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THE HLAI.NÜ 1NVESTIGATION. A Washington dispatch of Dec.27 says : ' The Teller-Blaino Committee met yesterday, formally aoknowledged that thoy aro powerlan on account of want of funda, and adiourued to meet at the cali of tlio Chairmau. Phere can be littlo doubt that, ao far as any prctial inviwtigation gopa, the peded to próvido iin apprpprMrtión will resuli in the defoat of tho ontiro inquiry. Senator Blaine, in tho conree of lus argument in support of the investigation, urged that if the inquiry was to hve auy valué the eommittee must proceed South immediately aid do the greatèr portion of ita work dnnng tho recosa. It haa beeomo necessary to pursuc a different courec, andit is generally concocled that the result will be seriously to cripple. if r.ot ontirely to defeat, purpoeea oï invesflgation. The main roason for hia is, of course, a reliance upon the $a),(X)0 apropriation supposed to bc available, but, aaide fnmi tliat, and apart from strictly Democratie opposition, tho checks upon tlio iavestigation have been twofold: Firet, the jealovisy botwecn i-ival Preaidentia) oandiclatea in th'e Senato. Beoond, tho traditional hoatility of that conservativo body to a now mombur, and an unwillinsnoss on tho part of tho oldest Senators to permit a now man to talte the lead in anythin;,'. Arldod to thia is the desire on the part of some ltopuhlieaua not to roopen tho Southern question." A Washington telegram of the 80th uit. eays "tho opinión of the Firat Comptroller of the Treasury aa to the use of f20,000 for tho Blaine committee has finally been ovorruled, acting Attornoy General Phillips deciding that onder a fair co'nstruetion of the law the Senate can uae the appropriation for any inveatigation wliatcvor. Bliune's Teller inveatigation will immediately proceed, and a eub-committeo will be either sent to South Carolina and Louiaiana or pi'ominent witneasta will be aummoned here." MIXOHITY REPRESEN CATIOIf. It is stated from Washington that "a bill ia in preparation haviug for its object minority represontation in Oongress. It will probably be introduced in the House aoon after the assembling of Congress! It proposaa to have th.' Legklature of eaeh state, after the apporüonmeut of the next census, so rediHtrict tho Htato that the minoritv as well aa the maioritv will be entitled to represantation. By this plan, if carried out at the ncxt election, snpposing that there is no politioal chauge among the peoi)!e, (lio Demócrata will have a small majority, hut all BftrtB of the country alike will be represented oy Republieaiis as well as Democv&ts. The plan is en to divide each State into districts ihat the district may as f ar as possiblc be entitled to elect eitlier three or five members each, tlius permitting the majority of votera to eloet two out of three or thréo out of five. In case the district is entitled to three Representatives, each elector can vote for two candidatos and no more. In case the district is entitled to five Representativas, each elector can vote for three candidatos and no more. Whero a State is entitled to ouly two licpreseutatives, as in the caee of Rhode Mand and Florida, it is to be divided into two districts, each electing one memte, as at present, as in this case majority and mmority representation would be impossible. [ In all cases whore there is an odd tive aftel the Stato has been divided as nearly as possible into districts to be representad by three or íive members, a separate district is to be set apart for this liepresentative, who is to be olected as at present. The effect of this bill will be to secure to the eolored people a i seutation in Cqngress. It is argued that if it were passed it would remove the objectious raised by Senator Blaiuo to the present lack of repreeentation of tho colored population of the South." THE EAST. The Directora of the Monnt Sinai (Jewish) Hospital, of New York, have declined to accept the proffer of $:X)0 by Judge Hiltou, on behalf of Mrs. A. T. Stewart A boiler explosión at Troy, X. Y., killed two men and soriously injured t'oiir o'hers The St. Louis expresa, bound west on tho New York Central rauroad, while stopp ing at a station five miles east of Buffalo, was run into by the Chicago express, bound west, and two men named A. tiay and Michael Mahoney j killed, and ono named George Vick had a leg I brolïen The statue of Charles Sumner, j thorized by the meeting in Faneuil Hall, in i March, 1874, was unveiled at Boston last week I by Oov. Iïice. The statue is in the Public Garden. H. J. Redemeyer, who brutallv dered Franz Vose in St. Louis, Mo., laat June, bas een ttenteueed to death Cleveland has juut eelebrated wi'h great eolat the eompletion of a bridge across the Onvahoga river, whieh conneora the east and west divisions of the city. The Emerson Piano Company's factory in Boston bas been burned. Loss, $100,000; insured. Eighty-five raen aro tbrown out of employment A firo in the Cocheeo Print works, Dover, N. H.; damaged the building and contenta $ïr,000; insumí The scbooner Ellen, from St. John for New Haven, was wroeked on the coast of Maine. The Captain and three seamen were drowned 'J hree men were killed by au explosión of nitroglyeerine at Upper PreaknesK, N. J. Tbeir bodies were torn into fragmenta and blown in evory cHreCtion . . . .Kobert A. Pcdrieh, tljc Custom-House clerk of Benkhard & Hutton, New York city, is accused of appropriating 1US,000 intrusted to kim for the payment of custonis duties. Ho is undor arrest. THE WEST. Holiday week is always a harvest time for places of amusement, and managers always ondea vor to "have their diahes right sido up " during the rain of Christmas and New ïöar'a patronage. McVicker, at hia Chicago Theater, during Christmas week produces a doublé MU, eonsistirig of a popular domestic drama, "A Woman of the People," followed by the f arco "ThatBlessed Baby." S. D. Richards, who murdered Mrs. Harleson and her three ehildren in Nebraska, a short time ago, bas boen arrested at Steubenville, Ohio. Tbc monster has made a full confesniou of the murder of the Harlesou family, and also acknowledges to three otlier mm-ders, all neighbors of his. He is a Quaker by birth and religión. Mes. Mack has been convicted at Janesville, Wis., of nmrdering her husband, and sentencod to a life term of imprisonment. The incipient Indian war in Oregon hae been stamped out-, and Chief Moses and several of bis fellow-warriors have been arrested and placed in durance vile. THE SOUTH. At Juncfcion City, Texas, Torn Doran and Louis Temple fougbt with pistola. Doran killed Templo. The latter's father pursued Doran, snooting him twice fatally, and then stobbed the body eleven times, and cut the throat from ear to ear A report bas reached Iittle Eock of the lynching of four horse-thioves at Corning, Clay county. Ark. The Court House at Maysville, De Kalb county, Mo., bas been burnod. All the ! eounty recorda, excepting those of the Circuit i Clerk and Treasurer, were destroyed Tlie I Zlne { property consumed is said to be $ 1 UU, 000. Advices frora Breathitt eounty, Ky„ j report that the new County Judge, Kandall, has had all the ringleadei-B of the Little faction arrentcd, which bas produeed consternation and dismay among thosc eonoimed in the late difti culties, and that Brethitt is now obe of the ! most peaeefn] conntiee Is the state None of ! tlu Strong party had been eaught, but it wan the mtention u, arrest the leaders of that partv a fast aa tliey could be found. GENERAI.. The venerable Catliolic Aumbishop Pureell has written to the Pope asking to be reeved on account of tbc infirmitios of oíd age. The house of John O'Brien, near i Dublin, Ont, was burned, and lus wife, son aud daughter perished. Hiniself and otlier membersof the family, while walking through a furioua storm to the nearest houBe, were ba?Jly frozen. O'Brien will probably die. Cholera and famine are desolating eonie of the northern provinces of Brazil. Among the horrors reported as oocurrine among the wretched peoplo aro carrion-oating and canmbalism . . . .The steamship State of Louisiana has been lost on the Irish eoast. Diphtheeia is reported in an epidemie form at various points throughout the country.... The combination that haa so long con trolled the Penusylvania coal trade, and nelu pnces up, has collapsed. A BATir-E is reported to have oocurred at Ouadalajara, Mexico, between the Government troopa and a body of revolutionists, in j which the latter were defeated and nearly all of ' themcaptunxl Kuteeqnently oighteen of them wen hanged Wüham H. Vanderbilt has aocomp hshed bis long-eherislied pnrpose of estab isbing an ocean-freigbt line in connection witb hja raüway hues, and is putting himself in a position to control the Atlantic ocoan-freight trafhc He starts with fourtcen first-class ron screw freight steamships of 2,000 tons buruen The announeement from New York that WUliam H. Vanderbüt has made anrangements tor Une ,,f tr.uisatliimie Bteamere Utweeu New York and Liverpool, and New York and Havre, and Hamburg, and Breinen, comea at the Biinie time with tfia news from Eurupe that the great Lnghsh house of Baring Bros & i ( o. has made uimilar arrangements fora line of fourtwn steátaers botween Boston and Livorpool anti London. WASHINGTON. Commissioner Raum will ask Congress for an merease of $75,000 in the apprcpriation for tlio expenso of colleoting the internal revenuo. Aftkr exnmining the wliolo subject, tho First C'omptrollor lias docided that no portion of tho ?a),000 appropriated for the hbo of tho Senado to investig&te the frauda in tho electoral count can be appliod to the purposes of the Blaine committee. The committee will therefore havo to wait fora separate appropriation, in whk'h caae the House ean havo a chance ut deoanhg the Southern question, and it eau also bo reopened ia the Sonate. Gen. Hookek, a rneraber of the commission appointed to coosider tlie expedieney of transferring the Indian adnünistration to the War Department, sayg tho report of themajority of the commission will favor the transfer. Ho (hinks tho report will be ready before the lst of February. The suit against the Government, bronght by tho heirs of Stephen A. Douglas for certain cotton captured by the United States Government in SfissiHsippi dnriiifi the war and sold as abandoned property, bas been settlod iiaally iu-thc Court of Claims by judgment in favor of claimants Over 50,(KX) tea planta have been distributed to fanjrera by the Agricultnral Department duriug tho past' year, and libero] distribution is to bo continued. The Commissioner is said to bc eonfident that teaculture will flourish in tliis country. POLITICAL. Iï is reported that the President will, at an early day, malte a clean sweep of all the Federal officials in Louisiana. Senator Bayaed, says a Washington telegram, has formally eutered the field as a candidato for the Picsidency. His headquarters have boon est&blishcd at his homo in Wilmington, Del., where an organization is now being rapidly effected. The sinews of war will not be wantiug. It i.s expected that ho ean confldently rely upon all the necêssaiy material asaistance' froin New York; besides, his own fortune is ampie. A Washinoton correspondent of the Chicago Tribune sayti '■ it is stated with much confidenee in sume ircles tliat Shorman desires to be the Kepublican candidato of üliio, and that soon aftor resumption shallhave boen rocognizod as an establiahed faet lio dosires to surrender tho Treasnry portfolio and enter actiyely upon tho campaign. Tho objeetive point wlnch Sherman, onder these cireumstancoa, eould have in view wonld be, tirst the Governorshir., seeond tho Senatorship, and third the Prosidoncy. " FOKEIGN. Theee ís great destitutioii and sufforing in London and its environs. Tlie poorhouees are full, and the usual agencies of public eharity are over-taxed A cable dispatch reporta unusually severe weather tbroughout Gi'eat Britain and Continental Europe. Many of the raüroada havo been bloeked by snow. Adyicea f rom the seat of war in Afghanistan report that the British forcea occupied tho important town of Jolalabad on the SOth of December. The occupation of this placo will afford comfortable winter quartei-H, with facilities for defense, which the English may possibly need before the winter ends. Something like a "reign of terror" exists in Russia. Tho pólice thioughout the cotmtry anai-rcsling 8U8pected persons, and the students are especially subjected to persecution on account of their attempt to pctition the Czarowitz for redress of their grievances. The official inquiry iuto the Pomerania disaster has resulted in tlie acquittal of the Captain and officers of the snip f rom all blame on account of the terrible diaaster A Vienna dispateh says that 40 per cent. of the Boaniana who retui-ned to their liomes will have perished by spring if the weather doea not moderate. Suleiman Pasha, who was recently tried at Conatantinople for miamanagement oí the Tnrkiah armics, in the late war, and aentenced to perpetual banialnnent, lias received a f uil pardon Advices trom Mexico state that a revolution ia going on in Guadala.jara, eauecd by the levying of au oneroua tax. Sovoral citizons have beeu killed in the streets, and numbers of prominent gantlemen imprisoned A correspondent at Kurani, in Afghanistan, says an Afghan soldier in tho British service was hanged for firing to warn bis countrymen of the advance on Peiwar pass. Eiguteon others were sentenced to terms of from seven to fourteen years' penal servitude for deaertiou. The same correspondent says a pioclamation of the Ameor of Afglianistan has been discovered, datod Nov. 1 1. It shows he had declared a holy war against tho Britiah. The steomship Eniily B. Souder, froin New York for Santo Domingo, is reported lost at sea. But few of her pissengers and crew esoaped A town in Hayti is reportad swept away by a river changing its courso. Many livcs were lost A great fire risited Houg Kong, Chiaa, ou Christmas day The winter palace of the Khedivo of Egypt, at Cairo, bas oeenpartiallydestroyedby tire A dispateh from Lahore, in Indio, reporte that Yakoob Khan, son of the Amoor of Afghanistan, has come into Jelalabad. This is rogarded as equivalent to submission to the British. . . .ExPresident Grant, accompanied by Ministers Welah and Noyes, is visiting the Green Isle. Ebgaeding the war in Afghanistan, the London iitatidard's correspondent with the Kuvam column telographs that Gen. Roberts convoked the principal inhabitants of the Kurani valley at Peiwar and AU Kheyl, and informed them that the Ameer's rule liad passed away forever, and heneeforth thcy must look to the Empresa of India, It is aiso stated that the Ameer haa gone to St. Petersburg to mako an appeal to Europe A Vienna dispatch says that eighty persons were killed or wouaded in the recent encoivnter between the militia and studonts in lïussia Twenty Uves were lost by the foundering of the steamer Emily P. Souder intheWestludies. . . . .The Marquis of Tweeddale is dead Great uistoesa prevails in Switzorland. There aro (i,(XX) uneinployea persons iu Geneva ïhe cholera has disappeared from Morocco. Negotiations between the Eussian aud Turkish Governmonts relative to tho proposed definitivo treaty are said to be rapidly taking Bliape. Russia, although she will ultiniately insist npon indemuity, will not press her demands in the present flnancial condition of the Turkish empire, but will rest content with the promise of the Porte to sottle its war obligations at some future time. The aigniug of the treaty wil] be the signal for the complete witlulrawal of the Kuasian troops from the Turkish territory now occupied by them.


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