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ANX AKttOR MARKETS. The following price were pmd yesterday by dealen in thi city : Apples, dried, per lb, 8S5c. Baant, per bu., tl.6O@tI.tiQ. Butter, perlb., 14@lc. ('hueae, per lb., 10c. KffB'i per doi., Uo. Hay, per ton, $8.OO@1O.O0. Lard, per lb., 5@7c. Poultry, chicleen, 7c tuikeyi 8c. Beef, per lb., 4Uc Pork, per owt., $2,90@S,00. Clüver Med, per ba., $t.Mi Corn, shelled, per bu., 60c., ear 20c Oat, per bu., 23c. Potatoes, por bu., 45@50c. Wheat, ber bu., 86@88. Wood, per oord, $4.oo6.0ü Flour retail. t Ï2.2i@2.75 per wt. Apples, green, pur bu., 30@S5c. Scribner's Magazine, Conducted by J. G. HOLLAND. The Handsomest Illtjstbated Magazine in the World. The American edition of this periodical is now More (han 7O.OOO 'IimiDI j , And It has a larger circulation in England than any other American magazine. Every number contains about one hundred and fifty pages, and from üfty to seventy-five origina! wood-cut illustrations. Aiinouncements for 1878-9. Among the attractions for the coming year are the followiug : "Haworth't," a serial novel, by Mrs. Francos Hodgson Burnett, author of "That Lasso' I,owrie's." The seene islaid in Lancashire; Ihe hero is a young inventor of American birth. It will run through twelve numbers oí" the Monthly, beginning with November, 1878, and will be profuselr illustrated. Falonborg, a serial novel, by H. H. Boyesen. Id thii romance, the author graphically describes the pcculiarities of Norse immigrant life in a Western scttlement. A Story of New Orleans, by George W. Cable. This story will exhibit the state of society in Creóle LouisÍBna about the years 1803-4-5, the time of the Ceasion, and a period bearing a remarkuble likeuess to to the present Eeeonstruction periode l'orlruits of American Poets. This serien fbejrun in August with the portrait of Bryant) will be contlnued, that of Longfcllow appeariug in November. These portraits are drawn irom life by Wyatt Eaton and engrared by T. Cole. Studies in the Merras,- A series of papers Cnioetly illustrated) by John Muir, the California naturalist. The most graphio and picturesque and, at the same time, exact and trustworthy studies of "The Califurnia Alps" that have yet been made. The series will sketch the California Passes, Laken, Wind Stonns and Forests. A New View of Brazil. Mr. Herbert H. Smith, of Cornell University, a companion of the late Prof. Uartt, is now in Brazil, with M. J. Wells Champney (the artist who accompanied Mr. Edward King in his tour through "TheGreat 8outh"), preparing for Scribner a series of papers on the present condition, - the cities, rivera and resources of the great empire of South America. The "Johnny Heb" Papers, byan "exConfederate" soldier, will be among the raciest coutributions to Scribneb during the coming year. They are written and illustrated by Mr. Allen C. Redwood, of Baltimore. The Leadlnff European I niv.rwi ties. We are now naving prepared, for Scribnkk, artieles on the leading Universities of Europe. They will be written by an American College Prolessor, Mr. H. H. Boyesen, of Cornell, and will inelude sketches of the leading men in each of the most important Univeraities of Qreat Britain and the Continent. Among the additional series of papers to appear may be mentioned those on Hou Muil I we Spell1? (two papers by Prof. LounsburyJ. The Jfew .South, Lawn-Plantiner for Nuiali Place (by Samuel Parsons, of Flushlng), ;;- iibiIh ff To-day; American Art a n.l Ai"" il, Americun Archicoloiry, Modern Inventor; also, Papers of Travel, His(oiy, Pirysleal Science, Studies ín Literature, Political and Social Science, Stories, Poems; "Topics of the Time," by Dr. J. G. Holland ; record of New luventions and Mechanical Improvemcnts ; Papers on Kducation, Dccoration, Ac; Book Eeviews; fresh bits of Wit and Humor, tc, Ac. TKRMS, l.OOa Year in Advance. 3 o cents a number. Subscriptions received by the publishcrs of this paper, and by all booksellers and postmastej-s. Persons wishing to subscribe direct with the publisbers.shouldwrite name,Postoffice, Couuty, and State, in full, and send with remittance in check, P. O. inoney order, or registered letter to SCRIBNER & CO., 73 ie T45 Broadway, N. Y WOTICE. The uudersigned has purchased the iutercst of George II. Wiuslow in the frame and picture business No. 30 Eaat Huron Street, and will continue tlie business at the same place, giviug prompt attention to all orders for frames, etc. A tiae stock ut Chroraos, Engraviugs, and l'hotographs uu hand aud for sale cheap. All debt due the late firm of Winslow & McMillan are payable to the undersigned, aud any debts contriicted during bis conuectiun with Ihe flrra will be paid by liim. Ann Arbor, Oct. 11, 188. HlOlf D. McMILLAN. TÖTÏCÊI Theanug&l meeting of the Washteuaw Mutual Fire Insurance C'oiupany will be held in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedsksday, January 8, 879 at 10 o'cloek a. m.. for the puipose of electing orüceni and tranacting uch other business aa may legally come before the meeting. A geueral attendance is demred as n mmeudnient to the Charter will bo ubmitted in regard to alterinK the Charter so a to lnuie Live Stock agaiuat lightning on the premtses instead of in the buildings as at present. Also the question of usingSteam aa a motive power will be aoted upon. Dated, Deoamber 5, 1878. 171t;w5 N. 8HELD0N. Sec'y. OÖUSE AND LOT POE SALE." Locatod m a desirable part of the oity, and in goud repair. Also a house to rent on favorulile teruis. inquire at the Aboüb office, or .kw 2 THOMSON 8THEET. Ann Arbor, Mareh 14, 1878. 1678tf piNSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKER Y, GROCERY - AND - WLOUit &, FEK!) TORB. We keep constantly on nund, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and RKTAI1., TRADE. We shall alao keep a aupply ui DELHI, FTOXJIfc, 3. M. 8WIFT ft CU'S BEST WHITE WHEAT ÍLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKWWHEAT ÏLOUU, COBN MKAL, I'EED, ÍÍC, &0. At wholeaale ana retail. A general stock of GROCERIKS AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be aold on as reut onable terme as at any other house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, an(] Country ProInce generally. C Qoods delireroa o any part of the city with out extra charge. KINKY A ÜEABOLT, Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 1878. i5C4 JÜL B EXTEACT parsaparillal fllsacKnowieded to le tbe lft and moatH reliuble iireparatioanow preparectfox I ILIVER COMPLAINT J And for Paling the Blosd. ■Tki8 prepiration is eonipoiinded with grc&tB èare.iroin tlic i,t aelecttd ■Honduras Sarsaparilla, Yellowl ■ Doek, Stillingia lMuclelion, ■Wild Oherry, and other Valuable Eemüdius. Freparod only Tjy WW. JOIINSTON & COM Clu'tuists & Drugists, ■161 Jefferson Ave,, Detroit, Mich'l Pold by all Druggiets. ■{■■■■III IIWVlMl'iMllwJI Ann Arbor City Mills, The Flour weare makinjr from Suuthern Illinois and Old White SVIichigun Wheat is giving the VKEY BEST SATISFACTION. Ask your Groccr for it, or ruil at on r Flour tin 1 Feed Store, cor. Aun and l'uiirlli sinds. To Fabmers- We are paying the highest marlet priee at all times for Wheat. Cali at our milis before selling and get all your whout is worth. 1715tf SWATHEL, AILES & KYEIl. Abstracts of Titles. AU partios who are desirous of ascertuiaing the condition of the title to their lands, or parties who ■wuh to loan money on real estáte will do well to cali at the Register' oiüce and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Baid books are o Jar advaticet] that the Register can furnish on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title jf any parcel of land in Washtenaw County aa ihowu by the original records. O. H. MANLY, Register.


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