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T. And A. A. R.

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Little did conductor Morris think, as he started his traiu from this city on Tbursday inorning of last week for Toledo, what there wag in atore for him and his passengere. True, it waa a bitter, oold morning such as had preceded it for several dayg, but in this city there were no evidenoea of a great fall of snow such as atalled the train, the partícula of wliicb are herewith detailed. Beaides the conductor of train No. 2, there were engineer 1). Leddy, fireman John Saddler, baggageman S. T. Sweet, expresa messenger W. A. Lovejoy, and Supt. James M. Ashley, Jr., fifteen passengers besidea six snow shovelers, taken along as a measure of safety, which constituted the suin total of life on board. Snowbanks of an inferior kind were tossed to the right and left from the track by the snow catcher, until the 8th ruile post from thia city was reached. Here waa one lixty redi long, so deep and bo heayy that, notwithstanding all efforts to shovel the traok olear, it ■- railed nothing. The clouds sent it down aa faat aa shovelers wera able to remore it. In moving the train one end of both baggage and passenger cara were thrown from the traok. The locoinotive, unable to move on to a tank, got out of water. There were banda working with all thcir might to relieve the train from the mbargo placed upon it ; passengers, expeoting to inake connection with other routes, obliged to accept the situation, which could not hava been the most pleasant in view of the fact there were no victuals or drink on bourd to stay hunger and quench thirit. Fortunately a whole-souled farmer named Crittenden resided near by. Though it blowed and snowed, and was piercing cold, the promptings of his heart bade him to do what he could to lighten the trials of the occasion. Hitching his team he improviaed a route "Toand from the Cars,' and conveyed the passengers to his residence, wbere he and his family exerted themselyes to render the ttay of unexpected gueats as agreeable as possible. Supplies were carried to train hauda, who were authorized by thenobl heart ed farmer to use the rails upon his farm for fire wood lf necessary. One mile in front of the pasaenger atood the freight train that left Toledo on the same morning. It could more neither forward nor baokward. Finally a man was tecured to go to Milan, eight miles distant, where a telegram was forwarded to Toledo, asking for help. A locoinotive waa dispatched the following ajr, rnuají, uut XB119U IO reacu 1116 talled trains until 5 A. m. Saturday. 'he daad engines wero towed to Toledo, laoed in engine house and thawed out. .fter this was done, No 3 returned for raia and Sunday morning at 3 A. M.. li o belated passengera, after a detention f about three dayg, reacbed Monroe unction and Toledo. While the train was embargoed, the assengers enjoying the hoapitality of Mr. and Mrs. Crittenden, the passenger oaoh took fire i'rom the store pipe and mrned to the platform. Conductor Morris informa our reportr he has run a train sixteen yoara, withut a car before getting off the track. No one, not even the paasengers who worked with a will, exerted themselves more to lessen the sufferings of the deayed passengers than did Supt Ashley, r., whose ears and noae were froaen by xposure. Train due Thursday at 6:15 p. m., managed to reaoh Ann Arbor Sunday ai p. M. Conductor Morris re-imbursed Mr. rittenden for board and lodging for assengers. Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company.- The annual meeting xr the eloction of Directora of the aove company was held at Hangsterfsr's lall on Wednesday afternoon, The ollowing gentlemen were elected : Alen Crittenden of Pittsfield ; H. M. dowry of Ann Arbor ; John Cook of ylvan ; John J. Robison of Sharon ; N. heidon of Lodi. Mr. Sheldon was releoted Seoretary The by-lowa were monded, so that policy holders in the ompany can use steam threshing mahines upon condition ooal is used for ul. ADJOURNEI) SKSSION OF IIOARD Of SUPERVISORS. Convened purauant to adjournmenl Jan. 2 at Firemens' Hall. Mr. Krapf of committee on publio buildings reported thpy had insured auch building, comprising tbose on county farm ; jail and barn on jail premisas for $11,200, two montha policy on old clerk and register' offices witb furuiture ; furniture in probate and treasurei'i offices. Offioial bonda of oounty treasurer Fairchild, coroner Terry, Commissionor MoMahon, sheriff Case, county clerk Clatk, were approved. Expenses of Eliza Boyer, an indignant, insane person were ordered paid by county as per statute, dating from Nor. 19, last. Largo iiumber miscellaneous bilis reported and adopted. On niotion of Mr. LeBaron, flnance couimittee be instructed to report itemized account of expenses on Court House building. Messrs. Robison, Ballard, Purtell appointed by chair, committee upon matter of interest upon Ann Arbor City bonds issued for court house. Chairman of Board added to committee. Committeos were appointed to settle with the officers. The county settled with treasurer Gensley ehowed his receipts to have been since last settlement fól,520.10 and his expenditures $17,ótH1 07 ; leaving a balance in tho treasury of $34,510.13. The settlement with Peter Tuite, ex clerk, ghowed a balance due him of $133.17. The followlng shows the receipts and disbursements on account of new court house : KECEtFIS. To amount paid fiom building fund, $67,288 21 " " ' ' contingent ' J.831 61 lUMIMBM. By amount from Ann Arbor City, $20,000 00 " " raised by tarea of 1877, S.000 00 ' " of bonda sold to lat National Bank of Yps., 8,200 00 " H of premium on same, 72 50 " ' " bond sold to A. & A. Corey, 3,800 00 " " ' premium on lame. 85 50 " " " bonda aold to D. Preston & Co., 12,090 00 " " " premium on urne, 30 00 Balance to debit, $7,932 85 Total amount paid contractors, $52,188 00 Committee on Ann Arbor interest money reperted amount dne thig city Jan 1, 1870, $1161.51 for advaaed inonies. Ot' $20,000 raised ther was in treagury $903.85. Salary of Judge of Probate was restored to $1,200, the figure before reduotion by last fall's session. It was deoided that the actual and necessary expenses of the prosecuting attorney out of Ann Arbor ehould be paid by the county to an amouut not exoeeding $100. All oounty officora were prohibited from making repairs on their offices, at the expense of the eounty except the oounty poor-house buildings, without the approval of the committee on publio buildings. On motion of Supervisor Whitaker it was decided to elect three supervisors to be known as the court house building committee, whose duty it will be to examine the work done on said court house and who are empowered to cali in two luitable mechanioi if necessary to aaaist them in their examination. Supervisors Yeckley, Case and Whitaker were elected. The bill of Judge Lawreuce for adrances etc. were allo wed, less $119.55, which sum he had paid Architeot Bunting out of his own pooket, the supervisors ha ving instructed him not to pay Bunting till ordared. He asked to be reimbursad, but the Supervisors refused to do this. Board adjourned to moet at cali oi clerk. SYIVAN. ühelsea, Jan. 9. - Diphtheria is quite prevalent here now among children, though but one death has been reported from that cause. - The Catholic Society here is now building a fine parsonage to cost $1,800 when completed. It is a two-story building and is enclosed and the work on the inside is now being done. Kev. Father Duhig is an active, energetic man, and is doing a good work among his people. - The Reform Club held its annual meeting and election of officers on the evening of the 8th. The reports of res tiring officers showed that the club ha175 aotive members, and has a good hall that will seat 250 persons, with the rent paid one year in advanoe. The followiug officers were elected for the ensuing year : President, E, B. Gates ; Vioe-Presidents, Chas. H. Kempf, C. 8. Laird, and E. Winters ; Becording Seoretary, D. B. Taylor; Financial Secro tary, J. E. Gates; Treasurer, Charles H. Kempf; Steward, Jabez Baoon ; Marshals, Jay Wood and Perry Barber ; Sergeant-at- Arms, T. McNamara ; Chap.ain.C S. Laird ; Chorister, Myron McAlister. The olub has the good wishes aod material support of three-fourtha of the people and business men of the village, and is doing a good work. - From fifty to seventy-five loads of wheat a day come into this market and the price for a week past has run from 86 to 89 ets per bushel. - No case of scarlet fever has been heard of here for two inonths and it is believed that it has entirely disappeared from this place. - The holiday trade hore has been unusually large and business men report everything lovely.


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