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Michigan Legislature

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Tuesday, Jan. 7.- Senate.- That body met at 8 o'clqck in the eveniug, pursuant to adjournmcnt Iieaolutions were adopted furnishing thé journal to the newspapers of the State the Supreine C mrt and other court Judgea, and the clergy of Lansins; ; authorizing the Seeretary of the Board of State, Building Commissioners to compile tlie inaugural proceedings, and publish 8,000 copies théreof for distrfbntion . . . .Noticea were given to amend the lawarelative to marriage and the liquor traffic Adjourned at 8:30. House. - A large nuniber of petitiona were received for a reform school for girls. . . .A resoïution for the dnwing of neat8 by membera was lost Concurrent reaolutions of thauka to the contraetors of the Capítol, Cbmmraaioners, and others, were laid over for one day under the rules Hqn. Wm. L. Abbott, Repreaentaüve of Lapeer, introdueed a set of resolutions in regard to the new Capítol, which were tabled by a large majoiicy Adjourned at SI p. m. The daily sessions aro to i oinmence at 10 a. m. Wednksday, Jan. 8. - Senate. - A rcaolution wa passed appointing a eommittee of two to report resolutions óiti the deathof Gen. A. K. Williams Petitions -were prosented for a reform school for girls, and for a ehange m the Bankrupt act The Président of the Senate announced the following standing committeeH of the Sonate: Appropriations - Childs, Palmer, Brown, Shoemaker; Judiciary - Huston, Patterson, Bell, Amble r, Weir; Federal Relations - Browu, Dow, Pendleton ; State.Affairs - Billings, Farr, Tylor ; Üniversity- Moore, Brown, Duflïeld ; Agricuftural Colli'ge- Hewitt Billings, Hines; NiiniKil School - Patterson, Dufrield, Ainbler ; State Public School - Mel'eek, Conant, Hodge; Education and J'ublic Sc-hoola- Halbert, Shepard. Lewis : State Reform School - Dow, McPeek, Brown ; State House of Correctiqn - Chamberlain, North, Hine : State Prisou -Farr, Cochraue, Pattersqn; Asylums for Insane - ('hamherlain, Kobbins, Beniamin; Asyluni for Deat', I)umb and Blind - Conaut, i'arr, Hine; lïeligious and Pienevolent IntereHtH- Pattorson. Palmer, Childa : Claims and Accouuts - Dow, Brown, Tyler: Banks aud Ineorporations - Palmer, Ainbler. Halbeit ; Bailroads - Tooker, ('hilds, Stephenson; Cities and Villages- McÉlroy, l''arr, Twker; Mines and MineralH - North, Hodge, Stepheuson; Cauala, Harbors, etc. - Lewi, Palmer, Bell; Printing - Shepard, Huston, Hodge; Constitutional Amendnient - Robbme, Moore, Weir; State Library- Dufrield, Moore, Tooker; Military Affaira- Kobbins, Duftield, McPeek; Insurance - Hine, Kobbins, Coehrane; State Capítol- Ambler, Tooker, Shoemaker: Public Health -Tyler, Hewitt, Conant; Public Lande- CochiMie, Steptauaon, Benjamin; Immigration - Jiell, North, Lewis; Geological Survey - Hodge, PatterHon, Halbert; Agrieultural InterestH- Pendleton, Hewitt, Halbert; Mechanical Interests- Slioemakor, McElroy, ohepard; Saline Interests - Benjamin, Huston, Conant; Lumber Intereata - Palmer, Stephensqn, Benjamin; JKisheries- Conant, Chamberlain, Hine; Count,yandTounStepheat(on,Cochrane,Lewis; Koads and liridgca- North, Hewitt, Dow ; Expiring Laws - Weir, McPeek, Bell; Unies and Joint Eules- Childs. Huston, Tyler; Engrossment aud Enrollment- Ambler, Shepard, Pendleton; Supplies, etc. -McElroy, Billings, Shoomaker: Liquor Interests- Shepard, Childs, McElroy. House.- Numerous petitions were read A bilí was introduced ehanging th illuminatingoil test back agaiu to 1:30. TiuiisuAï, Jan. il- Sen.vïk.- Bills were introduced to amend the compilad laws of 171 proriding for the better detection of crimes, for j the protection of deer in the Lower Península, aud in relation to executions issued out of Circuit Courts The petitions received and notioet givon were nmnirouB. House.- A resolution was passed awardiny tho compilation of the nmnual to Don Hendèr son... A bilí for an industrial school for girls was introduced resolntion calling upon the Auditor General for a list of uamea, kind of service, and compenaation of officers, clerks, aud aids in the employ of the State, was laid on the talile A joint resolution transferring the St. Mary'a Falla ship canal to the General Government was introduced. Fkiday, Jan. 10.- Senate.- The time of tho Senate was mostly consumed in getting rcady for vork, which it is thought will eommeni'O next week. The most important bill will lic upon taxatiou. House. - The House passed one bill, giving Kent county authority to have an assistant prosecuting attorney Speaker Rich announced the following standing committees : Ways and Meaiis - Holt, Hall, Allen, Mosher, Phelpa, J. Strong, Powera; State Affaire - Johnson, Thomson, Cutcheon, Bedtelyou, Jackson ; Judiciary - Sawver, Palmer, S. W. Hopkins, Moore, Campbell, Honderaon, Pailthorp ; Harbora - Cottrell, Thonwon, Eaton, Blackman, Moulton ; Eleotions - Stanohfield, Noah, Baldftin Shattuck, Moulton ; Foderal Relation- Yerkes, Oliver, Estabrook, Greene, MeNabb ; Prívate CorporationH- Thomson, Briggs, Wilkius, Waltz. Burtou ; Municipal Corp jratious - Pareons, Alien, Eriges, Willet, Donnelly, Laubaeh, Kuight; Intcrnal Improvementa - Ferguaon, Bradley, líeod, Kuha, Moe ; Public IandH - ïïowen, Cutcheon, Rosa, OxáErger, Pailthorp; Printing- GrifTey, Francis, Par80118, Goebel, Thorpe; Agriculture - Twadell, Bennett, Barnes, Carieton, Ixjwís; Towns and CountitjB - Brown, May, Granger, Hhattuck, MeAllistcr; Education - y tevens, Cheney, MeGurk, Walton, Thorpe ; Boada and Bi idgea- Curtís, Grimes, 8tearna, Ludington, Probert; Agricultural College - Hall, Cottrell, Johnson, Sherwood, Probert; AHylums .fol Insane - Willer, Miasf, Eaton, Curtis, Waltz: Asylum for Do", Duinb and Blind - White, Francis, Carpenter. GrimcH, Kuhn; Reform School- lioberteon, Stearns, Ward, Littell, Burton; Geologicnl Survey - Yeenfliet, Ross, Wilkins, Sawyer, MeNabb ; Military Affairs - G. H. Hopkins, " Itaymond, May, " Stearns, Jackaon : State Prisqn - eonians, Oliver, Bradley, Twadel], Knight; Univoreity - Plielps, Sliarta," HiU, Pray, Itobinon; MinoH and Minerals - Young, Briggs, Estabrook, Bradfield, Hendorson; Manufactures - Ludington, Bberwood, Rohs, Noeker, Powors; Lumber and Salt - EHtïibrook, Thomson, Sherwood, Walton, Tumbull; Religious and Benevolent Societies - Barne, Robertson, Kurth, Parker, Moe ; Insurance - Alien, Moore, Carpenter, Yeomans, Knight: Local Taxation - Hill, Veenfliet, Stearns Donnelly, McCormick ; Immigration - Laubaeh, Veenfliet, Kurth, Miller, Girardin; Fisheries - Gould, Kurth, Ward, Miller, Ijcwes: Rules and Joint Rules - Noah, Brown, Holt, J. Strong, Moe ; Engrosment and Enrollment - Abbott, Sharts, Noah, Yerkes, Bradfield, S. A. Strong, McCormick; Suppliea and Expeuditurea - Mosher, Bennett, lieiltelyou, Parker, Hamilton ; State Iiibrary - Sharts, Cutcheon, McGurk, Greene, S. A. Strong ; Drainage - Pray, Bald win, Carpenter, Littéll, McAllister ; Railroads - Turck, ü. H. Hopkins, Griffey, White, Bowen, May, Turnbull ; Public Health- Chase, Ferguson, Wilkins, Mcüurk, Bradfleld: State Public School- Reed, Turck, Oliver, Miller, Blackman ; Horticulture - Eaton, Ward, Bennett, Greent, Hamilton ; State House of Correction - Raymond, Campbell, Abbott, Girardin, Noeker ; Normal School - Palmer, Baldwiü, Granger, Young, Carleton ; ; Liquor Trafile - Cheney, Stanchfield, Gould, Kouison, Goebcl The Speaker also , pointed as special joint committee on taxation on the part of the House Messrs. S. W. Hopkins, Hall, Stanchfield, Ferguson and Kuhn. Satukday, Jan. 11.- Renate.- The Senuti' ! held a session of twen ty minutes, andadjourned to Monday. House. - liilln were introduced: To secure the payment of persons who perform labor r furnish material for public works; relative to foroible entry and retainers: to provide for the bringing of joint suit by fellow-workmen : to amend tei tions 5, 0 and T of an act to provide for the organizntioii of Protestant EpiHcopal clmrchos, and to add a new section üiereto, which propoeeH to allow the said aocietios to own more i property A committee was appointed ou Uapitol," consistint; of Messrs. Moore, Turck, Gould Walton and Powcrs A potition from Ozro Bissell, who applied for a writ of habeas corpus in the Suprema Court, was denied, i ingfor the impeachment of Judge Reilly, of the Wavne Circuit Monday, Jan. 13.- Sen ate. -Mr. Hodge introduced a bilí to esablish a Michigan School for the Blind, and to consolídate and amend all laws relativo to eduoation of the blind in the Sfate. Passed. House. - A bilí was introduced h deñne and suppress tramps . . .An investigation of the State printing contract was ordered by a concurrent reaolution. It calis for a prompt and thorough action, and a full report on the subject from the Committeer on Printing of both branches.


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