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Tuesday, Jan. 7.- Sexate.- Billa were introduced and reffífred as followa : By Mr. ïïooth. for the inten-hanio of subsidiary silver coin and Vuited States notes; by Mr. McDonald, to i ize the taxation oí OUtfltandiñg Iep-al tenders. ... Mr. Ediminds said that 011 this triad morning of in-w year, when there were peace and joy and hope everywhere, he tbouííht ít bst to offer ars'so hition tfiidin to eeinent more perfecüy the good Mili and harmuny uow exi.stmtr all over the country. He therefore submitt.-d a resöluüon declariug that in the judííment ot ti e tíenate th Tlürt.-eiith. Fourteenth and Fifteenih amendnsents to i he oonstitutíon .f the Unitea States iiav been IegaTly ratiíied. and are as valid as the other narts èt the ronstitution: that it is tttcright and the duty oí Congres to enforc such amendmenta by appropriate Iegislation, and the duty oL tlie executive department of thc Oovernment faithfuliy and with diligence tu inijjarlially t xt-cute suehlaws; that it is me duty ot Congrèas to approprlate money to that end. and fostractittg the Jadlcfflüry Comniittei: to report a. bilí Loc the protectioii ot the righta of citizen and the puntonment of infractlons ttieréoí, Laid on the table at the recjucMt of Mr. JOdmnnds. to be called up hereafter, . . . Mr. Voorhi es i tllednp hie resol u ti o ín&trticttng the Judiciary Committee to inijuire into the expediency uf mahlng the doUar legal rendir, añd provtding &r itu p i ■ into the standard silver dollar. He addteseed the dónate it kngth, denonneinK the trade dollar as tnindiil' ín money. uhi]i. haing faiUd inlta mis ion abroada had returnud home to cheatthe honesi peoplB oí chía country A large nuniber oí comiuitu-e reporto. [AttÜona ná commumoaüona were presen ted. Mr, i-klt-n ckUed attention to the scandal in LuuisiitTi with whi.-h his trame Ís iHsoeiati d. and ])rest-ntí'd a reuolution to auüiorize au inqiiiry. Defeated. oi the pin mi ml tliat the pesojutlon did not embrace a quêation of privilege Mr. Eidderintrodínced a 1 i 11 Éor the admission of Dakota as -,i state. Rafeired Mr. Ryan introduced a bilí es tending the time to pre-emptorri on public landa who have auffered by prairie-flres. Réïërred;,.. Bír, i 'arlisle introduced a bilí to Ibolnde iie"í(japer. pexlodioalfl and pvoot Bheefe in muil mattere of the third dan. Beferred Mr. Waddell, Chairmanof the Committee on !■ : effleea and Post Boads, reported a bilí pelaüng to the classiflcatíot) of mail matter and the aniomit of pfDStage t hereni i. Ördered prlnted and reoommitted The Geneva award bul waa called up and dlscueaed... The deatba oí B. Iï. Douglas. of Virginia, and A. S. Williams, of Michigan, were theii announced. and the House. In respect to their memory. adjonrned, Wedneöday, Jan. 8. - Senate. - 3.1 r. Edniunda said there were; no joint rulttS botyreen ihe two houses f Cohgreas, and he, therefore, Bubmitted acoucarrent repoliatioa declaritm that on tte last threedaya ol thls sesaion no bil] passed byither house sha 11 de geni to the other for i is eniiriUT'-nee. and on the Jast day Ol the seaslon no bilí shall be aeirt to the President lor his apprmal. Be waid he huped tlus reHolution wouïd be oassed, and ( devote the last three, days of the seftslon to conalderation of bilis pending between the two house. Bttferred Mr. (rover, arit-ing to a personal explanation, denied eerlaüm the pablished charges that some $!i7,C0Ü,of the public funds of Oregon had been expended and not accountéd for uurinpr his administra tion ai Governor ol that State ConsidentiOB was resufned f the bill to amend thé "Patent Laws."1 and Mr. Wadleigh took the Boor, bnt wats internipted by a bu froïn the House mnr.unein.L' the deau) of Repre sentative Hartridge. Senators Gorñon, Bootb and Reek were appointed a committee to aco impsny the body to QeOTgia. HOU KE.- Official DOticeol the death of licpre seutatlve Hartrldge vas taken, and Uevprsf ('ook, Frye, Cox, ' abell, Btone, Davidwon and Hunya vere appointed a üommitee to accompauy the remaina to Georgia'. Thursday, Jau. it. - Senate. - Mr. Bock called up his resolUÜon of the 7th inst., referrintr T" Qxè Cominiiiee on FinüiM-H the answer of the Becretary of tho Trcasury to th re.-,olution of Dc. 8 reiative to the amount of silver colq recetad tu paynient of customu diu-K, aDd its disposltlon, M prltlcised the anawér of Deo.8, and BJud that sptcie n-Humption had been reached by the ruin of dn ris bf thi'iisiindR oí the best men of the country. Hti quoted írom the Muswer of the Secretare, and spoke of Home oí it m nonsense. He Bhowed scant reepect for Kenate and none for the law. The Becretary was the trustee and agent of the people, and not of the cre'Mtors of tbc Government. H6 had no rig'ht to allow the bondholdera tO sáy in what coin they would take their interest. Mr. Bed: then atgufld that tho Secvetary bad Increased the interast-bearing debt of the United Staten $105,0iK).0(lU. Ttais was not a very flattering exhibit. when business of all kinds was BO deprésaed". Uniese the Secretar? could show some lw nithorizing hini to divert silver i-oiii írom the purpoap Êor whlcb it was Intended he was gnilty of official ïnis'-nndvict The resolution deferrlng the apswer of Che Flnance Convnittee was then passed, and tho bill to amond the Patent laws was taken np, and Mr. Wadlélgh epoke in favor thcreof. At the conclusión of his remana the Senate wt-nt into cMi-utive Hpssion, and when the doors reop' iK'd took a recesa until 3 o'clock. . . . Upon veassoniblinp, the Senate. haded by VicPresident Wheeler and Secrctary Gonttam, proo ed el to the House to attend the finíeral oL tl;-' late RepreaentaÖve Hartridge, of Georgia. House. - Out of renpeot to the mejiiory of the late Mr. Hartridge, uo busifiesa was transacted by the House, m the afternoon the funeral services, oí the decc-ased member were conducted in the Hall of the House. FitiDAY, Jan. 10.- Seïjate.- The Committee on Naval AiYairs was directed to inquire into the .■Npcdicnry of providing that the Chiefs of the Bureaus of Steam Enprinpcring, Provisions aud ClothiHpr. and Medicine and Surcrery at the Navy Department be selected f rom omeors whose relativo rank i.s not below that of Captain. . . Ihfi Indian ' Appropriation bill was paflsed. . . . Mr. Alliwon, at the request of Mr. Kirkwood, introdticed a bill to próvida for an additional bounty to BVldiera of the War of the Kebellion. Reft-rred The potition of Dr. M:ny E. Walkt r for a pension was also referred. IIot'se. - Mr. (iunter. Chairman of the Committee on Private Land Claimt, reported a bill for the re liet of M y ra 01 ark Gaines. Eeferred The Williain and Mary College bill was taken np, and after a loDgacid lively debate wafldefeatod- 87 yeas to 127 nays....Mr. Hatoher introdured a bill to declare torf Ited the l&nds gran t ed Missouri to aid in the construction of the Iron ftfountain railroad. Saturday, Jan. 11. - Senate. - Not in Hessi on. Houke. - Afitr the reading of the journal, the death of liepresentativê Bchlelcher was anuounred, and Messrs. GlddlngB, Bhelley, Mueller. LorJngi Brentano and Townsendwere appolnted a eoinmittee to acCOxapttBy tiir ivirulns to San Auconio. The House then adjouranl au a further mark of respect. Monday, Jan. 13. - SENATE. - Abillwaapaöaed without (lisrussion approprlatlng #S6O,00fl fou ;i fire-proof building Lor a nacional museum It was then voted to attend the funeral of Mr. Bchlelcher, and i recefeH was taken. Messrs. Coke, Bayard and Hamlin were appointed a eoniniittee to arrange for the funeral of Bchlelcher, and to accompany1 his remadns to Texas. Hovsr.- The report of the ('ommittt ■ on Foreign AfFairs was unaninioiisly adoptad, recomnSfending tlie payment of the pemaiádei of Öie salary of th-' late Represen tative St-hlelcher. a member of the Forty tifth Co'ngress. tn hi-. bereavod lamily, and requestlng nexi CongreBS to make a similar appropriatíon oí hls salarj lts :-. meraber of tli1 Fortysixth Obngress.


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