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Vicinity News

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- Thursday evening Tecumseh'a new opera house was opened. a - John Bird, of Dundee, aged CO, feil dead from heart disease. 8 - Battle Creek hoe faotory will turn out 50,000 hoes this winter. i - A Flint barbar has bear-ed the - prioe of a shava to five oents. - James Qwynn, of Adrián, has a patent on a " oombiuation - unpiokable ' tumble lock." I - Jackson's pólice station lodged 930 trampa daring 1878. No report of the t other lodgers. - Be good to the poor, says the Jack1 son Citizen. It refers, we suppose, to the fraternity editorial. - Torn Entwisle, of Dundee, lately delirered a tape worm 60 feet long. Torn is a success in this line. - Citizens of Blissfield propose to riuike an application of the statutes of gamblers and see who will win. - An Adrián freeholder appears on the tax books thus : House and lot, 99 cents ; male and female dog, $4. - D. K. Hurlburt, of Grand Ranids. - - - - - r - - F is so well pleased with a cargo of apples he sent to Liverpool, he intends to indulge in more ploasure of the kind. -John Rowland, of Dundee, chattelmortgaged a wagon and spau of horses, and then " lit out." Offieers would happily greot hira- if they could get a chance. - Sweet Julia A. Moore is singing sooie more. She is competing for the prize yellow fever poem, and has fiuished the first stanza, as follows : " The yellow fever was raging, Dowu in the Sunuy South, And in many of the citiss, There was a death at erery house." - A day or two ago County Treasurer Verder received $40 froin the town treasurer of Alpine, which had been paid to that offioial for taxeg. This is the first time gold has been received at the oounty treasury in 18 years. - Orand Rapidg Democrat. - Marshall has a lawyer namod Pray who sued a man named Fox for legal services, but the sly Fox showed the services to be worthlesa, and that Pray had prayed upon hiin extensively, and the jury gave Fox a verdiot for $26. We would appeal er Pray.- Adrián Preu. - Reed, the youug man who is charged with enticing the fifteen year old daughter of a Summit farmer away f rom home and then marryiug her, has as yet not been arrested and can no where be found. It is believed that he bas "skipped." The girl is living at home with her parents. - Mr. Chauncy Smith, 90 yearg of age, and who was living with his son Mr. C. S. Smith, a short distance southeast of Corunna, in Caledonia, was found dead in his bed when they went to cali him to breakfast December 27. He had retired in usual health the erening before. He had lived there for the past 14 years. Wanted.- A bright, active boy of about 14 years of age to learn the printer's trade. Apply at once to this office.


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