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THE KAST. The Bryant memorial exercises at the Acadomy of Musie, New York, on tho SOth uit, were of a very imposing and impressive rharaeter. George William Curtta wan the orator of the occMbnl, and President Hayes, Secrotary Evarto, Gen. Shcrman, Gov. Tilden, Peter Cooper, Gen. Hancock and a largo number of othor distinguished persona wero among the spectators. John H. Caldyvell, of South Bayfiuld, Mass., while kneeling in family prayer, was instantly killed by his inHane wife, who cleavod his liead in twain with au ax. Ddbing the year 1878, 917 failures were reported in New York c;ty, with liabilities amouuting to $63, 95a 408 and assets valued at $18,()!ï),s:il. This exceeds the record of any ormer year. Caleb Cushing died at bis residence in Newbnryport, Mass. , on the 2d of January, aftor an lineas of brief duration. He was 78 ycars old. Gardner Tingley, of Attleboro, Mass., wbile insane, murdered bis wife by eutting her tliroat, and then ended his own lifo by the same means. Morton McMichael, proprietor of the Philadelphia North American, and exMayor of tliat city, is dead. He was 72 years old. THE WEST. Several criminal prosocutions have been beguu by depositors against C. F. Adae & Co., the collapsed Cincinnati bankera. The Berger Concert Troupe, supplemented by the inimitable Sol Smith lïnssell, are at Haverly's Chicago Theater tliis week, and a roally enjoyable entortainmont the combination affords. Of Itnssell's character sketches the publio will never tire, and the audiences seem never to get enough of them, whilo the concert troupe ia of a high order of merit. Chicago elevators contain 5,556,062 bnshels of wheat, 1,945,988 bushels of corn, 427,!)X bushels of oats, 328,684 buBhels of rye, and 1,166,763 bushelsof barley, making a grand total of 9,321.089 bushels "against 9,0ü0,ï)77 bushels at tlus period last year Thomas Crossley, a San Francisco shoemakor, shot and fatal]; wonnded Iiíh wife, and then ent his own throat with a shoe-knife. cansing instant death. A reporter for the Chicago Journal interviowcd Hon. E. B. Washburuo, andlearned from liis own Ups that h has not been offered the Bt-rlin misaion, and, further, that he eould aot accept it in oase it sliould be tenderod to him. the 29th of Tanuary two nnudeiers aro to lie hauged at Indianapolis, and on thé Uth of February two more will expíate crimes on the gallows at 8t. Ixjuíh One thousand and nineteen buildings, having a street frontage of BI, 118 feet, were orected in Chicago last year, at an aggregate cost of Ï7,4 1 y, txX'. At Carbon, Wy. Ter., a party of masked men broke open a baggage car audtook out and hung to a telegraph pole " Dutch Charlie," wiio was en route to Eawlins for trial, eharged with murder. He was a notorious character, and had been identified with a number of stage robberies Justice Hunt, of the United States Supremo Court, is seriously ill from a Ktrokc of paralysis The wretclies who so crnelly burned Mitchell aud Ketchum to death in Dawson eounty. Neb., are under arrest Tho extensivo establishment of the St. Louis Beef Canning Company, at St. Louis, Mo bas been destroyed by fire. Loss, $125,000. THE 8OCTH. The Cougressional Yellow Fever Commission met at New Orleans on the 30th uit, and procetided with their investigation. Drs. Holliday and Holeomb, two leading physiciaus of that city, were examinod. Both agreed that the fever originates in New. Orleans every year from a germ which was originally imponed there, and has become a part of thé climate; that the epidemie was undoubtedly incarred by neglect in removing garbage, and'by filling up streets with the offal and garbage of the city. Charleston, S. C, has suffered from a disastrous fire. The property destroyed conKi'sted of a cotton warehouse and 10,121 bales of oottoa Total loss, $572,000. Charles Longly, of Nicholasville, Ry., attempted to light a fire from a coal-oil !amp. The lamp exploded, fatally burning Longly and one child, and seriously injuring another child. The house eaught riro and was eütirely destroyed. GENERAL. The perils of Arctic exploration find a fresh illustration in the fate of the Swedish Polar expodition, which is reported blocked fast in the ice above the northem eutranee of the narrows of Behring's strait, on the Asiatic side. If the report is true, it is extremely probable that the members of the expeditionwill never again be seen alive. Kecent deaths: Charles T. Sherman, formerly United States District Judgo at Cleveland, and a brother to the General of the Army; Hon. Robert W. Mackey, ex-State Treasurer of Pennsylvania, and a man of sti-ong influence m the couneils of the Eepublican party of that State. The taking effect, on the 2d of January, of the Eesumption law caused no excitement in the financial centers of the country. At the United States treasury, in Washington, no gold was paid out, even for interest on bonds, as Becretary Sherman had given orders to pay out gold in New York ouly. Persons who asked for gold were given coin drafts on tl; Assistant Treasurer in New York. Tbis fact created some eommentof an unfavorable character. Treasnrer Hillhouse, at New York, was prepared to meet the probable rush for gold; but contrary to general expectation, the demand was light, while in many instances greenbacks were preferred. The Manito'ia blizzard that swept over the country on the 2d and 3d of January will be long remembered as one of the severest vitiitations of the kind in woafher annals. It , penotrated to every quartcr of the land- East, West, North and South. In the región of Buffalo the cold wave was aecompanied by a blinding snow-storm, blocking railroads and plac'ing a complete embargo upon business of all kinds. Numbers of unfortunate people are reported frozen to death in different sections of the country. Altogether it was a "spell of woather" that will not soon be forgotten. BiRXEn: The Honore building, in Chicago, in which was located the city postoffice, the offices nf the Chicago and Alton railroad, and several law offices, loss $75 000; tho Academy of the Holy Angels, Buffalo, N. Y loss $00,000; the leading hotel and soveral óf the largest liusiness house in Columbus, Ga., Incidents of the recent cold snap: In Chicago a teamster was frozen to death while Hitting ou his wagon box, and another was so benumbed by the frost that he feil from lus wagou and expired in the streef. Near Crawforduville, Ind., two childron were frozen to death in bed, the drunkeu father having removed the bed-covering from the little ones and appropriated it to himself. Mrs Mary Krvvin, aged 81, was frozen to death m bed at Bloomiugton, 111. The harbors of New York and Philadelphja went so biocked with ice as to impede navigatiou and delay the arrival aud departure of the Enropeau steamem. At Battleford, the capital of Nortliwest (British) Territory, the thermometer marked 00 degrees below zero and at Bismarck, Dakota Territory, it was X below. At Cairo, HL, the Mississippi rfver was frozen over so ttrmly that heavy teams crosed and reoroBged, a thing never beforekuowntlur.At New OrleaiiH the weatherwas the coldest expericneed ill llfty-five years; Bidewalks were covered witli ice, tho streets frozen hard, and one man f roze to death. Atlanta, Ga., reporto it the coldest weather since 1835; mercury 5 degrees abovo zero ; mauy trees popped open from the intenso cold, and there was much suffering in the country regions. Jacksouville, Fli., reports that everythmg tliéreabout was coverap with a thin coat of ice- something unErecedenttd- and it is feared the orange btotos ave been greatly damaged. POUTICAl. Iï iti reported from Washington that Tilden has personally iutimated to Congressman Potter that he desirea to appear before the Potter committee and teil wlial he knows about the cipherdispatches.... Senator Voorhoes bas gouc to Indianapolin to lonk aiter his re-olection. Clarkson N. Pottkp and Jacob D. Cox, a sub-committee of the Potter Iiivwtigating Committee, arrived at New Orleans on tèe SOth uit., for tho porpoae of prosecutmg the Inqnirythat was ent short by Yollmv .Jack last. purumor. No other members eould be pre vailed upon to go. It was agreed that Potfor'a vote tihouid !■_ ootuited as two in order to avoid a tic ou party questions. Thk Potter sub-commitiee began work at New Orleans on the ;',lst uit. by examining Oscar Arrayo, Netary of State, who prodneed the records of his office relating to the election of 187fi. P. O. Deslonde, Hecretary of Stafo un der Kellogg, tenüAed to aftixing his eignatiiro to the rirfit set of Kepublican electorul oertifleates, buthadnoíeeblleetíonof signirig anj secoml set.' Jodfe Jfilliiigs and two other yluwücoo ren examined, but notbing of an importaut charaotcr was elicitod. A bundlo of documenta left in a store by Mra. Agnes Jenks, and '. dressed to her, waH produced before tho i mittee. Among the documenta was one j Ímrting ti) be the alleged original "Shorman ! etter." Chairman Potter made a statement tn tlio prees to the effect that these documenta had i boen di'opped by Mrs. Jenks for the purposo of j impiwing upon the committee. He declarad that the so-callod eopy of the Shorman letter was a forgery. At the socond clay's session of the Potter Committee, in New Orleana, Mr. John ; Ray, connaol for Secretary Sherman, iiled a communication setting fortñ that he had no intention of offering further evidenco on tho subject of intimidation in the eleetions of 187fi. Chairman Potter then announeed that, inasmuch as sevcral witnesses wanted by the eommittee were in Washington, tho committee wonld adjouni to tliat city. In the meantime Mr. John Ray, reprosenting Mr. Sherman, and another gentleman to be selectod by the Chairman, would remain in Njw Orle'ans and take whatever testimony might be offered in rebuttalof the evidence already taken by the committee. Alonzo Gabcelon, Domocrat, has been elected Governor of Maine, reeeiving XÍ1 votes to 10 for Josoph L. Smith. Every J lican Senator voted for Garcelon. The Washington National can comes out for John Sherman for President. ■ WASHINGTON. It is announcod from Washington that the President has offered the vacant Beriu mission to E. B. Washburne, of Illinois, and I that if he declines the honor it will be eonferred upon John B. Hcndcraon, ex-Senator from Missouri The President, aecompaniod by a party of frienda, visited New York, last week, and attendad the Bryant memorial exercises. It is announced from Washington j that tho sub-committoe which visited the Indian Territory to considor the advisabilityof opening ! that Tei'ritory to aettlement and to railroads ■ will decide wnen the report is made in ■ ary to favor the opening of the Indian Territory to Hettlement, and to make it a Territory of tho United States The Secretary of the Troasury haa issued tíie aeventy-sixth cali for the redemption of 5-20 honda of 18Ü5, consols of 1867. The cali is for $10,000,000- $, 000,000 of coupon and $4,000.000 of rogistered honda - tlio principal and interest to be paid on and after i the laf of April, 1870. The national debt was increased $l,iW,785. aci'ordingio the official statement, which is herewith appemled : Six per cent. bonds $ 657,846,906 Five per ent. bands 10868,650 Fout and a half per oent. bonds 250,000,000 Four per cent. bontls ] 98,700.0(10 Total coin bonds . . $l,hüI.S12 880 La ful-uioney debt 14,000 000 Hatur&debt 22.4-lli.460 I Leftal tenders $ 346,743,061 Vrtifteates of deposit 81,515,000 Fractjonal currency Ki.KIS.lB4 Coin and silver certífioatea r 070,830 Total witliont interest $ 421 ,44S,US3 Total debt (2,867,702.345 Total Intérest 94,841,798 Cash in treasury- coin $ T (,866,477 Cash in treasury - ciirrem-y 4,515,550 Currency held for redemption of fractional cui-rency 10.000,000 Special deposits held for redemption of certifícate! of deposit 34.515.000 Total in treasury $ 578,896,627 Debt les cash in treasury. Nov. 1 . $2,038,6 18,11 1 Increase during December 1,983,785 Deorease since June SO. 1878 7,13b 720 ïhefl.W.I,S).860debt beai-ina interest iu coin I inclndes $M iO.MiO 5-20 called bonds are not yet tnatured, atfainut which a like amount of 4 per rent. bonds have been issued, and are embraceü in this statement and the amount included in the roiu balance: Bonds issued to the Pacittc Kailroad Companies, interest payable in lawfulmoney: Principal ontsUncUng..!) 64,623.512 [nterest accrued and uot yet paid 1,088,705 Interest paid by the United States 39,885,089 Interest repaid by transportalion of mails, etc 10.571.10; ' Balance of interest paid by the United States 20,283,037 The recent letter of the Secretary of the Interior, calling upon Gen. Sheridan for specific facts ia support of bis charges against the efficiency of the Indian service, has elicited i reply in the form of a report from Gen. Kheridan to Gen. Sherman, in which he apecifiea numerous instances of bad management in the Indian service. Washington reports represent Gen. I Sherman and the War Department officials at j loggerheada over the new Army bill. The ! latter, 'tis said, charge the General of the Army with exceeding the bounda of propriety, by resorting to exfraordinary methods to inflüencë Congress in favor of the meaaure. FOKEIGN. A cable dispatoh from London announces the death of Henry Vincent, the wellknown platfonn speaker. A conspibaoy against the Life of ] Prince Milan, of Servia, has been discoverod, and aeveral arreats Iiave been made A midden thaw has caused numerous destrnctive i doods in England and Scothuid. The business failures in Great Britain during 1878 were 15,059, of which 3,643 were in financial aud Wholesale and manufacturing branches of trade, The increase is 4,0:J7 failures for the last year over the preceding year. The bursting of a 38-ton gun on board the Britiah war-ship Thuiiderer created terrible havoc. The turret in which the monster cannon was rigged was eompletely demolished, and seven men were killed outright and forty wounded. Twenty-fode French Communists in New Caledonia have been pardoned becauae of services agaiust the insurgenta Ex-President Grant was in Dublin last week, and was presented with the freedom of the city. The Senatorial elections in France have resultad in a great Republican ti-inmph. Of the Conservativo Senators whoao terma expired, only thirteen have been re-eleeted. All the retirme Eepublican Senators have been reelected. The general result shows the election of fif teen Conaervativea and sixty-four Republicana. The llepublican majority in the Senate will be about fif ty-aeven The Cornish Bank, at I Truro, in Cornwall, England, bas failed. It had several brauchea, and the deposits amounted to $25,000,000. The failnre will cause much diatress in West Cornwall Juan Moncasi, who attempted, in October laat, to assasainate the Spanish King, was executed the other day, in i the presence of an immense crowd The" city ' of Cork, Ii-eland, ilatly í'efused, by a i moua vote of the Town Council, to give Gen. Grant a public reception. The continued cold weather has greatly aggravated the prevailing suffering throughout Englaud. In Manchestor, Bheffleld, and other manufacturing contera, thousanda of ! Huffering poor are being fed by the public relief committees Strikes are the order of tho day in the British manufacturing towns The people of I-ondonderry, Irelaud, publicly honored ex-President Grant by tendering hiin the freedom of the city A terrible plague íh raging in Astraehan A dispitcli from the City of Mexico aays that ex-Gov. Bravo, who headed a riaing in Colima and Michoacan, han , been killed, with fourteen of his followers. The Vlnegar-Jug Puzzle. '1 lie Interior tclls of a smart boy who was an adept in measuriug li'qnidf : You remember the eight-quart jug j was full of vinegar. The grooer had pu order for f otirquarts, buthadonlj a threequart and i five-quart measure in his i store. The boy was not allowed to pour out and waste any of the vinegar, nw h; had no other vessel. 8o tlio flrst thing he did was to pour the tluee-quai-t measure full, nd then wnpty it into the five-quart measure. Then he poureft his three-quart mensure full again, and fille.d the live-quart measure out of it. Then his vinegar stood thus : Five quarts in the five-quart measure, one in the three-quart measure, and two in (he ! eight-quart jug. He scráioaed his head a moment, and then emptied the five-quart measure back into the eight-quart jug. Then he poured the one quart which he had in the three-quart measure into the five-quart measure. Next he poured I hi.s three-quart measure full again out of the eight-quart ug and emptied it into the five-quart mcasure, whioh had, as we have said, one quart in it. This made four quarts in the jug, and ! four in the five-quart measure. Next, OUT smart boy offered to do all ! the measuring witli the two measures and the jug. ÁS will be scen in the above, he had measured one quart, two quarts, three i quarts, four quarts, five quarts, mix quarts, soven quarts, eight ijnarts, all with nothing but his three, five, and eight-quart measures to do it with. A month in law is a lunar nionth, berimse people vhd go to law an. Itiuaties. i


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