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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. D15. TAYI.O1!, AITORNEY AT LAW, . Chelsea, Mioli. ONALB AGLEiN, M. D., Pnysician and Surgeon. Office and residence, 71 Hurón strcet, Ann Arbor. Offlco hours frota 8 to 9 . m. nd írom to 3 p. m. RS. SOPHIA vÖLl-AND, M. D., PhyBician aud Surgeon. Office at residence, 44 Ana Btret-1. Will atlend to all professional calis promptj-, day and uight. # WH. JACKSON, Uentist. CKftce comer oí . Main aiid Washington streetí, over Bach & Abel's store, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics administered if reqnired. -ETTM. WAGNES, dealer In Ready-Made Cl oth W '"g, Cloths, Oassimeres, Vealiugs, Trunks Carpet Bags, etc., '21 Houth Main Street. CSCHAliHKltLE, Teacher of the Piano-forte. . PopllB attain the desired skill in piano-playig by a syBtematic course of Instruction. For terins, apply at reeidence, No. 12 W. Liberty street, Ann Arbor. Prompt atteution paid to piano-tuning. FBÜJE UFF & CÖB BIN , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. E. K. FRCE UFF, Jastice of the Peaos. All businegB promptly attended to. Office No. f EaBt Washington Rtreet. RinBey & Seaboltrs block. HENBY B. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Dealer in Keal Estáte, and Insurance Agent. Office, No. 3 Oüera House Block, ANN ARBOR. EVEEYBODY 8AYS THAT S. B. REVENAUCH IS THK Boss Photographer of Ann Arbot Fourth Street, Kast of Court Botme; lsf fioor. J. EL NICií'ELS, FRESH & SALT MEATS, Hams, SauHagres, Larl, etc., 8TATE STREET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF UMVERSITY OAMPtia. Orders promptly fllled. Farmers having meata to sell Bhould give him a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK .Vnn A.rlor, ]VIioh.igan. Capital paid in 9 50,000.00 Capital aecurity 100,000.00 Traneacts a general Banking Business ; buya and aells Exchange on New York, Detroit and Chicago ; Bella Sipht Drafts on all the principal cities oi Europe ; aleo, aella Pasnage Tickets to Liverpool, London and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of SteamehipB, whose rates are lower than most other flrat class linee. This Bank, already having a large bupiness, in vite merchants and others to open accounts witi them, with the assurance of the most liberal dealing conei&tent with safe banking. In the Savings Department intei est Is paid remi annually, on ihe first days of January and July on all eums that wre deposited three monihi previous to those days, thus aflfording the people oi this city and connty a perfectly safe depoeitory foi íheir funda, together with a fair return in interest f or the same. Jliiiicy to Loan on Approved Securltlea. Dieectoks - Christian Hack, W. W. Winen, W. D Harrimau, Daniel Hiscoci, R. A. Beal, ta. Deube], and Wiilard B. oniith. OITICERS : CHRISTIAN MACK. W. W. fINES, President. Vice President CHAS. E. HHCOCK, CiBhier. A GARD. The unde rsigned respectfully iaforms his friends oud tho public of Ana Arbor and vtcinity. that h haa purcnased the stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articlea, Dije Stuff, &e.t Fonnerly owned by tin late George Grenville, and that ke w 11 continue the drug business, in all lts branches, at the old stand, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET. By giving strict attention to business, and Helling pjoods at reasonab'.e prices, he hopea to ínerit a thare of Iha public patronage. ff" Particular atteution wiil be paid to the compounding and filling of Physicians1 Prescriptions by competent aHsistacts. EMANUEL MANN. Ann Arbor, March 23, 1878. EBERBACH & SON, üriüsls ui Ptomacists, 12 South Main St., on hand a large and well eelected stock ol DRuas, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFF8 &RT1STS' & WAÏ FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnisking of Phy sicianu, Chemista, Stïhoo's, etc, with Ptiilosophica nd Oiiemical ApparaUis, Bohemian Chemica Glasswaro, Poreelaiu Ware, Pure ReagentB, etc. PljysiciiDö' iTeftcritions carefuily prepa: ed ll hour 1a4 Not Sorry. You will not be sorry for hearing be fore jiulging. For thinking before speaking. For holding an angry tongue. For stopping the ear to a tale-bearer. For disbelioving most of the ill reorts. For being kind to the distressed. For being patiënt toward everybody For doing good to all men. For asking pardon for all wrongs. For speaking evil oí' no one. For being oourteous to all. Holstein, Germany, has a petroleun wcll yielding au oil said to be everj vay equal to the American product,


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Michigan Argus