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- The Qlass blowers are ooming. ■- Chief of Pólice Johnson gave poo orders to the amount of $110, during December, the larger portion of whiol was for wood. -Hotel registers are always lean about the holidays. Landlords extract consolation over an anticipated revival of trade to begiu soon. - Many Supervisors think the Court House will not be completed in time for the present board to accept it before their time expires, April lst. ■ - City Recorder Ciarle has removed his office from Wade's law office over Watt's jewelry store, to the store ocoupied by J. Berolzheimer on Main street. - The intense cold weather of last week moderated somewhat by Saturday. Besult - streets lively with teams and merchanta busy waiting upon customera. - At the annual meeting of the Unitarian lociety of this city, on Mondar, James B. Gott and W. D. Harriman were eleoted trustees for ensuing three yaars. - Six newly married couples stopped at the Cook House New Tear'i day. This capacioui house managed to hold the unalloyed happiuess that roigned there for a day. - Morris Sohneider procurad a warrant for the arrest of Jacob Stung, whom he charges with asaault and battery. Matter set down for trial before Justice Frueauff, Feb. 4. - Mra. Lillian E. Badger, wife of Major Nioholas i). Badger of the military court of inquiry notoriety, hag sued for a divorce in the Circuit Court on the gvound of cruelty. - An examina t ion of Matthew Foran charged with obtaining a receipted bill on false pratenses, carne off on Friday and Justice Frueauff held the prisoner in $200 bail to appear for trial. - At the Opera House, Saturday evening, will be givon a grand concert by Mrs. H. M. Smitli and her company . The entertainment is highly coinmended by the press wherever thoy have been. - wm. Darnos oí üacjcson wui can on W. D. Smith and W. H. Hickg of Ann Arbor to balance up expenses of putting down shaft8 and prospecting on that one bundred acres of coal land. near Jackson. - Ev. Mr. Sunderland will leoture next Sunday erening at the Unitarian Churoh on "Darwinisra and Religión," Subject of Morning sermón "William Cullen Bryant." Students Inquiry Class meets at 12 ni. - Wm. E. Anderson of Pittsfield died Wednesday evening of brain disease after a short poriod of siokness. Mr. A was one of the well-to-do farmers of the town and stüod high in the estimation of his fellow-ci tizona. - Prof. J. W. Langley will deliver a lecture on "Cerámica" (illustrated with specimens) in the Unitarian Churoh on Wednesday erening January 15, under the auspices of the Young Peoples Literary and Social Club. Admission lOots. - D. Cramer Esq. of this city has purchased two farms, one within a mila of the city of Hastings consisting of 120 acres ; another the Casey-Connelly farra of 87 acres located withia three miles of this city. See notice of "For Sale" in our advertising columns. - Upon the second page of this paper will be found the address of ex-GoT. Feloh, delivered at the dedication of the now capítol at Lansing. It contains special interest not only from the faot that the author is one of our distinguished oitizen, but the oldest living executive. - The alarm of fire aunounced on Saturday -forenoon last, directed the Hose company toward north Stata St. where the residence of Mrs. S. Tomlinson had been damaged about $100 or $150. The engines had no work to do for the fire was extinguished before their arriral. - The price of meats has not ruled as low as this winter in twenty years. Mr. Jasper Imus, a dealer of uiany years informs us that in 1866 he paid $16 for pork ; in 1878 he purchased some for $2.50, and is now offeriug $2.85. What a difference ! Beef brings $4.50 per hundred. Chickens 7, turkies 8 cents per lb. Geese 40 cents each. Mutton carcasa 5 cents. - While laboring at the Ann Arbor Agricultural works the other day John Downs barely escaped an acoident that would have cost him his life, but for the exeroise of a little precaution. A new emery stone had been sent to the works for a sample. Downs set it in motion, and fearing (langer stood to the right. Before many revolutions had been made the stone broke, one piece tearing his overalls, and grazed his leg slightly. - Emerson's troupe of minstrels are a first clasB list of performers. Their entertainment in this city Monday evening was greeted with a large house, and from the encoring, oft repeated, the audience soemod indisposed to part with any thing on the programme. "Big Four" is unsurpassable in bringing forth roars of laughter. Emerson himself is a host, and his lieuteuants are not far in the rear in catering to lovers of minstrelsy. - The annual meeting of Forest Hill Cemetery Company of this city was held on Monday afternoon at 2 F. m., at the office of treasurer Kmanuel Mann. The following officers were elected : President, J. Austin Scott ; Clerk, E. B. Pond ; Treasurer, Emanuel Mann ; Trustees, Philip Bach, C. H. Millen ; to fill vacancy for one year, Charles H. Richmond ; Sexton, Wm. McCreery. The Treasurer reported balanoe on hand Jan. 1, $127.39. - In consequenco of the mail route having been disoontinued between Ypsilanti and Milan, and the delay in putting on a postal car on the Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad, a large amount of mail matter accumulated at the office in this city, and in reply to a telegram from headquarters, Postmaster Clark was iu8tructed to make up bunches for the places along the line and forward the same in care of the train authorities until a route agent is appointed. Monday morning a bag was Bent out for each station on the road. Hereafter mail will be forwarded daily on the 7:20 A. M. train and arrire at 6:15 p. m. - The store of Frank Boylan was on tered by burglars soma time Monda; night and about $75 worth of cigars oonfeotionery, etc, were taken. - The A class of the Grammar School (Miss Conover's) made an excursión to Geddes on Saturday evening, and rere rery pleasantly entertained by Mr. and airs. Kash. - The regular monthly meeting of the Ann Arbor Scien tifio Association will be held nezt Saturday evening at their rooms, where short papers by members of the society will be read. - Mra. Bradford Kellogg, a high'.y esteemed lady of Charlotte, died in this city during a difficult surgical operation for the removal of a tumor. Her remains reached Charlotte on Wednesday. - ün Tuesday evuniug uext at the residonce of Or. Angelí, Prof. D'üoge will gire a lecture, illustrated with irawings, upon Schlieman's Exoavations at Myoense, for the benefit of the Ladiea' Library Association. Admission ten cents. All are oordially invited. Lectura to oommence at eight o'clock. - Oflicers elected Wednesday evening of Ann Arbor Reform Club: President - John Schumacher. Vioe Presidents - Chas. M. Jones, Thomas Kearus, John D. Vanee. Becording Sec'y - Jas B. Saunderi. Financial Sec'y - G. T. Manu: Treasurer- Beu F. Watts. Marshalls- iobt Cuthburt, Christian Millman. Steward - W. Burk. Sergeant-at-arms - rVm. Campion. Janitor - Ben Barnett. --The Comnion Oouncil of Ann Arbor las passed a resolution requegting the Jogislature to so amend act 197 of the ession lavrs of 1877 that a taz of $150 hall be imposed upon all retail dealers n malt, brewed or formented liquors. ?he result was presented to the Council y Aid. Woodruff by request of some tizona. A oopy of the resolution was ordered sent to Senator Childs and Bepesentative Sawyer.


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