris of the Toledo aud Ann Arbor railroad saya he freighted twelve newly married couples over his road on New Tear's day. Kot one of the brides offered him a kiss, and ia the midst ot such au overwhelmiug amouut of bappiness he is iucliued to feel ïndiguant over so much neglect. -We understand that C. W. Case, of Idaho, son of Barnabas Case of this village, who was here visiting last winter, has concluded not to come home this winter, as was his intention when he leit here. He saya the Indiana have stolen 'or destroyed about everything the people had, and they must stay and fight to keep the balance- Manchester Enterprise. - Tlwre was a fair obaervance of New Years, although the streets presentad a pretty lively business aspect. Tho weather was all th&t could be wished for, sleighíng excellent, and the livery establishments well patronized. Next day (Thursday) a decided change took place in the atmosphere, oíd bóreas bowling arouud the corners, makiug out-door pilgrimages decidedly unploasant. - As the Manchester Enterprise sees it: "The uew Court House at Ann Arbor is a very fine lookin building. The style ia good, the stone aud brick work substantial. The arrangement of the rooms is very good. The ceilinga are high and well finished. Tho ruain 8tairway and floor are substantial and appareutly well coustructed, but the woodeu stairease in the west end seems entirely out of proportion with the rest of the building. The woods usod are pine, black walnut, and ash, pme predomiuatiug to such a dogree that the work looks cheap. The carpenter work is not what it should be."


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Michigan Argus