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NEW ADYERTI8EMENTS ITotice. All contracta for advcrtising In the Anous will be completad by the mvr propríetor, and subscriben wliu have paid in ad vanee will receive the paper uiitil the explrttioD of their tenu of lubseriptlon. All subacrlptiona and advertising accounts eorned to.Ian. 1, 1879, are the property of and will be colleeted by Mr. Pond. Advertisers whodonot desire to continue thelr advertiseineiits are rcijuestud to ive early notiee, as aurh advi'rtiseinents will be COntlnued unleM otherwise ordered, and cbarged for. JOHN N. BAI.LKY. Ann Arbor, Jun. 1, 1879. DEOPOSALS FOR WOODï Sealed proposala for I0( oords of irood, foor feet long, pixid reen Ilickoi-y md Hsple Wood, for euch kind separate, la qutintitiet. oi" not less thn ben aorda, wEfl be rece i ved by the nnder8it;ned lor the next ten days, trom the Í5th to the 25th ínet. at 6 p. m. The wood to be delivored at the folio-r ing placee in thia city : 16 curda at the high school buiidin", 40corde at the ttrst ward building 20 corda ut the second ward buüdintr, -25 corda at the third ward building. The right of any and all offers id reerred. JOHN" L. BURLETGH, Becretary of the Board of Education of School District No. 1. Ann Arbor, Jamiary Hth, 1879. Kstatc of Thomiis Harris. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wanhte7 naw, hm. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Cuurt for the County of WnshteDitw, made on the fourtt-enth diy of Junuary, A. I). 1S79, six months from that date were tllowed furereditors to piesent their cltiimn ajíainat the estáte of Thomas Harria, late of öaid county, deceftsed, and that all creditorw of siiid deoeasèd arerequired to present their claims to Raid Probate Oourt, at the Probate ijffieo in thit city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the fourteenth day of July next, and that ïich olaimi will bo heard bolore said Court, on Monday, the fourteenth day of April, and on Monday tho fourtuenth day of July next, at ten o'clock in the toreuoon of each of said days. Dated, Anu Arbor, Jttnuary 14, A. I). 187!) W1LLIAM D HAKÏUMAN, U2Sw4 Judge of r róbate. Cfaew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. A NNUAL STATEMENT. For the year euding December 31st, A. i). 1878, of the conditiun and alfairs of the WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE INSUEANOE 00., located at Ann Arbor, organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, and doing business in the County of Washtenaw, in said State. ALLEN CRITTENDEN, President. NEWTOH BHELDON.Secretary. . , MKMBF.R9HU-8. Number of members December Sist, of previousyear, 1,8% Number of members added duriug the present year, 149 Total, 2,046 Deduct nuiuber of memben withdrawn during the year, and eanceled poUciefl by reasou of sule ur otherwise, 110 Xutnber of members now belonging to company, 1,935 RISKS. Amount of property at risk December 31st, of previous year, $3,930,050 00 Amount of risks added during present year, 309,410 00 Total, $4 2: ,460 00 Deduct riska eanceled, withdrawn, or terminated, 171,780 00 Net amount now at risk by Compauy, 84,007,080 00 ItKSOURCES. Amount of premium or deposit notes now in farce, none Amount of cash premiums (or assessmentsjactually on hand, $23 99 Amount of outstandin; assetts.nients not cancelt'd, 1,291 47 Nature and amount of all other resources, vi,.: none Total resources, 11,818 40 LUinmu. ( ilaimB f'r losses due and payable, none Clainu for liisses not matured, .1. J. Panball, Ï40 00, Wm. Low, 87 00, $47 00 Claims for losses not matured. Win. Doualdson, not fully adjustid, 130 00 Claims for losses resisted, none Nature and ainountof all other ctuims, viz: Rent of office, 25 00 AUen Crittenden, Director, _■_ 4ñ lí. M. Mowry, " 50 17 John .1. Robbon, " ::s oo E. A. Nordman, " 25 00 P. B. Goodspeed, taking applicationa, 14 00 Total UabtltUes, Í353 o-_' INCOME. Amount of premium oo deposit notes duiing tlie year, noue Amount of c:ih premiums received during t lic year, 292 46 Ainount colíected on assessments which were levied during the present year, ::,514 ■ Viiiouiit collected this year on assessments wliieh were levied in prior yeiirs, 1,30(5 99 Amount received from niembership or policy fees, memberohip, 960.26; policy fee-, $51.78, 132 00 mount received from percentage on increased or decreaeed iusuranee, (all in number ive, 'neoine from all other sourees, viz: from balance L)ec. ai, 1S77, 7;;2 28 Total income for the year, S.Ï.97S 12 KXl'KNDITURES. Vmouiif paid for losses during the year (of which M9Ü.87 occurred in prior yearsj, Tf;i)2 41 inount oi saiary and fees paid to oíticers and director a.s per items in Schedule A. 1 229 02 Amount of all other expenditurea durins the year as per Schedule li, 322 07 i ___ Total expenditures during year, $5,954 13 SCHEDULE Á. NAME OF OI'FICKR OR DlBECTOB TO WIIOM PAID. President, Allen ("rittenden, m: 95 Seeretary, N. Sheldon, twoyoar's salary, 1,000 00 Director, II. M. Mowry, ' 37 43 " Juhn J. Uobison, 2i 00 " E. A. Nordman, 3 50 " John Cook, 47 74 " N. Sheldou, railroad fare and investigating lossea, 2 00 Total Schcdulo A., $1,229 62 SCHEDULE 15. ITEMS OF "AI.L OTHER KXPKN3K9." Rent of office, $1On 00 Interest, 50 25 Prinling, 4;i go Postage, 34 65 Receivers, 29 53 Fuel for otüce, 21 45 Help in ottice, ia 50 Stationery, . g g5 Refunded, 4 51) öundries, 4 75 Total Sehedule A, $322 07 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. ' 1. How many assessments have been made during the year ? Ans. One. 2. What is the amoiint of all the nssessments made ilurlng the year? Ans. 54,805 86. 5. Wbat is the rate per cent of sueh asses-uiipiits on the property iusuredï Ans. .l'012 per cent., SI 20 per $1,000. 4. What is the rate per cent. of such assessmcnt 011 the premium or deposil notes? Ans. Ha per cent. 5. Wliitt. amount was re-assessed for assessments that were not paid'.1 Ans. f64 78. 6. What aui'iunt of losaes are allowed to accumulatebeforean assessment ia lcvied? Ans. All loases paid in DOdaya hy hiring. 7. Does the company, in making in asesameot, provide therein for any surplus fund over the actual loases accrued ? Ans. Vea If so, how mach ? Ans. Kstimated expenses for ensuing year. K. What proportjon of the actual losa sustalned ))y a policy-holder does the company pav? Ans. Two-thirds. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CoUNTY OF WASHTENAW, j Allen Crittenden, President, and Newton Sheldon, Secretary of said company do, and each lor hunself doth depose and say, that theyhave read the foregolng statement and know the contenta thereof, and that they have good reason to believe, and do believe said statement to be true ALLEN C'UITTENDEN, President. NEWTON SHF.LDON, Secretary. Sworn and aubscribed before me, at Ann Arbor in said State und Couuty, this 15th day otjauuary A. D. 1879. SK E. B. POND, Notary Public, Washtenaw County, Mich. Estáte of Thomas Kennedy. ,,-TATE Oi' MICHIGAN, County of WaahteO naw, sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Wasbtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday the fourteenth day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and scventy-nine. Present, William I). Hajrlman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Kennedy, deceased. Ann M. Kennedy, administratrix of said estáte, comes Into court and representa Iliatshe is uow prepared to reuder her liual account as sueb administratrix. Thereupon it is ordered, that Thuraday, the thirt eento day of February next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be awlgned foi examiuing und allowing such iiocount, and tlmt the heira at luw oí said deceased, and all other persona intereated in aaid estáte, are reqnind to ppear at & aessionof aaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Omcc, in the city of Ann Arbor, iu said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered, thiit said administratrix give notice to the peiaons interested in said eatate, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof. by causinfra copy oi this order to bc publiaheil in the Michigan Anoim, a newapaper prtnted and circulatinp; in said county, threa successive weeks previous to aaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARIUMAN, (A true copy.) Judge oi Probate. Wm. (J. Doiy, Probate Register. 1722 Bigt&te of James A.gfsk STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. At a Bession of the Probat Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Otücp in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedneadtiy, the tifteenth day of January, iu the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William D. Hairimun, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the estnte of James Agin.deceased. On reuding and flling the petition duly veritied of John Devine, praying that a certain instrument now on tile in this Court, purporting to be the laat Will and Teataraent of said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that he may be appointed extcutor thereof. Thereupon ia ordered, ■ that ïlonday, the tenth dny of P'ebruary next, at ten o'clock in the torenoon, be assijned tor the hearing of attid petition, and that thedevisees, leñatees and hcirsat law oí aaid lcceased, and all other persona intereated in auid eatate, are required to appear at a session of aaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the pruyer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it ia furthor ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of tríe pendency of said petition and the hearinü thereof, by oatwine a copy of thia order to be publiahed in the Michigan Aryus, a newapaper arinted and circulated in aaid county, thrte buccessive weeks previous to aaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D HAERIMAN, f A true copy.) Judt'e of Probate Wm. G. Doty. Probate Reiriater, 1722 Iteal Bátate for Sale. STATE OK MIClIUiAN, County of Waahteimlr, s.i. In the mutterof the estáte of Margaretta [. Donnelly, a minor. Notice is herebygiven, that n purauauce of an order granted to thö underifined guardián of said minor, by the Uoii.Judiïe of Probate for the County ot Washtenaw, on the seventh day of January, A. I). 1870, there will be sold at Pnbllc Vendue, to the highest bidder, at he Probate ortice, in the City of Ann Arbor, in the 'ouuty of WtlBbteniiw, in said State, on Tuesday, he fourtn day ot Mmcli, A. 1). 1879, at ten o'cloek 1 n the torenoon of that day l subject to all . trances by niortgalie or otherwif-e existing at the i ,imo of the sale) the following deseribed Heal j atc, to-wit: All the riifht, title and interest of said minor in all thateertain tractor parcel of land , ituated in the City ot' Ann Arbor, and County of ( Washtenaw, known , bounded and described as fol ows. viz : The north one-thirdoflot number { 'n, in lilock number ílve, north oí Range uuiuber t hree i.'nst, iu said City. CATHERINE WALSH, Ouardian. Dated January 7, 1879. A NNNUAL STATEMENT For the year endiug; December 31, A. D. 1878, of the conditioD and affairs of the Germán Farmers' Fire Insurance Co., Located at Dexter, organized under the laws of the State oí' Michigan, and doing business in the County of Washtenaw, io said State. SIMÓN F. HIRTII, President WM. F. BUÖS, Secretary. MKMBEB3HIP3. Number of meuibers l)eceraber 3l8t, of previous year, 823 Number of members added during the present year, G8 Total, 8% Deduct number of merabri withdrawu during the year, and canceled policiea by reason of sale or olherwise, 42 Number of members dow bulongiug tu conipaur, 854 BISKS. Aiuuunt of property at rlsk Dec. 3lat of previous year, $2,374,459 00 Amount of risica added during present year, 1G3.540 00 Total, $2,537,999 00 Dcduet risks canceled, withdrawn, or terminated, 109,.r40 00 Net amount now at risk byuompany, f2,428,459 00 BESOUUCES. Amount oí' premium or deposit note now in forcé, None Amount of cawh preniiurna (or assessments) actually ou hand. $1,102 54 Amount of outatanding assesaineDt not canceled, i) 44 Nature and amount of all other resources, viz . none Total resources, $1,121 ya LIABILITIKS. Claims for loases due and payable, none Claims lor lossea not matured, none Claim for lossen resi.sted, iiunu Nature and amouutof'all other claims yynone Tutal liabilities, Done INCOMK. Amount of premium on deposit notea tukcn during the year, none Amount of cash premiums recoived during the year, no„e Amount collected on assessments which were levied during tho presont year, gojj 45 Aiuouut cullected thi year 011 assessmeuts which were levied in prior years none Amount received from memberabip or policy lees, 233 00 Amount received from percentage on increaaed or decreased insurance, none Ineome from all other sources, tíz: í'roni money loaned, interest, G8 83 Total ineome for the year, $8,513 28 EXPKNDITURKS. Amount paid for losses during the year (of whice uone oceurred iu prior yearwj, 3,104 78 Amount of salary and fees paid to offict;r and directora as per items in tíchedule A, 44 gg Amount of all other expendlturea duriug the year as per öchedule lí, 22 50 Total expenditures during year, 3,ó7O 96 SCHEDULE A. ÍAME OF OFFICE OK DIRKCTOB TO WIÏOM PAID. Simón V. Hirth, President, jfoö 00 W111, F. iíuhh, Secretary, yy 5 John Schenk, Treasurer, 33 Jacob Jedele, Director, 34 Michael Staebler, " . 25 tK) A. L. Feldkamp, ' 47 qo Jacob Kaab, Agent, ,-, qo John Keppler, " J4 oq Michiu'l .Schenk, " lo 00 ' Daniel Heininger, agent, 5 qo John Schenk, collecting fecs, 42 00 ■ A.. L. Feldkamp, " " - j Jacob Jedele, " " y; 54 John Keppler, " " 7 y.. Michael Schenk, " H :i( Total Schedule A, $443 gn SCHEDULE B. items of "all other expexsks." Printing bilí foradverti íing last year's report, 10 50 P ew books for records, 6 9 j Printiiijf bilí for advertising annual meeting, 2 00 ror the use of the house fór annunl meeting, f 00 Stationery, no Total Sctedule B, $■ 50 MISCELLANEOUS QUE9TIONS. 1. How many assessinents have been made duiing the year? Ans. Oue. 2. Wliat Is the amount of all the assessments made duriug the year ? Ans. $3 2S0 89 á. V, hat is the rate per cent of such assessments on the property insured ? Ans. .0010 per cent. 4. What 18 the rate per cent of such assessmcnt 011 tue preimum or deposit notes? Ans No hit cent. 5. What amount was re-assessed for assessments tuat wcre notpid? Ans. None. 6. What amount of losse are allowcd to accumuIate belorcau assessmcnt is levied Ana. No rtain amount. 7. Does the company, in making an assossment, provide thcrein for any surplus fuud over the actual losaos accrued? If so, how much 7 Aus. It does uot. 8. What proportion of tho actual loss sustained by a pohcy-holdcr does the company pay? Ans The company iuiure t threc-fourths of the actual valué, and pays accordiugly. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) COUNTY OF WaSIITKNAW, J. ' Simón F. Hirth, President, and William F. Buss, .Secretar of said company, do, and each for hinkelt doth depose aud iay, that they have read the loi-egoing statement and know the contenta thereof, and that they have good reason to believc and do believe said statement to be true SIMÓN F. HJRTH, President. WM. F. BUSS, Secretary. Sworn and subscribe;! before me, at Ann Arbor 111 said State and County, this 15th day of Januai y A. 1879. L. GRÜNER, Notary Public, Washtenaw County, Mich. EMtate of JoHeph Conlan. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtonaw, ss. At a aeasion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office ín the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the fouiteenth dy of January, in theyear one thomand eiiíht huudred and aerenty-nint:. Present, William D. Hitrriman, Judge of Probate. Ju the mutter of the estatt of Joseph Conlan, deceused. Onreadingttndfllinirthepetition.dulyverined.of John Conlan, admimstrator, prayinK that he muy be licenaedto sell the real estáte whereof said deceased died seued. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuenduy, the eij;hteentli day of February uext, at tn o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing ol aid petition and that the heirs at law of said deceused and all other pursoni interested in said enlute, are required to appear at a eesaion of said Cuurt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it ís rurther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of aaid petition aud the heuimir thereof, by causing a eopy of this order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argus, a nttwspaper printed and ciiculated in aaid county, four succcasivü weeks previoua to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, CA txue copy). Judge ot Probate. Wm. a. Dott, Probate Register. IKS I Stut of KolM-rt Harper. VTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. 'i At a session of the Probate Court for the county of %Vashtnaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city oí Aun Arbor, ou Wednesday, the flftcenth anf 01 january, 111 me yar ouo tbouoaad eight hundred aud seventy-nine. Prosent, William U. Harriman, Judje of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Robert Harpir, deceased. Egbert P. Ilarper, one of the exccitorsof said estttte, comes iuto court and represent that he is now prepared to render his flual account as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the twelfth day of February neit, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for exauiining and allowing such account, aud that the devisees, legntees and hiirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said enlate, are required to appear at a session of said court.then to oe holden at the Probate Otüce in the city of Ann Arbor in said couuty, and show cause, if any there be, whv the said account should uot be allowed : And it ïs further ordered, that said executor give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account aud the hearing thereof. bv causinti a copy of this order to be publlshed Ín the Michigan Argus,a. newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. 1722 Krttatt of Patrick Wlsh. ÜTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O ss. Ata session of the Probate Court for the County of Washteiiaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Aun Arbor, on Weduesday, the tifteenth day of January, in the yuur one tliousund eij'ht hundred and aeventy-nine. Present, William D. Harrimau, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Patrick Welsh, deceased. Juhn Clancy, executor of said estáte, comes into court and representa that he is uuw prepared to render his final account as such executor. Thereupon it is orde red, that Wedneadtiy, the twelfth day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenooq, be assigned for examining and ullowing such account, and that the devisees, lega tees and heirs at ïaw of said deceased, anti all uther persons interested Ín said estute.are required toappearal a session of said court, tnen to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in aid couuty, and show cauae, if any tliere be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it li further ordered that said executor give notice to :he persons interesttnl in said estáte, of the MHleocy of said account and the hearing thereof, by ausing a copy oí this order to be puhlished in the Michigan Argüí, a uewspaper printed and circula,ing in .suid county, tb roe successive weeks pruvioiis o said day of hearinti WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A tru copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. Q. Dot?, Prgbate Register. nyi Marble Works I -OFANTON EISELE, Corner Detroit & Cütharine Sts. - DEALERS IN - MoiHunents &(iriivcstones Manufacturad of Foreign and URANITE and MABbLe! OUT BLILDIiXG AND ARTIFICIAL STOiVE Manufacture on short notiee. Prices luw atiil work warranted to give statisiactioii. lt89yl DINSEY & SJBABOLT'S BAKERT, OROCERY - AND - KLOt'K & I-'EKÜ TOttK. We keep couetuntly on nund BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKE8, ETC, POR WÍIOLESALK and RKTAIL TRABE. We shall alao keep u aupply of DELHI PLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEA FLOUR, KYE KLOUK, BUOKWWHEAT FLOUB, CORN MKAL, FEED, &C, &O. At wholexulc and rttuil. A general stock of GROCERIKS AND FROVISIONS constuntly on hand, which will be Bold on na rott sonable tormÉ tis nt uny otber Itouwe in thie city. Cash paid for Butter, Kffgs, aud Country Vro mee Kenerally. ■" Ooods deliverea -o any part of the city with out extra charge. KIIVSEY A SHIKHT. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1. 1878. 15C4 {"# ? to' H 5 -.5 I 2 i p4 b i o I - i-i% fl IMS íií' I ,.;;:í I I ti L - 'C "= I ■citn make raoney iuter at work for aa than at ■ iinythinif else Capital not required; we will ■ start you. $12 per day at hoian made by the 8 ■ indiiBtnoua. Men, woinen, boys and girla 9W wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is 10 time. Coatly outflt and terras free. Address bue 4 Co., Augusta, Maine. b G ET YOÜE PKOPËBTT IXSUEED BY C. H. M1LLEK, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANNARBOR, - HICH, The oldest agency in the cit.y. EgtabHshed a quarter of a century ago. Rtpresenting the following first cluss companics : Hoivjo Insurance Co. of N. V., Assets over ST.,(n0,000 Contineotal Ins. Co. of N. Y., Asseta over $.,000,000 Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets $1,442.400 Girard oi Pa., Assets over Ï1,OUO,000 Oriënt of Hartford, Assets $700,000 Rates low. Lones Itbemll; udjuated and promptly paid. '7oo ( . . MILLE!. ' VIBRATOR' ncg.lUrcbS!. THE ORIGINAL & ONLY GENUINE "Vibrator" Threshei-s, ■vvïtii l:.rrriOVKD MOUNTED KORSE POWESiS, Sttam Threshir liiiaes, HIGHQLSSHEPARD A G0.9 EAÏT1.E CïiEEK, MICH. VIIE flïntchloss tírnin-rijiviii"', Tiirip. i tKi Vlij . 1,11.1 ÍÍut..- 1VIU-J lui-1-rtiHTH Oi t..U ■ -.;,!. 1 roiti'rurfaiil, Hi-yond nll ]:ivnlry lor BitplU U'uiu. lrIcl Ciluiuj, uud ItH-fidvius Grata ftwn Wustaffe. QK.ATN RkImwiwU] Bot Snbinit to ï ho u i nunuxyn wjtm_-e u Gmlu .t i ■■ i-i r . urk i mi i Umj Extra Qritin s.ii.l in. se tiuiirv!l iiacülua.1 1JO Revplvins Slmfrs í! Sppn■ ÍmV.Í':1i.;i'ÍÍÍÍip.'.Vvii':íi11 ÍiT.' ■.ii-"VtMi - ratlnua. PriHlylurtl i.. r! Kn.U ki.I C n :' ojol (..uil, Diy, Loug ursliu (, li.i.u-.i ... l.oi.u.i. - miüThmsbcrln Flux. Thnothv, IllUot, dover ml .! i. R nniivrt ?:o '■ atrciunuiiv or rebuildiL - " to cuuuo fioui Undu to geadt UARVELOTTS fov Bimpllelty of Pw, m iiföii lf"a i ihii rii.-IihIi l.i ■ imiihI Jbul:d nu-1 u . ■■■ M.:.'u-s uu UllOTÜqri 8cattriUtf, FOUR Sïzpsof SepnrntoiH Aludo. ra"IllJt I-om v ( tJ liur Bl.',..ll,i h,,,!,,,., UmuiiCmI Usrw rawri io ouUch. STEAM Power TIh-cnIhth n Spfcialty. .i i-jH-'citil alu t'jMir,i'.tir iiutueu.jivsHlj' jui btvuit i'uvtr, OUR Unrivaled Bfenm Threslr' r En■Fi'rttiiTüfe, ïur beyuiitl auy trtlMr tiulto or itlïi.L 1 IN Thoronffh Workmanshfp, 'Rlocanc FlniHll, l'wrii'i-ii.,11 of lai-t. ('4llU-4Urita of J ulrilUUrUI etc, our "Vibkatok" Tlirusln r UotÜU fcrvi lucviutWiwU. rOR Particular, cal! on our Dealers or wrlU tu ui forlUsKMtod Ciicuhü, wltlrb w nwil i:" . ; 1 i THE QBE AT K3NGLISH REMEDY! j (JUAY'S SPEC1FIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK.I(J especiaUy TRADpKtfRí . jffsEMiNAL JnVflr Dni.w, Selt Abuse; as &' ■ Before TaJdngLoss OF MMü-After Taiing. íy, Universal Lashitude, Tain inthk Back, Tiaiíehsuk Vision, Pkeaiaturk Üld Aük, mul many )tlier (liscasea that lead to lnsanity, Uoneampfelon lind a Prematnre ürtive, all of which as a rule are iratcaused b neviating trom the path of naton md over indulfienoe. The Speciüc Medicine is the esult of a liftí study and many yeais of oxperi■nce in trertting these special diaettses. Full purticu itirs in our pumphlets, whieh we v ire to send free by mail to every one. The Specilic Mi'ilioine is 8old by all Trugt?ists at ;1 per packfigti, or aix paokagM for $6, or will be ent by mail on recwipt of the inoncy liy uddivsaing TUE UUAY MKUICINË CO., HI74 No 10 Mechanica' Block, Detroit Mioh. iöïHold in Ann Arbor ty Eberhach & Sop, anti y all drugists everywhere RA1LR0ADS. Midi KAN ÜESTRAL RA1LR0AD. MA Y 12, [gig. OIHO kkl. I m -I-a itii! ■ W S 1 ■ S M o stations. 3 J!ft w F - Sá i I J ■= i ZJ Detroit, leuve, 7 Oo' V 86 l ai! ' 20 Vm OT.Junct.on, 7 1." „l 00 5 ou 8 05 6 38 10 10 WayneJunctlon 7 4 M Sg 0 :;2 :i ;i0 7 10 ö 42 ïpsilantl, i 8 10:10 45 0 00 ?, 51 7 Stti! Jj Anu Arbor, , „„ ,, ::„ M "8 ,0 Dexter, 3 S 88 4H 8 3!! Chelsea, 9 15 7 08 4 8 S Grass Lake, ) 47 7 8 5 05: 9 07 _ Jiickson, in ._,, u' i 8 00 , (l0 9 40 ! Album 11 04 12 41 g t; 47 10 38 i 1 23 Marshall, u -, l 10 -3 1 7 16 11 03 1 5 Battle Creek, J lg" 155?-? 7 II Si SU Ualesburg, Ij ,y_ 8 20 12 0; , A. M. A.M. Kalamazoo, I lï 2 38 4 88 8 40 12 25 2 53 Lawton, 1 ,-,1 3 06 1 08 Decutur, 2 11 5 211 127I Uowagiac, 2 38 5 4r, 1 57 1 Nilc, 06 1 117 6 30 2 38! 4 15 Bucharmn, : l) ,; 4:; 2 54 ThreeOakt 3 4.J 7 g New Bulïalo, 4 03 4 57 7 2 8 4" Michigan Cuy, 4 30 i 211 7 M 4 1 t 30 L"ke, 5 13, 6 02 8 4u 5 04 6 19 Keusington, li 00 6 80 t 10 f, M 7 j) Qhicago.aiTiTe, g 50 7 40i 10 10 G 45 8 00 OOINQE4HT. l.liliii!I A.M. A. M. P.M. P.M. P. M Chicago, leave, 7 00 9 00 4 00 5 15 9 o KeotangUm, 7 S0 0 60 4 50 fi 05 9 50 l.aktt, s 4') 10 32 5 45 6 50 10 82 Michigun City, 9 2.1 11 18 (j SS 7 40lt 20 New Huffulo, a 47 11 20 6 VI - 11 gg Thiee üaks, 10 02 7 iï Bnchanan, 10 '-'; - - .7 43 _1 [ Nüeg, Hl 4; 12 16 8 11' 9 00 12 35 Dowaginc, U 15 S M 1 03 üecatur, 1 1 SS ; 9 05 - Lawton, 1157' 9 23 a. M i Kalamazoo, 12 331 1 40 111 00 1; 60 10 26 2 17 Uülesburg, 12 52 1 , . 7 ña 237 Battle Creek, I 27 ' 2 13 m 7 40 11 08 S ir, Marshall, i ir, 3 OU f s 10 11 37 3 49 Albion, 2 52', 3 21 a.m. 8 35;12 SSj 4 10 Jackson, 3 4.1 4 05 5 40 9 40 12 50 4.56 (iriiss Luke, 4 08, 6 07 10 00 Chelsea, 4 40 6 31 10 18' ' Dexter, 5 00 6 47!10 30!- Delhi, :" 10 6 56 ' Ann Arlior, 6 2 5 1 7 II) JO M 2 05 6 30 I ediles, I ■ ! Ypsilanti. 18 5 24 7 27 11 00 2 20: 6 45 Waynejune., 6 Irl 5 45 7 52 11 22 2 44! 7 09 G. T. June., : li i 6 15 j 8 '25 11 50 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., I ö 4:s (i 30 8 40 12 05 3 :ó 8 00 Grand R;ipk]H and Kalamaaoo Uxpreas arrivés at Grand Bapida 2.20 j. in., aud leaves Grand Kapida ti:15 tv. in. Sundayg excepted. iSaturday and tíunday exoepted. TBuily. H. B. LEDYARD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Westwoiith, G. P. & T. Agt., (Jhiowo. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Monday, Nor. 4, 187S. (;oixj snitTii. r.oiNf; sol'T u. Mix: 'T.X11. hxp. Exp. SOx. A. M A.M. 1". 11. A. M.P.M. P. M. BSO,10 30 403 TI)l.i:HO li L'i' 2 f 6 40 TO 33 4 OS NorthToloao 9 26! 2 47 6 35 71111043 4 in Detroit Junetion 1)16:240 6 17 7 2110 52 4'2'J lhiwllicni 1III7 2:14 0 02 7 361100 4 :',' Sainaría íl 00 2 'J 549 7 48 1108 4 45 Seola 8 52!2 24 5 86 7 50 11 13 4 50 Lulu I 8 47; 2' 201 5 28 8 04 111 4T,5 Monrne Jiiliclion 842 2 16 5 20 K 28 11 27 ",05 Dundee 8 28 2 10 5 05 8 401132 511 Macon 822 % 04 442 858 1140 5 211 A.iilia 8 14 156 4 24 9 26] 11 53 í)S4 Milíin 8 0S 1 40 :i 54 9 44 12 01 5 4:1 Nora 7 51 181 3 36 10 08 12 11 SU Urania 7 40' 120 3 12 10 26 li 20 e, 114 Ypsilanti June. 7 :;i 112 2S4 ll)flO:2 2S r 1;- ANN ARBOR 7 20 12 .., 2 .'.n The 7.20 a. m. expresa south makes close connecU0D8 at Monrde JuDction for Adrián anl Monroe and for points on the Lake Shore ; at Toledo with Columbas fe Toledo and the Wabash. The 12.58 p. 111. expresa south connecta at Toledo with the 3 o'clocï train eaal on the Pcnnsylvania Road thro' to New Vork. A train-; run by Columbus time - 7 minutes laster than Ann Arbor time. J. M. A8HLEY, Jr , Superintendent. DETBOIT, HILLSDALE AND 8OUTHWK8TERN RAILROAD. To take effect Aug. 19, 18; S. QOING WEHT. UOINÜ EA8T. 8TATION8. Mai:. Exp. STATIONS. Kxp. Mail A. M. P. M. Ypnilantl ... 8:rö :ü5 . M. r. m. Tuledo Juiic. 8:35 6:25 Bunkers 6'00 2-1.0 Saline :ÏS 6:45 Hillwlale ..' 5:30 2:10 Bridjjewntor .. 0:47 7:07 Manchester . 8:30 4:02 itKnohuster. J0:M 7::;;) BriKewnter 9:(H' I::"p. M. Saline. a:SO 4:42 Hillsilale 1:00 9:47 Toledo June. 10:10 4:55 Bunkers 1:10 10:0ü Ypültmti 10:35 5:15 TruiuH run by Chicago time. W. F. FAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. f ANAOA SOUTHERN RY I,INliS. vy He Only American Route Tlüroiigli Casada. Tniins leave M. C. I!. R. Depot, Detroit, city linio, as followa : Atlantic Express, duily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Faat Day Express, daily, 12 10 noon, Wagner car to New York and Boston. Liühtüing gipreas, daüy exqepi Sunday, 11 10 p. Til., Wanner car to lïuflalo and Bochester. Toledo traína leave 7 0 :i. m. excepl Sunday ; 3 10 II m. daily ; (i 50 p. m. except Buoday, For fi ;;o p. m. u.xcept Sunday. For inforraation and tickets apply toG.W. Sharplesa, agent M. C. H. 11., Ann Arbor. W. K. MÜIR. 'cn'l Manager, St, Thomas, Out. M. C. ROACB. l'ass. Agent, Detroit. FlíAXK E.SNOW, Sen. Paas. and Ticket Agt Detroit - Note important changas i the time tablo of the D., 11. & S. W. Itailwuy. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EA1ÏNE1) ! NEW GOODS1 Andpiices LOWEK THAN EVER. I have pnrehased in New York. tor ansh, mm Iamnow daily reeeivioK One of the liiiprfst and most select stocks of Ürocerios in Waahtellaw Connty, consiating ol a full umi well salected LINE OF TEAS, All of tbo new erop - including uiipowdcrs, InipcriuU, Yoiingr Jly-. n, lljsons, JsipaiiN, Ooloiis, l'or. 111011, Congoils, Sulll Iiii:i:. :n;l Twiiïihajs, Together with a full line of COFFEE8, consistïDf; of the followinjí branda: MUCHA, OLD ÖOV'T JAVA, MAKACAIHO, LAOUAYRE.8ANTOa and KIO, both roasted und grouüd ; n full and well selecteci wtock of SUOARS, SYRPÜS AND MOLASSES, Togetber with everythiu? iu the line cf Pure SpiceB,Caaned fruita, aud Vegetables. We ïmve h full and complet line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Aleo, a choice assortment of LiuU-' md tíeiiüemen's Uaderweur. Culi and examine oods and Frint'a and we will imsuresatisfactiun. EDWARD DUFFY. 11 Maynard's Block," cor.Maiu and Ann streets Ann Arbor, Mich. ■Hi;heet ensh price puid i'or all farm )roduce.iÈ piUNH CÜMPANÍ., - - $3,000,000. Assets Jaa 1, 187(, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 53 Years, $ 44, 760, 391. 71. urplus over all Liabilities, inolw""! Ku-Iusurance Beaervo, $4,735,092.86fit Hnrplna over Liabilities, including Be-Insuranoe and Cupital Stock, $1,735,092.86: C. ÏACKi Agrcnt, Ann Arbor.


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