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Tariff Of 1842 And 1846 Compared

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A comparison of the ratea oí dutica upon somc ú iho ameles as nctunlly paúl imder tho KiriíTol 842, nnd to be levied on tlie same by ihc tarín 0 come rito operatton December lst. 1846: Luxmics. 1842. 1846. Wines- Champagne, 12 30 Burgunda, 30 Mu'loria, r 30 "arpet3- Wilton Carpeis, 2) 30 Turkcy, ?8 fW -las3 - Polielicd plato, 22 by 1 4 iichea, 27 3'J j'.oves - Genilcman'd real kid. 22 30 Lrwl.W Ï 30 Geni's'. real Ficnch buck,. 13 30 3racPS - India rubber, cosiing 17 each and above, 30 30 'aper- Billetdoux, or faticy note, 30 30 Gilt. 25 30 Pastes - BaUarns, Cosmeiic and Perfumes, 25 30 Silks- Pocket hnndkorchicfa made from fine ailk, 1 6 % S Ík Velvets, 20 25 Brocade silks for dresses, 14 25 Flonnels - Arclier's unshrinking, costing 62 cents, 2J 30 Silk and wool flannels costing 1 00 tUu s'iuuro yard, 14 30 la r curlcd f'or uiatrasses, 10 20 Chocolate, ia 20 Sardines, and othor fish prepared in oil, 20 40 Furniture and cedar wooJ, satia wood &o. í0 40 Genis- Pearls and precious stoneB when set, "' Imitaúons thereof, 7 3 Caineoa and imitations ihcrcof, and on mosaic, 7J o jewelry- Composed oí gold, silver or platina, 20 30 Artlcles of general use. Ls. Wines- Sicily Maderia, (low priced) 49 .10 Spiees- Pimenio, 0 4U Slager, 53 40 Caísia, pí 4Ü Carpet- Treble ingrain, 73 30 Ingrain, 36 3ü [ron - Bar or bolt iron, 73 3 ) JNuil or spike roda, ög 3 Cut or wrought iron spikes, 163 30 Hoop iron, U( 3u Blacksiniihs hamruers and slodg52 30 lnn chains other tKan chain cables, 101 30 ; Wrought for ships,locomotive3, eam-engines, 8d 30 Sir.oothing irons, hatters' and tnüors' pressing irons, 66 3) Wood scrcw3. 'M Coal, 6J 3l) G!abs--Plain mouldcd,or pressod tumbler, lt 3J Gloves- Yellow sheep.called Iloxamlan. (wugonera and reaping gloveb;) 90 30 Iinitution buck, 55 0 A onen's imitación of kid, 70 30 liraces- India rubber, cosiing 5 franca or 93 cèuta tho dozen, 62J 30 Puper - Medium, foolsc.ip, !tc. 53 30 Silbar, connnonly called bruwnsugar, 6Í 80 Vm'egar, . # W Salí, 76 20 Clothsof wool,broadc!oths, cassimeres CuBttúg and paddmy;, 40 31 Low tunnelt. bockngs,aüdbai3 3( Silka - Calcutta and other silk pocket handkerchiela, costing in India $"2 50 for piece oi'7, and 1 weighing Ö ouiu-es, 50 2. t Di no, (fOttíhÉ .3 75 and weighing lli ounecs, 50 2; Blnck gro de nap, or taílt-ta silk for dresses, weighing 1 ounce to the yard and costing in Enland or Franco 32 cents, 47 2i HIaek crapes, low priced, 60 2: Pina, called pound or uii.ed pins, 5:i & ' Velvets- Collón, 36 3' B cosiing 6i cents per yard. 95 3 Y Cotton prínto or caliepeo, cosiing 12 conta the running yard, 50 2 iMoussellaino de Lañe- Cotton worsted 24 indica wide, cosiing 12 11 cents, 50 2 f Cotton and Worsted Orlcans arrd alt pnccaoloih ostíng JB cents r tho iquare yurd, 50 - ; Mtscdlaicous. (j Linseed oil, 7 2 Cables and cordngc tarred, 2-'" ' Unnianufacturcd hemp, ' ' "" Wool, coaise, ur.manufactured, 5 2 o Clinin cables, 7 iS Anchors, " c „ Anvils, 43 l