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'Í Dïedical Etfotice „, , 7 rjpHE nndersïiK!d m 1ÍF1 ingina tcmces to U ashicnnw 4 JL and iho adjoining Cv.niies, a llomccopnthic physician. 5 wmild say. that nlier having pracliced medicine on th( principItíBM íauglit in tlu: oíd fchoo!, nnd trentcd disenso foi t'ic iast two yars necordin lo tho law of lloniCRopathy.- 1 (Sbnitia siniilUnis atrañturt) taughtirthe newschnp 6 of medicine ; and having compared tho sucec-ösof ihc tw I sysiejns, he unhesitutingly bclicve Homocopathy to be lh - índsl Befe, ertain and snccéssful rneihod ol'cure. ' Disenscs, hithcrio im-nr i!le. are now in mosl caaes, per5 manontly eradicatod by HoüiccopnMiV.Anictions of ihe spinc n hend, uterus, stofnach, &c. &c. hnvc no.v tlieir certnin rem ' odies. Epiíep'sjrí rnortío', pirfnlyeie, neuralgia, bronclmis ■, [fverand lutig d'senses; scail-.'ii'evur. eholeía.bluck nitiile_ mangnanl son; tnroai, eryslpclas r blnck tonguc, eroup 5 inllnmmn'.ions oí tlic braip, 6iotnac!i, bcrnrël?, .V-c. &c. ar 7 unly a few öf the many ills, that linve been stript p( 'bei 7 icrrorsby llie tiinelyjapplication of liomcnopaihic inedicamen'í '1 Wnliont furtheressay, tlic undersigned wouldleave ii t the aíllictcd to say, on trial of the remedies, whether Ilomcrx 4 patliy ia whatit claims to be ornol. II He would olso Ptate thnt he has jnst rcturned írom NV Yorkand PhiliuJelphia, witl a complete aesortment of MF '. DICAMENTS, jnst imponed from Leipsic, to this place where he willaítcnd to all calle, und furnish inedioamenti '6 books, fcc. atthe lowesl prices. From the close nnd exclusiv 19 attention he is giving to thc stu;Iy and irncticc of Homra 15 pathy to be ahle to givo sntisfaction to thosc who inay fave 0 hini withthcir patronage. Communications, post paid, froi paticnts at a distance, will reccive prompt attention. Those who may wís! to place tbcinselves under his trea )7 mcnl for any chronic disease, can obtain lodginga eitlw at hia house, or in other places, at !ov prices. TM OS. ULACKWOOD, M. D. Homonopithist. 57 Ypsilanti, 20th Nov. 18't5 2 '.9-1 y IN CI1ANCERY- 'Jnd ClItCUIT. 5 Botwccn Erastue Coming James Horner, and Ceorce Sed wick, Complainants, and Hugh Gillshenan, Defendant. 35 Tri piH'siiarcc and by virtuo of n decree of thisCourt made a í this cause, I shall solí at public auction nt tlie Court tíou! in the villago oí Ann Arbor, in thc Connty of Vaehtenaw, ilic twinty-slxth day of Scpfember néXt, nt nc o'clock in t 30 afternoon of ihai day, the fo'lowing dcscribed premiscf to w 30 Village lot number two in block number ninc (9) in Ormsb; r tS Pagea nddition to tho vil logo of Ann Arbor, in ihe county Wsshtejláw and Sute of Michigan, occordinc; 1 the record 5 plat of said village. - Datcd, Ann Arbor, August 10,1846 50 UF.O. DANFORT1I, Mastcr in Chnncery. r3 Gzouge BsootricSj Complainants' Solicitor. 277-6wOOKS! BOOKS m At Pcrry's Book Store. 7'O THE PUBLIC I &g UI i; undersigned hoving returned f rom New WJ York wiih n now, laige and valuable stoc j oks, Stationcrxj and Paper Hcmgings, Thjg lOW rcaiiy to sell for Cosh, any ihing in hts proprjc 5 nt bis !K'W stand on Main strcot, oppo' II. Becker's Brick Store. He will en y to 263. ok purohasers. tÜiat, ly hifl cff.ris last fall on „ re-urn from New York. the price of nearly jm i ,ry tbing in liis Hne has been sol. less than J 'etoiöfs, aud tiad it not been Cor hun, purchas would havo cuniinued lo pay the pnces hcre He cCa'n ÏÏiy dab', that bis wies havo been dwl " iidhis most snnsuino expiiclaMona. ahowift J i. „dufiyfly lh.a.1 a pul.Iie benefactor ■ nlthongh gnnai er so smñü. wïll not go unrewérdetf ,n ,nm hiened eoninmniiy. Lu,! He 3 thnnkïul f.r the hvors nlrcndy bestowed, cnh, e] wouW respfictfully solicita conunuance f the clov i Qtld hu wr.uld sny Ui those w!.o nyr bitve i frehued l'ooks of him, ihaj ho wil! show th-m an'l c ticles nnd pYiees vi.h ptastfrt any .A cy may cali whellier they wíbíi to pinchase or noise 'cash order? from Ifö eountry wil] he atren.-lcl rij fi ,, and tho books packed as well d. if il.e fUP .ns wère prMVÜ to altend the purchases. He cu?to ill nlso feell to child.-cn as chuap as thcir I ' ' "pïrc'hoserfi w(íÍ do weïl to examine his stock iwj nd :rices before ptítcliaeins olsewl.cre. JWJJj Do' j&qflpi ptoj w yM C{tU Tl PERllY'S B00K STORE, on Main afá SUreeÁ a w íZoors Sf?í7i ƒ the Pullic hw ?7?7re, ín e same roo? ?tv'ít C. Bfiss, JJ íTrtci Maicr a?id Jcwcller. oèon WjM. R. PERRY. nncj Aun Albor, Juno 27, 1816. 2CÍ)-tf for , _ _ ' Q rílK undersigned would ínlonn íhc public !in(] that he tnmiulactures Horse Powers nn3 (cr l'hreshing Alochines ai Seio, of a superior kthd U30. nvenied ly hiniseil'. t Tliesj Powers and Machines nre pnrticuíarly j( idnpted to the tise of Farmers who wish to use hem lor ih'reailing tbeir own nún. The powr, thresher and rixtures ein all be loaded into a omraon sized Wtígon box and drawn wilh onc s- nw of hoises. Tbey are de?igncd to be used J wnli íour horses. and aro nbundantly stronp for tne thut nuinbsr. and may be safcly used with &x oí ,c , eight norses 'with proper care. They vvork wüh {Jai Icssstrctigihof horses according to the amount ol cpi liusiness dono thnn any oiher power, nnd will r.VY ibresh cenerally alout 00 Iwshcls whcat per or , day with t'onr hones. Ín one instanco Ko bwablg whc.n were ihrebhed in three hours . with four horses. ",■- This Power and Machino contaín all the ÍV vantatics necessary to maUe ihem prolitoWe to thb púrch.iser. They are strong and dnrrible.- They are easily moved ("rom ono piaco to ' " er. The work of tho loises is easy on these g poweis in ooniparison to o'hers. and the priee u LOWIÍR thnn any other power nnd mnebine, have ever been o!r] in the State, iccord'.ng to the real valué. Tho teims of paynioüt will be liberal fur Hulea that are known lo be absolutely good. 1 have a nmnber of Powers nnd Machines now ready for silc and persons wiahing to bisy are iuvitcd to cal! soon. f I expert to be prepnrud wiihin a few tbys to m;ke Cleonera for thoae w!io inny wnnt il.ntn. The utility and advuntóges of this Power and Machine will ppear evident to all on examinini; he recommendationa be!'vv. Alt persona are cflntionod nTinst rrakme ihesö ftwwlé nnd Machines: tne nndorsignri! w' linvinc; adopteil tho necessiiry nicni'ii n-s lor tipcu se rins letters patent for the same wiihin the time ':o required by law. ;i1 ,S. W. FORTER. Scio, Wasfitènai? Co., Mich . .Ijne 18, 1346 of RECOMMIÏNDATIONS. Durins the year 1645, each ot ;ho undersigned : purchased and used either individually prjóinrij with oiher8. one of S. W. Foater's ncwly in veated Horpe Powcre nnd tnfeahiñg machines, If nnd heliove they nre bptlei adapied to the use of p Farmers who wint Powers nnd Macbfnos foi their own use (han any other pofer nnd i'wcsljcï wiihin our knowledgo. Thr y aie calcdloted lo be used with fonr hoiBO'H and nre of ampie strengih for that numbfer. They npprnr to be coostrücte I in such a mnnner ns to ronder the:n - vry durable wiih linie liability of getling out o' order. They are eisily movfvj fwñl -me place ' to another. They c.inbo worked wiih any number of hands from four to ckl.t. ai-.d will thresL ' ftboiM 2üO bushels whenTper day. ■ J. A. POUIEMUS, Scio. co G. BLOO1). " T. RICHAKDSON, M " SAMUEL HKALY, ? =. P. FOSTER, " " N. A. PHELPS, " ADAM SMITH, " " J. M. ROWEN'. -Lima', " WM. WALKER, Webster, " THOS WARREN, f " IX SMALLEY, Lo.ii. " 1 I threshed last fall '. nd winter Oh nne of P. ; V. Fosier'fl horso pownrs. more than filieen - , thousand bashela graia. The repairs bestowed r npon the power amountcd to only f cents, nnd it was in pond order whtn I had doncihieshing. j 1 invariubly used six horsos. AARON YOUiS'GLOVE. Marión, June C, IS 10. I purchased onc of S. W. Fosrer'e hors r, powers last fall nnd linve u=ed it lor j'.bbint'. 1 ( have used many difleient kinds of jjowers am! , brl;eve thia is the best running power I have I everseen. D. . BNET. 3 Hamburg. June, 18 fi. g We purchnsed ono of S. W. Fos'cr's flor?e I 4 Powers lasi lal!, and havo used it and think il is a first late Power. 7 JESSF. II ALL. DANIEL S: ti AII,', v REUBEN S. HALL. ,, Flamburg, June, 1846. 2üü if ie -.- , - - - 1846. 1846. a TEMPEKAKÏCE HOUSE. !Q MILTOX BAn.NKY OF THFSicaïïïboat Hotel, c DETROIT, _' TS now re'-dy to occommodate his friends and ' JL the Travo" ling Public, with all these c.invenij! iciicescnlculated to rrrake ihem oinlortable, and f(! wiih tisttit thr.timti. ,r Meáis Ucenty-jivc Cents. 's. Best fa re in the City' for (he sa me Movttj. to General Stnge Office. Starmbnats leava Deo- truit for Bvffalo tr i tij Èttmng} at half past ü o'clocL. (Uaually.) ■w The Railroads are wiihin jive minulcs E" ride ofdhe Steamhoat Hotel. 272-tf C, J n "■ -i. ■ ■ . ■ ■■■. - ---._■ -■ ' ■ ■ Vc jCAA Kogs of Eastcrn Nails, jt;et received {). yJJ and tbr sale by or WILLIAM R. NOYES, Jr m 76, Woodward. Avenue, Detroit. Dec. 12, 1344. 242 THE subscriber wishes to inforin the public, thai he has completed his ncw Brick Build ing in the Villapeof Howell. nnd haafiued it up togethor with Barns and other out Buildings fora permanent Tavern stand. Ho haa now opencd the same for tho neeoinmodntion of tlw 'n public, and will endeavor to make his house i sc quiet resting place for tho traveller. TheHousi on will be kept üp'Ón strictlv Temperance principies l'.ie at charges which will compare with the mos Vl: ren8onai.le, "thongli it should demand eome pe s cuniary nacrifice to stifelnin it." To the Iriends o'" liberty nnd equal light, th ded 'Uinii-,T Ilorsr," s now oflereo you wiih th motto: "Liberty J Temperance." E. F. GAY. v IIowclI, Liv. Co. April 29, J84C. í'63-tfWÈÈm lis excellent compound is for Balo by the ■ictor's ABen... MAYNARDS. '3-1 y illson's Corn Alill, (Mc'Knight's Palent.) lie aubscriber would hereby sny lo the public he is now prepared to fnrnish on sho:t nothosri who wish. a portable mili, cnpable of dine 30 bnshcls of enrs of corn por hour, or rl oi'her conrsc prain ior lcee!,ir shcl led corn, ,li n rus!).) rnl out cluver perl, &c. Jc. : J. L. AlcKnijjhtB patent corn crushernnd er rubber, &c. 'he subt-eri!er is nlso prepnrod to srll town cüOBiy righta to said patent on liberal term. ■ machine works Ij k e o chnrm, applicablc io se. water, or s'enm pmver: one horse, is icient t perform the nceessary grinding fgr fnrm or oiher establishment (or home conïption. but more power is necessary to do torn worl; to n profil. hè Biibs-criber has now in opcration in his p al his Tempernnce House, in Jackson, a horre pnwrr. by which. with the forre cf ■ norse (only at pesen) he diivcs suid mane. The advantnpr'5s of feeding corn and cobb in 9 wny is now too well understood to need rcïrsing. Suffieeit to sny, ibat lo the aouth, ieie they roise corn easy. nnd worth p.erhnpa cents per bushef' they think it nn object to inomtse by thus feeding corn and cobb mcnl, d thnt too where they give (rom to for grinding ciihnr for feed or distillntion. One. two or thrre competent ealesmen wntfi Bell rights to snid machine in this State d Ohio, nnd tosellrights to Thomkin's moring machine in this State: the best now in J. T. WILLRON. Jackson, March 2, 1316. 200-6m ■1 D. I3ILL wouid respect fiilly inform the JTm cilizéha otAnn Aïbor ond vicinity tbnt e tírrn ot G. D. HIIÍ Sc Co., hnving dissolved. ; will continue the bus-ness nt tl)e old stand in awkir.s' Block, on the old and estnblishpd prinplesof the houso "small trofits and pkompt vy." he will be able toofïer to his customers on r nboiu the 20lh dny Of May, SPLENDID AS80RTMENT OF SPRING G00D8 t the ipwcfit posaible rntcs for Cash, " VonU and all othor kinds oí produce. All persons w.intina to buy goods will find i: their advantngo to holrl on their Oíd Clothts, „til the nbove named nssortment is received, as 1ty will he sold at verv IÓW raics. The Subscriber will also pny ihe hicrliest maret prica ior 100,000 POUNDS OF WOOL. G. D. Il I LI.. Ann Arhor, May II, T4fi. 964-tf "15XCHANGE HOTEL TEIÜPERAIVCE MOU8E. 'Directly opposüe the Cataract Hotel.) BY CYRUS F. SMITH, NIÁGARA FALLS, N. V. This House s not of the largest clñss. n it wel! k- r. upon i"hé sume plan ihnt n bas heen for javera] yeara pnst, nnd nffords tinple ond very ■ omPirtable accommodations for ihose stopping at tbc Falle. This Ilotol is simnted in the plcn'nn'ost prrt of the Vill.iue. on Main Street, nnd but o ftw ïninnïes wallt from the Caturact, Goat Island. or :he Forry. Niágara Faüs, 1SJ0. 262-(jm 1846. TnfiiiEas &. ÏSisscli, tre FORVVARDING AND COMM1SSI0N to KOIT. Agent s for the Troy and Erie Live. For Freight and Passage, ayifhj to Asa C. Tkfft, ) , , . Chambfrlin, 5 29Coenties Slip, N. Y. Ide, Cott & Co., Troy. KlMBEItLY, PEA8E & Co., ? rj rp i S. Urullahd, 5 Mark Pacfcgea "Troy nnd Erio Line." Sbip Dni'y, (fimtlays cxcepld,) l'roin Coentiea' Slip N. Y., by Troy and. Erie Iron Tow 2!4-6m "Crockery at Wholesale." FR E D Eli IC K WETMORE. onetnntly on hand, ihe laracst f-took in the West of Crockery, China, Glassvare Lookirfg: Glasses and Platen, Britamiia Wnrc Tras, Lnmps and Wiek' ing. Pa led Ware, China Toys, 4'c. Sfc. His stock incítales nM the varietés of Croclt. I rry and Chin, from the finest China Dinnor nnd Tea Setts to the mosi common and low priced ware - from the richest cut glasa to the plnincst gln?s ware. Hiitannia Cnstorsofcvery kind. Entannin Tea Setts, Cofiec Pota, Tea I I'ois. Lampa. C.indlcsticks, S:c. Lakd LAMPSof every description from tho mosi cosily cut PurlorLamp to tho clieapest Store lamp, . „ All the abovc articles avo importcd by himsplt dirccily from the manufacturera and will bc sold at Wholesale, ne low aa at any Wholesale HouBf I expenfifs from senboard added only. A liberal discount given for cash. Mérchants and oihers are invited to cnll and examino the ahove a'tick-s at th old stand, No125, Jeflerson Avenue (Eldied's Block.) Detroit. 24d-ly Select School. ATTSS J B ossisted by Mis S. IVA Fir.r.n, nnnounces to the public that elie il prepnred to recpive young lacües into hrr schoul :1 in iliëbafrernent room of the Episcopal Church. Ti .-hms.- For quarterof 12 weeks, for Englii branches from ft2,io L5; French nnd Latin caá . oxtra if nursued togetlier with !he Enclisf '- Biudjes, or Keparatcly. $5 each. The schoo will lie'furnishcd wiih n Philosophical nppnrlus; nnd oerasional lectures givcn on the Nat 'S urnl Science1!. Mrs. Ilughs will piive nstruction to all wli( deaire it, ín Murió, Drawing, PaintingandNe dlework. !1 Miss Smiih refers to the folio wing geni trníD Professors Williams, Ten Brook, and Whefr don of th Univcrsity; Rev. W. S. CurtiP, H' Mr. Simons, Rev. C. C. Taylor, Hon. E. Mun dy, Wm. S. Maynard Esq, -,'' . Ann Arbor, April 20, 1d46. 2C2-M_ 'mTchíáñTáno ano tax aqency. 5: h. d. post, Masón, lngham County, Michigan. 'si I Z 'X'ATU'h atiend to the payment of Tas, JJ VV aminat.on ol Tules, purchaso and aalt ■ 18t Any busTness entmsted to him will be trnnJM ' ed with promptness nnd accurucy- Addrcsa DB I mail. . . Rrnrenccs, (by ptrmxssxon.) he Hurlbut. Detroit, the J. C. Hearit, Brother &. Co. ? Tr(,y Wilder Si Snow, ) Woodbury. A very A Co. ? jyeJC Yorh !tf K. G. Wiliiame, )